Exhibit B ODAR

0305-EX-CN-2017 Text Documents

Swarm Technologies, Inc.


         Exhibit B – Orbital Debris Assessment Report (“ODAR”)

SWARM Orbital Debris Assessment Report
REVISION 1, April 23, 2017

ODAR Section 1: Program Management and Mission Overview
Program/ Project      Sara Spangelo

Mission Description   This mission is a technology demo for two-way communications satellites, data
                      relay, and a new attitude control system.

Foreign Government    None

Project Milestones    The project milestones for the Swarm satellites align with the launch
                      of the vehicles into orbit, including a delivery of the spacecraft one month prior
                      to launch to Spaceflight services.

Proposed Launch       Sept 15, 2017

Proposed Launch       PSLV
Vehicles              Number of Satellites: 4
                      Altitude: 580 km
                      Inclination:97.7 degrees (​SSO​)
                      LTDN 9:30AM

Proposed Launch       SHAR, India

Launch Vehicle        Astrix/ ISRO

Mission Duration:     The operational lifetime of the hardware for each satellite is designed to be up
                      to​ 10​ years following deployment from the launch vehicle. The orbital lifetime for
                      the satellites is nominally expected to be between ​4.4 to 9.9 year​s, depending
                      on the vehicle’s orbit, and solar influence of the Earth’s atmosphere, as
                      described in Section 6.

Launch /              Launch
Deployment Profile:   The Swarm satellites will be injected directly into the target orbits outlined in the

                        table above.

                        For up to 1 month following deployment into orbit, the Swarm satellites will
                        remain in checkout phase. During this phase, ground operators will verify
                        correct operation of the satellite and its payloads, and prepare it for the
                        operational phase.

                        The operational phase of the satellite begins following the successful
                        deployment of the Swarm satellites from the launch vehicle, and successful
                        checkout. The operational phase continues until the end of the market study.

                        Post-mission Disposal
                        Following the end of the operational phase, the satellites will remain on orbit in a
                        non-transmitting mode​ while the ​orbit of the satellite passively decays until the
                        satellite reenters the atmosphere and disintegrates. The satellite is nominally
                        expected to reenter the atmosphere 7.7 y​ears following deployment from the
                        launch vehicle, as detailed in Appendix B: Swarm BEEs Orbit Lifetime.

 Selection of Orbit:    The selection of the chosen orbit was made due to available launch

 Potential Physical     As the satellite does not have any propulsion systems, its orbit will naturally
 Interference with      decay following deployment from the launch vehicle.
 Other Orbiting
 Object:                                     ​ n 5, the probability of physical interference between the
                        As detailed in Sect​io
                        satellites and other space objects is sufficiently unlikely that the satellite
                        complies with Requirement 4.5.

ODAR Section 2: Spacecraft Description
Physical Description:
 Property                    Value

 Total Mass at Launch        0.732 kg (all four satellites), 0.182 kg (each individual satellite)

 Dry Mass at Launch          0.732 kg (all four satellites), 0.182 kg (each individual satellite)

 Form Factor                 1/4U satellites, Qty 4 stacked into form-factor of a 1U CubeSat

 COG                         < 0.170 cm in vertical direction from geometric center

 Envelope (stowed)           100mm x 100mm x 113.5mm (all four satellites)

 Envelope (deployed)         100mm x 100mm x 113.5mm (all four satellites)
                             Deployed dipole antenna tip to tip is 892 mm

 Propulsion Systems           None

 Fluid Systems                None

 AOCS                         Passive stabilization about two axis, GPS navigation

 Range Safety/                None
 Pyrotechnic Devices

 Electrical Generation        Solar cells

 Electrical Storage           Rechargeable lithium-ion battery. Qty 1: 18650B Panasonic cell.

 Radioactive Materials        None

ODAR Section 3: Assessment of Debris Released During Normal
 Objects larger than 1mm expected to be released during orbit:            None

 Rationale for release of each object:                                    N/A

 Time of release of each object:                                          N/A

 Release velocity of each object:                                         N/A

 Expected orbital parameters of each object:                              N/A

 Calculated orbital lifetime of each object:                              N/A

 Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.3-1 and 4.3-2:

 4.3-1, Mission-Related Debris Passing Through LEO:                                  COMPLIANT

 4.3-2, Mission-Related Debris Passing Near GEO:                                     COMPLIANT
A DAS 2.1.2 log demonstrating the compliance to the above requirements is available in Appendix A –
“DAS 2.1.2 Log”.

