STA Request

3398-EX-ST-1998 Post Grant Documents



                                                          5 —337%—EX—1996
                                                                                       8065 Leesburg Pike, Suite 400
T   n                                                                                         Vienna, Virginia 22182
elment                                                                                          voice: 703.762.5100
                                                                                                  fax: 703.762.5200

                                                      May 6, 1998


        Federal Communications Commussion
        Experimental Licensing Branch
        P.O. Box 358320
        Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5320

                       Re:     Request for Special Temporary Authority
                               Teligent, Inc.
                               Digital Electronic Message Service
                               Expedited Treatment Requested

        Dear Ladies and Gentleman:

               Pursuant to Section 5.56, 5.57(a) and 5.202(1) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47
        C.E.R. §§ 5.56, 5.57(a) and 5.202(1), Teligent, Inc. and its wholly owned subsid—
        1aries FirstMark Communications, L. L.C. ("FirstMark"), Teligent License Company
        I, L.L.C. ("Company I") and Teligent License Company II, L.L.C. ("Company II")
        (collectively "Teligent"), hereby request an additional Special Temporary Authority
        ("STA") to operate non—type accepted equipment in the 24 GHz Digital Electronic
        Message Service ("DEMS") band for six months. Teligent‘s current STA to conduct
        the type of experimental testing requested in this application will expire on June 9,
        1998.‘ Grant of this request is consistent with the Commission‘s March 14, 1997
        order that required: (1) the relocation of 18 GHz band DEMS licenses to the 24 GHz
        DEMS band to satisfy national security requirements; (2) the discontinuance of 18

               Teligent‘s current STA was granted on December 9, 1997. See FCC File
               Number S—3123—EX—97.

GHz DEMS operations in the Washington, D.C. market and Denver, Colorado areas
as of June 5, 1997; and (3) the discontinuance of 18 GHz DEMS operations in all
other areas by January 1, 2001

        Specifically, Teligent seeks an authorization for six months to continue the
following operations related to DEMS relocation in markets where it currently holds
24 GHz DEMS licenses: (1) testing of various non—type accepted equipment for the
24 GHz DEMS band; and (11) provision of commercial service to customers using
non—type accepted equipment for the 24 GHz DEMS band until such time as type
accepted equipment is available. Grant of this STA serves the public interest by
facilitating DEMS relocation to the 24 GHz band on an expedited basis, enabling
Teligent to continue providing service to existing customers, and to continue
marketing competitive local telecommunications services to other potential
customers using its fixed wireless, 24 GHz licenses. Currently, only one vendor has
type accepted point—to—point equipment for the 24 GHz band and there is no type
accepted point—to—multipoint equipment for the 24 GHz DEMS band. Therefore,
grant of this STA is needed as soon as practicable to facilitate the continued
development of radio technique, equipment, operational data, and engineering data
related to DEMS as discussed further below.


      Teligent holds licenses to construct and operate DEMS systems in the 24
GHz frequency band in more than 70 markets. A list of FirstMark‘s, Company I‘s
and Company II‘s DEMS licenses is attached hereto as Exhibit 1.

        On March 14, 1997, pursuant to a request by the National Tele—
communications and Information Administration ("NTIA") to alleviate potential
interference between DEMS operations and U.S. government military satellite opera—
tions, the Commission adopted the DEMS Relocation Order relocating DEMS from
the 18 GHz band to the 24 GHz band to accommodate these sensitive national

*Amendment of the Commission‘s Rules to Relocate the Digital Electronic Message
Service From the 18 GHz Band to the 24 GHz Band and to Allocate the 24 GHz Band
for Fixed Service, Order, ET Dkt. 97—99, FCC 97—95 (Released March 14, 1997)
("DEMS Relocation Order"). The effective date of the DEMS Relocation Order is
June 5, 1997.

security interests. The Commussion also adopted amended service rules for 18 GHz
and 24 GHz DEMS and directed the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau
("Wireless Bureau") to issue modified DEMS licenses authorizing operations in the
24 GHz band. To ensure the protection of government satellite operations, the Com—
mission required incumbent DEMS licensees to cease operations using the 18 GHz
band within a 150 kilometer area of the government‘s earth station facilities in Wash—
ington, D.C. and Denver, Colorado as of June 5, 1997, the effective date of the
Commission‘s amended DEMS rules.* In all other areas, incumbent DEMS licensees
must cease operations using the 18 GHz band by January 1, 2001. The Commussion
also requires coordination between DEMS systems and existing Federal Aviation
Administration ("FAA") radio navigation radar facilities in the Washington, D.C.
and Newark, New Jersey areas until such facilities are decommissioned.*

