Exhibit 4 Interference Analysis

0174-EX-PL-2005 Text Documents

TowerStream Corp.


                              Interference Analysis                                                         Exhibit 4
                                                                                                              Page 1 of 8
                               Study Methodology                                                       TowerStream Corp.
          Protection of Existing FSS and Federal Government Facilities                                 San Francisco, CA

    The facilities proposed herein by TowerStream have been designed to operate without causing
    interference to existing FSS earth stations and Federal Government operations in the 3650 - 3700
    MHz band. Rules for the deployment of such facilities have been adopted by the Commission in its
    Report And Order And Memorandum Opinion And Order, FCC 05-56, (ET Docket No. 04-151)
    adopted March 10, 2005 ("R&O"). In the instant proposal, permission is requested to conduct tests
    within the 150 km protection zone of existing grandfathered FSS stations. Otherwise, and as
    described earlier, all base stations and remote devices utilized by TowerStream for these will operate
    in compliance with Part 15 and within the parameters and power levels adopted in the R&O.

    To demonstrate protection of incumbent FSS stations in the 3650 - 3700 MHz band located within
    150 km of the requested facilities, a detailed interference analysis was conducted to predict the
    worst-case impact of the proposed operations. The methodology for this analysis involved
        - identification of all facilities to be studied,
        - calculation of worst-case antenna patterns for both FSS and proposed facilities,
        - establishing sample and worst-case test points to model proposed CPE emissions,
        - selecting an appropriate terrain and propagation model to calculate path losses and
        - compiling the worst-case parameters of the proposed system elements for use in the studies.

    Identification of Facilities To Be Considered In Studies

    No Federal Government radiolocation stations were identified within 80 km of the proposed

    The following grandfathered FSS stations were found within 150 km of the proposed service area:

    Call Sign, File No.: . . . . . . . . . E950208, SESMOD2001032600656
    Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THREE PEAKS, CA: 38-8-52, 122-47-38
    Distance, Bearing to: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51.6 km (32.1 miles) . . 320°

    Call Sign, File No.: . . . . . . . . . E6241, SESMOD2000112902270
    Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SAN RAMON, CA: 37-45-40, 121-47-57
    Distance, Bearing to: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54.3 km (33.7 miles) . . . 94°

    Call Sign, File No.: . . . . . . . . . KA232, SESLIC1997103001576
    Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LIVERMORE, CA: 37-45-40, 121-47-53
    Distance, Bearing to: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54.4 km (33.8 miles) . . . 94°

    Call Sign, File No.: . . . . . . . . . KA86, SESMOD2000022200265
    Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MOUNTAIN HOUSE, CA: 37-45-2, 121-35-39
    Distance, Bearing to: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72.4 km (45.0 miles) . . . 94°


                              Interference Analysis                                                         Exhibit 4
                                                                                                              Page 2 of 8
                               Study Methodology                                                       TowerStream Corp.
          Protection of Existing FSS and Federal Government Facilities                                 San Francisco, CA

    Call Sign, File No.: . . . . . . . . . KA206, SESMOD2000022200272
    Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MOUNTAIN HOUSE, CA: 37-45-1, 121-35-38
    Distance, Bearing to: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72.4 km (45.0 miles) . . . 94°

    Call Sign, File No.: . . . . . . . . . KA371, SESRWL1999101201864
    Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SALT CREEK (SCK 3A), CA: 38-56-20, 122-8-48
    Distance, Bearing to: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129.3 km (80.4 miles) . . . 10°

    Call Sign, File No.: . . . . . . . . . KA372, SESRWL2003103101527
    Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SALT CREEK (SCK 1A), CA: 38-56-21, 122-8-49
    Distance, Bearing to: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129.3 km (80.4 miles) . . . 10°

    Call Sign, File No.: . . . . . . . . . KA373, SESRWL2000121502350
    Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SALT CREEK (SCK 2A), CA: 38-56-22, 122-8-50
    Distance, Bearing to: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129.4 km (80.4 miles) . . . 10°


    Fixed Satellite Antenna Patterns

    The antenna pattern and gain for each fixed satellite system receiving antenna was calculated based
    on the method in the Report and Order and Memorandum Opinion and Order, Appendix D. The
    antenna pattern is a worst case or maximum envelope pattern which assumes that the antenna is
    always oriented along the arc at the position which produces the highest gain toward the horizon.

