Incoming generated [Jun 13 2017]

0749-EX-ST-2017 Correspondence

The MITRE Corporation


From: Maureen Scheible

To: Behnam Ghaffari
Date: June 13, 2017

Subject: 0749-EX-ST-2017

Hello Mr. Ghaffari,
Thank you for your prompt response to my STA filing. The correspondence from you on 6/12/17 says the
"Ms. Scheible,
In accordance with the FCC CFR 47 Part 87.299, the frequencies indicated would have to be coordinated
with AFTRCC. Once coordination is completed, please attach your coordination email/letter to this
Additionally, next time please use 1 MHz instead of 1000 kHz for the emission bandwidth."
The correspondence from "Web Filer" on 6/7, says something similar:
"Prior coordination with the AFTRCC is required for the frequencies 6400.00000000
KHz-8250.00000000 KHz 10005.00000000 KHz-11275.00000000 KHz requested in this application.
Please upload the pre coordination document. Please disregard this notification if you already uploaded
the pre coordination document."
1) I will remember to use 1 MHz instead of 1000 kHz for bandwidth. Do I need to make any changes to
this effect right now?
2) In Sep 2015, I filed a medication to my existing 2-year Experimental license (0027-EX-CM-2016,
EL893592) which was granted in Dec 2016. During the filing process, I received a similar notification to
the two above stating:
“Prior coordination with the AFTRCC is required for the frequencies 2505.00000000
KHz-4100.00000000 KHz 5005.00000000 KHz-6210.00000000 KHz 6320.00000000
KHz-8250.00000000 KHz 8450.00000000 KHz-9995.00000000 KHz 10005.00000000
KHz-12200.00000000 KHz 16000.00000000 KHz-19995.00000000 KHz 20005.00000000
KHz-28000.00000000 requested in this application. Please upload the pre coordination document. Please
disregard this notification if you already uploaded the pre coordination document”
I did not know what that was and asked you in an email on 12 September 2016:
Scheible to Ghaffari/OET:
From: Scheible, Maureen P. []
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2016 7:57 PM
To: Behnam Ghaffari ;
Subject: FW: 0027-EX-CM-2016 pre-coordination data request
Hi Ben,
I filed my renewal for 0162-EX-PL-2014 – that filing is numbered 0017-EX-CR-2016. I filed that
about 2 weeks ago.
I also just filed the modification for 0162-EX-PL-2014, that filing is numbered 0027-EX-CM-2016. The
note below asks for a pre-coordination document for the frequencies I filed. I am not sure who is
“AFTRCC” nor how to pre-coordinate with them. As a reminder, I did pre-coordinate with
the FAA for obstruction evaluation, but don’t know what this one is about.
I would appreciate any guidance.
You replied to this inquiry on 9/12/2016 with the following response:

Hi Maureen,
Please submit the application fee for the renewal.
With respect to the modification, please disregard the email notification below, there are some internal
errors with our databases.
So, my question – shall I also ignore the AFTRCC notification for this current STA filing?

Thank you!

Document Created: 2017-06-13 12:31:05
Document Modified: 2017-06-13 12:31:05

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