Thales Ka MCT Experimentation Description Updated

0542-EX-PL-2016 Text Documents

Thales Avionics Inc.


                      Thales InFlyt Experience
   Experimentation Description for a Ka-band Airborne Earth Station
                Modular Connectivity Terminal (MCT)
                                (Updated October 12, 2016)

Thales InFlyt Experience, with operations in Melbourne, FL and Irvine, CA is a global leader in
providing leading-edge, connected inflight entertainment systems and services, including high-
speed Internet connectivity. Thales is currently developing and will be testing an end-to-end, Ka
satellite-based connectivity solution including an airborne Modular Connectivity Terminal (or
ESAA), that will serve multiple airline customers in the North American region. When
operational, this solution will enable airline carriers to reach their full potential by offering
global inflight coverage that supports the increasing demands of passengers’ inflight
connectivity needs and provides airlines access to critical real-time inflight data.

Thales InFlyt Experience seeks an experimental license to operate a fixed and mobile (ground-
based) antenna Modular Connectivity Terminal (MCT) in system performance and
characterization tests over Ka-band satellite capacity on AMC-15 and AMC-16 satellites, at GSO
locations 105.1º W and 85º W respectively, beginning October 26, 2016. The MCT is an integral
component of an Earth Station Aboard Aircraft (ESAA) that will support Thales’ Ka-band,
broadband inflight connectivity and entertainment service offerings to airline customers. The
AMC-15 and AMC-16 SES satellites have been authorized to serve and provide coverage to
North America (AMC-15 and AMC-16), Central America (AMC-16), and the Caribbean (AMC-16)
regions. The MCT operates in the Ka-band range of 28.35-28.6 GHz and 29.1-30.0 GHz
(transmit), and 17.8-20.2 GHz (receive).

Note that during experimental testing, the MCT will not transmit in the LMDS spectrum
between 29.1 and 29.25 GHz, to preclude any potential for interference with LMDS or NGSO
operations in the static and mobile testing areas (these areas are detailed later in this

The MCT will be functionally similar to the Thales Ka-band terminals already authorized to
communicate with Inmarsat-5 F2. ISAT-US currently holds a blanket license authorization under
call sign E140114 (SES-LIC-20141030-00832) to operate up-to 8,000 terminals in the 19.7-20.2
GHz, and 29.5-30.0 GHz bands using the Inmarsat-5 F2 satellite.

The Thales MCT proposed in this application will operate in the above mentioned Ka-band
frequency ranges when communicating with the AMC-15 and AMC-16 satellites. As such, Thales
would like to request the Commission to grant an experimental license for this Modular
Connectivity Terminal (ESAA) to be operated and tested infrequently from 8 AM to 6 PM EST in
close coordination with SES. Static tests will be conducted on the roof top of Thales building

                                               Thales InFlyt Experience
                            Experimentation Description for a Ka-band Airborne Earth Station
                                         Modular Connectivity Terminal (MCT)

located at 700 S. Babcock Street, Melbourne, FL 32901 and mobile tests will be conducted as
described later in this narrative.

Figure 1 below shows the exemplar configuration of the MCT system on the rooftop of Thales
Building with the end-to-end system operations.

               Figure 1: Airborne Earth Station Modular Connectivity Terminal System
                                   on Thales USA Building Rooftop

Thales will be using the MCT system in a static configuration on the rooftop to experiment the
two-way communications over AMC-15 and AMC-16 satellites to/from SES’s associated
gateway earth station, and the SES terrestrial connectivity network. Thales also plans to test the
MCT in a mobile fashion, on land only, within an 80-mile radius of Germantown, MD and within
a 350-mile radius of Charleston, SC. Within the 350-mile radius area, testing will be conducted
mainly (but not only) in the areas of central FL (near Apopka, FL), and along the US coastal
regions of Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina as shown in Figure 2 below.

                                                Thales InFlyt Experience
                             Experimentation Description for a Ka-band Airborne Earth Station
                                          Modular Connectivity Terminal (MCT)

                                                                                      80 miles



  Figure 2: Intended Areas (Land-Based Only) for Mobile Testing of Modular Connectivity Terminal

The MCT will use an antenna pointing algorithm (described later in this narrative) to precisely
point to the intended satellite before establishing two-way communication links.