    For each fixed station, the visible arc with a minimum elevation of five degrees (5º) above the
    horizon was determined. The antenna was assumed to point first to the Easternmost point on the
    visible arc. Horizontal azimuths were considered from a bearing of True North or 0º clockwise to
    359º at one degree increments. The antenna gain was calculated based on Equations 4 and 5 in
    Appendix D, implementing Section 25.209(a)(2). The fixed station was then incremented one
    degree of azimuth along the geostationary orbital arc and the antenna gain was calculated at 360
    points around the antenna. The receiving antenna was incremented throughout the viewable arc to
    the Westernmost point, producing a matrix of antenna gains. Then, for each azimuth around the
    fixed station antenna, the maximum horizontal gain was extracted to form the antenna pattern.

    The FSS antenna pattern plots and tabulated data compiled for each facility are provided in Exhibit


                              Interference Analysis                                        Exhibit 4
                                                                                            Page 3 of 8
                               Study Methodology                                       TowerStream Corp.
          Protection of Existing FSS and Federal Government Facilities                 San Francisco, CA

    Base Station and Customer Premise Equipment Antenna Patterns

    The antenna patterns for the fixed base station and fixed customer premise equipment antennas were
    derived from manufacturer's data. The patterns are maximum envelope patterns which are smoothed
    to incorporate major and minor lobes. The pattern was made symmetrical to allow for inverted

    The CPE and base station antenna pattern plots and tabulated data are provided in Exhibit 2.

    Location of Test Points

    The proposed base station is a
    high elevation location chosen to
    provide 16.1 kilometer (10 mile)
    coverage. The boundary of the
    proposed service area is a 16.1
    kilometer radius circle which is
    reduced where there are terrain or
    other obstructions preventing
    service. Test points are located
    on the service area boundary
    beginning at True North (0º) and
    then at 10º increments for 36
    locations. Note that because the
    boundary is reduced by terrain
    obstructions, test points which
    are at reduced distance follow the
    highest elevation profile around
    the base station. Two additional
    points are studied for each fixed
    satellite station, the theoretical worst case points. One point is located at the service area boundary at
    its closest point to the fixed satellite station. That is the point nearest to the fixed satellite station
    where the attenuation due to distance will be at its minimum. The second point is diametrically
    opposite the closest point. At the farthest point, the customer premises equipment antenna is
    oriented directly toward the fixed station satellite antenna and therefore provides no antenna pattern
    discrimination to reduce the signal toward the fixed station antenna.


                              Interference Analysis                                   Exhibit 4
                                                                                        Page 4 of 8
                               Study Methodology                                   TowerStream Corp.
          Protection of Existing FSS and Federal Government Facilities             San Francisco, CA

    Propagation parameters

    The studies were conducted using the Longley-Rice propagation model v1.2.2 as implemented in
    EDX SignalPro. The terrain data was extracted at 100 meter increments from a 3 arcsecond terrain
    database. The study uses 4/3 earth radius, ground conductivity of 8.0 mS/M, ground dielectric
    constant of 15.0, non atmospheric absorption, continental temperate climate, with land use clutter
    loss and height, ground reflection, and Fresnel zone loss. Rain outage is based on Crane's methods,
    using Crane 1996 data for region A.

    Proposed System Parameters

    The fixed base stations were modeled at an EIRP of 6 watts in 6 MHz. The customer premise
    equipment was modeled with a directional maximum EIRP of 1 watt in 1 MHz and an antenna
    height of 31 meters AGL. The customer premise equipment was oriented toward the base station
    antenna in both azimuth and elevation. The operating power of the customer premise equipment was
    fixed at its maximum without use of adaptive power control in order to provide a worst case signal
    toward the fixed satellite station.

    The allowable interference level, based on ITU-R S.1432, to reach delta T/T of 0.5% is -170.1 dBW.

