
0621-EX-CN-2017 Text Documents

Thales Avionics, Inc.


                                     Thales Avionics, Inc.
                                    FCC Form 442 Exhibit 1
Request for Experimental Authority
Thales Avionics, Inc. (“Thales”) herein requests experimental authority to demonstrate and test earth
station facilities in connection with Iridium Constellation LLC’s non-geostationary satellite orbit space
station constellation (Call Sign S2110) in the manner described below. Thales plans to begin testing on
September 7, 2017 and seeks authority for a period of twenty-four (24) months.

The nine (9) earth station terminals are prototype terminals that will be divided among five fixed
locations. The proposed experimental earth station terminals will use electronic beam forming
technology. The project will enable Thales to validate this electronic beam forming technology, and
waveforms and extended waveforms on the space station constellation.

Necessary Bandwidth Description
The necessary bandwidth is determined by the frequency channelization that Iridium uses, and is filed
with other Iridium licenses. The frequency of a center of an Iridium channel can be calculated by this
equation. There are 270 channels numbered 1 to 270 for transmit and 7 more that are receive only.

               chanfrequency = 1616 × 106 + ((41.6666 × 103)) × ((channumber – 1) + 0.5)) MHz

The Iridium frequency allocation thus defined spans 1616.0 to 1626.5 MHz.

Directional Antenna Information – High Gain Antenna
The antenna consists of multiple beams electronically switched in azimuth. The typical beam width is
60° and there are a minimum of 18 switched beams. The array is designed with symmetry about the z-
axis so that there is no variability in EIRP nor beam shape as a function of azimuth. Each beam is
shaped in elevation as shown in Table 1 below. The gain is the total gain from the Transceiver Modem
(BCX) component (input to antenna) which is max of 6 dBm to reach the EIRP (dBW) the specified
antenna gain is used.

                   Antenna Gain (dBi) Angle over Horizon (degrees) EIRP (dBW)
                         41.2                90 (overhead)            16.8
                         41.0                      80                 15.8
                         40.4                      70                 13.8
                         41.1                      60                 16.3
                         41.1                      50                 16.3
                         40.4                      40                 14.0
                         40.9                      30                 15.6
                         40.9                      20                 15.6
                         40.4                10 and below             13.8

                                       Table 1 - Elevation Pattern

Ground Station Locations

   1) Thales Avionics, Inc. – 3 terminals
      700 S. Babcock St.
      Melbourne, Brevard County, FL 32901
      (28° 06’ 00’’ N 80° 37’ 12” W)

   2) Thales Avionics, Inc. – 3 terminals
      1110 W. Hibiscus Blvd.
      Melbourne, Brevard County, FL 32901
      (28° 05’ 11’’ N 80° 38’ 44” W)

   3) Honeywell – 1 terminal
      21111 North 19th Avenue
      Phoenix, Maricopa County, AZ 85027
      (33° 40’ 55’’ N 112° 05’ 53” W)

   4) Dassault – 1 terminal
      1 Airport Drive (LIT)
      Little Rock, Pulaski County, AK 72202
      (34° 44’ 08’’ N 92° 13’ 57” W)

   5) Boeing – 1 terminal
      7501 12th Avenue South
      Seattle, King County, WA 98108
      (47° 32’ 05’’ N 122° 19’ 05” W)

Waveform Modulations

           Waveform ID            Modulation Scheme        Antenna Type      Number of Carriers
            B1 (Block 1)              DEQPSK                   LGA                  1
             C1 (NEXT)                  QPSK                   LGA                  1
             C2 (NEXT)                  QPSK                   LGA                  1
           1XC8 (NEXT)                16 APSK                  HGA                  1
           2XC8 (NEXT)                16 APSK                  HGA                  2
          B8 (open port)              DEQPSK                   HGA                  83
          B16 (open port)             DEQPSK                   HGA                 164
              Note: Transmits 7 carrier signals. The highest carrier (8th) is not used on uplink.
              Note: Transmits 14 carrier signals. The 8th carrier and 16th carrier are not used on uplink.

Document Created: 2017-08-03 15:04:23
Document Modified: 2017-08-03 15:04:23

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