        Although one vendor has obtained type acceptance for specific types of point—
to—point DEMS equipment at 24 GHz, equipment suppliers are still in the process of
obtaining type acceptance for both point—to—point and point—to—multipoint 24 GHz
DEMS equipment. Therefore, Teligent will continue to need to use non—type
accepted equipment to provide commercial service to customers prior to the
Commission‘s grant of additional type acceptance for 24 GHz DEMS equipment,
including customers in those areas where relocation of operations from the 18 GHz
band to 24 GHz band was mandated by June 5, 1997.


        Teligent seeks an additional six month STA for the following operations
related to DEMS relocation in markets where Teligent currently is licensed. First,
Teligent will test non—type accepted equipment to determine its viability for the 24
GHz DEMS band and all DEMS service areas and frequencies. Second, Teligent
will provide commercial service to customers using non—type accepted equipment for
the 24 GHz DEMS band. In accordance with the DEMS Relocation Order, Teligent
will certify coordination with the FAA to ensure that its use of 24 GHz equipment
does not cause any harmful interference.

°DEMS Relocation Order at § 14. Teligent has ceased 18 GHz operations and
commenced 24 GHz point—to—point operations in these licensed areas.

*Id. at § 15.

                In light of the extraordinary circumstances surrounding the mandatory
relocation of DEMS from the 18 GHz band to the 24 GHz band on an expedited
basis, grant of Teligent‘s STA request is clearly warranted under Section 101.31 of
the Commission‘s Rules. It would be inefficient and costly for Teligent to deploy 18
GHz equipment that will have to be removed before the end of its useful life. Such a
requirement would impose an unnecessary financial burden on Teligent as they
transition to 24 GHz. Moreover, in order to facilitate the transition to 24 GHz,
Teligent must continue to conduct testing of the newly designed DEMS equipment in
a variety of weather conditions and environments. In any event, it is Teligent‘s
understanding that vendors are no longer pursuing type acceptance for point—to—
multipoint radios in the 18 GHz band. Thus, Teligent‘s only option to deploy and
test point—to—multipoint equipment is in the 24 GHz band.

              The need for an additional STA is particularly compelling within the
150 kilometer area around Washington, D.C. and Denver, Colorado. Teligent is
providing commercial service to customers in the Washington, D.C., Baltimore,
Maryland and Denver, Colorado market and requires an STA to ensure that service
to such customers can continue using point—to—point and point—to—multipoint equip—
ment. Moreover, non—type accepted 24 GHz equipment is currently available from
manufacturers for deployment. Therefore, failure to grant this STA will prejudice
the public interest which according to Section 5.56, 5.57(a) and 5.202(1) of the
Commission‘s rules justifies expedited processing of an STA request.

                 The Commission recognized the "need to move DEMS as quickly and
with as little impact as possible" in the DEMS Relocation Order." Grant of the instant
STA request serves the public interest by facilitating the continued relocation of
Teligent‘s DEMS operations to satisfy national security requirements. Specifically,
the STA will enable Teligent to continue to serve customers at 24 GHz with point—to—
multipoint equipment, rather than deploying point—to—point equipment for some
interim period which will eventually need to be replaced. Furthermore, Teligent will
be able to provide continued service to its existing customers in the Washington,
D.C., Baltimore, Maryland and Denver, Colorado area during the transition from the
18 GHz band to the 24 GHz band. The STA also serves the public interest by
allowing Teligent to test non—type accepted equipment in various real world environ—
ments where the equipment ultimately will be deployed commercially to determine

*      Id. at § 12.

whether it functions properly. This testing will foster a "quick" relocation to 24 GHz
with "as little impact" to the public as possible, consistent with the Commission‘s
goals set forth in the DEMS Relocation Order.

      The following information is provided pursuant to Section 5.56(b) of the
Commussion‘s rules:

       1)      Address and Points of Communications:

               Teligent, Inc.
               8065 Leesburg Pike
               Suite 400
               Vienna, VA 22182
               Contact: Terri Natoli

               Operations will occur at various points and in various real—world

       2)      Equipment:
               24 GHz point—to—multipoint microwave equipment.