    A summary of the study results for each FSS location is provided on the following pages. Details of
    the path studies for both the base station and CPE test locations are attached as Annex 1.


                          Interference Analysis                                       Exhibit 4
                                                                                       Page 5 of 8
                                                                                  TowerStream Corp.
               Customer Terminal Test Location Information                        San Francisco, CA

          Customer North Latitude West Longitude    Site   Received Azimuth to Elevation   Distance
           CT001    37-48-32.54    122-24-51.44      1.9     -58.4    180.0        5.2        1.8
           CT002     37-56-9.19    122-22-57.22      0.0     -72.2    190.0        0.6       16.1
           CT003    37-55-45.64     122-21-6.47     14.9     -72.2    199.9        0.5       16.1
           CT004     37-55-7.18    122-19-22.56     29.3     -72.2    209.9        0.5       16.1
           CT005    37-54-14.99    122-17-48.64     45.8     -72.2    219.9        0.4       16.1
           CT006    37-53-10.65    122-16-27.56     69.4     -72.1    229.9        0.3       16.1
           CT007    37-51-56.12     122-15-21.8     94.0     -72.1    239.9        0.2       16.1
           CT008    37-50-33.65    122-14-33.34     73.2     -72.1    250.0        0.3       16.1
           CT009     37-49-5.76     122-14-3.67     56.0     -72.1    260.0        0.4       16.1
           CT010    37-47-35.12    122-13-53.68     51.6     -72.1    270.0        0.4       16.1
           CT011     37-46-4.48     122-14-3.67      0.0     -72.2    280.1        0.6       16.1
           CT012    37-44-36.59    122-14-33.34      0.0     -72.2    290.1        0.6       16.1
           CT013    37-46-44.23     122-23-0.36      0.0     -59.6    300.1        3.0        3.1
           CT014    37-46-17.95    122-22-55.45      0.0     -60.6    310.1        2.5        3.7
           CT015    37-45-59.15     122-23-9.97      0.3     -60.9    320.1        2.4        3.9
           CT016     37-43-1.62    122-21-32.47      0.0     -67.9    330.1        1.0        9.7
           CT017    37-43-44.58      122-23-5.7     40.5     -65.7    340.1        0.9        7.6
           CT018    37-42-42.62    122-23-46.45     61.9    -105.1    350.0        0.6        9.2
           CT019    37-41-41.73    122-24-51.44    120.5     -68.8      0.0        0.2       10.9
           CT020    37-41-55.84     122-26-6.82    228.8     -68.6     10.0       -0.4       10.6
           CT021    37-44-29.21     122-26-16.7    170.2     -63.7     19.9       -0.1        6.1
           CT022     37-44-57.8    122-26-45.89    240.5     -63.1     29.9       -0.8        5.6
           CT023    37-45-23.96    122-27-10.12    215.9     -62.5     39.9       -0.6        5.3
           CT024    37-45-17.55    122-28-18.03    171.5     -64.4     49.9       -0.1        6.6
           CT025    37-45-15.75    122-29-55.63     42.4     -66.8     59.9        0.8        8.6
           CT026    37-45-58.71    122-30-25.21     29.3     -66.9     69.9        0.9        8.7
           CT027     37-46-50.8      122-30-8.2    120.9     -65.9     80.0        0.3        7.9
           CT028    37-47-35.12    122-28-46.26     54.7     -63.4     90.0        1.1        5.7
           CT029     37-48-7.02    122-28-39.46     47.3     -63.3    100.1        1.2        5.7
           CT030    37-49-34.56    122-31-44.94     49.1     -68.7    110.1        0.6       10.7
           CT031     37-49-53.7    122-29-53.92    179.3     -66.6    120.1       -0.1        8.5
           CT032     37-50-44.7    122-29-36.13    190.6     -67.2    130.1       -0.2        9.1
           CT033    37-54-14.99    122-31-54.24     64.6     -72.2    140.1        0.4       16.1
           CT034    37-54-36.44    122-29-57.96     93.8     -71.5    150.1        0.3       15.0
           CT035    37-53-18.48    122-27-28.92    124.7     -69.1    160.1        0.2       11.3
           CT036    37-48-35.78     122-25-4.92      5.1     -57.8    170.1        4.7        1.9
           CT116     37-43-46.3     122-15-0.24      0.0     -72.2    296.1        0.6       16.1
           CT153    37-42-57.69    122-21-53.31      0.0     -67.8    333.1        1.0        9.6
           CT156    37-43-43.36    122-22-41.42     59.4     -66.0    336.1        0.8        7.8
           CT273     37-47-46.5    122-28-45.82     42.6     -63.4     93.5        1.2        5.7
           CT283      37-48-51     122-31-45.59      0.0     -68.4    103.0        0.9       10.4
           CT318    37-51-24.11    122-29-11.25     41.7     -67.6    138.1        0.7        9.5
           CT328     37-54-57.8      122-30-40      59.6     -72.2    148.1        0.4       16.1
           CT336    37-53-32.77    122-28-12.09    121.0     -69.7    156.1        0.2       12.1
           CT362     37-56-16.8    122-24-28.48     46.5     -72.2    182.0        0.4       16.1
           CT093     37-47-3.25     122-13-54.9     31.9     -72.2    273.6        0.5       16.1
           CT120    37-46-44.23     122-23-0.36      0.0     -59.6    300.1        3.0        3.1
           CT300     37-49-53.7    122-29-53.92    179.3     -66.6    120.1       -0.1        8.5


