Form 442

0091-EX-PL-1999 Text Documents

Spacequest, Ltd.


 "EDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                                                                APPROVED &Y omBs
 ‘whashington, DC 20554                                                                                                              sa60—0065
                                                                                                                                  Expires 9/30/98


            Srise@vest, cre
  E     Applicant‘s Name and Post Office address                                                      DO NOT WRITE IN THIS BLOCK

                                                                                       cof1—EXAA9 97
        (Street address, clty, state, and ZIP Code. See Instruction                 File No.
        No 4)

             2558 CitA» ABeivce                                     Reko
                SViTe 30%5
                   FaArrraAry, VA                  220 % 0
 5(3). Application for (cheok only one box)                                        Zb). For Modiflcation indicate below:
 _ x        New     station       D     Modification of existing. authorization    File No:                              Call Sign:

 E. Application for Modification:             Cheok the box beaide all particulars to be modified, Check either addition or re—
      placement to Indicate whether the change is an addition or a replacement of parameters in the current authorization.

C] reoueney —                               C emission —                          L rower —                            D Location —
      {]] addition or [D] replcement?           [] addition or [] repfacement?      []J addition or [C] replacement?     [] addition or [C] replcsment?

C1 OTHER PARTICULARS — addtion or rephcement? (Describe below cr in attached EXHIBIT No.                                     )

                          of                 instruction below)
       Frequency {state                                                                 EMISSION               ME;J&:TLM         NECESSAIXHgawwuom
  whelher. Ki or Mii                              POWER

 (A)      List each frequency or frequency band separately. (If more space is required, attach as EXHIBIT No.
 (€)      Insert maximum RF. output power at the trangmitter terminals, Specify units,
 (C)      Insert meximum effective rediated power from the antenna (If puised emission, specify peak power). Specify
 D)       Insert *MEAN® or "PEAK" (See definitions in Part 5).
 (E)      List each type of emission separately for each frequency. (See Section 2201 of FCC Rules)
 (F)       Insert as appropriate for the type of modulation:
          (D the maximum speed of keying in bauds:
          (2) maximum audio modulating frequency;
         (8) frequency deviation of carrier;
         (4) puilse duration and repetition rate.
          For complex emissions, desoribe in detail In the space provided below.
 (I) Desoribe how the necessary bendwldth was determined in space provided helow,                                            FCC Form 44'5 ~ Page 2
                                                                                                                                           larch 1996
                              (Aeptenr         beviator + Frequerty CRroR ® Ve.u.ssma 8w
                                                7 klz+ & KHe = /5 kHe                                                    '

|; w). Proposed location of transmitter and transmliting antenne (check only one box to Indlcate type of operation}:
       D FIXED/BASE                    D MOBILE                      M BASE AND MOBILE

|§j>). If permenently located at a FIXED location, glve below:                              5(c). If mobile, describe the exact aree of
__VAand street
                 County                        City or Town
Mitmber        (or other indication: of location)                                                  Od T1 v e Thi                          +

         3SS5Y ClUA#ie              Becose Roav
5!151(ID. Enter geographical coordiantes exact to the nearest second (see instruction 10)   ©(C)TEnter geographical coordinates: of the approximate
                                                                                            center of mobile operation (see instruction 10J
Soth: Latitude ©D—MM—S9                    Wost Longitude: ©CD—MM—SS)                       North: Latitude               West Longitude

28° 51~ 36 C                               —77° 18‘ 30°                                       °               '       "| °            ‘           "
5 ‘d).   Datum (see Instruction 10k .......... skkle.              O naba              K wapsse
&     Is a directional antenna (other then radar) used? [_]               ypg          M no
      If "YES®, give the following information:
      (a) Width of beam in degrees at the half~power point
      (b) Orlentation in horizontal plane                                       (c) Orientation In vertical plane

      Is this authorlzation to be used for fulfilling the requirement of a government contract with an egency of the
      United States Government?                                    D     vss           m    Rie]
      If "YBS® attach as EXHIBIT No. _                 __. a narrative statement desoribing the government project,
      agency and contact number.