       3)      Frequencies Desired:
               24.25—24.45 GHz and 25.05—25.25 GHz bands.

       4)      Transmit Power Output:
               The equipment will operate at a maximum output of 1000 mW (+30

       5)      Type of Emission:
               The equipment tested will have a maximum bandwidth of 10 MHz
               and the following types of emissions: DW and G1D.

       6)      Overall Height of Antenna Structure Above Ground:
               Teligent will transmit to and from receivers located on existing anten—
               na structures and new structures. To the extent new structures are
               required, Teligent will obtain FAA no—hazard determinations and
               satisfy related Commussion obligations.

        7)      Type of Operation to be Conducted:
                Transmission on various DEMS channels between DEMS nodal
                stations and customer sites.

        8)      Purpose of Operation:
                Teligent requires special temporary authority in order to (i) test non—
                type accepted point—to—multipoint equipment for the 24 GHz DEMS
                band and (ii) provide commercial service to customers using non—type
                accepted point—to—multipoint equipment for the 24 GHz DEMS band
                until such time as type accepted equipment is available.

                Teligent certifies that no party to this application is subject to a denial
of federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21
U.S.C. § 862.

        If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call Teligent‘s
communications counsel, Jay L. Birmbaum, Esq., Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher &
Flom, 1440 New York Avenue, NW., Washington, D.C.; (202) 371—7288.


                                                         %wu Maks h
                                                       Terri Natoli, Assistant Secretary
                                                       Teligent, Inc.
                                                       First Mark Communications, L.L.C.
                                                        Teligent License Company I, L.L.C.
                                                        Teligent License Company II, L.L.C.

co:     Carl Huie

                                             DEMS Licenses

                  Market                            Licensee   Call Sign
                  New York, NY                       TLCI      WMT307
                  New York, NY                       TLCI      WMT315
                  Los Angeles, CA                    TLCI      WMT337
                  Los Angeles, CA                    TLCI      WMT314
                  Chicago, IL                        TLCI      WMT332
                  Chicago, IL                        TLCI      WMT318
                  Philadelphia, PA                   TLCI      WMT339
                  Philadelphia, PA                   TLCI      WMT313
                  Detroit, MI                   *    TLCI      WPJD309
                  Detroit, MI                        TLCI      WPJD304
                  Dallas, TX                         TLCI      WMT331
                  Dallas, TX                         TLCI      WMT340
                  Houston, TX                        TLCI      WMT330
                  Houston, TX                        TLCI      WMT322
                  Washington, DC                     TLCI      WMT338
                  Washington, DC                      TLCI     WMT312
                   San Francisco, CA                  TLCI     WMT336
                  Boston, MA                          TLCI     WMT333
                  Boston, MA                          TLCI     WMT328
                   Atlanta, GA                        TLCI     WMT335
                   Atlanta, GA                        TLCI     WMT317
                   San Diego, CA                      TLCI     WMF844
                   Minneapolis, MN                    TLCI     WMT310
                   Minneapolis, MN                    TLCI     WMF845
                   St. Louis, MO                      TLCI     WMF846
                   St. Louis, MO                      TLCI     WMT324
                   Baltimore, MD                      TLCI     WMF850
                   Phoenix, AZ                        TLCI     WMFS851
                   Phoenix, AZ                        TLCI     WMT3O9
                   Seattle, WA                        TLCI     WMF854
                   Seattle, WA                        TLCI     WMT323

TLCI — Teligent License Company I, LLC
TLCII — Teligent License Company II, LLC
FirstMark — FirstMark Communications, Inc.          Page 1

                                                 DEMS Licenses

                  Market                              Licensee   Call Sign
                  Pittsburgh, PA                       TLCI      WMF852
                  Pittsburgh, PA                       TLCI      WMT319
                  Denver, CO                           TLCI      WMT329
                  Miami, FL                            TLCI      WMT334
                  Miami, FL                            TLCI      WMT327
                  Tampa, FL                            TLCI      WMT308
                  Tampa, FL                            TLCI      WMF849
                  Cleveland, OH              .         TLCI      WPJD853
                  Cleveland, OH                        TLCI      WMT341
                  Portland, OR                         TLCI      WMT321
                  Portland, OR                         TLCI      WMF842
                   San Jose, CA                        TLCI      WPJC396
                  Cincinnati, OH                       TLCI      WMF847
                  Kansas City, MO                      TLCI      WMF848
                  Kansas City, MO                      TLCI      WMT325
                   Sacramento, CA                      TLCI      WMF843
                   Sacramento, CA                      TLCI      WMT320
                  Milwaukee, WI                        TLCI      WMT31 1
                   Milwaukee, WI                       TLCI      WMF840
                   San Antonio, TX                      TLCI     WPJC397
                   San Antonio, TX                      TLCI     WMT326
                   Indianapolis, IN                     TLCI     WMT316
                   Indianapolis, IN                     TLCI     WMF841
                   Columbus, OH                         TLCI     WMT342