ODAR Section 4: Assessment of Spacecraft Intentional Breakups
and Potential for Explosions
Potential causes for spacecraft breakup:
There is only one plausible causes for breakup of the satellites:
    ● Energy released from onboard Lithium-ion battery from the unlikely event of overcharging or

Summary of failure modes and effects analysis of all credible failure modes which may lead to an
accidental explosion:
The battery aboard the satellite is a 12.5 Whr Lithium-Ion battery, which represents the only credible
failure mode during which stored energy is released. The main failure modes associated with Lithium Ion
batteries result from overcharging, over-discharging, internal shorts, and external shorts.

The battery onboard Swarm BEE satellites complies with all controls / process requirements identified in
JSC-20793 Section 5.4.3 to mitigate chance of any accidental venting / explosion caused by the above
failure modes.

Detailed Plan for any designed spacecraft breakup, including explosions and intentional
There is no planned breakup the satellites on-orbit.

List of components passivated at EOM:
At end of mission, all radio transmissions and beacons will be disabled. Spacecraft transmissions are only
initiated by ground command and self terminate. All RF transmissions from the satellite can be disabled
via command from the ground.

Rationale for all items required to be passivated that cannot be due to design:

 Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.4-1 through

 4.4-1, Limiting the risk to other space systems from accidental explosions during     COMPLIANT
 deployment and mission operations while in orbit about Earth or the Moon

 4.4-2, Design for passivation after completion of mission operations while in orbit   COMPLIANT
 about Earth or the Moon

 4.4-3, Limiting the long-term risk to other space systems from planned breakups:      COMPLIANT
 There are no planned breakups of any of the satellites.

 4.4-4, Limiting the short-term risk to other space systems from planned breakups      COMPLIANT
 There are no planned breakups of any of the satellites.

ODAR Section 5: Assessment of Spacecraft Potential for On-Orbit

Probability for Collision with Objects >10cm:
The probability of a collision of any of the satellites with an orbiting object larger than 10cm in diameter
was sufficiently small that the simulation performed using DAS 2.1.2 software returned a probability value
of 0.

 Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirement 4.5-1 and 4.5-2:

 4.5-1, Probability of Collision with Large Objects:                                     COMPLIANT

 4.5-2, Probability of Damage from Small Objects:                                        COMPLIANT
A DAS 2.1.2 log demonstrating the compliance to the above requirements is available in Appendix A –
“DAS 2.1.2 Log”.

ODAR Section 6: Assessment of Spacecraft Post-mission
Disposal Plans and Procedures
Description of Disposal Option Selected:
Following its deployment, the satellite’s orbit will naturally decay until it reenters the atmosphere. Table 1
describes the mission scenarios for which lifetime analysis of Swarm BEEs was considered, and the
effective area-to-mass ratio of the satellite in each scenario. The ratio was calculated using the external
dimensions of the satellite and deployed arrays. The satellites will be deployed from the P-POD with a
spring and will separate from one another with ​separation springs in the 1/4U feet.

Drag area from deployed antennas (2x ​446mm whip antennas) was neglected; as such, the effective
area-to-mass calculated below is a conservative case.

              Table 1 - Area-to-Mass Ratio of Swarm Satellites in Various Mission Scenarios
 Scenario                   Description                                   Effective Area-to-Mass (m​2​/kg)

 Operational, Nominal           ●   Satellite maintains +Z axis nadir                                0.0154
                                ●   Satellite maintains position
                                    around Z axis as planned for
                                    mission operations

 ADCS Nonfunctional             ●   Satellite tumbles randomly                                       0.0350

Table 2 shows the simulated orbital dwell time for a Swarm BEE satellite for the range of possible orbits,
in each of the identified mission scenarios. In all mission scenarios and orbits, the dwell time of the
satellite was simulated us​ing DAS 2.1.2 software to be less than 10 years.

    Table 2 – Orbit Dwell Time for Swarm BEE Satellite in Each Planned Orbit and Mission Scenario

                                                                  Orbital Lifetime (years)

 Case                                              Nominal            Lowest Altitude        Highest Altitude

 Launch                                         Q3 2017 PSLV           Q3 2017 PSLV             Q3 2017 PSLV
                                                 (4 Satellites)          (4 Satellites)          (4 Satellites)

 Orbit (Launch Sept.                           580 km x 580 km        500 km x 500 km           600 km x 600 km
 17, 2017, 9:30 LTDN)                           SSO (97.7 deg)         SSO (97.4 deg)            SSO (97.8 deg)

 Scenario                  Effective

 Operational, Nominal              0.0154                     7.68                    5.23                   9.87

 ADCS Nonfunctional                0.0350                     5.80                    4.38                   6.27

Identification of Systems Required for Post-mission Disposal:​ None

Plan for Spacecraft Maneuvers required for Post-mission Disposal:​ N/A

Calculation of final Area-to-Mass Ratio if Atmospheric Reentry Not Selected:​ N/A

 Assessment of Spacecraft Compliance with Requirements 4.6-1 through

 4.6-1, Disposal for space structures passing through LEO                                 COMPLIANT
 All of the satellites will reenter the atmosphere within 25 years of mission
 completion and 30 years of launch.

