Experimental STA Legal Narrative

1234-EX-ST-2016 Text Documents

Texzon Technologies, LLC


                                                   Texzon Technologies, LLC
                                               Request for Part 5 Experimental
                                                 Special Temporary Authority
                                                ELS File No. 1234-EX-ST-2016

                         NARRATIVE STATEMENT

Pursuant to Sections 5.3(d) and (f) and Section 5.61 of the Commission’s rules,
47 C.F.R. §§ 5.3(d), (f), 5.61 (2016), Texzon Technologies, LLC (“Texzon”)
hereby respectfully requests special temporary authority (“STA”) from October
10, 2016 to April 10, 2017, to operate in the 100 kHz and 51 MHz bands for the
purpose of testing prototype equipment. Texzon is developing systems for the
excitation of terrestrial electromagnetic surface waves (Zenneck surface waves,
not Norton ground waves) with the ultimate intent of more efficient broadcast
signaling without the current issues associated with ionosphere skip interference.
The equipment to be used is experimental and proprietary and is entirely of a
prototype nature.

Testing will be done under the control of the General Radiotelephone Operator
License (GROL) held by:

Kenneth Corum
FRN: 0003674447
Granted 03-18-2009
File Number:0003778069
Serial Number: PG00026528

A.     Purpose of Operation and Need for STA:

Texzon is a startup technology company focused in the fields of energy storage
and distribution. The focus of the company is in the development of new
technology that will allow for more efficient and effective power management
and delivery in a safe, environmentally-conscious and reliable manner. The
experimental authority requested herein will allow the company to test the
functionality of prototype equipment and validate the science of the terrestrial
electromagnetic surface wave for use in signaling. The testing will also allow for
recording of precise field strength measurements at the requested frequencies
using low frequency spectrum analyzers and calibrated antennas. Importantly,
Texzon believes such testing will be non-radiating – which will limit the
interference effects to any other party in the spectrum bands under test.

The system under test will be used to demonstrate the science and an application
of Zenneck surface waves and is a precursor to a larger demonstration of this new
signaling technology. The STA is needed to tune and test the demonstration
apparatus. Once tuned, Texzon will be able to provide measurement data and
better define the parameters necessary for future experimental licenses.


B.     Location of Proposed Operation:

Texzon proposes to conduct its experimental testing initially at a location in
Texas. The transmission unit will be fixed and non-radiating. Texzon
researchers will be using off-the-shelf commercial grade crystal controlled and
PLL signal generators along with commercial grade high power amplifiers (Class
A, AB, C, and D). The approximate reference coordinates (in Datum: NAD83)
of the fixed location is:

       Approx. 32° 9'14.07"N, 96°56'40.08"W

C.     Technical Specifications:

       1.     Frequencies Desired

       Texzon will be testing at this location on two different frequencies, 100
       kHz and 51 MHz. To conduct a series of measurements over a frequency
       range, Texzon requests authorization to use spectrum from 80 to 120 kHz
       for the 100 kHz testing, with 100 Hertz of bandwidth and 50 to 52 MHz
       for the 51 MHz testing, also with 100 Hertz of bandwidth.

       2.     Effective Radiated Power

       Texzon anticipates that the testing will be non-radiating. To conduct the
       testing, the RF power necessary to maintain the voltage to produce local
       fields required to launch a high velocity propagating surface wave will be
       utilized. The testing will not exceed 10 kW of RF input power to the
       surface wave launching probe at 100 kHz and 6 kW of RF input power to
       the surface wave launching probe at 51 MHz. The intent is to produce a
       surface wave without producing any Norton ground wave radiation.

       3.     Modulation and Emissions

       Texzon proposes to utilize a continuous wave signal with 100 Hertz of
       bandwidth. The emission designator would be H100N0N.

       4.     Antenna Information

       While the testing should be non-radiating, the surface wave launching
       probe will be between 50 feet and 80 feet above ground level for the 100
       kHz testing and between 5 and 12 feet above ground level for the 51 MHz
       testing. No probes will be mounted in a fashion that will require approval
       under FAA and FCC rules and regulations.

       5.     Equipment To Be Used

       Texzon expects to conduct its demonstration with a single test probe at the
       above referenced fixed location. This probe and any receiving devices are


       prototype equipment developed by Texzon. Texzon will limit the power,
       area of operation, and transmitting times to the minimum necessary to
       gather the needed scientific measurements of this new technology.

D.     Protection Against Causing Interference:

Texzon has requested authority to operate in the 100 kHz and 51 MHz bands.
The 100 kHz band is a primary radiolocation band for the LORAN
radionavigation system as well as being available for other radiolocation and
power line carrier use on a secondary basis. The 51 MHz band is a primary
Amateur Radio Service band. Texzon understands that it must accept any
interference from any users of these bands and that all operations by Texzon will
be on a secondary basis. Texzon has established a point of contact identified
below with “kill switch” authority should any interference occur to primary
licensed services. Should interference occur, Texzon will take immediate steps
to resolve the interference, including, if necessary, arranging for the
discontinuance of operation.

E.     Restrictions on Operation:

Texzon is not seeking authority to perform a market study under the requested
STA. Moreover, no fees will be charged to entities using the equipment during
this test. Entities will be advised in accordance with Section 2.803 of the
Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. §2.803, that any unapproved devices which have
not been authorized as required by the FCC are not being offered for sale or
lease, or sold or leased, until authorization is obtained.

F.     Public Interest:

Texzon submits that issuance of an STA as requested is in the public interest,
convenience, and necessity. Grant of an STA will help Texzon to develop and
test innovative equipment that will allow for more effective and efficient power
management and distribution.

G.     Contact Information:

       Technical Contact and “Stop Buzzer/Kill Switch:”

              Michael P. Taylor
              Texzon Technologies, LLC
              Telephone: 979.255.8502

       FCC Legal Counsel/Contact:

              Tom Dombrowsky
              Senior Engineering Advisor
              Wiley Rein LLP


1776 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006
Telephone: 202.719.7236


Nancy J. Victory
Wiley Rein LLP
1776 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006
Telephone: 202.719.7344


Document Created: 2016-08-18 13:35:09
Document Modified: 2016-08-18 13:35:09

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