Exhibit 3 Equipment Information

0038-EX-PL-2005 Text Documents

TowerStream Corp.


                                                                                   Exhibit 3
            Base Station and CPE Equipment Information
                                                                                TowerStream Corp.
                                                                                  Las Vegas, NV

    The following pages contain information provided by the manufacturer regarding the base station
    and CPE equipment to be utilized for the proposed tests. TowerStream and the equipment
    manufacturer, Aperto Networks, will reconfigure the PacketWave® system to operate in the 3650 -
    3700 MHz band.


                              The easy-to-deploy PacketWave
                              1000 base station unit delivers
                              scalable broadband wireless
                              coverage that meets the
                              performance, reliability, and QoS
                              requirements of carriers serving a
                              broad range of subscribers—even
                              in challenging environments.

Key Benefits
Scalable, flexible,
                                            PacketWave® 1000
TDMA/TDD system with industry
                                               Base Station Unit
leading cell coverage, excellent
spectral efficiency, advanced                     Scalable, multiservice broadband wireless technology
interference mitigation based on                  for service provider points of presence
RapidBurst bandwidth-on-demand
technology, which delivers an
unprecedented level of scalability and
flexibility at a low cost per subscriber.

Per-Subscriber link                          Aperto® Networks’ PacketWave®           Scalable Architecture
OptimaLink wireless link adaptation         system gives service providers a        The service intelligent PacketWave
technology improves bandwidth,               fully-integrated service intelligent
robustness, and overall performance
                                                                                     system can handle thousands of
for each subscriber. OptimaLink              platform for building high-density      subscribers, whether they’re spread
automatically adapts ten different           broadband wireless networks for
MAC and PHY parameters, including
                                                                                     out in suburban neighborhoods
modulation and antenna polarization          personalized service delivery.          or located in densely populated
– to create the most robust link and         PacketWave system architecture
highest data throughput, whether the
                                                                                     urban areas.
path is line-of-sight, obstructed-line-      features an innovative multiservice
of-sight, or non-line-of-sight.              design, highly scalable capacity        Combining high-frequency reuse with
Multiservice delivery                        and coverage, dynamic per-              advanced interference management
ServiceQ technology lets service            subscriber link optimization
providers set up different service
                                                                                     and mitigation techniques, the
classes for subscribers on an                technology, rapid deployment and        PacketWave system conserves
application-by-application basis,            ease of management.
making it possible to maximize
                                                                                     valuable spectrum by allowing the
revenue by providing multi-tiered                                                    service provider to cover an
data, voice, and video services using        The PacketWave 1000 base station
a single wireless platform.
                                                                                     extensive geographical area with a
                                             unit lets service providers quickly     minimum number of channels.
Rapid deployment                             and easily deploy multiservice
Easy installation and configuration
with built-in antenna alignment tools,       broadband wireless networks in          As bandwidth and subscriber needs
automated subscriber provisioning,           multi-cell, multi-sector topologies.
and end-to-end IP architecture.
                                                                                     increase, network operators can
                                             Located at each point of presence,      easily add channels or new sectors
Ease of management                           the stackable PacketWave 1000 unit      within the cell. Multiple PacketWave
Standards-based SNMP, Web and
Java-based tools simplify the                is designed to deliver services to      1000 base station units can be
complex task of managing the                 subscribers in suburban and urban
                                                                                     stacked to provide additional
                                             areas where foliage and buildings       bandwidth using multiple channels
Complete system                              can make line-of-sight access a         per sector. And additional cells can
The fully integrated PacketWave              problem. The unit easily integrates     be deployed to extend the service
system provides a complete                   with wireline network infrastructures
broadband wireless solution,
                                                                                     capacity and coverage footprint.
including base station, subscriber           to maintain Quality of Service (QoS).
units, radios, and antennas that
accommodate a variety of frequency
bands—2.5, 3.5, and 5.8 GHz.

                   PacketWave Broadband Wireless System



The PacketWave system is a complete
multiservices solution that includes base
station, subscriber units, radios, and antennas.

