Airborne Sense and Avoid radar system

0262-EX-CN-2017 Text Documents

Technology Service Corporation


Customer: Army PMUAS

Contract Number: W911W6‐16‐C‐0039

TPOC: Richard Knox (256)‐955‐3517

Description: TSC is developing an Airborne Sense‐and‐Avoid (ABSAA) radar system for the RQ‐7 Shadow
UAS by re‐purposing an existing small, low‐cost, multi‐channel pulse‐Doppler radar. This highly flexible
system, when combined with a high‐power amplifier and a novel multi‐faceted antenna concept will
provide the Army with a low‐risk path to an Airborne SAA system for the RQ‐7 or similar UAS. The system
can operate day or night, in rain or fog, and will provide 360‐degree non‐cooperative detection and
tracking of targets single‐engine Cessna size and larger out to 3 nmi.

Customer: NAVAIR

Contract Number: N68335‐16‐C‐0166

TPOC: Dr. David Findlay (301)‐342‐8548

Description: The Navy has multiple aircraft, both manned and unmanned, that play critical roles in current
and future military operations. A system is needed to increase safety and efficiency for these missions as
well as provide Precision Approach and Landing (PAL) guidance. Technology Service Corporation’s (TSC’s)
Location, Identification & Flight Tracking System (LIFTS) addresses this need by providing highly accurate,
Position, Navigation and Timing (PNT) in adverse environments, including low visibility and GPS denied
environments. LIFTS is a multi‐function system that is mounted on the aircraft with an intelligent Tag or
set of Tags placed at a designated landing location. The LIFTS sensor provides precision guidance to the
Tag(s) for a variety of mission scenarios with advanced performance and functionality to address many of
the common stumbling blocks of deck landing and can be used to aid in autonomous ship deck landing or
automatic extraction and deployment of cargo.

Document Created: 2017-04-13 14:31:03
Document Modified: 2017-04-13 14:31:03

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