      Is this authorizetion to be used for the exclusive purpose of developing radlo equipment for export to be employed
      by stations under the Jurlediction of a foreign government?
                                                                   {Q es              BM xo
      If "YE5", attach es EXHIBIT No. ._________, the following information: Provide the contract number and the
      name of the foreign government concerned.

      is this authorization to be used for providing communications essential to a research project? (The radio commun!—
      cation is not the objective of the research pmJecE:l
                                                                         ves           K xo
      If "YES", attach as EXHIBIT No, __________, a narrative statement provding the following information:
      (a) A description of the nature of the research projeot being conducted,
      (b) A showing that the communications feellitles requested are Mecessary for the research project Involved.
      (c) A showing that existing communications facllities are Insdequate.

11. If all the answers to Items 7, 8, and 9. are "NO", attach as EXHIBIT No. ___1______. a narrative statement describing
      in detail the following:
      (a) The complete program of reseerch and experimentation proposed Including description of equipment
          and theory of operation.
      (b) The specifle objectives sought to be accomplished.
      (c) How the program of experimentation has a reasonable promise of contribution to the development, extension,
          expangion, or utllization of the radlo art, or is along line not already Investigated.
lua) Give an estimate of the length of time that will be required to complete the program of experimentation proposed
         in this application: ___4AtPERA&S__________
    (b) If less than 2 years, give the length of time In months that the authorization requested in this application
         will be required: __________._
12.      Would a Commission grant of this application come within Sectlon 11807 of the FCC Rules, such that it mey have a
         significant environmental impact (see instruction 1D?        D tEs            K No
         If "YES®, attach as EXHIBIT No. __________ an Environmental Assessment as required by Sectlon L191L.

12.      List below transmitting equipment to be installed (If experimental, so state)
         MANUFACTURER                                           MODEL NUMBER                                                        NO. OF UNiTS

         SpHceGuer, L o.                                     Expenria 6w n Equipmery                                                      L060

                                                                                                                       FCC Form 442 — Page 3
                                                                                                                                          March 1995

          Is the equipment listed in Item 18 capable of station Identification pursuant to Seotion BIG2P               L    ves      m    No

          Will the antenna extend more than 6 meters above the ground, or If mounted on an existing building, will it extend
          more than 6 meters above the bullding, or will the proposed antenna be mounted on an existing structure other
          than a building?                                           {Q   es         m      No
         If "YES\ give the following (see instruction 9:
         (a) Overall height above ground to tip of antenna is ________ meters.
         (b) Elevation of ground at antenna site above mean sea level is ___._____ meters.
         (c) Distance to nearest aircraft landing area is                                                                  kilometers.
         (d) List any natural formations of existing man—mede structures (hills, trees, water tanks, towers, ete) which, in
             the opinion of the applicant, would tend to shield the antenna from alroreft and thereby minimize the
              aeronautical hazard of the antenna.

         (e) Submit as EXHIBIT No, _._________ & vertical profile sketch of total structure Including supporting bullding,
             if any, giving heights In meters above ground for all significant features. Clearly Indicate existing portion,
             noting perticulars of aviation obstruction lighting already available.

13.       Applicant is      (Check only one bex}

          J imomvipuar            [] association                     0 rartNzesip                E& comporation

          D    OTHER (desoribe in space provided below)

         Is applicant a forelgn government or a representative of a foreign government?                                D    YES      M    NO

 2.      Has applicant or any party to this application had any FCC station license or permit revoked or had any
         application for permil, lHoense or renewal denied by this Commission?                        El yEs                              xo
         If ‘YBS®%, attach as EXHIBIT No. ______.___ & statement giving call sign of llcense or permit
         revoked and relate olroumstances.

1s.       Will applloant be owner and operator of the station?                                                         m    YES      D    NO
         Give neme, title, and telephone niumber (Include area code), and Internet e—mail address (If applicable) of person
          who can best handle Inquirie# pertaining to this application.
            "Dbe. bme A. Logewzia, , PRescogeu r, (Zoy£73—7o0r0 ; dlm@SP“"{M“’S'C‘M
         By checking "VES\ the individual applicant certifies that he or she is eligtble for this license. This requires that
         he or she is not subject to a denial of federal benefits, Including FCC benefits, as a result of a drug offense
         conviction pursuant to Section 5801 of the Ani!— Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 USC. 862 A non— Individual applicant,
         eg, corporation, partnership or other unincerporated association, certifies that no party to the application is
         subject to a denial of federal benefits, pursuiant to that section. For definition of a "party" for these purposes,
         sea 47 CFR 12002b).                                                                                           M ves         O no
12       List below all exhibits in numerical sequence and the Item number of form requiring the exhibit !dentified.

