Exhibits 1 - 5

0200-EX-PL-1999 Text Documents

The Mitre Corporation


                                                                          EXHIBIT 1

                                                                    Antenna #1 & #2
                                                                    #1 — 4.6 Meter Andrews
                                                                    #2 — 2.4 Meter Prodolin

   Cemusney istate
« «emmer ang or MM2)

                       All Bandwidths calculated as follows:

                              By =   (data rate) x (filter spreading)
                                     Ln (# of phases) x FEC rate

                              Example:   Data Rate = 2.4 Kbps
                                         FEC Rate = 7/8
                                         Filter Spreading = 1.2
                                         t Phases = 2
                                         Ln = National Log

                                      (2.4) (1.2)
                                     Ln (2) x .875
                                     3.29 kHz

                         EXHIBIT 2


                                4.            H   ATION

This report analyzes the non—ionizing radiation levels for a 4.6 meter
earth station.  The Office of Engineering and Technology Bulletin, No. 65,
Edition 97—01,   specifies that there are two separate tiers of exposure
limits that are dependent on the situation in which exposure takes place
and/or the status of the individuals who are subject to the exposure.
The     Maximum     Permissible      Exposure            (MPE)        limit     for         persons         in     a
Uncontrolled/Public environment to non—ionizing radiation over a thirty
minute period is a power density equal to 1 mW/cm**2 (one milliwatts per
centimeter squared).    The Maximum —Permissible Exposure (MPE) limit for
persons in a Controlled/Occupational environment to non—ionizing radiation
over a six minute period is a power densgsity equal to 5 mW/cm**2 (five
milliwatts per centimeter squared).    It is the purpose of this report to
determine the power flux          densities of the earth station in the far field,
near field, transition region, between the subreflector and main reflector
surface,  at the main reflector surface,  and between the antenna edge and
the ground.

The following parameters were used to calculate the various power flux
densities for this earth station:

      Antenna Diameter,    (D)                       =    4.6     meters

      Antenna surface area,       (Sa)                   pi   (D**2)     / 4                 16 .62         m**2

       Subreflector Diameter,      (Ds)                   61 .0        cm

      Area of Subreflector,       (As)                   pi (Ds**2)/ 4                      2922.47 cm**2

      Wavelength at 14.2500 GHz,          (lambda)                                    = 0.021               meters
      Transmit Power at Flange,          (P)         =    224.00       Watts
      Antenna Gain,    (Ges)              .          Antenna Gain at                =         3.162E+05
                                                     14.2500 GHz        = 55.0                        GBi
                                                     Converted to a Power
                                                     Ratio Given By:
                                                     AntiLog (55.0             / 10)
      pi,.   (pi)                                    = 3.1415927
      Antenna aperture efficiency,             (n)   = 0.55

1.    Far Field Calculations

The distance to the beginning of the far field region can be found by
the following equation: (1)
         Distance to the Far Field Region,               (Rf)     =    0.60(D**2)            / lambda
                                                                  =         603.1       m

 (1) Federal Communications Commission, Office of Engineering & Technology,
        Bulletin No. 65, pp. 17 & 18.

The maximum main beam power density in the far field can be calculated as
follows:      (1)

 On—Axis Power Density in the Far Field,            (Wf) =       _(GES)   (P)
                                                             4 (pi) (Rf**2)

                                                             =         15.50    W/m**2

                                                             =          1.55    mW/oem**2

2. Near Field Calculation

Power flux density is consgsidered to be at a maximum value throughout
the entire length of the defined region.       The region is contained
within a cylindrical volume having the same diameter as the antenna.
Past the extent of the near field region the power density decreases
with distance from the transmitting antenna.
The distance to the end of the near field can be determined by the
following equation: (1)
 Extent of near field,      (Rn)      =   D**2 / 4 (lambda)        =      251.27    m

The maximum power density in the near field is determined by:                      (1)
 Near field Power Density,         (Wn)       16.0(n)P mW/em**2
                                              pi (D**2)

                                               29.65    W/m**2
                                                 2.97   mW/com**2

3. Transgsition Region Calculations

The transition region is located between the near and far field
regions.  As stated above, the power density begins to decrease with
distance in the transition region.            While the    power density           decreases
inversely with distance in the transition region, the power density
decreases inversely with the square of the distance in the far field
region.       The maximum power    Gdensity in     the transition region will               not
exceed that calculated for the near field region.  The power density in
the near field region, as shown above, will not exceed    2.97 mW/om**2.