Breakthrough Technologies                             ServiceQ technology provides different service
Aperto Networks’ PacketWave products feature          classes to subscribers on an application-by-
three market-leading technologies: RapidBurst         application basis. This means personalized
advanced Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)         services can be delivered intelligently, allowing the
protocol, OptimaLink dynamic per-subscriber link      service provider to maximize revenue
optimization, and ServiceQ per-flow QoS and           opportunities with differentiated service offerings
bandwidth management.                                 and effective management of Service Level
                                                      Agreements (SLAs).
RapidBurst technology enables the PacketWave
system to achieve low latency and unprecedented       With ServiceQ, service providers can set up
spectral efficiency. With RapidBurst, the             multiple QoS profiles for each PacketWave 100
PacketWave system delivers burst rates up to          Series subscriber unit. Each profile contains
20 Mbps over a 6 MHz channel.                         various QoS metrics (such as maximum and
                                                      minimum bandwidth) based on Class of Service
In addition, RapidBurst dynamic bandwidth             (CoS) requirements like Constant Bit Rate (CBR),
allocation enhances efficiency by assigning time      Committed Information Rate (CIR), or Best Effort
slots and packet sizes according to actual demand     (BE). Using a highly advanced scheduling
and service levels. An advanced TDMA burst mode       mechanism, the PacketWave system enforces the
ensures maximum flexibility and bandwidth             metrics in each profile. The result is that service
efficiency in both upstream and downstream            providers can offer tiered services that help
transmissions. Time Division Duplexing (TDD)          differentiate their offerings in the marketplace.
technology maximizes flexibility and enables
adjustable allocations of upstream and downstream     Some of the advanced technologies that are used
bandwidth depending on traffic requirements.          to implement ServiceQ include:
                                                      • Per Flow Queueing: This enables separate
OptimaLink technology performs dynamic control of        buffering of voice and data, so that voice
link parameters to optimize each subscriber's            packets are not queued behind a line of data
connection in a multiuser, cellular network. The         packets.
OptimaLink adaptive algorithm dynamically selects     • Weighted Fair Queueing: Enables the system to
and adjusts PHY and MAC-layer parameters,                provide minimum rate guarantees for business
including antenna diversity, modulation, transmit        class data services.
power, retransmission policy, and frame size. The     • Unsolicited Grant Service: Enables the system to
benefit to network operators is increased capacity       provide low jitter and latency service for voice.
and broader coverage that includes obstructed-line-   • Leaky Bucket Based Peak Rate Regulator:
of-sight and non-line-of-sight subscribers.              Enables the system to throttle data flows to
                                                         operator configured limits.

In addition, the intelligent ServiceQ packet          (TFTP) configuration download give service
classifier can associate end-user applications to     providers maximum flexibility in provisioning
QoS profiles by mapping existing indicators such      secure services for customers. The PacketWave
as IP ToS, as well as data packet header              1000 routing software supports multiple subnets
information such as IP or MAC addresses and           on each wireless interface and allows IP
port numbers. Consequently, the PacketWave            addresses to be shared across interfaces through
system can identify applications such as Web          “clustering.” Routing information can be
browsing, telephony, and video streaming –            configured either statically or dynamically using
providing the appropriate QoS, resulting in a         the RIPv2 routing protocol. In addition, the
more personalized and valuable service to             PacketWave system can support subscriber units
each subscriber.                                      using basic routing, bridging, or Network
                                                      Address Translation (NAT or VLANs). This array
Multiple Frequency Bands                              of IP capabilities together with the innovative
Because the PacketWave system can                     RapidBurst, OptimaLink, and ServiceQ
accommodate a variety of frequency bands, it          technologies make the PacketWave system the
gives service providers the flexibility to pursue     most flexible broadband wireless service delivery
opportunities across the globe using a single         platform now available.
service intelligent platform, minimizing capital
and operating costs. PacketWave 1000 base             Flexible Backhaul
station units can simultaneously support Aperto       The PacketWave 1000 base station unit provides
radios and antennas operating in 2.5 GHz,             complete flexibility in connecting to backhaul
3.5 GHz, and 5.8 GHz frequency bands.                 networks. In its base configuration, the
                                                      PacketWave 1000 is equipped with a 100 Base-T
Comprehensive IP                                      Fast Ethernet interface. This enables direct
Functionality                                         connection to a Gigabit or Fast Ethernet-based
The PacketWave system provides a single               MAN, or to a variety of other broadband
platform for delivering converged data, voice,        networks through an external router or switch.
and video services over an IP network. The
IP-based system design allows service providers       Full-Featured Management
to develop end-to-end applications, such as           The PacketWave system simplifies subscriber
Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and web               provisioning and network management with
hosting, without the complexity of intervening        GUI-based tools, standard protocols, and
transport protocols. And, it fits seamlessly into     industry-standard platforms. Among these tools
the service provider’s overall network                is the highly scalable, JAVA-based WaveCenter
architecture without altering the existing routing    Configuration Manager, which automates the
and server infrastructure.                            subscriber provisioning process. The PacketWave
                                                      system also includes Web-based HTML and
The PacketWave system leads the industry in           SNMP-compliant network management software
implementing advanced IP features and services.       for configuration, fault, performance, and
Packet filtering, Dynamic Host Configuration          security management.
Protocol (DHCP), and Trivial File Transfer Protocol