      EXMRIT MuMBER      ITEM N. OF FORM           ExBtT   Mumiden        ETd NQ, OF FORM            ExBHT Numath             ITM ND. OF FOR

                                                                                                                    FCC Form 442 ~ Page 4
                                                                                                                               March 1996

33—   CERTIFICATION:                                                                  ~
      Attention: Read this certification carefully before signing this application.
      (a) Copies of FCC Rule Parts 2 and 5 are on hand; and
      (b) Adequate finanolal appropriations have been made to carry on the program of experimentation which will
          be condusted by qualifled personnel; and
      (c) All operations will be on an experimental basis in accordance with Part 6 and other epplicable rules, and will
          be conducted in such a manner and at such a time as to preolude harmful Interference to any authorized
          station; and
      (d) Grant of the authorization requested herein will not be construed as a finding on the part of the Commisslon:
           (D) that the frequencies and other technical parameters speoified in the authorization are the best
               suited for the proposed program of experimentation, and
           (2) that the applicant will be authorized to operete on any basis other than experimental, and
           (8) that the Commis¢ion is obligated by the results of the experimental program to make provision in Its rules
               Including Its table of frequency allocations for applicant‘s type of operation on a regularly licensed basle.
      (e) All the statements in the applicetion and attached exhiblts are true, complete and correct to the best of the
          applicant‘s knowledge; and
      (f) The epplicant is willing to finance and conduct the experimental program with full knowledge and
          understending of the above limitations: and
      (g) The applicant waives any claim to the use of any pertlcular frequency or of the electromegnetio spectrum as
          against the regulatory power of the USA.

           Signed and dated this                      {6 T                  day of            Feprevirt                      e     _7 9
           Name of Applicant                 SBA—CF QuestT, LTPB .
                                                     Imust cerrespond with nane given on page 1}

           n __Duwo A. Lerew 2i«      Lprint?
                                                                                                A eB
                                                                                                 _   {eignature?

           Title      ___fLP2€es ipe~t
      Check appropriate classification:

      D     Individual applicant          D     Member of applicant partnership

      [      Authorized employee          m Office of applicant corporation or esgociation

finstion $12{°(1), AND/OR FORFEMTURE (U.S, Code, Title 47, Section §03).
                                        NOTIFICATION TO INDIVIDUALS UNDER PRIVACY ACT OP 1974
                                              AND THE PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OP 1080
Informetion requested through this form is authorized by the Communications Act of 1984, as amended, and specified
by Section 906 therein. The information will be used by Federal Communications Commission staff to determine
vliglbility for issulng authorizations in the use of the frequency spectrum and to effect the provisions of regulatory
responsibilitles rendered by the Commission by the Act. Information requested by this form will be available to the
public unless otherwise requested pursuant to 47 CFR 0.460 of the FCC Rules and Regulations. Your response is required
io obtain this authorization.

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is astimated to average four (4) hours per response, including the tme
‘or reviewing      Instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining   the data needed, and completing and review~
ng the collection of information,      Send comments regarding this burden estnate or any other aspect of this collection of
information, including suggestions for reducing the burden to the Federal Communications Commission, Records Management
Iranch, Paperwork Reduction Project (3060~0065), Washington, DC 20554 DO NOT send completed applications to this
uddress.      Individuals are not required to respond to this collection unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number,


                                                                                                                   FCC Form 442 — Page §
                                                                                                                              March 1996

                                       Item No. 12, Exhibit 1

(a) The complete program of research and experimentation proposed including description
    of equipment and theory of operation.
    1. The Company has been working on the development, testing and demonstration of
       compact mobile user terminals for use with non—voice, non—geostationary low—Earth
       orbit satellites (LeoSats) for the past four years. These low—cost, low—power terminals are
       capable of communicating with LeoSats at low data rates using an omni—directional
       The Company plans to package the UHF receiver, UHF transmitter, GMSK modem, GPS
       receiver, microprocessor and antennait has developed into a compact, low—profile,
       weather—tight enclosure for use on mobile assets in harsh environments.
       Pending the successful development, testing and certification of these experimental
       terminals, the Company plans to offer them for sale in the United States and other
       countries for use with current and future LeoSat systems.
       The LeoSat terminals the Company is developing respond to a polling request from a
       low—Earth orbit satellite by transmitting a short data packet containing its identification
       code and a GPS position report. The satellite relays this information to the user via a
       ground—based relay station.