TLCI — Teligent License Company I, LLC
TLCII — Teligent License Company II, LLC
FirstMark — FirstMark Communications, Inc.            Page 2

                                             DEMS Licenses

                  Market                          Licensee   Call Sign
                  Columbus, OH                     TLCH      WPNH3 18
                  Salt Lake City, UT               TLCIH     WPNH283
                  Orlando, FL                      TLCH      WPNH299
                  Buffalo, NY                      TLCIH     WPNH3 15
                  New Orleans, LA                  TLCH      WPNH288
                  Hartford, CT                     TLCH      WPNH295
                  Nashville, TN                    TLCIH     WPNH325
                  Norfolk, VA                      TLCIHI    WPNH284
                  Rochester, NY                    TLCIH     WPNH316
                  Memphis, TN                      TLCH      WPNH323
                  Jacksonville, FL                 TLCIH     WPNH298
                  Oklahoma City, OK                TLCIH     WPNH3 19
                  Greensboro, NC                   TLCIH     WPNH306
                  Louisville, KY                   TLCIHI    WPNH302
                  West Palm Beach, FL              TLCIH     WPNH300
                  Las Vegas, NV                    TLCIH     WPNH3 13
                   Birmingham. AL                  TLCIH     WPNH289
                   Austin, TX                      TLCIH     WPNH324
                   Honolulu, HI                    TLCII     WPNH301
                   Dayton, OH                      TLCIH     WPNH3 14
                   Albany, NY                      TLCII     WPNH3 11
                   Charlotte, NC                   TLCIH     WPNH305
                   Richmond, VA                    TLCII     WPNH286
                   Tulsa, OK                       TLCIH     WPNH320
                   Raleigh, NC                     TLCIH     WPNH307
                   Fresno, CA                      TLCH      WPNH291
                   Tuscon, AZ                      TLCIHI    WPNH290
                   Allentown, PA                   TLCIH     WPNH287
                   Ventura, CA                      TLCIHI   WPNH293
                   Syracuse, NY                     TLCIH    WPNH3 17
                   Akron, OH                       TLCIH     WPNH3 12

TLCI — Teligent License Company I, LLC
TLCII — Teligent License Company II, LLC
FirstMark — FirstMark Communications, Inc.        Page 3 >

                                             DEMS Licenses

                  Market                          Licensee   Call Sign
                  Greenville, SC                   TLCIH     WPNH321
                  El Paso, TX                      TLCIH     WPNH297
                   Omaha, NE                       TLCIH     WPNH308
                   Wilmington, DE                  TLCIH     WPNH309
                   Albuquerque, NM                 TLCIH     WPNH310
                   Springfield, MA                 TLCH      WPNH304
                   Baton Rouge, LA                 TLCIH     WPNH303
                   Charleston, SC                  TLCIH     WPNH322
                   New Haven, CT                   TLCIH     WPNH296
                   Stockton, CA                    TLCIH     WPNH294
                   Newport News, VA                TLCH      WPNG641
                   Santa Barbara, CA               TLCH      WPNH292
                   Trenton, NJ                     TLCH      WPNH285

TLCI — Teligent License Company I, LLC
TLCII — Teligent License Company II, LLC
FirstMark — FirstMark Communications, Inc.        Page 4

                                             DEMS Licenses

                  Market                          Licensee   Call Sign
                  Los Angeles, LA                FirstMark   WMT306
                  San Francisco, CA              FirstMark   WMT348
                  New York, NY                   FirstMark   WMT304

TLCI — Teligent License Company I, LLC
TLCII — Teligent License Company II, LLC
FirstMark — FirstMark Communications, Inc.        Page 5

Document Created: 2002-06-20 10:11:06
Document Modified: 2002-06-20 10:11:06

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