PacketWave 1000 Base                                                  Management
Station Unit Specifications                                           Centralized provisioning using WaveCenter
                                                                      Configuration Manager on Windows 2000 Professional,
Interfaces                                                            and Linux
Radio – Four or six Wireless Subsystems (WSS), each with              Embedded WaveCenter agent supporting SNMP and Web
the following Interfaces:                                             browser interfaces
    signal (F connector)                                              SYSLOG interface and email alerts
    transmit test (F connector)
    receive test (BNC connector)                                      Advanced installation and alignment tool
    control (RJ-45 connector)                                         SNMP, MIB II (RFC 1213), Aperto Enterprise MIB
Backhaul Port: 100 Base-T Fast Ethernet                               Software upgrade tool
Local Craft Interface: RS-232 serial port (DB9)
                                                                      LED Indicators
Alarm/Control: NO/NC/Common dry contact relay
External Clock Input: optional 10 MHz timing
reference (BNC)                                                       Radio: transmit, receive, status (for each WSS)
Multiple PacketWave 1000 Synchronization:                             Ethernet: link, transmit, receive
2 main and 2 alternate ports (BNC)                                    Multi-unit Sync: main and alternate
Cable Length: up to 825 feet (250 meters)                             Power Requirements
Operation                                                             AC Option: 85-265 VAC, 47-63 Hz
                                                                      DC Option: 40-60 VDC
20 Mbps data rate, 14 Mbps net throughput
                                                                      Power Consumption:
Frequency Bands Supported (using Aperto Networks’ radios                360 watts maximum (base configuration)
and antennas):
    2.5-2.689 GHz                                                     Dimensions and Weight
    3.4-3.7 GHz
    5.725-5.925 GHz                                                   Width: 16.5 in (41.9 cm)
Duplexing Mode: TDD and FDD option                                    Height: 5.25 in (13.3 cm)
Modulation: QPSK and 16 QAM                                           Depth: 18 in (45.7 cm)
Error Correction:                                                     Mounting: standard 19 inch rack
    Reed Solomon FEC with variable block                              Weight: 38 lbs (17 kg)
    Length and correction factor
    Advanced MAC-layer ARQ                                            Redundancy
                                                                      2 load-sharing and hot-swappable power supplies
                                                                      4 hot-swappable fans
Protocols: IP Routing RIPv2, VLSM, CIDR, DHCP (client and
relay agent), VLAN, Bridge, PPPoE                                     2 power connectors for two seperate power sources
Service Classes: CBR, CIR, BE                                         Environmental
                                                                      Operating Temperature: 32° to 104° F (0° to 40° C)
                                                                      Humidity: 10% to 90% noncondensing
Multiple levels of password protection
Wireless signal scrambling                                            Regulatory Approvals
DES Encryption: 56, 112, 168 bit (planned)                            FCC Part 15 Class A, CE, EN

                                                                      Ordering Information
                                                                      PacketWave 1000
                                                                      4 WSS, AC power supply                  PW1000-04-AC
                                                                      6 WSS, AC power supply                  PW1000-06-AC
                                                                      4 WSS, DC power supply                  PW1000-04-DC
                                                                      6 WSS, DC power supply                  PW1000-06-DC

     1637 South Main Street • Milpitas, CA 95035
     Phone 408.71 9.9977 • Fax 408.71 9.9970 • www.apertonet.com

     Aperto, OptimaLink, PacketWave, RapidBurst, and ServiceQ are registered trademarks of Aperto
     Networks. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