 4.6-2, Disposal for space structures passing through GEO:                                N/A

 4.6-3, Disposal for space structures between LEO and GEO:                                N/A

 4.6-4, Reliability of post-mission disposal operations:                                  COMPLIANT

ODAR Section 7: Assessment of Spacecraft Reentry Hazards
Detailed description of spacecraft components by size, mass, material, shape, and original
location on the space vehicle:

A system-level mass breakdown and primary materials list included in the generic satellite bus is available
in the table below:

 Subsystem         Materials              Quantity    Mass (grams)      Shape         Size (cm)

 Solar Panels         Copper, Glass           2              1              Box          79 x 50 x 0.3

 Main Board                FR4                2              48             Box          98 x 98 x 1.6

 Primary                 Al 6061              1              32             Box         100 x 100 x 27

 Battery                  Li-Ion              1             48.5         Cylinder        18 (r) x 67 (l)

Summary of objects expected to survive an uncontrolled ree​ntry (using DAS 2.1.2 software):​ ​None
Calculation of probability of human casualty for expected reentry year and inclination:​ 0%

 Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirement 4.7-1:

 4.7-1, Casualty Risk from Reentry Debris:                                            COMPLIANT

A DAS 2.1.2 log demonstrating the compliance to Requirement 4.7-1 is available in Appendix A – “DAS
2.1.2 Log”.

ODAR Section 7A: Assessment of Spacecraft Hazardous
Summary of Hazardous Materials Contained on Spacecraft: ​None

ODAR Section 8: Assessment for Tether Missions
Type of tether:​ N/A
Description of tether system: ​N/A
Determination of minimum size of object that will cause the tether to be severed:​ N/A
Tether mission plan, including duration and post-mission disposal: N ​ /A
Probability of tether colliding with large space objects:​ N/A
Probability of tether being severed during mission or after post-mission disposal:​ N/A
Maximum orbital lifetime of a severed tether fragment:​ N/A

 Assessment of compliance with Requirement 4.8-1:

 4.8-1, Collision Hazards of Space Tethers:                                               N/A

ODAR Section 9: Orbital Tracking Methodology
In consideration of the small satellite form factor, the satellites employ a radar return enhancement
technology to ensure passive ground tracking capability by third party tracking services. Each of our
satellites is a ¼-U size, or 100 mm x 100 mm x 28 mm, and is composed of an aluminum frame, and 6
PCBs on each face. Each 100 mm x 100 mm face PCB has a built-in ground plane and solar cells, which
provide the same radar return as a 1U satellite, or a 3U satellite end-on. Each 100 mm x 28 mm face is
composed of a passive Ku-band radar reflector, specifically designed to be used to passively increase the
radar cross section of small satellites for enhanced tracking. Each 100 mm x 28 mm face has an
equivalent radar return signature of a 100 mm x 280 mm area (or 10x larger than it’s actual area), in effect
providing a radar signature equivalent of a 3U satellite, side-on. The passive radar retroreflector was
designed for the Haystack Auxiliary RADAR (HAX) operated by MIT Lincoln Labs, which has the following
         Peak Power:                            50 Kilowatts
         Center frequency:                      16.7 GHz (Ku Band)
         Bandwidth:                             2 GHz
         Antenna Diameter:                      12.2 meters
         Antenna Gain (at 16.7 GHz):            63.6 dB
         Antenna Beamwidth:                     0.10 degrees
         Polarization:                          Right Hand Circular
         Pulse Length:                          1.64 milliseconds
         Pulse Repetition Frequency:            60 Hz

The radar retroreflectors were developed by Terry Albert at SPAWAR. Albert, Terry R CIV
SPAWARSYSCEN-PACIFIC, 56290 <terry.albert@navy.mil>

The HAX Radar, which is part of the NORAD system, operated by the Joint Space Operations Center (JSpOC),
                            ​ he radar ​reflectors will improve the RADAR return from the smallsat, and thereby
will track our satellites​. T
improve the ability to detect and track it. HAX can track the satellite any time the smallsat flies over it, and
JSpOC calculates the TLEs from the RADAR returns. ​Any other radar unit in the Ku-band (14.7 GHz to 18.7
GHz) would similarly be able to track our satellites, and would see a signature that is the equivalent to a
3U satellite.

