Transmitter Spec Sheet

0551-EX-PL-2016 Text Documents

Textron Aviation, Inc.



•       Helicopter Video Links
•       Electronic News Gathering
•       UAV/UGV
•       High-Security Surveillance
•       Repeater Transmitter
•       Long Distance Mobile and Portable AV

Key System Features
•       DO-160G Compliant
•       Dual*** AVC HD/SD Encoder (Up to 1080p)
•       Low System Latency (down to - 44mS)
•       Supports Dual AudiolVideo/Data programs
        •  Multi-Camera Support
           • Dual HD or HD/SD Combo
        •  3D Content Collection Support
    •   Frame Rate Reduction (Increase Range!)
•  COFDM Modulation (DVB-T 2 K or 4 K*** Carriers)
•  Output Frequency: 1 to 7 GHz (In-Bands)
•  Up to 15W Linearized Output Power
•  Robust Link Performance with COFDM
               •   Small, Rugged Enclosure
•  Secure - Optional 128/256-bit Scrambling Option (AES)
               •   SD/HD SOl formats up to 1080p
•  DVB_ASI Compressed AudiolVideo Out
•  High-Throughput Option
•  9-32 VDC Supply Range
•  Optional ARINC Mounting Shelf
   Companion COFDM Receiver with Maximal-Pre-Detect Diversity
Reception                                                               Optional ARINC Mounting Tray

The Messenger 2 Enhanced High Power Transmitter (M2EHPT-160) is a second generation ultra-low latency AVC
HD/SD transmitter with dual HD/SD program capability which is DO- 160G compliant. This transmitter is
completely sealed, protected against aircraft power anomalies and spikes and each port is lightning
protected. The RF output port which sends an RF signal to an Antenna on the outSide of the aircraft can
handle transients to 60,000 amps (peak).

The M2EHPT-160 combines all the features and capabilities of Cobham Tactical Communications & Surveillance's
Messenger 2 AVC HD/SD Transmitter with the additional features listed in the Key System Features above. Key
features include Dual HD/SD AudiolVideo/Data processing with end-to-end system-level latencies of down to -44
ms when used with CS Receiver/Decoders.


Messenger 2 Enhanced High—Power Transmitter                                       ECUDEEIAIAINA
DEC 2012 Data Sheet

   The M2EHPT—160 accepts Standard Definition (SD) or High Definition (HD) 4:2:2 digital video or analog SD
   composite video analog stereo audio inputs (Mic or Line level) or optional Embedded Audio. The video is
   compressed according to the Advanced Video Compression (AVC)/h.264 specifications. The low—latency AVC
   Encoder supports the Baseline Profiles with resolutions from 480 to 1080 with, extensions to support either
   interlaced or progressive formats. The audio is compressed using MPEG Layer II compression. Low—rate user data
   up to 38.4 kBaud can be optionally supported. The audio, video and user data packets PES streams for each of the
   two programs (if running dual programs) are multiplexed with basic service data to indicate the service name and
   combine to a single multi—program Transport Stream{(TS). The TS can be scrambled with optional AES scrambling
    system to provide protection insensitive applications.

   The 4K HIGH—THROUGHPUT OPTION enables user—selectable options to set bandwidths from 6 MHz to 16 MHz
   and to double the throughput of our standard M2T (Up to 63 Mbps). Using 4K carriers and the 16 MHz
   bandwidth, the link can support HD operation with >12 Mbps while running QPSK and 1/2 FEC. This increases
   link robustness and provides an additional 13.5 dB increase in link margin (>4.7 x increase in
   operating range!) for the same throughput rate in a standard HD MPEG—2 DVB—T system! With the 4K
   HIGH—THROUGHPUT OPTION you can run with fully DVB—T compliant 2K carriers and bandwidths of 6, 7, or 8 MHz.

   When you switch to 4K carriers you can select 12, 14 or 16 MHz bandwidth. The 4K HIGH—THROUGHPUT OPTION
    is also useful when transmitting multiple video streams through one transmitter. This option requires a special
    receiver configuration. Please contact Cobham Sales for additional information.