     ©Copyright 2003 Aperto Networks          7/03 AN-002

PacketWave® 3.5 GHz Radio
  Base Station Radio and Antenna

The Aperto® Networks PacketWave®             non-line-of-sight environments. The radio
3.5 GHz base station radio works with the    controls transmit power for each burst,
PacketWave base station and PacketWave       an important advantage in cellular
subscriber units to provide a complete       deployments because it minimizes
broadband wireless solution. With a          interference in adjacent cells. In
PacketWave radio and antenna, the            addition, the radio transmits only when
system is equipped to deliver optimal        data is available, which reduces
performance and flexibility.                 interference substantially compared to
                                             conventional systems that transmit
Link Optimization                            continuously in the downstream
The PacketWave system employs                direction.
innovative OptimaLink® wireless link
adaptation technology to optimize            Radio Flexibility
bandwidth, robustness, and overall           The PacketWave radio covers the entire
performance to each subscriber. The          3.4 to 3.7 GHz frequency band. This
base station radio and antenna support       range of frequencies lets service
three key OptimaLink features:               providers change channel plans easily,
polarization diversity, spatial diversity,   and saves them from having to inventory
and radio power output control.              multiple radio types.

By rapidly adjusting polarization and        The PacketWave base station antenna is
automatically switching between              flexible, and offers various beamwidth
antennas on a burst-by-burst basis, the      options—available with a 90° beamwidth
PacketWave system ensures high               for a four-sector cell, or a 60° beamwidth
performance on each link and maximizes       for a six-sector cell.
coverage in challenging high-density and

3.5 GHz Base Station                                       IF Port
Radio/Antenna Specifications                               Connector: F-type female
                                                           Impedance: 75 ohm
Overall Parameters                                         IF Signal: 44 MHz
Frequency Range: 3.4-3.7 GHz                               Voltage Range: 10 to 22 VDC
Modulation: QPSK and 16 QAM                                Power: 12 watts
Channel Widths: (ETSI) 1.75, 3.5 and 7.0 MHz               Maximum RG-6 Cable Length: 164 feet
(Non ETSI) 1-6 MHz in 1 MHz steps                          (50 meters); option available for up to 825 feet
Duplexing: TDD and FDD option                              (250 meters)
Standard Range: up to 10.5 miles/16.9 kilometers
Extended Range: up to 23 miles/37 kilometers with          IF Control Port
external subscriber antenna
                                                           Connector: RJ-45
                                                           Maximum CAT-5 Cable Length: 164 feet (50 meters);
Transmitter                                                option available for up to 825 feet (250 meters)
Maximum Power*: 20 dBm
Transmitter Overpower Accuracy: +–1 dB                     RF Port
Maximum Switching Time: 2 µs
*The maximum power varies depending on                     Connector: 4 N-type female
  country regulations.
                                                           Alarms and Status
Receiver                                                   VCXO Lock
Maximum Receiver Noise Figure: 3.0 dB                      Synthesizer Lock
Receiver Gain: 36 +–3 dB                                   Under Voltage Alarm: voltage < 9.5 V

Synthesizer                                                Environmental and Certification
Maximum Phase Noise: -83 dBc/Hz at 10 KHz offset
Frequency Stability with System 10 MHz                     Operating Temperature: -31° to 140° F
   Reference: +–0.25 ppm                                     (-35° to 60° C)
                                                           Storage Temperature: -40° to 257° F
                                                             (-40° to 125° C)
Antenna Options                                            Relative Humidity: 0% to 100%
Minimum Gain: 17.5 dBi (60°), 16 dBi (90°)                 Certifications: EN 301 753, EN 301 021,
Maximum VSWR: 2.0:1                                        EN 60950:2000, ETS 301 489 -1
Polarization: horizontal and vertical
Minimum Cross-Polarization Isolation: 20 dB                Ordering Information
Minimum Front-to-Back Isolation: 30 dB
Maximum Sidelobe Level: -30 dB at 90°                      PacketWave 3.5 GHz base
(60° antenna); -30 dB at 135° (90° antenna)                  station radio                           PWR3500
3dB Beamwidth: 60° or 90° azimuth;                         PacketWave 3.5 GHz base station
  8° elevation                                               antenna (60 degree sector)           PWA3500-60
Connectors: 2 N-type female                                PacketWave 3.5 GHz base station
Pole Diameter for Mounting Kit: 2.5 to 4.5 inches            antenna (90 degree sector)           PWA3500-90
Wind Speed: 75 mph operational (120 km/hr);
  125 mph survival (200 km/hr)

