Experimental License Narrative

0256-EX-PL-2014 Text Documents

Texas Department of Public Safety


                          TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY
                                  5805 N LAMAR BLVD. BOX 4087. AUSTIN, TEXAS 78773-0001

  STEVEN C. McCRAW                                                                                       A. CYNTHIA LEON, CHAIR
      DIRECTOR                                                                                             CARIN MARCY BARTH
   DAVID G. BAKER                                                                                            MANNY FLORES
ROBERT J . BODISCH, SR.                                                                                      RANDY WATSON
  CHERYL MacBRIDE                                                                                             STEVEN MACH

       March 24, 2014

      Julius Knapp
      Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology
      Federal Communications Commission
      445 12th Street, SW
      Washington, D.C. 20510

       RE:   Application of the State of Texas for an Experimental License, supporting a Department of
       Emergency Management Conference in Texas May 11-15, 2014

       Dear Chief Knapp,

      The State of Texas ("Texas") in the referenced application seeks an experimental license for operation in
      the 758-768/788-798 MHz spectrum that is licensed to the First Responder Network Authority ("FirstNet").
      The purpose of this request is to support a State and Local Implementation Grant Program (SLlGP)
      Outreach and Education effort. The venue is the largest meeting of First Responders and Emergency
      Managers in the State of Texas, known as the Texas Department of Emergency Management annual
      conference in San Anton io, Texas May 11-15, 2015. The State requests an experimental license to
      operate a "Cell on Wheels" at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio during this 5 day

       This authority will allow the State to demonstrate and build support for FirstNet's Nationwide Public Safety
       Broadband Network amongst practitioners from Texas and other states, the federal government, and
       FirstNet personnel. The State would be demonstrating in a 5-km radius in San Antonio, Bexar County,

        Specifically, Texas confirms that it:

           •      Only operate at this location between the dates of May 11-15, 2014 inclusive.

           •      Has designated an overall project manager and a "stop-buzzer" contact for these experiments.
                  The overall point of contact is Mr. Todd Early, Deputy Assistant Director of the Texas Department
                  of Public Safety. His phone number is 512 424 2121. In addition, Mr. Robert Cavazos, Director
                  of Broadband for Harris County, has direct control, i.e.; "stop buzzer" control of the network, and
                  may be contacted at 713 274 7878.

           •      Understands that an experimental license only permits shared use of the subject radio
                  frequencies, and that may be coordinated with other entities licensed for experimental purposes
                  through the Texas Department of Public Safety, Attn: Joe Jarrett, TxDPS Frequency Coordinator
                  in the State of Texas.

                                                   EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER
                                                  COURTESY. SERVICE. PROTECTION

     e   Recognizes that a separate concurrence from FirstNet will be required for renewal of this license.

     e   Affirms that all of its experimental operations will be secondary, such that they must not cause
         interference to narrowband or broadband operations authorized on a primary basis, including in
         the spectrum licensed to FirstNet. Narrowband or broadband operations authorized on a primary
         basis, including in the spectrum licensed to FirstNet, have no obligation to mitigate any
         interference that such primary operations may present to the State of Texas experimental

     e   Acknowledges that although FirstNet has not yet deployed in the geographic area covered by the
         application, if, during the term of this license, FirstNet or its assignees or lessees, plans to deploy
         in this area, Texas may have to reduce the coverage or power levels of its experimental
         transmissions or cease them entirely to prevent interference to those operations.

     e   Operation of the experimental license will not be used in mission—critical operations or in the
         delivery of live transmissions in duties to protect life, property, or safety. Operations will be
         confined to a 5— kilometer radius of the base station location.

 The State has analyzed information in the FCC‘s license databases and states that the proposed
 operation would not interfere or create a significant potential for harmful interference with any public
 safety operations in the 700 MHz band.

 Texas appreciates your attention to this matter. If and when FirstNet grants its concurrence to our
 pending application, Texas trust that the licensing branch will be able to move as expeditiously as
 feasible. Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information.

 Sincerely yours,

—Spsd m
 Todd M. Early
 Deputy Assistant Director
 Texas Department of Public Safety

 cc: Erika Olsen, FCC
     Gina Harrison, NTIA

Document Created: 2014-03-24 14:05:47
Document Modified: 2014-03-24 14:05:47

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