(b) The specific objectives sought to be accomplished.
   1. Measure the ability of miniature satellite transceivers to send short packet data to a low—
       Earth orbiting satellite under actual field operating conditions.
   2. Evaluate the robustness of Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying modulation techniques and
      efficient data transfer protocols when working with a large number of units that
       transmit very short data packets.
   3. Determine the minimum amount of transmitter power required to transfer short data
      packets reliably to a LeoSat.
   4. Investigate the effectiveness and efficiency of various power management techniques.
   5. Evaluate a new technique for satellite signal capture and Doppler compensation.
   6. Measure the radiation pattern and polarization of a novel, flat—plate antenna system.
   7. Conduct limited field trials with prospective customers to determine the operational
       performance of the radio equipment and identify potential commercial benefits.
   8. Demonstrate the use of satellite radio equipment to prospective customers.

(c) How the program of experimentation has a reasonable promise of contribution to the
    development, extension, expansion, or utilization of the radio art, or is along line not
    already investigated.
   1. The Company will develop a mobile satellite transceiver unit that consume very little
      power and can be mass produced at very low cost (less than $200 each).
   2. The Company will develop and test a novel, low—profile, omni—directional UHF/GPS
       antenna system having circular polarization that can be installed and operated
       successfully on a mobile trailer or container.
   3. The Company will develop and test an efficient packet radio communications protocol
      for maximizing the transfer of small amounts of data from a large number of ground
       terminals to an orbiting satellite.
   4. The Company will validate the performance of a new Doppler compensation technique.

84/14/1999   16:42     7032737011                      SPACEdUEST                             PAGE   @1

     SpaceQuest, Ltd.                                                                   Suite s0s
                                                                        3554 Chaln Bridge Road

                                                                              Fairfax, VA 22030

                                      Fax Cover Sheet

     DATE:      4/14/99           6:44 PM

    TO:         Mr. Huie                                FAX:           202—418—1918
                FCC Experimental Branch                TEL:            202—418—2430
     FROM:      —Dino Lorenzini                         PHONE:         (703) 273—7010
                SpaceQuest, Ltd.                        FAX:           (703) 273—7011

     REF:       FILE NO. 0091 EX—PL—1999

     Number of pages including cover sheet:                    5


     Dear Mr. Huile,

     In response to your request for additional information regarding SpaceQuest‘s
    Application for an Experimental License to operate ground transmitters in the
    trequency band from 399.90 to 400.05 MHz, the following data is provided:

     1. Our program of experimental research will operate several mobile transmitters
        infrequently to:
             (1) A simulated satellite receiver in Fairfax, Virginia
             (2) The German SAFIR—2 satellite
             (3) NVNG satellites not yet placed into orbit.

    2. The SAFIR—2 is a 60 kg. data messaging and relay satellite built and operated by
       OHB System in Bremen, Germany. The SAFIR—2 orbital parameters are:
          {1) Perigee = 815 km
             {(2) Apogee = 819 km
             (3) Inclination = 98.8 degrees
             (4) Period = 101.2 minutes

    3. For your convenience i have attached extracts from CFR 47 Part 2 showing the
       allocation of the 399.9 — 400.05 MHz band for Earth—to—Space communications in
        the NVNG Mobile Satellite Service. The use of this band was relinquished by the
        US Navy when the Transit Navigation satellite was deactivated on January 1, 1997
        and re—allocated to the Mobile Satellite Service on a primary basis.

W4/14;/(1999   18:42   7032737011                       SPACEQUEST                              PAGE   D2

      4. Note US326 allocated this band on a primary basis after January 1, 1997 to non—
          voice, non—geostationary satellite systems.

      5. 1 have also included extracts from the FCC Report and Order, IB Docket No. 96—
         220, that describes the Rules and Policies Pertaining to the Second Processing
         Round of the non—Voice, Non—Geostationary Mobile Satellite Service. At WRC—95,
          uplink spectrum in the 399.90 — 400.05 MHz band was allocated for Little LEO
          services. However, because none of the second round applicants expressed an
          interest in operating its system in the WRC—95 399.90 — 400.05 MHz band, it was
          not included in the spectrum sharing plan for the second processing round, and
          has not been licensed to any of the current Little LEO license holders.