                                                                            Messenger Compact
                                                                         —..__ Antenna Array

                                                                           ProRX Receiver 8 CH R

                                                                        Messenger 2 AVC HD/SD Decoder
                      High Power Tx

                                      Typical Messenger Airborne Video System

   Cobham Tactical Communications & Surveillance‘s Messenger 2 Enhanced Link (M2EL) includes the M2EHPT—160,
   Messenger Compact Antenna Array, Pro Receiver (ProRX), and the Messenger 2 Decoder (M2D). The M2EHPT—160
   provides professional Audio/Video (A/V) interfaces and processing. All versions of the Messenger Link family use a


Messenger 2 Enhanced High-Power Transmitter
(M2EHTP- 160)
DEC 2012 Data Sheet

    robust digital modulation system known as Coded Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexed (COFDM) that
    provides frequency diversity and powerful Forward Error Correction (FEC) algorithms. The ProRX provides up to
    eight channels Pre-Detect Maximal-Ratio Diversity Combining which can have many benefits including increased
    Signal Strength, Signal to Noise Ratio and combat short delay spread multipath reflections found in indoor
    environments. The ProRX outputs a transport stream over ASI or LAN Streaming. External AudioNideo/Data AVC
    Decoders, like the M2D support HD and SD AVC Decoding.

   For these airborne applications, the net effect of these eight antennas and the diversity properties of the COFDM
   receivers are to provide unbroken aircraft coverage over a hemispherical-pattern without resort to moving parts
   (mechanical auto trackers). Note that from a system standpoint the dip at the cross-over point between any of the
   two antenna elements will be eliminated due to the Pre-Detect Diversity Combining gain of the PRORX receiver.
   This provides excellent coverage over a modified OMNI pattern.

   One of the biggest problems encountered in the transition from an analog to a digital AN platform has been the
   inherent digital coding delay that, in some digital systems, are 1.5 seconds or more for HD. The M2EHPT-160
   employs a specially designed 'Ultra-Low Delay' coding technology, which proVides down to -44 ms   nframe) end-
   to-end system delay when using Cobham Tactical Communications & Surveillance's AVC Decoder. This ensures
   that the picture you see is what is happening now which is crucial for applications such as sports coverage,
   surveillance, and law enforcement, where personnel are reacting to real-time events.

   The M2EHPT-160 can optionally provide time-correlated KLV-1 and KLV-2 META*** data processing*Dthat is used
   in Airborne Surveillance Applications and Geospatial determination. The META data can be extracted from the
   SDIIHD-SDI video's ancillary data space or input on a separate RS-422 interface.

   LAN/IP Port

   The M2EHPT- 160 contains a 1011 OOBaseT LAN interface that can be used both for Control & Status monitoring
   and for optional Transport Stream (TS) streaming in and out of the device. The MAC address can be assigned
   automatically via a DHCP server or via manual settings. Control & Status monitoring is accomplished via a WEB
   browser application that launches from the device. TSs can be sent out or in via UDP/IP transfer protocols.

   3D Support***

   3D is a very new area in the Broadcast industry. From a content collection standpoint it is normally accomplished
   with two separate cameras that are GEN-LOCKED together, outputting two separate video signals.

                                              Content Collection Format

   The encoder maintains a frame by frame synchronization as it goes through its processing. If one frame from one
   of the cameras skips for some reason, the frame from the other camera is dropped.