 (1)   IBID

4.   Region Between Main Reflector and Subreflector

Transmissions from the feed horn are directed toward the subreflector
surface, and are reflected back toward the main reflector.  The energy
between the subreflector and reflector surfaces can be calculated by
determining the power density at the subreflector surface.                   This can be
accomplished as follows:
 Power Density at Subreflector,   (Ws)   =    2(P)    / As

                                         ==    153.30 mW/em**2

5. Main Reflector Region

The power densitfi in the main reflector region is determined in the
same manner as the power density at the subreflector,               above,   but the
area is now the area of the main reflector aperture:
 Power Density at Main Reflector Surface,      (Wm)         (2(P)    / Sa)
                                                                 26.96   W/m**2

                                                       =          2.70 mW/oem**2

6.   Region between Main Reflector and Ground

Assuming uniform illumination of   the reflector surface,  the power
density between the antenna and ground can be calculated as follows:

 Power density between Reflector and Ground,         (Wg)    =    (P / Sa)
                                                             =       1.35    mW/cm**2

                                        Table 1

                       Summary of Expected Radiation Levels

            Based on     (5 mW/cm**2)   MPE for Controlled Environment

                               Calculated Maximum
Region                   Radiation Level (mW/cm**2)   Hazard Assessment

1. Far Field,    (Rf)=     603.1   m         1.55        SATISFIES ANSI

2. Near Field,      (Rn)= 251.27    m        2 .97      SATISFIES ANSI

3. Trangition Region,       (Rt)             2 .97      SATISFIES ANSI
     Rn < Rt < Rf

4. Between Main Reflector                 153 .30       POTENTIAL HAZARD
   and subreflector

5. Reflector Surface                         2 .70      SATISFIES ANSI

6.   Between Antenna                         1 .35      SATISFIES ANSI
     and Ground

It is the applicants responsibility to ensure that the public and
operational personnel are not exposed to harmful levels of radiation.

                                             Table 2

                       Summary of Expected Radiation Levels

           Based on    (1 mW/cecm**2)       MPE for Uncontrolled Environment

                               Calculated Maximum
Region                   Radiation Level        (mW/cm**2)   Hazard Assessment

1. Far Field,    (Rf)=     603.1    m             1 .55        POTENTIAL HAZARD

2. Near Field,      (Rn)= 251.27        m         2 .97        POTENTIAL HAZARD

3. Transition Region,       (Rt)                  2 .97        POTENTIAL HAZARD
     Rn < Rt < Rf

4.   Between Main Reflector                     153 .30        POTENTIAL HAZARD
     and subreflector

5. Reflector Surface                              2 .70        POTENTIAL HAZARD

6.   Between Antenna                              1 .35       POTENTIAL HAZARD
     and Ground

It is the applicants responsibility to ensure that the public and
operational personnel are not exposed to harmful levels of radiation.

7.     Conclusions

Based on the above analysis, it is                   concluded that        harmful levels of

radiation will exist in all of the regions noted for the uncontrolled
environment     (Table 2) .

The    earth    station       is     to    be located on the roof of a building and
access     to   the    roof        will be restricted         to   operations    personnel.
Therefore,      public    access          to   the    regions noted in Table 2 will be
restricted      during    operations           to    ensure   public safety.        Further,
occupational      exposure will           be    limited, and the transmitter will be
turned off during maintenance so that the MPE standard of 5.0 mw/cm**2

will     be complied     with for          those regions in        close    proximity to the
reflector, and normally occupied by operating personnel.