Further, each of our satellites has an onboard GPS receiver, and the GPS location of each of our
satellites is transmitted every time that the satellite is interrogated from the ground. We will have the
ability to silence all RF transmission of the satellite by command from the ground. Our GPS data, and
computed TLEs, will be provided to JSpOC, and any other entity that wishes to receive the live telemetry.
The GPS device will provide telemetry for the hardware lifetime of the satellite, which exceeds the
anticipated orbital lifetime of the satellite.

Appendix A: DAS 2.1.2 Log
Below is the log of the DAS 2.1.2 simulation performed to demonstrate compliance to the above requirements.

04   20   2017;   15:03:17PM   Activity Log Started
04   20   2017;   15:03:17PM   New Project Files Created
04   20   2017;   15:04:46PM   Mission Editor Changes Applied
04   20   2017;   15:04:50PM   Project Data Saved To File

04 21 2017; 22:16:49PM Science and Engineering - Orbit Lifetime/Dwell Time


          Start Year = 2017.000000 (yr)
          Perigee Altitude = 600.000000 (km)
          Apogee Altitude = 600.000000 (km)
          Inclination = 97.792400 (deg)
          RAAN = 316.647000 (deg)
          Argument of Perigee = 0.000000 (deg)
          Area-To-Mass Ratio = 0.035000 (m^2/kg)


      Orbital Lifetime from Startyr = 6.269678 (yr)
      Time Spent in LEO during Lifetime = 6.269678 (yr)
      Last year of Propagation = 2023 (yr)
      Returned Error Message: Object reentered
04 21 2017; 22:17:01PM Science and Engineering - Orbit Lifetime/Dwell Time


          Start Year = 2017.000000 (yr)
          Perigee Altitude = 600.000000 (km)
          Apogee Altitude = 600.000000 (km)
          Inclination = 97.792400 (deg)
          RAAN = 316.647000 (deg)
          Argument of Perigee = 0.000000 (deg)
          Area-To-Mass Ratio = 0.015400 (m^2/kg)


      Orbital Lifetime from Startyr = 9.872690 (yr)
      Time Spent in LEO during Lifetime = 9.872690 (yr)
      Last year of Propagation = 2026 (yr)
      Returned Error Message: Object reentered
04 21 2017; 22:23:05PM Science and Engineering - Orbit Lifetime/Dwell Time


      Start Year = 2017.000000 (yr)
      Perigee Altitude = 600.000000 (km)
      Apogee Altitude = 600.000000 (km)
      Inclination = 97.792400 (deg)
      RAAN = 316.647000 (deg)
      Argument of Perigee = 0.000000 (deg)
      Area-To-Mass Ratio = 0.015400 (m^2/kg)


      Orbital Lifetime from Startyr = 9.872690 (yr)
      Time Spent in LEO during Lifetime = 9.872690 (yr)
      Last year of Propagation = 2026 (yr)
      Returned Error Message: Object reentered
04 21 2017; 22:23:21PM Science and Engineering - Orbit Lifetime/Dwell Time


      Start Year = 2017.000000 (yr)
      Perigee Altitude = 600.000000 (km)
      Apogee Altitude = 600.000000 (km)
      Inclination = 97.792400 (deg)
      RAAN = 316.647000 (deg)
      Argument of Perigee = 0.000000 (deg)
      Area-To-Mass Ratio = 0.035000 (m^2/kg)


      Orbital Lifetime from Startyr = 6.269678 (yr)
      Time Spent in LEO during Lifetime = 6.269678 (yr)
      Last year of Propagation = 2023 (yr)
      Returned Error Message: Object reentered
04 21 2017; 22:23:48PM Science and Engineering - Orbit Lifetime/Dwell Time


      Start Year = 2017.000000 (yr)
      Perigee Altitude = 580.000000 (km)
      Apogee Altitude = 580.000000 (km)
      Inclination = 97.700000 (deg)
      RAAN = 316.647000 (deg)
      Argument of Perigee = 0.000000 (deg)
      Area-To-Mass Ratio = 0.035000 (m^2/kg)