1637 South Main Street • Milpitas, CA 95035
Phone 408.71 9.9977 • Fax 408.71 9.9970 • www.apertonet.com

Aperto, PacketWave and OptimaLink are registered trademarks of Aperto Networks. All other
trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.

©Copyright 2003 Aperto Networks         7/03 AN-024

                                          The PacketWave 100 Series
                                          subscriber units provide “always-on”
                                          multi-megabit IP services and
                                          Internet access to subscribers.

                                          PacketWave® 100 Series
                                            Subscriber Units
                                               Multiservice broadband wireless access for small
                                               to midsize businesses, SOHOs, and homes

Key Benefits                              Aperto® Networks’ PacketWave®           The PacketWave 100 subscriber
High-speed Internet                       system gives service providers a        equipment consists of an indoor
access                                    fully-integrated service intelligent    bridge/router unit and an outdoor
The PacketWave system delivers
data rates from 64 Kbps, with burst
                                          platform for building high-density      radio/antenna unit. Configurable as
speeds up to 20 Mbps upstream             broadband wireless networks for         a bridge, or a router that supports
and downstream.
                                          personalized service delivery.          up to 250 hosts. The PacketWave
Increased coverage                        PacketWave system architecture          system delivers data rates from 64
Supports line-of-sight (LOS),
obstructed LOS, and non-LOS
                                          supports multiservice applications,     Kbps with burst speeds up to 20
installations.                            scales easily for more capacity and     Mbps in a 6 MHz channel—enabling
High spectrum                             coverage, and provides dynamic          the most efficient use of aggregate
efficiency                                link optimization on a per-             bandwidth, so greater numbers of
Variable channel width from 1-7 Mhz
for scalable deployment and
                                          subscriber basis. It also features      users can enjoy simultaneous
interference resiliency.                  fast deployment and simplified          access.
Easy to install                           management.
Simple setup reduces service                                                      Aperto Networks offers three
provisioning time. The radio with
integrated antenna is as easy to
                                          Working with the PacketWave 1000        PacketWave models designed to
install as a satellite dish. An antenna   base station unit, PacketWave 100       meet a variety of subscribers and
alignment tool makes antenna
pointing easy.
                                          Series subscriber units deliver high-   network requirements:
                                          speed, always-on Internet access for    • PacketWave 110 model provides
Support for SLA,
multiple services                         small to midsize businesses, small        bridging, with support for up to
PacketWave 100 Series units connect       office/home office (SOHO) customers,      five hosts.
directly to a PC or Ethernet LAN, and
support enhanced applications such
                                          and residential users. With a           • PacketWave 120 model provides
as SLA, voice and streaming video.        PacketWave 100 Series unit installed      bridging and Network Address
Complete system                           at the subscriber’s site, users can       Translation (NAT), with support for
solution                                  browse Web pages, handle voice            up to 20 hosts.
The fully integrated PacketWave
system provides a complete
                                          calls, view streaming video, and        • PacketWave 130 model provides
broadband wireless solution,              download files—all at multimegabit        bridging, NAT, and IP routing, with
including base station, subscriber
units, radios, and antennas that
                                          data rates.                               support for up to 250 hosts.
accommodate a variety of frequency
bands—2.5, 3.5, and 5.8 GHz.

                                         PacketWave Broadband Wireless System

Complete Package
The Aperto Networks’ PacketWave
100 Series provides a complete
subscriber package for fast Internet
access. The easy-to-install radio unit
with integrated antenna is mounted
on the outside of the subscriber's
office building or home. The indoor
bridge/router connects to either a PC
or an Ethernet/Fast Ethernet LAN.                                                          ©Copyright 2003
                                                                                       Aperto Networks, Inc.

