File Number S-2611-EX-96

5256-EX-ML-1996 Post Grant Documents



~ ATIN:   D. J. Chadwick; 1820 Dolley Madison Blvd.; MS W371; McLean, VA   22102—3481

                                       United States of America
                               FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                 SPECIAL TEMPORARY AUTHORIZATION

   _EXPERIMENTAL_________                                                      KE 2 XP E
   (Nature of Service)                                                        (Call Sign)
    XD     __FX.MO                                                               g—2611—EX—96
   {(Class of station)                                                        (File number)

   NAME                                  THEMITRECORPORATION

                          _FAA Air Olathe,
                                          (Location of station)

   Special Temporary Authority is hereby                       granted      to    operate    the    radio
   transmitting apparatus described below:

   Frequency                    Authorized                      Emission                  Location
    (MHz)                       Power (watts)                   Designator                of Station

   966                          100     (ERP)                   1M00F1D                   ground

   966                          50      (ERP)                   1M00F1LD                  air

  Purpose of Operation:              Demonstration of Universal Access Trangceiver
                                      (as part of FAA‘s "Free Flight" program.)

 This special   —temporary authorization is granted upon the express condition
 that it may be terminated by the Commission at any time without advance
 notice or hearing if in its discretion the need for such action arises.
 Nothing contained herein shall be construed as a finding by the Commission
 that the authority herein granted is or will be in the public interest
 beyond the express terms hereof.

 This special temporary authorization shall not vest in the grantee any right
 to operate the station nor any right in the use of the frequencies
 designated in the authorization beyond the term hereof, nor in any other
 manner than authorized herein.  Neither the authorization nor the right
 granted       hereunder      shall     be assigned or otherwise transferred in violation
 of the Communications Act of 1934.                 This    authorization         is    subject    to the
 right      of use of control by the Government of the United States conferred by
 Section 706 of the Communications Act of 1934.

  This authorization effective_September7,1996_ and
  will expire 3:00 A.M. EST.    December 7. 1996

                                                       S—261l EX—496

Dr. Robert J. Ravera                                                                     5 September 1996
Vice President for Operations                                                                   FO1O0—L—422
Center for Advanced Aviation
  System Development
Fax: 703—883—6809

           Federal Communications Commission
           Experimental Licensing Branch
           P. 0. Box 358320
           Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5315

           Dear Sir or Madam:

           The MITRE Corporation herein requests an expedited Special Temporary Authorization
           (STA) to operate an experimental transceiver within 100 nm of the FAA Air Traffic                   /”W ) 1
           Control Center in Olathe, KS. The FAA has approved operation of the system at this                           W/
           location. This system is currently licensed on an experimental basis in Florida under call              4’

           sign KE2XPE. Technical parameters for the system have been submitted to the
           Commission under 5256EXMLO96,

           Per CFR47 Part 5, Section 5.56, the following data are submitted to support this STA
           Item (1)
                    The MITRE Corporation
                    1820 Doliley Madison Blvd.
                    Mail Stop W371
                    McLean, VA 22102—3481
                    Attn: D.J. Chadwick, Chief Engineer

           Item (2)
                    STA is required to support demonstration of this system in Olathe, KS as part of
                    the FAA‘s "Free Flight" program to be attended by officials from the FAA, the
                    airlines and general aviation interests. The demonstration will commence on
                    7 September and continue for approximately 90 days.

          Item (3)
                  System consists of one ground station and three aircraft stations. Airborne units
                    are installed in single engine aircraft that will operate at altitudes below 12,000 feet
                    MSL. Demonstration will include flights of three aircraft communicating with the
                    ground station. Ground station will uplink weather radar data and aircraft position
                    data. Air units will downlink GPS—derived own—aircraft position and aircraft
                    maneuvering intent.

                                              The MITRE Corporation
                                          1820 Dolley Madison Boulevard
                                           McLean, Virginia 22102—3480

Federal Communications Commission                                           5 September 1996
Page 2                                                                            FO1O—L—422

Item (4)
        Purpose of operation is to determine effectiveness of downlinked aircraft position
         and maneuvering intent in improving ability of FAA controllers to safely separate
         aircraft in a "Free Flight" environment where aircraft do not fly on airways.
Item (5)
         Operations will be conducted at various times during the 24—hour day, beginning
         on 7 September 1996 and continuing for approximately 90 days thereafter.

Item (6)
        Ground Station: FIXED Radio Service
        Airborne Station: AERONAUTICAL MOBILE Radio Service

Item (7)
        Within 100 nmi radius of FAA ARTCC in Olathe Kansas
        [38 51 OON / 094 50 OOW]

Item (8)
        MITRE "UAT" Experimental Transceiver, currently licensed under call sign
        KE2XPE at other locations. Request is for new location.

Item (9)
         Frequency of Operation is 966 MHz

Item (10)
       ERP = 100 watts (ground) and 50 watts (air) [Tx Power is 50 W in both cases]

Item (11)
         Emission: IMFID

Item (12)
       Ground Antenna is on roof of FAA ARTCC, approximately 30 feet AGL.
       Antenna extends no more than 10 feet above roof of building (mounted to pipe; not
       on a tower).

In view of our test schedule, expedited handling of this request will be greatly appreciated.
If you have any questions regarding this STA request, please contact Jim Chadwick at
(703) 883—7010, or FAX (703) 883—1242. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

                                              Dr. Robert J. Ravera



                            OFFICE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY
                                             2000 M STREET, N.W., SUITE 230
                                                 WASHINGTON, D.C.  20554

                                                 September 5, 1996   151 pm

     FROM:                      Carl Huie

             Tel           e:    (202) 418—2430
             Fax      #:         (202)   418—1918

             Name :                  Jim Chadwick
             Organization:           The MITRE Corporation
             Telephone :             (703)   883—7010     X
             Fax      #:             (703)   883—1242

                                         This cover sheet is page 1 of 2 pages


     License will be mailed after receipt of original application.

Document Created: 2001-08-14 18:04:23
Document Modified: 2001-08-14 18:04:23

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