                           Interference Analysis                                Exhibit 4
                                                                                  Page 6 of 8
                                                                             TowerStream Corp.
                   Study #1: Three Peaks, CA: E950208                        San Francisco, CA

                                                                  Received Margin
                                                 Distance          Signal   (dB)
                                        Azimuth to Three            Level  Relative
                  Customer Azimuth      to Three  Peaks Path loss from CT to -170.1
                  Terminal to hub        Peaks     (km)   (dB)     (dBW)    dBW
                   CT001    180.0         318.7    50.2   243.5    -289.6   119.5
                   CT002    190.0         303.3    43.0   242.7    -282.4   112.3
                   CT003    199.9         302.2    45.7   241.6    -274.8   104.7
                   CT004    209.9         301.8    48.5   242.5    -275.5   105.4
                   CT005    219.9         302.0    51.3   242.5    -275.5   105.4
                   CT006    229.9         302.7    54.0   240.8    -274.1   104.0
                   CT007    239.9         303.8    56.6   238.0    -268.5   98.4
                   CT008    250.0         305.2    59.0   246.5    -277.5   107.4
                   CT009    260.0         306.9    61.2   242.4    -274.0   103.9
                   CT010    270.0         308.8    63.1   241.4    -265.9   95.8
                   CT011    280.1         310.9    64.7   242.3    -265.3   95.2
                   CT012    290.1         313.1    66.0   240.5    -262.2   92.1
                   CT013    300.1         318.9    54.5   244.5    -259.4   89.3
                   CT014    310.1         319.3    55.2   244.6    -252.1   82.0
                   CT015    320.1         320.0    55.4   244.9    -250.3   80.2
                   CT016    330.1         321.6    61.2   246.8    -254.1   84.0
                   CT017    340.1         322.3    58.5   247.5    -262.1   92.0
                   CT018    350.0         324.4    59.7   251.4    -277.8   107.7
                   CT019      0.0         326.6    60.3   252.7    -279.5   109.4
                   CT020     10.0         327.9    59.0   252.2    -284.0   113.9
                   CT021     19.9         325.5    54.9   251.6    -288.1   118.0
                   CT022     29.9         325.6    53.8   251.5    -288.2   118.1
                   CT023     39.9         325.6    52.8   251.6    -291.3   121.2
                   CT024     49.9         327.2    52.0   251.6    -291.6   121.5
                   CT025     59.9         329.5    50.8   250.2    -290.7   120.6
                   CT026     69.9         329.4    49.3   250.1    -290.6   120.5
                   CT027     80.0         328.0    48.1   251.5    -297.8   127.7
                   CT028     90.0         325.2    48.1   251.5    -297.3   127.2
                   CT029    100.1         324.3    47.4   250.9    -298.2   128.1
                   CT030    110.1         327.1    42.6   249.7    -297.5   127.4
                   CT031    120.1         323.7    43.6   247.3    -294.4   124.3
                   CT032    130.1         322.0    42.7   253.8    -297.4   127.3
                   CT033    140.1         319.8    35.5   234.8    -276.1   106.0
                   CT034    150.1         315.8    36.9   233.3    -275.5   105.4
                   CT035    160.1         314.5    41.2   233.6    -278.7   108.6
                   CT036    170.1         318.9    49.9   243.2    -289.2   119.1
                   CT140    320.1         320.0    55.4   244.9    -250.3   80.2
                   CT320    140.1         319.8    35.5   234.8    -276.1   106.0