      6. 1| trust that this additional information will be helpful to you in coordinating our
         request to conduct experimental testing in the 399.90— 400.05 Little LEO band
         during the next two years.

                                                                                                                        PAGE    03
64/14/1999     18:42      7032737011                             SPACEQUEST

         320.5—335.4                                                                 328.6—335.4        328.6—335.4
                                AERCNAUTICAL RADIO—                                  AERONAUTICA RADIO— AERONAUTICAL RADIO—
                                  NAVIGATION                                           NAVIGATION         NAVIGATiION
                                645 645A                                             ba§s                     646

         235.4—398.9                                                                   335.4—399.9            335.4—399.9
                                FIXEO                                              .|J FIXED
                                MOBILE                                             ‘| MOBILE
                                641                                                  a27 G100
         399.9—400.06           399.9—400.05           399.9—400.05                  399.9—400.05             399.9—400.05
           ELLTE                ELLUTE               ELLITE               ELLITE                   ELLITE
                                                                        MOBILE—SATELLITE         MOBILE—SATELLITE
                                                                          (Earth—io—space) US319   (Earth—to—space) US319
                                                                          usses                    usses
         E09 645B             609 casB             Bos easB             e«asB                    gasg
         400.08—400.15                                                               400.05—400.15            400.05—400.15
                                STANDARD FRE—                                        STANDARD FFRE—           STANDARD FRE—
                                 QuENCY AnO TVE                                        QUVENCY AnQ TIME         QUuEnNCY ANO TIME
                                    SIGNAL—SATELLTE                                    SIGNAL—SATELLITE         SIGNAL—SATELLITE
                                (400.1 MHz}
                                646 647                                              646                      646

          609Emissions ofthera—ionaviagation— —                       ~~SSG In the197—138,125—149.9,149.9—150.05,—
        satellite service in the bands :49.9—150.05 MHz                  399.9—400.05, and 400.1540. MHz bands,
        and 399.90—1400.05 MHz may alsc be used by re—                   ernment stations in tk> mobile—satellite
        ceiving earth stations of the space research                     service shall be limited tc earth stations
                                                       22   «—
                                                                         erating with non—Governm.>nt satgl;i

                                                                            UsS326The3990.9400.05 MHz band is allo—
         A5SB Recognizing that the use of the ba:nd
        399.9—1400.05 MHz by the fixed and mobile serv—                   cited to the mobile—satellite service (Farth—
        ice may cause harmful interfersnce to the                         t——space) on a       primary basis after Jgnuz.ry 1,
        radionavigation satellite service, adminis—                       107 and shall        be limited to non—voice. non—
        trations are urged not to authorze such use                       g:ostationary         satellite systems, incisding
        in application of No. M2.                                         s:.tellite links     between land earth static=s.

B4a¢14¢1999     18: 42          7032737011                                            SspPaCEqQuUEST                                                      PAGE        B4

                                                      Before the
                                         FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                                                 Washington, D.C. 20554

        In the Matter of                                                        )
                Amendment of Part 25 of the                                     )
        Commission‘s Rules to Establish                                         )                                     IB Docket No. 96—220
        Rules and Policies Pertaining       )                                               to the
        Second Processing Round             )
        of the Non—Voice, Non—Geostationary                                     )
                Mobile Satellite Service                                                    )

                                                                REPORT AND ORDER

                   Adopted: October 8, 1997                                                              Released: October 15, 1997

        By the Commussion:


        Topic                                                                                                        Paragraph Numbers