                 Scalable Architecture                                 indoor unit automatically obtains an IP address
                 The PacketWave system can handle thousands of         from the network and downloads the
                 wireless subscribers, whether they’re spread out      configuration parameters.
                 or live in densely populated neighborhoods.
                                                                       Service Flexibility
                 Combining high frequency reuse with advanced          The PacketWave system makes it easy to
                 interference management and mitigation                customize broadband access to fit customers’
                 techniques, the PacketWave system conserves           requirements. The PacketWave 100 Series
                 valuable spectrum by allowing the service             subscriber unit supports remote provisioning for
                 provider to cover an extensive geographical area      a variety of speeds, eliminating the need for
                 with a minimum number of channels.                    costly truck rolls. What’s more, it gives service
                                                                       providers the flexibility to offer multiple flows
                 As bandwidth and subscriber needs increase,           with different service classes for residential and
                 network operators can easily add channels or          business applications.
                 new sectors within the cell. Multiple PacketWave
                 1000 base station units can be stacked to             Simple LAN Configuration
                 provide additional bandwidth using multiple           For business users, the PacketWave 100 Series
                 channels per sector. Operators can also               provides additional features that streamline LAN
                 economically deploy additional cells to extend        configuration. Integrated in the PacketWave 120
                 the service capacity and coverage footprint.          and 130, a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
                                                                       (DHCP) server allocates IP addresses for each
                 Rapid Service Provisioning                            workstation. And Network Address Translation
                 The PacketWave 100 Series is easy to install and      (NAT) enables users to share a single public IP
                 configure. The outdoor radio/antenna component        address while providing enhanced security. The
                 can be installed on the roof or roofline, while the   PacketWave 110 model provides simple plug-
                 compact indoor unit connects to a personal            and-play bridging for residential applications.
                 computer or Ethernet network. Once the two
                 components have been cabled together, the

Breakthrough Technologies                             ServiceQ technology can provide different service
Aperto Networks’ PacketWave products feature three    classes to each subscriber on an application-by-
market-leading technologies: RapidBurst® advanced     application basis. This means personalized services
Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) protocol,        can be delivered intelligently, allowing the service
OptimaLink® dynamic per-subscriber link               provider to maximize revenue opportunities with
optimization, and ServiceQ® per-flow Quality of       differentiated service offerings and effective
Service (QoS) and bandwidth management.               management of Service Level Agreements (SLAs).

RapidBurst technology enables the PacketWave          With ServiceQ, service providers can set up
system to achieve exceptionally low latency           multiple QoS profiles for each PacketWave 100
and unprecedented spectral efficiency. With           Series subscriber unit. Each profile contains various
RapidBurst, the PacketWave system delivers            QoS metrics (such as maximum and minimum
burst rates up to 20 Mbps over a 6 MHz channel.       bandwidth, latency, and jitter) based on Class of
                                                      Service requirement like Constant Bit Rate (CBR),
In addition, RapidBurst dynamic bandwidth             Committed Information Rate (CIR), or Best Effort
allocation enhances efficiency by assigning time      (BE). Using a highly advanced scheduling
slots and packet sizes according to actual demand     mechanism, the PacketWave system enforces the
and service levels. An advanced TDMA burst mode       metrics in each profile. The result – service
ensures maximum flexibility and bandwidth             providers can offer tiered services that help
efficiency in both upstream and downstream            differentiate their offerings in the marketplace.
transmissions. Time Division Duplexing (TDD)
technology maximizes flexibility and enables          In addition, the intelligent ServiceQ packet classifier
adjustable allocation of upstream and downstream      can associate end-user applications to QoS profiles
bandwidth depending on traffic requirements.          by mapping existing indicators such as IP ToS and
                                                      DiffServ fields, as well as data packet header
OptimaLink technology performs dynamic control of     information such as IP or MAC addresses and port
link parameters to optimize each subscriber’s         numbers. Consequently, the PacketWave system can
connection in a multiuser, cellular network. The      identify applications such as web browsing,
OptimaLink adaptive algorithm dynamically selects     telephony, and video streaming – providing the
and adjusts PHY and MAC-layer parameters,             appropriate QoS, resulting in a more personalized
including antenna diversity, modulation, transmit     and valuable service to subscribers.
power, retransmission policy, and wireless packet
size. The benefit to network operators is increased
capacity and broader coverage that includes
obstructed-line-of-sight and non-line-of-sight
subscribers in a multi-path environment.