                    Max                                                      128.1
                     Min                                                     80.2
                    Mean                                                     108.1

    Note: Details of these path studies are attached as Annex 1-1.


                           Interference Analysis                                Exhibit 4
                                                                                  Page 7 of 8
                                                                             TowerStream Corp.
            Study #2: Salt Creek, CA: KA371, KA372, KA373                    San Francisco, CA

                                                                  Received Margin
                                                 Distance          Signal   (dB)
                                        Azimuth   to Salt           Level  Relative
                  Customer Azimuth       to Salt  Creek Path loss from CT to -170.1
                  Terminal to hub        Creek     (km)   (dB)     (dBW)    dBW
                   CT001    180.0         10.4     127.7  248.9    -296.4   126.3
                   CT002    190.0         10.4     113.4  247.4    -293.1   123.0
                   CT003    199.9          9.0     113.6  246.2    -293.9   123.8
                   CT004    209.9          7.7     114.4  242.5    -293.3   123.2
                   CT005    219.9          6.4     115.7  260.4    -311.2   141.1
                   CT006    229.9          5.4     117.5  255.9    -306.7   136.6
                   CT007    239.9          4.5     119.7  259.2    -308.3   138.2
                   CT008    250.0          3.9     122.1  260.1    -309.3   139.2
                   CT009    260.0          3.5     124.8  261.1    -304.2   134.1
                   CT010    270.0          3.3     127.6  261.3    -304.4   134.3
                   CT011    280.1          3.3     130.4  257.6    -300.7   130.6
                   CT012    290.1          3.6     133.1  256.4    -299.5   129.4
                   CT013    300.1          9.0     130.6  249.9    -293.0   122.9
                   CT014    310.1          8.9     131.3  248.8    -288.7   118.6
                   CT015    320.1          9.0     132.0  250.6    -290.5   120.4
                   CT016    330.1          7.7     137.0  242.0    -273.4   103.3
                   CT017    340.1          8.7     136.1  249.5    -279.5   109.4
                   CT018    350.0          9.0     138.1  252.2    -272.2   102.1
                   CT019      0.0          9.5     140.2  248.3    -260.5   90.4
                   CT020     10.0         10.3     140.1  251.0    -260.8   90.7
                   CT021     19.9         10.7     135.5  250.5    -262.2   92.1
                   CT022     29.9         11.1     134.8  247.3    -266.9   96.8
                   CT023     39.9         11.4     134.1  248.3    -278.1   108.0
                   CT024     49.9         12.0     134.6  250.2    -281.1   111.0
                   CT025     59.9         13.0     135.2  245.0    -284.4   114.3
                   CT026     69.9         13.4     134.1  249.6    -289.0   118.9
                   CT027     80.0         13.4     132.4  254.5    -296.4   126.3
                   CT028     90.0         12.7     130.6  248.1    -290.9   120.8
                   CT029    100.1         12.8     129.6  250.5    -293.3   123.2
                   CT030    110.1         15.0     128.1  256.9    -299.4   129.3
                   CT031    120.1         13.9     126.8  249.8    -293.3   123.2
                   CT032    130.1         13.9     125.2  248.8    -297.5   127.4
                   CT033    140.1         16.1     119.8  251.0    -299.3   129.2
                   CT034    150.1         14.9     118.4  249.3    -299.6   129.5
                   CT035    160.1         13.0     119.9  246.7    -297.1   127.0
                   CT036    170.1         10.6     127.7  250.5    -299.5   129.4
                   CT_10    190.0         10.4     113.4  247.4    -293.1   123.0
                   CT190     10.0         10.3     140.1  251.0    -260.8   90.7

                    max                                                      141.1
                     min                                                     90.4
                    mean                                                     119.9

    Note: Details of these path studies are attached as Annex 1-2.


