LEMUR 1 Orbital Debris Assessment Report

0213-EX-PL-2014 Text Documents

Spire Global, Inc



LEMUR-1 Orbital Debris
Assessment Report

Summarized List of Compliance Status to Orbital Debris
For convenience, below is a summarized list of the compliance status to orbital debris requirements.
Detailed explanations for each of these compliance statements are available in ODAR Sections 1
through 8.

 4.3-1, Mission-Related Debris Passing Through LEO:                                    COMPLIANT

 4.3-2, Mission-Related Debris Passing Near GEO                                        COMPLIANT

 4.4-1, Limiting the risk to other space systems from accidental explosions during     COMPLIANT
 deployment and mission operations while in orbit about Earth or the Moon:

 4.4-2, Design for passivation after completion of mission operations while in orbit   N/A
 about Earth or the Moon:

 4.4-3, Limiting the long-term risk to other space systems from planned breakups:      COMPLIANT

 4.4-4, Limiting the short-term risk to other space systems from planned               COMPLIANT

 4.5-1, Probability of Collision with Large Objects:                                   COMPLIANT

 4.5-2, Probability of Damage from Small Objects:                                      COMPLIANT

 4.6-1, Disposal for space structures passing through LEO:                             COMPLIANT

 4.6-2, Disposal for space structures passing through GEO:                             N/A

 4.6-3, Disposal for space structures between LEO and GEO:                             N/A

 4.6-4, Reliability of postmission disposal operations:                                N/A

 4.8-1, Collision Hazards of Space Tethers                                             N/A

ODAR Section 1: Program Management and Mission
Program / Project     Peter Platzer

Mission Description   The purpose of the ForeSight CubeSat market study is to evaluate the
                      commercial viability of a low-Earth orbiting constellation of nanosatellites
                      providing both a platform for high school STEM education and for
                      generating high-revisit Earth observation data.
                      As a part of this study, NanoSatisfi will be launching the LEMUR-1
                      satellite to perform technology demonstration of several spacecraft
                      modules required for the constellation

Project Milestones:      The development of LEMUR-1 began in Q3 2013, LEMUR-1 is
                          currently undergoing subsystem integration in San Francisco.
                         LEMUR-1 will be delivered to the launch service provider in early
                          April 2014, to be integrated in the launch vehicle in mid April 2014.
                         LEMUR-1 will be deployed from a P-POD as a secondary payload on
                          the UniSat-6 mission, currently scheduled for no earlier than May 1
                         LEMUR-1 is part of an ongoing market study, which will conclude at
                          the end of 2015.

Foreign Government    None

Proposed Launch       No earlier than May 1, 2014

Proposed Launch       Dnepr, UniSat-6 mission

Proposed Launch       Yasny Launch Base, Orenburg, Russia

Launch Vehicle        International Space Company (ISC) Kosmotras

Mission Duration:     June 2014 – Dec 2015

Launch /              Launch
Deployment Profile:   LEMUR-1 will be inserted directly into a circular sun-synchronous orbit at
                      an altitude of 600km.

                      The operational phase of the satellite begins following the successful
                      deployment of the satellite from the launch vehicle, at which point its
                      solar panels and antennae deploy. The operational phase continues until
                      the end of the market study in December 2015.

                      Postmission Disposal
                      Following the end of the operational phase, the orbit of the satellite will
                      passively decay, until the satellite reenters the atmosphere and
                      disintegrates. The satellite is nominally expected to reenter the
                      atmosphere 10 years following deployment from the launch vehicle, as
                      detailed in Appendix B: LEMUR1 Orbit Lifetime

Selection of Orbit:   The selection of the chosen orbit was made due to available launch

Potential Physical    As the satellite does not have any propulsion systems, its orbit will
Interference with     naturally decay following deployment from the launch vehicle.
Other Orbiting
Object:               As detailed in Section 5, the probability of physical interference between
                      the satellites and other space objects is sufficiently unlikely that the
                      satellite complies with Requirement 4.5.