      Orbital Lifetime from Startyr = 5.798768 (yr)
      Time Spent in LEO during Lifetime = 5.798768 (yr)
      Last year of Propagation = 2022 (yr)

      Returned Error Message: Object reentered
04 21 2017; 22:24:08PM Science and Engineering - Orbit Lifetime/Dwell Time


      Start Year = 2017.000000 (yr)
      Perigee Altitude = 580.000000 (km)
      Apogee Altitude = 580.000000 (km)
      Inclination = 97.700000 (deg)
      RAAN = 316.647000 (deg)
      Argument of Perigee = 0.000000 (deg)
      Area-To-Mass Ratio = 0.015400 (m^2/kg)


      Orbital Lifetime from Startyr = 7.676934 (yr)
      Time Spent in LEO during Lifetime = 7.676934 (yr)
      Last year of Propagation = 2024 (yr)
      Returned Error Message: Object reentered
04 21 2017; 22:24:41PM Science and Engineering - Orbit Lifetime/Dwell Time


      Start Year = 2017.000000 (yr)
      Perigee Altitude = 500.000000 (km)
      Apogee Altitude = 500.000000 (km)
      Inclination = 97.400000 (deg)
      RAAN = 316.647000 (deg)
      Argument of Perigee = 0.000000 (deg)
      Area-To-Mass Ratio = 0.015400 (m^2/kg)


      Orbital Lifetime from Startyr = 5.229295 (yr)
      Time Spent in LEO during Lifetime = 5.229295 (yr)
      Last year of Propagation = 2022 (yr)
      Returned Error Message: Object reentered
04 21 2017; 22:24:54PM Science and Engineering - Orbit Lifetime/Dwell Time


      Start Year = 2017.000000 (yr)
      Perigee Altitude = 500.000000 (km)
      Apogee Altitude = 500.000000 (km)
      Inclination = 97.400000 (deg)
      RAAN = 316.647000 (deg)
      Argument of Perigee = 0.000000 (deg)
      Area-To-Mass Ratio = 0.035000 (m^2/kg)


      Orbital Lifetime from Startyr = 4.380561 (yr)
      Time Spent in LEO during Lifetime = 4.380561 (yr)
      Last year of Propagation = 2021 (yr)
      Returned Error Message: Object reentered

04 24 2017; 14:19:28PM Processing Requirement 4.3-1:   Return Status :   Passed

Project Data
      Objects Passing Through LEO = True
      Number of Objects = 1

      Quantity = 4
      Final Area-To-Mass Ratio = 0.035000 (m^2/kg)
      Perigee Altitude = 580.000000 (km)
      Apogee Altitude = 580.000000 (km)
      Inclination = 97.600000 (deg)
      RAAN = -1.000000 (deg)
      Argument of Perigee = -1.000000 (deg)
      Mean Anomaly = -1.000000 (deg)
      Released Year = 2017.000000 (yr)

      Perigee Altitude = -6378.136000 (km)
      Apogee Altitude = -6378.136000 (km)
      Inclination = 0.000000 (deg)
      Lifetime = 5.807192 (yr)
      Object Reentered within 25 years of Release = True
      Object-Time = 23.162218 (obj-yrs)
      Total Object-Time = 23.162218 (obj-yrs)
      Status = Pass
       Returned Error Message - Normal Processing


=============== End of Requirement 4.3-1 ===============

04 24 2017; 11:28:14AM Processing Requirement 4.3-2: Return Status : Passed

No Project Data Available

=============== End of Requirement 4.3-2 ===============
04 24 2017; 11:28:22AM Requirement 4.4-3: Compliant

=============== End of Requirement 4.4-3 ===============
04 24 2017; 11:28:23AM Requirement 4.4-3: Compliant

=============== End of Requirement 4.4-3 ===============
04 24 2017; 11:40:35AM Processing Requirement 4.5-1:   Return Status :   Passed

Run Data


      Space Structure Name = SwarmBEE
      Space Structure Type = Payload
      Perigee Altitude = 580.000000 (km)
      Apogee Altitude = 580.000000 (km)
      Inclination = 97.600000 (deg)
      RAAN = 0.000000 (deg)
      Argument of Perigee = 0.000000 (deg)
      Mean Anomaly = 0.000000 (deg)
      Final Area-To-Mass Ratio = 0.035000 (m^2/kg)
      Start Year = 2017.000000 (yr)
      Initial Mass = 0.183100 (kg)
      Final Mass = 0.183100 (kg)
      Duration = 5.000000 (yr)
      Station-Kept = False
      Abandoned = True
      PMD Perigee Altitude = -1.000000 (km)
      PMD Apogee Altitude = -1.000000 (km)
      PMD Inclination = 0.000000 (deg)
      PMD RAAN = 0.000000 (deg)
      PMD Argument of Perigee = 0.000000 (deg)
      PMD Mean Anomaly = 0.000000 (deg)


