
0705-EX-PL-2015 Text Documents

Spire Global, Inc.


                                                                                                             Hogan Lovells US LLP
                                                                                                             Columbia Square
                                                                                                             555 Thirteenth Street, NW
                                                                                                             Washington, DC 20004
                                                                                                             T +1 202 637 5600
                                                                                                             F +1 202 637 5910

January 19, 2016

Via Electronic Filing
Experimental Licensing Branch
Office of Engineering and Technology
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street SW
Washington, DC 20554

Re:              Spire Global, Inc.
                 ELS File No. 0705-EX-PL-2015

To Whom It May Concern:

Spire Global, Inc. (“Spire”) hereby amends the above-referenced experimental application seeking
authority from the Office of Engineering and Technology (“OET”) to deploy four satellites from the
International Space Station (“ISS”) as part of Spire’s Lemur-2 satellite system. The satellites were
scheduled to be delivered to the ISS as cargo aboard a Falcon-9 launch from Cape Canaveral,

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (“NASA”), the contracting party for the primary
payload for the Falcon-9 launch, has requested that Spire reschedule the satellite delivery to a
United Launch Alliance Atlas V launch scheduled for March 10, 2016. Attached to this amendment
is a letter from NASA to NanoRacks, LLC, the party with whom Spire has contracted for the delivery
of the Lemur-2 satellites to the ISS, requesting that those satellites be moved from the Falcon-9
launch to the Atlas V launch. By this filing, Spire amends its application to reflect NASA’s requested

Because the Spire satellites will still be deployed from the ISS, there are no changes to the proposed
orbital characteristics of the satellites. Further, the radiofrequency characteristics of the four
satellites (e.g., transmit power, out-of-band emissions, antenna patterns and gain, and transmit and
receive frequencies) will remain the same.

However, with respect to the coordination of this application with NTIA, the response to inquiry 1B of
the NTIA coordination form may need to be revised to reflect the ministerial change of the launch
vehicle from Falcon-9 to Atlas V. Specifically, the response to inquiry 1B should be as follows (the
black-line edits reflect the changes):

“Falcon-9Atlas V: ORB, 51.6IN00400AP00400PE001.60H04NRT01.”

Hogan Lovells US LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in the District of Columbia. “Hogan Lovells” is an international legal practice that includes Hogan Lovells US
LLP and Hogan Lovells International LLP, with offices in: Alicante Amsterdam Baltimore Beijing Brussels Caracas Colorado Springs Denver Dubai Dusseldorf
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Singapore    Sydney    Tokyo      Ulaanbaatar       Warsaw      Washington DC         Associated offices: Budapest    Jeddah     Riyadh      Zagreb. For more information see

Marlene H. Dortch                                -2-                                January 19, 2016

If there are any questions regarding this application, please contact the undersigned.

Very truly yours,


Trey Hanbury

D 202-637-5534


                     National Aeronautics and
                     Space Administration

                     Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
                     2101 NASA Parkway
                     Houston, Texas 77058—3696

                                                           January 14, 2016

Reply to Attn: of:   OZ—16—002

                     Jeffrey Manber
                     NanoRacks, LLC
                     550 Forge River Road, Suite 120
                     Webster, TX 77598

                     Dear Jeffrey:

                     We recently completed a cargo manifesting optimization study for the SpaceX8 and
                     Orbital/ATK 6 launches and have determined it is best to launch the Nanoracks Cubesat
                     Deployers and the respective Cubesats (Dove and LEMUR—2) on OA6 instead of
                     SpaceX8. This move ensures that OA6 has a full cargo complement. Note that OA6 is
                     now planned to launch prior to SpaceX8.

                     We are working with our Spectrum Management organization to develop a strategy to
                     preclude amending licenses for future launch vehicle changes and will communicate
                     these findings with you as soon as possible.

                     We apologize for the inconvenience to you or your teams.

                     Please call me if you would like to discuss further at 281—483—9122.


                     Marybeth Edeen
                     Manager, ISS Research Integration

                     OZ/M. Surber
                     OZ/A. Lopez,
                     OZ/S. Huning

                     Marcia Blount
                     NanoRacks, LLC
                     550 Forge River Road, Suite 120
                     Webster, TX 77598

Document Created: 2016-01-19 22:15:03
Document Modified: 2016-01-19 22:15:03

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