Messenger 2 Enhanced High-Power Transmitter
(M2EHTP- 160)
                                                                             casu m
DEC 2012 Data Sheet


   RF Output                                               Video Encoding (SD)
   Output Frequency: 1 to 6.4 GHz (In-Bands)               Video Processing Capability: Single Video input, Dual
   Frequency Resolution****: 100 KHz or 1 MHz              Video Inputs*** (processing of each input can be
   Frequency Accuracy: (+/-) 2.5 ppm (High-G Crystal       independently set for all encoder parameters)
   Optional)                                               3D Modes: Content collection (Separate inputs from
   Bandwidth: Selectable                                   two cameras that are GENLOCKed)
                  6, 7, 8 MHz Standard                     Interfaces: Dual SOl and Dual Composite or Dual HDMI
                   12, 14, 16 MHz Optional                 and Dual Composite (Option)
   RF Output Power: Up to 15W (Model Dependent),           SOl Standards: SMPTE-259M
   Adjustable                                              SOl/Composite Connector: BNC-F (Same as HD-SOI
   Output Impedance: 50 Ohms with VSWR <1.5: 1             connector)
   Connector: N-F                                          Compression Standard: AVc/H.264
                                                           (Per ISO/IEC 14496- 10 with interlaced extensions)
   Video Encoding (HD)                                     Motion Est. Range: (+/-) 192 Horiz., (+/-) 128 Vert.
   Video Processing Capability: Single Video input, Dual   Video format standards: NTSC or PAL
   Video Inputs*** (processing of each input can be                     Resolution @ Frame Rate (frames per
   independently set for all encoder parameters)                        second)
   3D Modes: Content collection (Separate inputs from       576i        720x576 @ 25/29.97 fps (PAL)
   two cameras that are GENLOCKed)                          480i        720x480 @ 25/29.97 fps (NTSC)
   Interfaces: Dual HD-SDIISOI                             Vanable GOP Structure: I-only and IP
   HD-SOI Standards: SMPTE-292M, -296M, -274M ,            Profiles: BP@ML with interlaced extensions
   -424M                                                   - Video bit rates: to 25 Mbps
   HD-SOI SOl Connectors: BNC-F
   Compression Standard: AVC/H.264                         Audio Encoding
   (Per ISO/IEC 14496- 10 with interlaced extensions)      Analog Audio Inputs: Qty 4 Total, Two Dual, Line-Level
   Motion Est. Range: (+/-) 192 Horiz., (+/-) 128 Vert.    and Dual Mic-Level, Single-Ended or Differential, Clip
              i eo f ormats / reso Iutions supporte d:
             Vd                                            Level 12 dB
    Format      Resolution @ Frame Rate                    Mic Bias: 5 V
     1080i      1920xl 080 @ 23.98/24/25/29.97/30 fps      Input Impedance: 600 Ohms (Line),
     1080PsF 1920xl 080 @ 23.98/24/25/29.97/30 fps                            2 k Ohms (Mic)
                1920xl 080 @ 23.98/24/25/29.97/3050/
                59.94/60 fps                               Standards: SMPTE-272M, -299M
     720p       1280x720 @ 50/59.94/60 fps                 Digital Audio: Dual Embedded (2-channel) per Video
   Vanable GOP Structure: I-only and IP                    input
   PsF supported with INTERLACED FORMAT                    Embedded Audio Format: SMPTE 299M
   Profiles supported: BP@HL with interlaced extensions    Compression Standard: MPEG-l Layer 2
   - Video bit rates: HDTV to 50 Mbps                      Bit rates: 256 Kbitls per channel
                                                           Sampling Frequency: 32 KHz, 44.1 KHz, or 48 KHz
                                                           THD: <0.1 % max.
                                                           Response: 20 Hz to 12 KHz, (+/-) 0.25 dB
                                                           Crosstalk: >55 dB min
                                                           SIN: >50 dB RMS
                                                           Connector: P/O Multipin Connector


