Exhibit 1

0279-EX-PL-1999 Text Documents

TRW Inc.


                                                                              FCC Form 442
                                                                                  Exhibit 1


TRW‘s experimental program (the "Spitfire" program) is a wireless local loop concept
that operates in unlicensed spectrum at 5.8 GHz using direct—sequence spread spectrum
signals. It is intended to provided low—cost broadband access to residential and business
customers as an alternative to wire or cable modems.

The purpose of the experimental program is to verify the function of the Spitfire
operational system, user transceivers, and base station (hub) transceivers, and to assure
that adequate margins have been designed into the system to cope with varying
environmental conditions. The proposed tests will focus on user links, between the user
transceivers and the base station and between two user transceivers, and the base station
link, between two base stations and between the base station and the network control

The Spitfire program design has been tested in the laboratory environment and shown to
meet the emissions levels required in the unlicensed U—NII band. TRW now proposes to
test the Spitfire design in a residential environment, thereby necessitating the instant
application for an experimental authorization.

The specific objectives of the Spitfire experimental program include the following:

          e   Validation of the Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) spread spectrum
              modulation technique as the basic communication system approach for

          e   Validation of the Time Division Duplex (TDD) technique as the basic
              communication system approach for Spitfire.

          e   Validation of the predicted performance of the user‘s RAKE receivers.

          e   Validation of the predicted capacity of a given cell via representative loading
              of the other cells.

          e   Demonstration of the system‘s ability to assign different transmit data rates to:
              (1) different frequency channels, in accordance with the user‘s propagation
              condition and location; and (2) different frequency channels, codes, forward
              error correction (FEC), in accordance with the variations in user density in the
              same cell and the surrounding cells.

          e   Demonstration of the operation of the user terminal transceiver with respect to
              setup and takedown, data rate, as well as its performance during the

                                             Page 1                                    11/09/99

                                                                         FCC Form 442
                                                                             Exhibit 1

       &   Demonstration of the operation of the base station with respect to: 1)
           interaction with the user terminals in support of setup, takedown, assign
           frequency channels; 2) interaction with other base stations; and 3) interaction
           with the network control center.

       e   Validation of the predicted required link margin for the realistic indoor and
           outdoor environment conditions (e.g. building shielding, surrounding
           vegetation, other buildings).

The experiment proposed by TRW will allow characterization and demonstration of the
key components of the Spitfire system prior to commercial development.

                                         Page 2                                   11/09/99

                                                                                                  FCC Form 442
                                                                                                             Exhibit 1

                               Spitfire System Deployment

The following figures illustrate a typical Spitfire system deployment.

                                                "~    Possible high—gain"~,
                                                      relay antenins to other
                                                      relay nodes

                                                              High—gmin raimy
                                                 /            antenna from base        .\
                                                                                            1                      System switch
                                                                                            |                      ~if required
                                            :                 Muftiuser anterina
                                            1                                           {
                                    \        /s                                        }
                                     \     w,!                                     /
                                         °_ Relay Node

                                                                                                      Jt Mukiuser -nt-nnl,//
                                                                                                  _     Hub Node

                                                             Figure 1: Spitfire Equipment
                                Virtual Circuit
                                 by Hub/Hub relay

                                                     ATM Switches                                Eon-:-os
                                                      on hubs                                    ocal range


                                                                                Time Domain      *+—— CDMA
                                                              u*                  Duplex links                  Channels

                                       LOS range

                              Figure 2: Architecture Overview

                                                      Page 3                                                        11/09/99

Document Created: 2001-08-06 21:21:00
Document Modified: 2001-08-06 21:21:00

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