Digisone and Antenna

0752-EX-ST-2019 Images

The MITRE Corporation



An HF Radar System for lonospheric Research and Monitoring

                     TECHNICAL MANUAL
                     Operation and Maintenance

                     Document Version 1.2.6

LDT                   Lowell Digisonde International
                      175 Cabot Street, Suite 200
LowerL                Lowell, Massachusetts 01854
INTERNATIONAL         wiw.digisonde.com

                      Telephone: +1 978—735—4752
                       Facsimile: +1978—735—4754
                       E—Mail: Bodo.Reinisch@Digisonde.com

Digisonde—4D Block Diagram
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Transmit Antenna                                                                                          m
  2:18.   The crossed delta transmit antenna has been designed using the NEC modeling program. The de—
  sign objectives were for a simple antenna that optimally transmits circularly polarized waves vertically up—
  ward for frequencies between 2 and 16 MHz. LDI usually has this transmit antenna built by a major antenna
  manufacturer. The Digisonde® user may build his own transmit antenna in consultation with LDI. The tow—
  er is 30.5 meters (100 ft.) high. It will require a square ground area 44 meters x 44 meters (144 ft. x 144 ft.)
  for installation. In addition there are recommendations for spacing from the receive antennas.
                                                                                       Vertical view
                                                                                      lookIna down



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Document Created: 2019-04-25 13:36:48
Document Modified: 2019-04-25 13:36:48

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