Exhibit 2 Experimentation Description

0038-EX-PL-2005 Text Documents

TowerStream Corp.


                          Narrative Statement                                             Exhibit 1
             Description of Proposed Experimental Operation                            TowerStream Corp.
                                   Page 1 of 3                                           Las Vegas, NV

    TowerStream Corp., (“TowerStream”) a leading provider of fixed wireless services for major
    markets in the United States desires to develop and deploy systems for the delivery of efficient,
    affordable high-speed Internet access to homes and businesses utilizing radio spectrum in the 3650 -
    3700 MHz band. To support this advanced system development, TowerStream is requesting an
    authorization to conduct system performance trials in the Las Vegas, NV area to determine the
    relationship between theoretical performance predictions and actual system performance of new
    technology for high speed Non-Line Of Sight (“NLOS”) wireless broadband service under signal
    propagation conditions typical in the Las Vegas, NV area.

    The objective of the system trials proposed herein is to determine the feasibility and optimum
    equipment configuration requirements for utilization of the 3650 - 3700 MHz band to deploy high
    speed NLOS wireless data services to indoor and outdoor installations within the Las Vegas, NV
    area using Time Division Duplex (“TDD”) technology. Additionally, these system trails will help
    ascertain the interference impact of system transmissions on existing co-channel and adjacent
    channel Fixed Satellite Service (“FSS”) facilities. The results of these tests will be used to establish
    the minimum system parameters and hardware required to provide reliable, affordable high speed
    wireless data services without an adverse impact on existing FSS operations.

    TowerStream proposes to utilize 6 MHz-wide channels utilizing Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
    with an EIRP not to exceed 37.5 dBm (5.6 watts). All transmission devices will be fixed and located
    within a 16 km radius area. Primary base station and remote equipment for these trials will be the
    PacketWave® system developed by Aperto Networks and configured by the manufacturer for
    transmissions in the 3650 MHz band. All base stations and remote devices utilized by TowerStream
    for these tests will be professionally installed and will operate in compliance with Part 15 and within
    the parameters and power levels considered in the Notice of Proposed Rule Making, ET Docket No.
    04-151. Information provided by the manufacturer for the antennas and transmission equipment is
    attached for reference as Exhibit 2 and Exhibit 3.

    To assure protection of existing FSS earth stations and Federal Government operations in this band,
    a search of the IBFS database was conducted to identify facilities in the 3650 - 3700 MHz band
    located within 180 km of the proposed service area. This separation distance is the maximum radius
    of the FSS Protection Zone as considered in the NPRM (NPRM at 45 - 47). A print-out of the
    database study is attached as Exhibit 4. As demonstrated by the database search, the nearest
    facilities were found to be more than 312 km distant, well outside the protection zones proposed in
    the NPRM. Due to the distance separation of the proposed operations to the existing facilities in the
    database, no interference to FSS earth stations and Federal Government operations is expected to
    occur. Should interference from these experimental operations occur to existing authorized facilities,
    the tests will be suspended pending resolution of the interference.


                          Narrative Statement                                              Exhibit 1
             Description of Proposed Experimental Operation                             TowerStream Corp.
                                    Page 2 of 3                                           Las Vegas, NV

    While this equipment already meets Part 15 requirements and has a good compliance record from its
    utilization in the 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz bands, a specific goal of these tests is to monitor for
    interference in the adjacent frequency bands. From these tests, TowerStream can determine if
    additional filtering at the band edges is necessary to avoid adjacent channel interference problems.
    Should interference to existing adjacent channel users of this band occur, TowerStream will take
    immediate action, including discontinuance of operation, to eliminate the interference.

    In addition to the instant request for testing in the Las Vegas, NV area, TowerStream also is
    simultaneously requesting similar permission to test transmissions in several other markets. These
    additional tests are requested since the distribution of co-channel and adjacent channel FSS facilities
    along with factors affecting signal propagation, such as local terrain and ground clutter, vary in each

    An important aspect of these trials is to determine the coverage capabilities of this band for fixed
    Part 15-type wireless communications systems to both indoor and outdoor user installations. As this
    band has previously not been used for this type of service, the results will be used to establish the
    minimum system design specifications required to achieve reliable coverage in the typical
    metropolitan area. Parameters to be determined by the system tests will include the following:
         Maximum coverage area from a single hub site
         Signal reliability over time
         Signal penetration losses through foliage and building walls
         Changes in signal propagation due to weather conditions
         System durability based on the number of users simultaneously accessing the network

    Up to 150 test sites will be utilized at various distances from the hub site. Locations currently
    utilizing regular TowerStream service on other spectrum will be utilized for the test transmissions.
    By using TowerStream's extensive customer base for these tests, the impact of an actual full system
    deployment can be experienced for this spectrum. Since a TDD system is proposed, a maximum of
    only six of simultaneous transmissions will exist at any one point in time. Once service is verified at
    a test site, the trial of service availability at that site continues on a 24-hour basis for at least 1000
    hours. Reports from volunteer users at each site are utilized to determine system performance and

    TowerStream already holds significant experience providing wireless high speed two-way data
    services to customers in other frequency bands in a variety of markets. TowerStream has learned
    how the local geography, land clutter, atmospheric conditions and frequency of operation affect
    propagation characteristics of these systems. Along with the technical characteristics of its existing
    operations, TowerStream also has learned the business and communications demands of its
    customers within its service areas. From this technical and market experience, TowerStream is
    uniquely qualified to model operation in the 3650 - 3700 MHz spectrum to determine its ability to
    match the reliability and quality of service expected by residential, business and educational


                          Narrative Statement                                           Exhibit 1
             Description of Proposed Experimental Operation                         TowerStream Corp.
                                  Page 3 of 3                                         Las Vegas, NV

    The data obtained from these tests will contribute to the further development and utilization of
    unlicensed operation as a secondary service to FSS earth stations and government operations in the
    3650 - 3700 MHz band. Upon successful completion of these trials, TowerStream will report its
    data and other findings from these tests to the Commission to support future Rules for this service.

    Should the Commission require further information or materials regarding the information submitted
    herein, such will be promptly furnished upon request.


Document Created: 2005-01-24 16:58:13
Document Modified: 2005-01-24 16:58:13

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