ODAR Section 2: Spacecraft Description
Physical Description:
 Property                Value

 Total Mass at Launch    4kg

 Dry Mass at Launch      4kg

 Form Factor             3U CubeSat

 COG                     <3cm radius from geometric center

 Envelope (stowed)       100mm x 100mm x 340.5mm (excluding dynamic envelope)

 Envelope (deployed)     1m x 1m x 300mm

 Propulsion Systems      None

 Fluid Systems           None

 AOCS                    Stabilization/pointing with 3x orthogonal reaction wheels,
                         desaturation + coarse pointing with magnetorquers

 Range Safety /          None
 Pyrotechnic Devices

 Electrical Generation   Triple-junction GaAs solar panels

 Electrical Storage      Rechargable lithium-ion battery pack

 Radioactive Materials   None

ODAR Section 3: Assessment of Debris Released During
Normal Operations
 Objects larger than 1mm expected to be released during orbit:       None

 Rationale for release of each object:                                N/A

 Time of release of each object:                                      N/A

 Release velocity of each object:                                     N/A

 Expected orbital parameters of each object:                          N/A

 Calculated orbital lifetime of each object:                          N/A

 Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.3-1 and 4.3-2:

 4.3-1, Mission-Related Debris Passing Through LEO:                              COMPLIANT

 4.3-2, Mission-Related Debris Passing Near GEO:                                 COMPLIANT

A DAS 2.0.2 log demonstrating the compliance to the above requirements is available in Appendix A
– “DAS 2.0.2 Log”.

ODAR Section 4: Assessment of Spacecraft Intentional
Breakups and Potential for Explosions
Potential causes for spacecraft breakup:

There are only two plausible causes for breakup of the satellites:

         energy released from onboard batteries, and
         mechanical failure of the reaction wheels

Summary of failure modes and effects analysis of all credible failure modes which may lead
to an accidental explosion:

The batteries aboard the satellites are 2600mAh Lithium-Ion cells, and represent the only credible
failure mode during which stored energy is released. The main failure modes associated with Lithium
Ion batteries result from overcharging, overdischarging, internal shorts, and external shorts.

The battery pack onboard ArduSat-2 and the ArduSat-2X is in compliance with NASA’s Crewed
Space Vehicle Battery Safety Requirements (JSC-20793), and complies with all controls / process
requirements identified in JSC-20793 Section 5.4.3 to mitigate chance of any accidental venting /
explosion caused by the above failure modes.

The only failure mode of the reaction wheel assemblies that could lead to creation of debris would be
breakup of the wheels themselves due to mechanical failure while operating at a high angular rate.
Risk mitigation strategies for breakups due to the reaction wheels includ limiting the maximum
rotational speed of the wheels, and containing them within a sealed compartment.

Detailed Plan for any designed spacecraft breakup, including explosions and intentional

There is no planned breakup the satellites on-orbit.

List of components passivated at EOM:

At the end of mission, the only components that will require passivation are the reaction wheels. At
the end of the mission, the reaction wheels will be de-spun to passivate.

Rationale for all items required to be passivated that can not be due to design:


 Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.4-1 through

 4.4-1, Limiting the risk to other space systems from accidental explosions during     COMPLIANT
 deployment and mission operations while in orbit about Earth or the Moon

 4.4-2, Design for passivation after completion of mission operations while in orbit   COMPLIANT
 about Earth or the Moon

4.4-3, Limiting the long-term risk to other space systems from planned breakups:   COMPLIANT

    There are no planned breakups of any of the satellites.

4.4-4, Limiting the short-term risk to other space systems from planned breakups   COMPLIANT

    There are no planned breakups of any of the satellites.

ODAR Section 5: Assessment of Spacecraft Potential for
On-Orbit Collisions
Probability for Collision with Objects >10cm:

The probability of a collision of any of the satellites with an orbiting object larger than 10cm in
diameter was sufficiently small that the simulation performed using DAS 2.0.2 software returned a
probability value of 0.

 Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirement 4.5-1 and 4.5-2:

 4.5-1, Probability of Collision with Large Objects:                               COMPLIANT

 4.5-2, Probability of Damage from Small Objects:                                  COMPLIANT

A DAS 2.0.2 log demonstrating the compliance to the above requirements is available in Appendix A
– “DAS 2.0.2 Log”.

ODAR Section 6: Assessment of Spacecraft Postmission
Disposal Plans and Procedures
Description of Disposal Option Selected:

Following its deployment, the satellite’s orbit will naturally decay until it reenters the atmosphere. As
detailed in Section 7, the satellites will completely disintegrate during reentry, with no components
surviving reentry to the ground.

Identification of Systems Required for Postmission Disposal: None

Plan for Spacecraft Maneuvers required for Postmission Disposal: N/A

Calculation of final Area-to-Mass Ratio if Atmospheric Reentry Not Selected: N/A

 Assessment of Spacecraft Compliance with Requirements 4.6-1 through

 4.6-1, Disposal for space structures passing through LEO                                 COMPLIANT

      All of the satellites will reenter the atmosphere within 25 years of mission
      completion and 30 years of launch.

