Request for Renewal

0271-EX-RR-2013 Text Documents

T-Mobile License LLC


                       LICENSE LLC

                                                                T-Mobile License LLC
                                                                            Form 405
                                                                             Exhibit I

                               NARRATIVE STATEMENT

              Pursuant to Section 5.3, Section 5.53, and Section 5.71 of the
      Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 5.3, 5.53, 5.71, T-Mobile License LLC (“T-
      Mobile”) hereby respectfully requests an extension of its experimental license
      authorization (call sign WG2XLN) for the purpose of determining the suitability
      of spectrum in the 1755-1780 MHz and 2155-2180 MHz bands for commercial
      mobile broadband services, and to examine technical co-existence with a limited
      number of incumbent Federal operations, in a defined number of geographic
      locations, that may remain in the band for an undefined length of time. The
      technical parameters and facilities requested herein, as well as the applicable
      background and contact information, are unchanged from those currently
      authorized (see file number 0596-EX-PL-2012). Pursuant to Section 5.71(a) of
      the Commission’s rules, T-Mobile hereby seeks an extension of its authorization
      to facilitate continued testing in this band.

              Since T-Mobile received its initial STA, T-Mobile has made substantial
      progress on its planned testing. Specifically, T-Mobile and other interested
      participants have worked closely with the Department of Defense (DoD) and
      identified the DoD systems that will be the primary focus of the studies. Also, T-
      Mobile, AT&T Inc., and Verizon Wireless entered into a Memorandum of
      Understanding and Non-Disclosure Agreement with DoD to enable greater
      information exchange. Together with its industry partners, T-Mobile hired two
      contractors to perform monitoring, simulation, and lab simulations. T-Mobile
      with its partners and DoD identified the military bases at which these systems
      operate, and completed monitoring at six locations. Reports from these
      monitoring activities are complete and have provided information useful to
      understanding the potential for sharing. Discussions between DoD and the
      industry partners continues regarding next steps. One area of testing will be
      aimed at better understanding the impact of a variety of factors, such as clutter,
      terrain and system loading on the potential for systems to interfere with one
      another. Industry and DoD are finalizing arrangements to take aeronautical
      measurements to provide a better sense of the interfering signals that would be
      received by airborne platforms and to better characterize the RF environment.
      As part of this test, T-Mobile anticipates that it will be necessary to transmit CW
      signals in the 1755-1780 MHz band from known locations.


T-Mobile respectfully requests that the Commission extend experimental license
WG2XLN for a term of two years. T-Mobile anticipates that it will complete its
testing in less than two years after the initial date of this authorization. See 47
C.F.R. § 5.71(b).


Document Created: 2018-12-11 01:32:10
Document Modified: 2018-12-11 01:32:10

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