The Ka-band antenna will receive the satellite RF downlink signals in the frequency range of
17.8 GHz-20.2 GHz, and transmit RF signals with a maximum EIRP of 45.0 dBW in the frequency
ranges of 28.35-28.6 GHz and 29.3-30.0 GHz. The MCT transmit RF waveform will use various
modulation and coding formats as per the DVB-S2 standard, and the transmitted power
spectral density will be compliant as per FCC 47 CFR 25.138.

Land-based mobile testing in the areas indicated in Figure 2 will allow Thales to test and verify
terminal and system performance in the footprints of multiple Ka spot beams, as well as
performance during beam-to-beam and satellite-to-satellite handover scenarios.

The mobile testing will be conducted using a truck with the MCT mounted on a custom rig on
the truck’s flatbed. Terminal system test equipment, hardware, and software will also be
carried in the truck, and the driver/operator will be in frequent contact via cellular phone with
Thales and SES engineering and operations personnel. The driver/operator will also have the
ability to quickly mute the terminal’s transmit signal if necessary.

                                                Thales InFlyt Experience
                             Experimentation Description for a Ka-band Airborne Earth Station
                                          Modular Connectivity Terminal (MCT)

In the case of any inadvertent, reported interference, Thales will cease terminal transmissions
as soon as possible upon notification to Thales’ 24/7 point of contact (POC):

Martin Matura
mobile: 321-292-0878

The SES controlling Ka-band earth stations to be used during experimental tests are:
FCC callsign E160017 – Shenandoah, VA 22842
FCC callsign E160021 – Mt. Airy, Carroll, MD 21771

The SES Network Operations Center (NOC) in Manassas, VA 24/7 phone number is:
703-330-3305 (option #1), or 1-866-244-5012 (option #1).

Parameters to be tested and verified in both static and mobile tests include:
   - satellite link closure thresholds
   - end-to-end system latency
   - achievable information rates using various modulation/coding schemes
   - antenna system gain and noise temperature performance versus design specification
   - calibration and enhancement of the antenna pointing system’s algorithm (tracking,
      pointing, and stabilization)
   - end-to-end connectivity to SES’s supporting terrestrial network via multiple gateway
      earth stations, to/from an Internet Service Provider (ISP).

AES MCT System Description
The Airborne Earth Station Modular Connectivity Terminal (MCT) consists of:

       -   One Thales Modular Dorsal Antenna - Ka-band (MDA-A), Part # LV10-160801
       -   One Thales Antenna System Interface (ASI), Part # LV10-150701-101
       -   One Hughes Modem Manager (MODMAN), Part # E71-200-0001

Modular Dorsal Antenna – Ka-band (MDA-A), Part # LV10-160801
The MDA-A is a Ka-band aeronautical subsystem that generates and steers an antenna beam,
and transmits and receives RF signals in a full duplex fashion over that beam, to and from a
geosynchronous equatorial orbit (GEO) satellite.

When coupled to a modem via the ASI, the MDA-A becomes an integral part of an airborne
satellite connectivity terminal.

The MDA-A consists of an antenna aperture, RF up/down converter subsystems, an antenna
positioning subsystem, and an antenna control subsystem.

                                               Thales InFlyt Experience
                            Experimentation Description for a Ka-band Airborne Earth Station
                                         Modular Connectivity Terminal (MCT)

The MDA-A includes antenna aperture panel consisting of a micro-horn array that supports two
orthogonal linear polarizations.

The up/down converter is used for frequency conversions and RF signal amplification. The block
upconverter converts IF frequencies (1.888 GHz to 3.45 GHz) from the MODMAN to Ka-band RF
frequencies (28.35 GHz to 30.0 GHz) and amplifies the RF signal to be transmitted to the
satellite. The block downconverter converts the received Ka-band frequencies (18.638 GHz to
20.2 GHz) to IF (1.388 GHz to 2.95 GHz) to feed the MODMAN IF receive input.

The antenna positioning and control subsystems provide mechanical beam steering in azimuth
and elevation using a software-based algorithm. The entire algorithm has 3 parts – tracking,
pointing, and stabilization.

