First Net Concurrence for an Experimental STA

0293-EX-ST-2014 Post Grant Documents

Texas Department of Public Safety



April 21, 2014

Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Room TWA325
Washington, DC 20554

        Re: Application of the State of Texas for Special Temporary Experimental Authority, File
        No. 0293—EX—ST—2014

Dear Ms. Dortch:

          The First Responder Network Authority ("FirstNet") consents to the application of the State of
Texas ("Texas") for special temporary experimental authority ("Experimental STA") to demonstrate and
build support for the nationwide public safety broadband network May 9—16, 2014 at the Texas
Department of Emergency Management annual conference. Texas states that this Experimental STA will
allow it to support outreach and education conducted pursuant to the State and Local Implementation
Grant Program funded by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration.‘ Texas
adds that the demonstration would permit it to build support for the nationwide public safety broadband
network among emergency response practitioners in Texas, other states, and the Federal government.

         FirstNet‘s concurrence is premised on temporary experimental operations that conform to the
following parameters:

         1) Texas would operate a "Cell on Wheels" ("COW") within a five—kilometer radius of the San
            Antonia Convention Center in Bexas County, Texas. The demonstration would use up to a
            total of 100 mobile end user devices.

         2) Texas requests authority from the FCC to operate over the 758—768/788—798 MHz bands,
            which are currently licensed on a nationwide basis to FirstNet.

         3) Operation may take place between the dates of May 9 and May 16, 2014 inclusive of set up
            and tear down.

         4) Texas has analyzed information in the FCC‘s license databases and states that the proposed
            operation would not interfere or create a significant potential for harmful interference with any
            public safety operations in the 700 MHz band.

* See generally http:

          5) Operation of the experiment will not be used in mission—critical operations or in the delivery of
             live transmissions in duties to protect life, property, or safety. Operations will be confined to a
             five—kilometer radius of the San Antonio convention center.

          6) Texas understands that this experimental STA permits shared use of the subject radio
             frequencies and that it may have to coordinate with other entities licensed for experimental
             purposes. Texas further understands that a separate concurrence from FirstNet will be
             required for renewal of this experimental STA.

          7) All experimental operations by Texas will be secondary, meaning that they must not cause
             interference to narrowband or broadband operations authorized on a primary basis, including
             in the spectrum licensed to FirstNet. Narrowband or broadband operations authorized on a
             primary basis, including in the spectrum licensed to FirstNet, have no obligation to mitigate
             any interference that such primary operations may present to the Texas experimental

      FirstNet concurs with the proposed experimental license for Texas on certain frequencies currently
licensed to FirstNet for purposes of a demonstration to emergency management personnel at the Texas
Department of Emergency Management annual conference. This consent is subject to the FirstNet‘s
ongoing ability to monitor any operations and use of FirstNet‘s licensed spectrum.

cc:    Erika Olsen, Special Counsel
           Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau
      Todd M. Early, Deputy Assistant Director
         Texas Department of Public Safety
      Michael Barney, Technical Services Coordinator
         Texas Department of Public Safety

                      FirstNet Board of Directors * U.S. Department of Commerce
  1401 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room 7324 e Washington, DC 20230 e e (202) 482—

Document Created: 2014-04-21 09:39:14
Document Modified: 2014-04-21 09:39:14

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