                          EXHIBIT 3


                             ANALYSIS OF NON—IONIZING RADIATION
                               FOR _A 2.4 METER EARTH STATION

This report analyzes the non—ionizing  radiation  levels for a  2.4  meter
earth station.  The Office of Engineering and Technology Bulletin, No. 65,
Edition 97—01,   specifies that                      there are two separate tiers of exposure
limits that are dependent on the                     situation in which exposure takes place
and/or       the    status     of     the     individuals who are subject                       to the exposure.
The     —Maximum      Permissible            Exposure           (MPE)       limit     for       persons             in     a
Uncontrolled/Public            environment          to    non—ionizing radiation over a thirty
minute   period  is a power density equal to 1 mW/cm**2 (one milliwatts per
centimeter   squared) .   The  Maximum  Permissible Exposure (MPE) limit for
persons in a Controlled/Occupational environment to non—ionizing radiation
over   a  six minute    period  is a power densgsity equal to 5 mW/cm**2 (five
milliwatts   per  centimeter squared).   It is the purpose of this report to
determine the power flux densities of the earth station in the far field,
near field, transition region, between the subreflector and main reflector
surface,   at the main reflector surface,   and between the antenna edge and
the ground.

The following parameters were used to calculate the various power flux
densities for this earth station:

       Antenna Diameter,        (D)                       =——    2.4     meters

       Antenna surface area,           (Sa)               = pi       (D**2)    / 4                      .52         m**2

       Feed Flange Diameter,           (Df)                      19 .0        Cm

       Area of Feed Flange,           (Fa)                      pi   (Df**2)/ 4                     283 .53         cm**2


       Wavelength at 14.2500 GHz,              (lambda)                                     = 0.021                 meters

       Transmit Power at Flange,              (P)         =          2.00     Watts

       Antenna Gain,     (Ges)                            Antenna Gain at                   =       5.754E+04
                                                          14.2500 GHz                       = 47.6            dBi
                                                          Converted to a Power
                                                          Ratio Given By:
                                                          AntiLog        (47.6       / 10)

       pi,   (pi)                                         = 3.1415927
       Antenna aperture efficiency,                 (n)   = 0.55

1.    Far Field Calculations

The distance to the beginning of the far field region can be found by
the following equation:             (1)

         Distance to the Far Field Region,                      (Rf)          0.60(D**2)            / lambda

                                                                                   164.2        m

 (1)    Federal Communications Commission,                      Office of Engineering & Technology,
        Bulletin No. 65, pp. 17 & 18.

The maximum main beam power density in the far field can be calculated as
follows:   (1)

 On—Axis Power Density in the Far Field,                   (Wf)    =    (GES)   (P)
                                                                             0 .34    W/m**2

                                                                             0 .03    mW/cem**2

2.   Near Field Calculation

Power flux density is considered to be at a maximum value throughout
the entire length of the defined region.     The region is contained
within a cylindrical volume having the same diameter as the antenna.
Past the extent of the near field region the power density decreases
with distance from the transmitting antenna.
The distance to the end of the near field can be determined by the
following equation:   (1)

 Extent of near field,      (Rn)      =        D**2 / 4 (lambda)         =      68 .40    m

The maximum power density in the near field is determined by:                            (1)
 Near field Power Density,         (Wn)          16.0(n)P mW/om**2

                                                 pi (D**2)

                                                   0 .97     W/m**2

                                                   0 .10     mW/cm**2

3.   Transition Region Calculations

The transition region is located between the near and far field
regions.  As stated above,   the power density begins to decrease with
distance in the transition region.  While the power density decreasges
inversely with distance in         the    transition              region,    the power         density
decreasges inversely with the         square       of the distance in the                far field
region.  The maximum power  density in  the transition region will  not
exceed that calculated for the near field region.  The power density in
the near field region, as shown above, will not exceed  0.10  mW/cm**2.