Tracking essentially lobes the beam around the satellite in an elliptical pattern. With perfect
alignment the received signal strength is equal at all points on the ellipse and the centroid of
power is at the major/minor axis intersection. Any misalignment causes the ellipse to have
unequal power at different points, and the centroid of power occurs somewhere inside of the
ellipse. Where the centroid falls determines how far off-peak the antenna is, and in what
direction. Offset is then added to get back to the center of the beam. More spins around the
ellipse provide a better time average and eventually drives the offset to zero. This process is a
trade-off of scan duration, how often scans are done, and how much offset is gotten on each

When the antenna is peaked, the satellite’s location in AZ/EL space is known, and its location in
inertial space is calculated. That location is compared to data from the aircraft’s inertial
navigation system (INS) to obtain another offset.

Pointing is based on the aircraft’s INS, obtained via the ARINC 429 data bus. (Note during
mobile testing, a portable INS “black box” will be used to provide ARINC 429 data). Stabilization
is done by nulling gyro rate output. If there is no motion, gyro output rate is 0. If there is
motion, gyro output rate is non-zero, and the Az/El gimbals counter-rotate very quickly (on the
order of kHz) to null the gyro output. While the scale factor of a gyro does drift over long
periods of time, because the system is nulling the gyros to zero, this is a non-issue.

In general, the pointing and stabilization methodologies keep the antenna peaked on the
intended satellite very accurately. Pointing accuracy is further improved by adding the offsets
calculated during the tracking process. The methodologies provide sufficient observability into
pointing error, and the control logic state machine and hardware implementation will mute the
transmit signal within 100 milliseconds if pointing error exceeds 0.2°.

                                                Thales InFlyt Experience
                             Experimentation Description for a Ka-band Airborne Earth Station
                                          Modular Connectivity Terminal (MCT)

Antenna System Interface (ASI), Part # LV10-150701-101
Antenna System Interface converts 115 VAC aircraft power to +28 VDC power for the MDA-A.
ASI enables communication between the Modem Manager (MODMAN) and the Modular Dorsal
Antenna (MDA-A).

Modem Manager (MODMAN), Part # E71-200-0001
The Modem Manager (MODMAN) provides data communications between system elements on
board the aircraft and the Ka-band satellite service provider (SES).

The MODMAN subsystem is an aeronautical modem that provides the MDA-A a transmit IF
signal which is up-converted to RF frequencies and transmitted from the antenna. The MDA-A
provides the MODMAN the IF signal which is a down-converted version of the satellite RF signal
collected by the antenna.

In the forward link direction (ground to aircraft), the MODMAN demodulates the received IF
signal, and forwards baseband IP datagrams via an Ethernet LAN port to the on-board inflight
connectivity system.

In the return link direction (aircraft to ground), user IP data from the LAN is encapsulated by
software and proprietary firmware, then coded, modulated, upconverted, and transmitted to
the ground network via Ka satellite.

MCT Antenna Description
The Thales MCT antenna is a two-axis (azimuth & elevation) motorized antenna with
rectangular micro-horn array aperture dimensions of 61.8 cm (width) and 16.1 cm (height).
Due to its low profile, rectangular shape, the antenna presents an asymmetrical directional
beam with the following beamwidth patterns:

       3 dB beamwidth in AZ = 1° - 1.8° (depending on skew angle)
       3 dB beamwidth in EL = 3.6° - 4.5° (depending on skew angle)

The static test location (Melbourne, FL) coordinates are 28.1°N, 80.62°W. The corresponding
skew angle to AMC-15 is 37.7° (worst-case), and to AMC-16 is 8.2°.

On the following pages, measured co-pol (LHCP) EIRP spectral density patterns are provided for
skew angles of 40° and 10° at 29.5 GHz, approximating the skew angles from Melbourne to
AMC-15 and AMC-16 respectively (note that Melbourne will be the worst-case skew location in
Thales’ desired static and mobile testing locations, discussed earlier). The antenna performance
is fully compliant with the requirements in FCC 47 CFR Section 25.138(a) (FCC masks shown as
red dashed line).