      Collision Probability = 0.000000
      Returned Error Message: Normal Processing
      Date Range Error Message: Normal Date Range
      Status = Pass


=============== End of Requirement 4.5-1 ===============

04 21 2017; 15:50:26PM Requirement 4.5-2:   Compliant

04 21 2017; 15:53:04PM Processing Requirement 4.6   Return Status :   Passed

Project Data


      Space Structure Name = SwarmBEE
      Space Structure Type = Payload

      Perigee Altitude = 580.000000 (km)
      Apogee Altitude = 580.000000 (km)
      Inclination = 97.600000 (deg)
      RAAN = 0.000000 (deg)
      Argument of Perigee = 0.000000 (deg)
      Mean Anomaly = 0.000000 (deg)
      Area-To-Mass Ratio = 0.004150 (m^2/kg)
      Start Year = 2017.000000 (yr)
      Initial Mass = 0.156400 (kg)
      Final Mass = 0.156400 (kg)
      Duration = 5.000000 (yr)
      Station Kept = False
      Abandoned = True
      PMD Perigee Altitude = 576.060384 (km)
      PMD Apogee Altitude = 576.060384 (km)
      PMD Inclination = 97.748927 (deg)
      PMD RAAN = 344.718056 (deg)
      PMD Argument of Perigee = 8.342328 (deg)
      PMD Mean Anomaly = 0.000000 (deg)


      Suggested Perigee Altitude = 576.060384 (km)
      Suggested Apogee Altitude = 576.060384 (km)
      Returned Error Message = Passes LEO reentry orbit criteria.

      Released Year = 2045 (yr)
      Requirement = 61
      Compliance Status = Pass


=============== End of Requirement 4.6 ===============
04 25 2017; 12:32:07PM *********Processing Requirement 4.7-1
      Return Status : Passed

 Item Number = 1

name = SwarmBEE
quantity = 1
parent = 0
materialID = 5
type = Box
Aero Mass = 0.183100
Thermal Mass = 0.183100
Diameter/Width = 0.100000
Length = 0.100000
Height = 0.028300

name = Solar Panels
quantity = 2
parent = 1
materialID = 24
type = Box
Aero Mass = 0.001000
Thermal Mass = 0.001000
Diameter/Width = 0.050000
Length = 0.079000
Height = 0.000300

name = Subsystem PCB
quantity = 2
parent = 1
materialID = 5
type = Box
Aero Mass = 0.041300
Thermal Mass = 0.041300
Diameter/Width = 0.098000
Length = 0.098000
Height = 0.001600

name = Primary Structure
quantity = 1
parent = 1
materialID = 8
type = Box
Aero Mass = 0.032000
Thermal Mass = 0.032000
Diameter/Width = 0.100000
Length = 0.100000
Height = 0.002700

name = Battery Pack
quantity = 1
parent = 1
materialID = 5
type = Cylinder
Aero Mass = 0.048500

Thermal Mass = 0.048500
Diameter/Width = 0.039000
Length = 0.067000

Item Number = 1

name =   SwarmBEE
Demise   Altitude = 77.988602
Debris   Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact   Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = Solar Panels
Demise Altitude = 77.964577
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = Subsystem PCB
Demise Altitude = 75.182190
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = Primary Structure
Demise Altitude = 76.035942
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = Battery Pack
Demise Altitude = 73.450478
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000


 Item Number = 2

name = SwarmBEE2
quantity = 4
parent = 0
materialID = 5
type = Box
Aero Mass = 0.183100
Thermal Mass = 0.183100
Diameter/Width = 0.100000
Length = 0.100000

Height = 0.028300

name = S
quantity = 4
parent = 1
materialID = 5
type = Box
Aero Mass = 0.183100
Thermal Mass = 0.183100
Diameter/Width = 0.100000
Length = 0.100000
Height = 0.028300

Item Number = 2

name =   SwarmBEE2
Demise   Altitude = 77.988602
Debris   Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact   Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = S
Demise Altitude = 69.932800
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000


=============== End of Requirement 4.7-1 ===============

Document Created: 2019-02-19 17:21:20
Document Modified: 2019-02-19 17:21:20

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