Incoming generated [Oct 31 2012]

0868-EX-ST-2012 Correspondence

The MITRE Corporation


From: Wayne Jerzak

To: Behnam Ghaffari
Date: October 31, 2012

Subject: FCC File No. 0868-EX-ST-2012

Both this and the original license (0651-EX-ST-2012) have identical areas, dates and electrical
parameters. The only difference is in the range of aircraft altitudes.

The Special Conditions in the original license (0651-EX-ST-2012) specifiy that the antenna height may
not exceed 3,000 ft above ground level. As our system and test plans matured, we desired to fly the
aircraft as high as it will practically go. The aircraft ceiling without oxygen is 12,000 ft above mean sea
level, although with our equipment installed, it will probably be less. Although the two altitudes above are
approximately equal for some of the area of operation, the valley floor is around 4,000 ft above sea level
and so the current license would limit our operation to appx 7,000 ft above sea level in those areas.

The new STA submission (0868-ST-EX-2012) requests antenna heights up to 12,000 ft above mean sea
level or whatever limit above sea level is imposed by the FCC.

I looked for ways to modify the existing license, but I couldn't find a way to do that in the system, so I
submitted the new STA. We will abide by the existing license unless and until the new one is approved.

If there is a way to modify the existing license or if this modification is not needed, please let me know. I
don't want to make unnecessary work for anyone.

If it's easier to talk through this, I can be reached at 781-271-3033.

Wayne Jerzak

Document Created: 2012-10-31 12:13:18
Document Modified: 2012-10-31 12:13:18

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