                                               Thales InFlyt Experience
                            Experimentation Description for a Ka-band Airborne Earth Station
                                         Modular Connectivity Terminal (MCT)

EIRP SD for 40° Skew Angle (to AMC-15 @ 105.1°W) AZ +/-10°

EIRP SD for 40° Skew Angle (to AMC-15 @ 105.1°W) AZ +/-180°

                              Thales InFlyt Experience
           Experimentation Description for a Ka-band Airborne Earth Station
                        Modular Connectivity Terminal (MCT)

EIRP SD for 40° Skew Angle (to AMC-15 @ 105.1°W) EL +/-10°

EIRP SD for 40° Skew Angle (to AMC-15 @ 105.1°W) EL +/-180°

                              Thales InFlyt Experience
           Experimentation Description for a Ka-band Airborne Earth Station
                        Modular Connectivity Terminal (MCT)

EIRP SD for 10° Skew Angle (to AMC-16 @ 85°W) AZ +/-10°

EIRP SD for 10° Skew Angle (to AMC-16 @ 85°W) AZ +/-180°

                             Thales InFlyt Experience
          Experimentation Description for a Ka-band Airborne Earth Station
                       Modular Connectivity Terminal (MCT)

EIRP SD for 10° Skew Angle (to AMC-16 @ 85°W) EL +/-10°

EIRP SD for 10° Skew Angle (to AMC-16 @ 85°W) EL +/-180°

                             Thales InFlyt Experience
          Experimentation Description for a Ka-band Airborne Earth Station
                       Modular Connectivity Terminal (MCT)

Proposed Transmission Plan and Inbound Carrier Summary

The range of possible inbound carrier (terminal-to-satellite-to-gateway earth station)
modulation and coding formats (modcods) is shown in Table 1 below. Thales expects that
inbound carriers using the modcods shaded in blue will be tested most often during the
experimental operation of the MCT.

                         Modulation                      FEC Rate                  Spread Factor
                         SS-OQPSK                          1/2                          2
                         SS-OQPSK                          2/3                          2
                         SS-OQPSK                          4/5                          2
                         SS-OQPSK                          9/10                         2
                          OQPSK                            1/2                          1
                          OQPSK                            2/3                          1
                          OQPSK                            4/5                          1
                          OQPSK                            9/10                         1

                    Table 1: Range of Possible MODCODs for Inbound Carriers

Table 2 below provides a summary of the inbound carriers and parameters corresponding to
the shaded modcods above. This data assumes inbound transmissions over AMC-15 at 29.5
GHz during static testing at Thales Melbourne.

               Terminal                                                                          EIRP SD
              location in                                                                       @antenna    Transmit
               AMC-15                        Symbol            Info            Occupied           flange     EIRP SD
               U/L spot                       Rate             Rate              BW             (dBW/40     (dBW/40
                 beam     MODCOD             (Msps)           (Mbps)            (MHz)              kHz)        kHz)
  Inbound       average    OQPSK
                                                 2.0              2.7               2.5           -10.4       28.0*
  Carrier 1       G/T       2/3
               G/T edge
  Inbound                 OQPSK ½
                   of                            2.0              1.0               2.5           -13.4        25.0
  Carrier 2                 SF2
              peak G/T      OQPSK ½              8.0              8.0              10.1           -16.5        21.9
  Carrier 3
                                                  * worst-case transmit EIRP spectral density during experimental testing

                         Table 2: Representative Inbound Carrier Parameters

                                                Thales InFlyt Experience
                             Experimentation Description for a Ka-band Airborne Earth Station
                                          Modular Connectivity Terminal (MCT)

Other terminal/transmission parameters:

       -   Antenna transmit gain (at 29.5 GHz): 38.4 dBi
       -   SSPB maximum output power (before losses): 18 watts
       -   SSPB-to-antenna flange insertion losses: 4 dB
       -   Peak transmit EIRP at antenna: 45 dBW

A representative clear-sky link budget for Inbound Carrier 1 (worst-case EIRP SD) from Table 2
above follows below:

                                               Thales InFlyt Experience
                            Experimentation Description for a Ka-band Airborne Earth Station
                                         Modular Connectivity Terminal (MCT)

                   Thales InFlyt Experience
Experimentation Description for a Ka-band Airborne Earth Station
             Modular Connectivity Terminal (MCT)

                   Thales InFlyt Experience
Experimentation Description for a Ka-band Airborne Earth Station
             Modular Connectivity Terminal (MCT)

Document Created: 2016-10-12 09:46:15
Document Modified: 2016-10-12 09:46:15

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