                          Interference Analysis                                Exhibit 4
                                                                                 Page 8 of 8
          Study #3: San Ramon - Livermore - Mountain House, CA              TowerStream Corp.
                       E6241,KA232, KA86, KA206                             San Francisco, CA

                                                                 Received Margin
                                                Distance          Signal   (dB)
                                        Azimuth  to San            Level  Relative
                  Customer Azimuth       to San  Ramon Path loss from CT to -170.1
                  Terminal to hub       Ramon     (km)   (dB)     (dBW)    dBW
                   CT001    180.0         95.5    54.3   232.3    -264.6   94.5
                   CT002    190.0         110.6   54.8   238.6    -277.5   107.4
                   CT003    199.9         110.9   52.0   239.7    -278.7   108.6
                   CT004    209.9         110.7   49.2   239.9    -278.8   108.7
                   CT005    219.9         109.9   46.5   244.8    -288.1   118.0
                   CT006    229.9         108.3   43.9   246.6    -290.7   120.6
                   CT007    239.9         106.0   41.8   243.0    -288.0   117.9
                   CT008    250.0         103.0   40.0   238.2    -282.0   111.9
                   CT009    260.0         99.3    38.8   238.9    -278.5   108.4
                   CT010    270.0         95.2    38.2   233.0    -269.7   99.6
                   CT011    280.1         91.0    38.3   229.6    -263.5   93.4
                   CT012    290.1         87.0    39.0   224.5    -258.2   88.1
                   CT013    300.1         92.0    51.4   230.9    -268.7   98.6
                   CT014    310.1         91.1    51.2   231.4    -268.6   98.5
                   CT015    320.1         90.5    51.6   231.8    -266.7   96.6
                   CT016    330.1         84.2    49.5   220.5    -249.6   79.5
                   CT017    340.1         85.9    51.6   220.9    -246.6   76.5
                   CT018    350.0         83.9    52.8   234.1    -256.9   86.8
                   CT019      0.0         82.1    54.6   223.1    -244.2   74.1
                   CT020     10.0         82.8    56.3   220.3    -242.0   71.9
                   CT021     19.9         87.6    56.2   222.4    -248.9   78.8
                   CT022     29.9         88.5    56.9   221.8    -245.8   75.7
                   CT023     39.9         89.3    57.4   224.9    -249.7   79.6
                   CT024     49.9         89.1    59.1   238.6    -255.8   85.7
                   CT025     59.9         89.1    61.5   241.9    -256.6   86.5
                   CT026     69.9         90.3    62.2   233.1    -240.9   70.8
                   CT027     80.0         91.8    61.8   230.9    -231.1   61.0
                   CT028     90.0         93.2    59.9   230.8    -228.6   58.5
                   CT029    100.1         94.2    59.8   230.8    -229.5   59.4
                   CT030    110.1         96.2    64.5   239.9    -244.2   74.1
                   CT031    120.1         97.1    61.9   223.7    -240.7   70.6
                   CT032    130.1         98.6    61.7   218.7    -239.5   69.4
                   CT033    140.1         103.7   66.2   226.5    -249.9   79.8
                   CT034    150.1         104.9   63.7   227.5    -259.8   89.7
                   CT035    160.1         103.6   59.6   225.4    -258.5   88.4
                   CT036    170.1         95.5    54.6   232.8    -265.1   95.0
                   CT273     93.5         93.7    38.1   234.5    -268.4   98.3
                   CT093    273.6         93.5    59.9   231.0    -229.0   58.9

                    max                                                     120.6
                     min                                                    58.5
                    mean                                                    87.9

    Note: Details of these path studies are attached as Annex 1-3.


Document Created: 2005-06-09 16:50:05
Document Modified: 2005-06-09 16:50:05

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