Messenger 2 Enhanced High-Power Transmitter
(M2EHTP- 160)
DEC 2012 Data Sheet

   Transport Stream                                            Key Length Value (KLV) *** Metadata*D
   Standard: per ISOIIEC 13818-1                               Implementation of the KLV Metadata meets standards
   Packet Size: 188 Byte                                       set by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
   Format: AVClH.264/MPEG-4 Part 10 encapsulated into          (NGA) Motion Imagery Standards Board (MISB). The
   an MPEG Transport Stream                                    KLV Metadata is input into the M2EHPT-160 either via
   Specification: ITU-T Rec. H.222.0 Amendment 3               embedding it in the VANC space of the HD-SDIISDI
   Bit Rate: Automatically set from active service settings.   input interface andlor the separate serial RS-422
   ASIOutput                                                   interface.
   Connector: BNC-F
                                                               Time Stamping*D
   Modulation                                                  Processes External VANC extracted UTC#l and
   Modulation Type: COFDM w/OPSK, 16-0AM,                      SMPTE- 12M time stamps from the digitized Video
   or 64-0AM                                                   stream input of the HD-SDIISDI input interface. The
                                                               secondary UTC#2 is also generated using an external
   Standard: DVB-T compliant                                   1PPS signal and EIA-232/422 serial configuration
   FEC: 1/2,2/3, 3/4, 7/8                                      commands.
   Guard Intervals: 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4
   COFDM Carriers: 2K Carriers                                 Time Stamp Processing*D
                                                               The Picture Timing SEI messages allow each Video
   High Throughput Option                                      frame to be assigned a time value. This time can
   FEC: 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 7/8                                     represent time of origin, capture, or alternative ideal
   Guard Intervals: 1132, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4                       display. As such, it can be used to navigate to a frame
   COFDM Carriers: 4K Carriers                                 with a particular time.

   Program Identification                                      The H.264 format, specified in ISO/IEC 14496- 10
   The unit allows the user to set-up a unique Provider        provides for an optional time stamp to be defined in
   Name and Service Name for each active program.              the Supplemental Enhanced Information (SEI)
                                                               message. The picture timing SEI message (pic_timing)
   Scrambling Option                                           specified HH:MM:SS:FF lAW RP 0604 page 5.
   Type: 128/256 Bit Advanced Encryption Standard              Additionally, the standard allows for user data to be
   (AES-C)                                                     associated with a particular Video frame using the User
   Key Storage: User Controlled, volatile or non-volatile      Data Unregistered SEI Message. The primary M2EHPT-
                                                               160 time stamp UTC#l is inserted into the pic_timing
                                                               SEI element of the NAL packets in the H.264's output
   User Data
                                                               stream. The secondary M2EHPT-160 time stamp
   Protocol: RS-232C, Asynchronous, 8 Bits, No Parity, 1
                                                               UTC#2 is a 64 bit value indicating the number of
   Stop Bit
                                                               microseconds since August 23rd 1999 and is inserted
   Data Rate: Selectable, Up to 115 KBaud
                                                               into the unregistered user data SEI element.
   User Data PID: Selectable
   Connector. P/O Multipin Connector



     Messenger 2 Enhanced High-Power Transmitter
     (M2EHTP- 160)
     DEC 2012 Data Sheet

         Output Requirements                                         Connectors
        Serial Output*D                                              RF Output: N-F
        The M2EHPT-160 outputs MPEG-2 TS data with the               #1 Video SD/HD SOl in or SO Composite: BNC-F
        following format:                                            #2 Video SD/HD SOl in or SO Composite: BNC-F
        • EIA-422 SSI Synchronous Serial Interface lAW EN            DVB_ASI out: BNC-F
            50083-9                                                  KLV TS IN: BNC-F
            • Output Video data rate from 128kbps to 10.7            Audio/KLV: p/o PT02E-12-1OP, J7
              Mbps 1 kbps resolution.                                Data: p/o PT02E-14-19P, J6
                                                                     DC Power: PT02E-12-4P, J8
            • The M2EHPT-160 outputs an MPEG-2 compliant
                                                                     Pin A & B: +VCC
              Transport Stream (TS) that not only contains
                                                                     Pin C & 0: GND
              H.264 compressed motion imagery, but also
              contains time-synchronized metadata and
              compressed Audio.                                      Physical Dimensions:
                   The MPEG-2 TS output of either EIA-422            4.76" (W) x lOS' (D) x 7" (H)
                   (constant bit rate) or Ethernet format operates   12.1 cmx26.67cmx 17.78cm
                   at a bit rate ranging from 128 kbps to            Weight: 8.45 Ibs (3.83 kgs)
                   1O.7Mbps adjustable in 1 kbps increments.         Environmental:
                   The M2EHPT-160 is able to operate with an         - Operational Temperature: -10 to 70 C
                   external clock input from the RF                  - Humidity: Up to 100% non-condensing
                   communications data link as well as with its
                                                                     Optional ARINC Mounting Shelf
                   own internal clock source.
                                                                             ATR Y2 SHORT/SHORT
        Ethernet Streaming
        The M2EHPT-160 contains an IEEE 802.3u 10/1 OOBase-          Control
        TX Ethernet interface. The MPEG-2 TS can be                  M2HPT can be controlled through its USB- lor RS-232
        encapsulated in UDP/IP packets lAW RFC 3984. The             control port via the supplied MS Windows based control
        M2EHPT-160 is configurable to send Multicast IP              application. A Cobham remote control unit (RCU) is
        packets without receiving a join request.                    available.