PacketWave 100 Series                                           LED Indicators
Subscriber Unit Specifications                                  Power
Models                                                          Wireless: transmit, receive, status
                                                                LAN: transmit, receive, link
                   PW110         PW120         PW130
                                                                Dimensions and Weight
Number of             5            20           250
hosts                                                           Width: 1.5 in (3.8 cm)
                                                                Height: 6.6 in (16.8 cm)
Networking         Bridge      NAT/Bridge Router/NAT/
                                            Bridge              Depth: 9.1 in (23.1 cm)
Number of                                                       Weight: 2.2 lbs (1.0 kg)
service flows         8            8             16             Environmental
and VLAN
DHCP clients                                                    Operating Temperature: 32° to 104° F (0° to 40° C)
supported with       N/A           20           100             Humidity: 10% to 90% noncondensing
built-in server
                                                                Regulatory Approvals
Indoor Bridge/Router Unit                                       FCC Part 15 Class B, CE, EN

                                                                Outdoor Radio/Antenna Unit
10/100 Base-T Ethernet: RJ-45 connector
IF Port (Radio Connection): F connector
IF Control Port (Radio Connection): RJ-45 connector             Operating Temperature: -31° to 140° F (-35° to 60° C)
Cable Length: 164 feet (50 meters) or 328 feet                  Storage Temperature: -40° to 257° F (-40° to 125° C)
(100 meters) with specified cable                               Humidity: 0% to 100%
Modem                                                           Radio/Antenna Options
Modulation: QPSK, 16 QAM                                        2.5-2.686 GHz Unit
Power Requirement                                               Standard Range: up to 11.6 miles/18.7 kilometers
                                                                Extended Range: up to 26 miles/42 kilometers with
100-240 VAC; 47-63 Hz; 30 watts                                 external subscriber antenna
Networking                                                      Width: 13.4 in (34 cm)
(Support Depends on Model)                                      Height: 13.4 in (34 cm)
                                                                Depth: 1.9 in (4.8 cm)
Bridging, 802.1Q VLAN                                           3 dB Beamwidth: azimuth 20°; elevation 20°
DHCP Server and Client                                          Horizontal and vertical polarization
NAT                                                             3.4-3.7 GHz Unit
IP Routing                                                      Standard Range: up to 10.5 miles/16.9 kilometers
                                                                Extended Range: up to 23 miles/37 kilometers with
Security                                                        external subscriber antenna
DES Encryption: 56, 112, 168 bit (planned)                      Width: 11.8 in (30 cm)
                                                                Height: 11.8 in (30 cm)
Management                                                      Depth: 1.9 in (4.8 cm)
Service Provider                                                3 dB Beamwidth: azimuth 20°; elevation 20°
Subscriber Provisioning using Java-based                        Horizontal and vertical polarization
WaveCenter Configuration Manager on
Windows 2000 Professional, and Linux                            5.725-5.925 GHz Unit
Embedded WaveCenter agent supporting SNMP                       Standard Range: up to 8.2 miles/13.2 kilometers
and Web browser interfaces                                      Extended Range: up to 13 miles/20.8 kilometers with
                                                                external subscriber antenna
SNMP, MIB II (RFC 1213), Aperto Enterprise MIBs
                                                                Width: 8.1 in (20.5 cm)
Software upgrade tool                                           Height: 8.1 in (20.5 cm)
Subscriber                                                      Depth: 1.9 in (4.8 cm)
Web-based interface for subscriber side DHCP                    3 dB Beamwidth: azimuth 17°; elevation 17°
server and NAT configuration
                                                                Horizontal and vertical polarization
Installation Manager
                                                                * The maximum EIRP varies depending on country
Align antenna and perform throughput test; runs on
                                                                  regulations. Contact your Aperto Networks sales
multiple platforms
                                                                  representative for details.

1637 South Main Street • Milpitas, CA 95035
Phone 408.71 9.9977 • Fax 408.71 9.9970 • www.apertonet.com

Aperto, OptimaLink, PacketWave, RapidBurst and ServiceQ are registered trademarks of
Aperto Networks. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

©Copyright 2003 Aperto Networks          7/03 AN-001

Document Created: 2005-01-24 17:11:33
Document Modified: 2005-01-24 17:11:33

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