4.   Region Between Feed Flange and Reflector

Transmissions from the feed horn are directed toward the reflector
surface, and are confined within a conical shape defined by the feed.
The energy between the feed and reflector surface can be calculated by
determining the power density at        the      feed flange.          This      can    be
accomplished as follows:
 Power Density at Feed Flange,   (Wf)         4 (P)    / Fa
                                                  28 .22 mW/cm**2

5. Main Reflector Region

The power density in the main reflector region is determined in the
same manner as the power density at the feed flange,              above,       but the
area is now the area of the reflector aperture:

 Power Density at Reflector Surface,      (Ws)        (4 (P)   / Sa)
                                                         1.77     W/m**2

                                                         0 .18 mW/cm**2

6. Region between Reflector and Ground

Assuming uniform illumination    of     the reflector surface,                 the     power
density between the antenna and ground can be calculated as follows:
 Power density between Reflector and Ground,           (Wg)      (P / Sa)

                                                                       0 .44     W/m**2

                                                                       0 .04     mW/com**2

                                            Table    1

                          Summary of Expected Radiation Levels

               Based on    (5 mW/cem**2)    MPE for Controlled Environment

                                   Calculated Maximum
Region                     Radiation Level     (mW/cm**2)   Hazard Assessment

1.   Far Field,    (Rf)=       164.2    m           0 .03    SATISFIES ANSI

2.   Near Field,       (Rn)=    68.40   m           0 .10    SATISFIES ANSI

3. Transition Region,           (Rt)                0 .10    SATISFIES ANSI
     Rn < Rt    < Rf

4.   Between Reflector                          28 .22       POTENTIAL HAZARD
     and feed

5.   Reflector Surface                              0 .18    SATISFIES ANSI

6.   Between Antenna                                0 .04    SATISFIES ANSI
     and Ground

It is the applicants  responsibility to ensure   that the    public and
operational personnel are not exposed to harmful  levels  of  radiation.

                                                 Table 2

                          Summary of Expected Radiation Levels

           Based on       (1 mW/cm**2)          MPE for Uncontrolled Environment

                                 Calculated Maximum
Region                     Radiation Level (mW/om**2)          Hazard Assessment

1.   Far Field,    (Rf)=       164.2    m             0 .03       SATISFIES ANSI

2.   Near Field,       (Rn)=    68.40       m         0 .10       SATISFIES ANSI

3.   Transgition Region,        (Rt)                  0 .10       SATISFIES ANSI
     Rn < Rt    < Rf

4.   Between Reflector                               28 .22       POTENTIAL HAZARD
     and feed

5.   Reflector Surface                                0 .18       SATISFIES ANSI

6.   Between Antenna                                  0 .04       SATISFIES ANSI
     and Ground

It is the applicants responsibility to ensure that the public and
operational personnel are not exposed to harmful levels of radiation.

7.   Conclusions

Based on the above analysis it is   concluded      that   harmful levels of
radiation will not exist in regions normally occupied by the public or

the earth station‘s   operating personnel.   The     transmitter will be

turned off during antenna maintenance so that the ANSI Standard of 5.0
mW/cm**2 will be complied with for those regions with close proximity

to the reflector that exceed acceptable levels.

                  Roof Mount
                       (Side View)

                                                         16 Feet
                                                      (4.9 meters)

     lora.    rings,   Colorado

   1050 Academy    Blvd.

   Colorad     rin    1P               1
   City, County, State, Zip Code

                                                                     15 Feet AGL
                                                                     (4.6 meters)
   #1—Andrew Corporation 4.6 meter ESA. #2—Prodelin 2.4 meter
   Antenna Type and Model


Ground Elevation (amst) = 6030 feet (1837.9 meters)
[AMSL=Above Mean Sea Level, AGL=Above Ground Level]

                           Exhibit 4

Exhibit #5—Explanation of Government Contract as per question #7 of he 442
        The satellite terminals described in this application are being used by The Mitre
Corporation to conduct satellite communications research for the USAF. The focus of
the effort is centered on the applicability of commercial satellite systems to USAF
Operations under contract #F19628—99—C—001.

Document Created: 2001-08-21 13:50:58
Document Modified: 2001-08-21 13:50:58

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