        RTP is a packetization protocol that may be used in
        conjunction with the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) to
        transport real-time multimedia data across networks that
        use the Internet Protocol (IP). UDP is preferable to the
        Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) for real-time
        applications because it offers low-latency transport
        across IP networks.
        Remote Control & Status
        M2EHPT-160 can be controlled through its USB control
        port via an optional MS Windows based Control
        Application. Additionally, a WEB server is proVided
        through the LAN interface.


         Messenger 2 Enhanced High—Power                                                                                                          CUIEHAIMITINTA
         Transmitter (M2EHPT—160)
     DEC 2012 Data Sheet

         Designed and tested to DO—160G
         CE Mark*" FCC®Y"

         DC Power
         DC Input Voltage Range: +9 to +32 VDC
         DC Current: See Table below.

                                                                            Current in                                        Current in Amps @+28Vdc
           BAND                                Watts                        A                                                 w/DC to DC converter
                                                                              mps@12Vdc                                                      tghe
                                                                                                                              approx. 87% efficiency
           L band                              10                            4.0                                              1.9
           S band                              10                            4.5                                              2.2
           C band                              15                            5.9                                              2.9
           C band                              10                            4.7                                              2.3
           C band                              Z                             4.4                                              2.1

        * When used in Ultra—Low Latency mode (down to <44 ms) (Intra—Refresh) with Cobham Tactical
          Communications & Surveillance‘s Messenger 2 Decoders and Receiver Decoders.
        ** With 4 K High—Throughput Option on M2ECHPT
        *** Option
        **** Frequency Band Dependent
        * Model Dependent
        *° In—Development


Cobham Tactical Communications                              Cobham Tactical Communications                         Brazil Sales Office                              Singapore Sales Office
and Surveillance North America                              and Surveillance International                         Av. das Nagoes Unidas                            42 Toh Guan Road East
2303 Dulles Station, Suite 205                              Fusion 2,1100 Parkway                                  12551— 17®andar — Sala 1725                      Enterprise Hub 01—73
Hemdon, VA                                                  Whiteley, Hampshire                                    04578—903                                        608583
20171, USA                                                  PO15 7AB, UK                                           Sao Paulo                                        Singapore
T:+1 571 392 2500                                           T: +44 1489 566 750                                    T:+55 11 3443 7545                               T:+65 6515 8806

The information contained in this documentis the property of Cobham Tactical Communications and Surveillance. This document and the information contained
herein is provided for evaluation purposes only and is subject to change without notice. Cobham Tactical Communications and Surveillance assumes no                      /tcs
responsibility for errors that might appearin this document and gives no representations or warranties as to the accuracy of the information contained herein,
including but not limited to the suitability and performancesof the product or its intended application. © Copyright Cobham TCS limited 2012, All Rights Reserved

Document Created: 2014-02-05 13:04:47
Document Modified: 2014-02-05 13:04:47

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