 4.6-2, Disposal for space structures passing through GEO:                                N/A

 4.6-3, Disposal for space structures between LEO and GEO:                                N/A

 4.6-4, Reliability of postmission disposal operations:                                   COMPLIANT

ODAR Section 7: Assessment of Spacecraft Reentry
Detailed description of spacecraft components by size, mass, material, shape, and original
location on the space vehicle:

A system-level mass breakdown and primary materials list included in the generic satellite bus is
available in the table below:
 Subsystem                    Materials              Quantity    Mass       Shape       Size (mm)

 Solar Panels (long)          Glass, GaAs, FR4       6           150        Flat        100 x 300
                              PCB                                           Plate

 GPS Antenna                  Aluminum               2           150        Box         56 x 80 x

 Subsystem PCBs               FR4 PCB                10          60         Flat        90 x 90

 Primary Structure            Aluminum               1           560        Box         100 x 100
                                                                                        x 300

 Optical Camera               Aluminum, FR4          1           350        Cylinder    60 x 70
                              PCB, Glass

 Reaction wheel               Aluminum, copper,      1           600        Box         100 x 100
 assembly + enclosure         FR4 PCB                                                   x 56

 Battery pack                 Li-Ion, aluminum       1           470        Box         100 x 100
                                                                                        x 40

Summary of objects expected to survive an uncontrolled reentry (using DAS 2.0.2
software): None

Calculation of probability of human casualty for expected reentry year and inclination: 0%
 Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirement 4.7-1:

 4.7-1, Casualty Risk from Reentry Debris:                              COMPLIANT

A DAS 2.0.2 log demonstrating the compliance to Requirement 4.7-1 is available in Appendix A –
“DAS 2.0.2 Log”.

ODAR Section 7A: Assessment of Spacecraft Hazardous
Summary of Hazardous Materials Contained on Spacecraft: None

ODAR Section 8: Assessment for Tether Missions
Type of tether: N/A

Description of tether system: N/A

Determination of minimum size of object that will cause the tether to be severed: N/A

Tether mission plan, including duration and postmission disposal: N/A

Probability of tether colliding with large space objects: N/A

Probability of tether being severed during mission or after postmission disposal: N/A

Maximum orbital lifetime of a severed tether fragment: N/A

 Assessment of compliance with Requirement 4.8-1:

 4.8-1, Collision Hazards of Space Tethers:               N/A

Appendix A: DAS 2.0.2 Log
Below is the log of the DAS 2.0.2 simulation performed to demonstrate compliance to the above

01 28 2014; 15:31:06PM     DAS Application Started
01 28 2014; 15:31:07PM     Opened Project C:\Program Files
(x86)\NASA\DAS 2.0\ArduSat2\
01 28 2014; 15:31:11PM     Processing Requirement 4.3-1:                          Return
Status : Not Run

No Project Data Available

=============== End of Requirement 4.3-1 ===============
01 28 2014; 15:31:13PM     Processing Requirement 4.3-2: Return Status
: Passed

No Project Data Available

=============== End of Requirement 4.3-2 ===============
01 28 2014; 15:31:14PM     Requirement 4.4-3: Compliant

=============== End of Requirement 4.4-3 ===============
01 28 2014; 15:31:18PM     Processing Requirement 4.5-1:                          Return
Status : Passed

Run Data


       Space Structure Name = LEMUR1
       Space Structure Type = Payload
       Perigee Altitude = 600.000000 (km)
       Apogee Altitude = 600.000000 (km)
       Inclination = 98.900000 (deg)
       RAAN = 0.000000 (deg)
       Argument of Perigee = 0.000000 (deg)
       Mean Anomaly = 0.000000 (deg)
       Final Area-To-Mass Ratio = 0.026310 (m^2/kg)
       Start Year = 2014.000000 (yr)
       Initial Mass = 4.000000 (kg)
       Final Mass = 4.000000 (kg)
       Duration = 10.000000 (yr)
       Station-Kept = False

     Abandoned = True
     PMD Perigee Altitude = -1.000000 (km)
     PMD Apogee Altitude = -1.000000 (km)
     PMD Inclination = 0.000000 (deg)
     PMD RAAN = 0.000000 (deg)
     PMD Argument of Perigee = 0.000000 (deg)
     PMD Mean Anomaly = 0.000000 (deg)


     Collision Probability = 0.000002
     Returned Error Message: Normal Processing
     Date Range Error Message: Normal Date Range
     Status = Pass


=============== End of Requirement 4.5-1 ===============
01 28 2014; 15:31:23PM     Requirement 4.5-2: Compliant
01 28 2014; 15:31:23PM     Processing Requirement 4.6 Return Status :