        isy:{0)5)5(or1(o) ooo 1—2
        II. BACKGROUND .....22.0200022222020000002000000 44 rvevererererer en care esn esn te en t iess e resertasreesersesrernese en sareas 3—10
        HE»)Koi\(o e 11—136
            A. Second Round L1G@MSiNF PFOC@UUI@S ..........02..0...02000000000200002 se se es e e srav snn es e rer en n se enc naakes 12
                 1. New Entrant REQUIT@M@At................200020020 000000066 e e ce e en esn ns en eb en en en n en aar en e es 12—14
                 2. HOldiAG PeMOG...........022,2,2002000020000000000ase0rervererevrer en ns es ensesct en en ie se en en e rerearece}s 15—17
                 3. FIN@ANCi3) QU@IIfICAtIODS .............2.00..000000202000s00s0 2226 s es e e e e en esn e ns en se en e re s eacrers 18—20
                 4. WRC—95 and WRC—97 SDE@CtIUM ..........2.2..22200200206 +k 2000 00e v s inss s es renerreacn en e pe ces 21—24
            B. Spectrum Sharing Plan..................l....llllkkl.}}. «on varavsvareaaretertersven esn rercsneeeare sns 25—121
                 1. OVETVI@W ...2.,.2200,22200020000209r2errvraravereen esns es esn css sasrearsareretarrreseeennsrenariavnrbaseraseeakes 25—46
                       @. SYSH@M 1...0...2.02000000000 0020000 eee se erereeeeeerene ns e s s se se e vra sn ce se en en ns r esns esn ceanrrer se ces 28—30
                       b. SYSH@M 2 ........0202.020202 000200020022 e2e sns e e e r e ns es ir es en srraerprrre ces sns n es s s seveererraversrenrs 31—37
                                 ieCi e 38—40
                                 EWeieo o e 41—43
                                 @. VITA..l....2000lvnveveeree en se nereatevaerrvenerensenn esn rn en naca sns reneren cce se aee snn ras n en n esn en en en es 44—46

#4@1421399   18147       7032737011                            SPACEQUEST                                       PAGE   05

               8.       At the 1995 World Radio Conference ("WRC—95"), additional uplink
        spectrum was allocated for the Little LEO service. The WRC—95 spectrum consists of the
        399.9—400.05 MHz, 455—456 MHz, and 459—460 MHz frequency bands. The 399.9—400.05
        MHz frequency band is allocated worldwide and domestically for land MSS use." The
        455—456 MHz andthe 459—460 MHz frequencybands are allocated for MSSuse in
        International Telecommunication Union ("ITU") Region 2 only and are proposed to be
        allocated domestically for MSS use in a pending Commission proceeding.

             22.     At WRC—95, uplink spectruro was allocated for the Little LEO service,
        specifically, the 399.9—400.05 MHz (worldwide use), 455—456 MHz, and 459—460 MHz
       frequencybands (Region 2 use only). We have allocated the 399.9—400.05 MHz band for
       domestic use and have proposed domestically allocating the 455—456 MHz and 459—460
       MHz bands for this service. The Joint Proposal does not contemplate use of the 399.90—
       400.05 MHz band by any of the applicants to implement their systems. Therefore, we will
       not include use of this spectrum in the spectrum sharing plan we adopt in this Report
       Order. Most of the pending applicants do, however, request that we assign the WRC—95
       455—456 MHz and 459—460 MHz frequency bands to second round licensees for uplink
       operations.‘ However, as previously noted, these bands have been proposed to be
       domestically allocated for the Little LEO service. If the bands are domestically

               27.   We will use the WARC—92 spectrum available for Little LEO service in the
        148—150.05 MHz uplink band and the 137—138 MHz and 400.15—401 MHz downlink
       bands. When we established the second processing round, we invited applications for
       service in these frequency bands and in the Notice we proposed licensing systems in the
       WARC—92 frequency bands> In their first round sharing plan, Orbcomm, GE—Starsys, and
       VITA agreed that additional systems could be accommodated in these bands by using
       frequency division multiple access ("FDMA") and code division multiple access
       ("CDMA") transmission techniques.* In the Notice, we sought comment on the use of
       WRC—95 spectrum by applicants in the second processing round.‘ However, none of the
       applicants expresses an interest in operating its system in the WRC—95 399.9—400.05 MHz
       band. As previously discussed, the 455—456 MHz and 459—460 MHz bands have been
       proposed to be domestically allocated for the Little LEO service in a pending Commission
       rulemaking proceeding. Consequently, we will not include any WRC—95 spectrum in the
       spectrum sharing plan we adopt for the second processing round.

             International Telecommunication Union, Final Acts of the World Radiocommunication Conference,
             Art. S5 at 119 (1995); 47 C.F.R. § 2.106; Footnotes US319, US326,
             Id. at 9. These uplink bands are allocated on a worldwide, co—primary basis to the Little LEO service.
         >   See Public Notice: see also Notice T 41—42.
             Sgee Negotiated Rulemaking Report at 8—9.
             See Notice « 78.

Document Created: 2001-08-27 22:35:41
Document Modified: 2001-08-27 22:35:41

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