Project Data


     Space Structure Name = LEMUR1
     Space Structure Type = Payload

     Perigee Altitude = 600.000000 (km)
     Apogee Altitude = 600.000000 (km)
     Inclination = 98.900000 (deg)
     RAAN = 0.000000 (deg)
     Argument of Perigee = 0.000000 (deg)
     Mean Anomaly = 0.000000 (deg)
     Area-To-Mass Ratio = 0.026310 (m^2/kg)
     Start Year = 2014.000000 (yr)
     Initial Mass = 4.000000 (kg)
     Final Mass = 4.000000 (kg)
     Duration = 10.000000 (yr)
     Station Kept = False
     Abandoned = True
     PMD Perigee Altitude = -1.000000 (km)
     PMD Apogee Altitude = -1.000000 (km)
     PMD Inclination = 0.000000 (deg)
     PMD RAAN = 0.000000 (deg)
     PMD Argument of Perigee = 0.000000 (deg)
     PMD Mean Anomaly = 0.000000 (deg)


     Suggested Perigee Altitude = 600.000000 (km)
     Suggested Apogee Altitude = 600.000000 (km)
     Returned Error Message = Reentry during mission (no PMD req.).

     Released Year = 2022 (yr)
     Requirement = 61
     Compliance Status = Pass


=============== End of Requirement 4.6 ===============
01 28 2014; 15:31:29PM     *********Processing Requirement 4.7-1
     Return Status : Passed

 Item Number = 1

name = LEMUR1
quantity = 1
parent = 0
materialID = 8
type = Box
Aero Mass = 4.000000
Thermal Mass = 4.000000
Diameter/Width = 0.100000
Length = 0.300000
Height = 0.100000

quantity = 1
parent = 1
materialID = 9
type = Box
Aero Mass = 0.500000
Thermal Mass = 0.500000
Diameter/Width = 0.100000
Length = 0.300000
Height = 0.100000

name = PCBs
quantity = 10
parent = 1
materialID = 23
type = Flat Plate
Aero Mass = 0.060000
Thermal Mass = 0.060000
Diameter/Width = 0.100000
Length = 0.100000

name = ADCS
quantity = 1

parent = 1
materialID = 8
type = Box
Aero Mass = 0.600000
Thermal Mass = 0.600000
Diameter/Width = 0.100000
Length = 0.100000
Height = 0.050000

name = LENS
quantity = 1
parent = 1
materialID = 8
type = Cylinder
Aero Mass = 0.350000
Thermal Mass = 0.350000
Diameter/Width = 0.060000
Length = 0.070000

quantity = 2
parent = 1
materialID = 8
type = Box
Aero Mass = 0.150000
Thermal Mass = 0.150000
Diameter/Width = 0.056000
Length = 0.080000
Height = 0.020000

name = BATTERY
quantity = 1
parent = 1
materialID = 9
type = Box
Aero Mass = 0.470000
Thermal Mass = 0.470000
Diameter/Width = 0.100000
Length = 0.100000
Height = 0.030000

quantity = 6
parent = 1
materialID = 24
type = Flat Plate
Aero Mass = 0.150000
Thermal Mass = 0.150000
Diameter/Width = 0.100000
Length = 0.300000


quantity = 2
parent = 1
materialID = 24
type = Flat Plate
Aero Mass = 0.060000
Thermal Mass = 0.060000
Diameter/Width = 0.100000
Length = 0.100000

Item Number = 1

name =   LEMUR1
Demise   Altitude = 77.998504
Debris   Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact   Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

Demise Altitude = 76.367371
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = PCBs
Demise Altitude = 77.151676
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = ADCS
Demise Altitude = 71.136496
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = LENS
Demise Altitude = 71.200402
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

Demise Altitude = 74.411589
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = BATTERY
Demise Altitude = 71.941042
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

Demise Altitude = 77.621574
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

Demise Altitude = 77.613543
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000


=============== End of Requirement 4.7-1 ===============

Appendix B: LEMUR1 Orbit Lifetime

              Case                       Area            Area/Mass (Mass=4Kg)
               1a                   0.0300 (30x10)             0.00750
       CubeSat Z face nadir
       Minimum surface area
        worst case drag
               1b                  0.0424 (30x14.1)            0.01061
       CubeSat Z face nadir
       Nominal drag
                2                0.0452 (0.01524+0.03)         0.01131
       CubeSat Z face nadir
       Worst case drag config
       Antennas deployed
        (older configuration)
                3                0.1052 (0.07524+0.03)         0.02631
       CubeSat Z face nadir
       Worst case drag config
       Antennas deployed
        (older configuration)
       Solar panels deployed
        (2 length wise panels)

Case 1a:

Case 1b:

Case 2:

Case 3:

Document Created: 2014-03-04 19:54:51
Document Modified: 2014-03-04 19:54:51

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