Revised narrative

0011-EX-CN-2019 Text Documents

Space Sciences & Engineering


    Space Sciences & Engineering LLC (dba)

             FCC Form 442 – Narrative Statement

Application for New or Modified Radio Station Under Part 5 of FCC Rules-
           Experimental Radio Service (Other Than Broadcast)

                 Federal Communications Commission
                           445 12th Street, SW
                         Washington, DC 20554

                            May 16, 2019

             15000 West 6th Avenue, Suite 202 Golden, CO, 80401

                              Technical POC:
                         Erin Griggs, 720-298-2942

Space Sciences & Engineering, LLC

1      NARRATIVE STATEMENT ............................................................................................... 5

1.1        Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................5

1.2        Background .....................................................................................................................................................5

1.3        Government Contract ....................................................................................................................................6

2      MISSION DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................... 7

2.1        Mission Expectations ......................................................................................................................................7

2.2        Theory of Operations .....................................................................................................................................8

2.3        Spacecraft Description ................................................................................................................................. 10

2.4     Data Transfer ................................................................................................................................................ 11
   2.4.1 Space Stations ............................................................................................................................................ 11
   2.4.2 Ground Stations.......................................................................................................................................... 13
   2.4.3 Ground Station Access ............................................................................................................................... 14
   2.4.4 Potential Interference ................................................................................................................................. 15

3      UTILITY OF DATA ........................................................................................................... 16

3.1        Improvement to Numerical Weather Prediction ....................................................................................... 16

3.2        Receipt of Foreign GNSS Signals ................................................................................................................ 16

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                                                                    List of Figures
Figure 1.2-1. Geometry of a typical GNSS-RO event and resulting data products derived from the
technique ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 2.1-1. PlanetiQ satellite orbit configuration for a) the first satellite registered under the Part 5
license and b) the final twenty-satellite constellation under the eventual Part 25 license(s) ........................ 8
Figure 2.3-1. The GNOMES spacecraft in its deployed state ..................................................................... 10
Figure 2.4-1. PFD at the Earth’s surface produced by the X-band downlink radio for GNOMES-1 at all
possible injection altitudes. ......................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 2.4-2. Transmission footprints for the possible ground stations for GNOMES-1 (in red) and their
overlap with DSN station (in blue). ............................................................................................................ 13
Figure 2.4-3. Pass lengths for GNOMES-1 at 650 km 37° inclined orbit (labeled “Equatorial”) and 650
km sun-synchronous orbit (labeled “Polar”). .............................................................................................. 15
Figure 3.1-1. Dimensions of the occulting GNSS signal ray path .............................................................. 16

                                                                     List of Tables
Table 1.1-1. Desired frequency characteristics ............................................................................................. 5
Table 2.1-1. RO signal source for each constellation ................................................................................... 7
Table 2.1-2. Number of expected occultations per GNOMES, based upon the number of available GNSS
satellites and signals...................................................................................................................................... 7
Table 2.2-1. Injection and operational orbit characteristics and planned mission lifetime. The orbital
altitude and inclination will be maintained by the onboard propulsion system. ........................................... 9
Table 2.4-1. BCT SDR-X X-band transmitter description ......................................................................... 11
Table 2.4-2. ITU PFD limits at the Earth’s surface .................................................................................... 12
Table 2.4-3. KSAT ground station locations (uplink and downlink) .......................................................... 14
Table 2.4-4. ATLAS ground station locations (uplink and downlink) ....................................................... 14

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BCT           Blue Canyon Technologies
DAS           Debris Orbit Software
DSN           Deep Space Network
EDP           Electron Density Profiles
FDMA          Frequency Division Multiple Access
GNOMES        GNSS Navigation and Occultation Measurement Satellites
GNSS          Global Navigation Satellite System
HDRM          Hold Down and Release Mechanism
ITU           International Telecommunication Union
JPL           NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
JSPOC         Joint Space Operations Center
L1            1575.42 MHz
L2            1227.60 MHz
L5            1176.45 MHz
LEO           Low Earth Orbit
LTDN          Longitude of the Descending Node
MEO           Medium Earth Orbit
MLB           Mark II Motorized Lightband
NOAA          National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NWP           Numerical Weather Prediction
PFD           Power Flux Density
PSLV          Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle
RF            Radio Frequency
RFP           Request for Proposal
RO            Radio Occultation
SDR           Software-Defined Radio
SNR           Signal-to-Noise Ration
SSO           Sun-Synchronous Orbit
STK           Systems Toolkit (formerly Satellite Toolkit)
S4            Amplitude Scintillation
TEC           Total Electron Count
TT&C          Telemetry, Tracking, and Control
UCAR          University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
V/V           Volts/Volt

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1      Narrative Statement
1.1      Introduction
        Space Sciences & Engineering LLC (SSE), a subsidiary of Global Weather & Climate
Solutions, Inc. and doing business as PlanetiQ, seeks authority to conduct Earth weather
observation via Radio Occultation (RO) from a PlanetiQ experimental satellite and engage in
market trials with the atmospheric data obtained from the experiment, as permitted under the
Commission’s rules.1 PlanetiQ plans to sell data products collected from the experimental
spacecraft to both the Department of Commerce, pursuant to the Commercial Weather Data Pilot
Radio Occultation project, and any interested commercial parties. Assessment of the market for
the data products, including price and commercial interest, will inform our ability to launch and
operate a commercial satellite system.
        This satellite will eventually be a part of the PlanetiQ constellation of “GNSS Navigation
and Occultation Measurement Satellites” (GNOMES) for which PlanetiQ will seek separate FCC
Part 25 authorization, and is the first of two experimental satellites (GNOMES-1 and GNOMES-
2).2 The experimental GNOMES will operate under the frequency characteristics shown in
Table 1.1-1.
                                 Table 1.1-1. Desired frequency characteristics
                       Frequency                Center                  Maximum                    Data Rate
                          Band                Frequency                 Bandwidth
     Uplink              S-band               2.081 GHz                  200 kHz                    100 kbps
    Downlink            X-band                8.260 GHz                  20 MHz                     10 Mbps

1.2      Background
        The vision of PlanetiQ is to significantly improve weather forecasting, numerical weather
prediction (NWP) models, and space weather forecasts and analyses by dramatically increasing
the number and quality of Global Navigational Satellite System (GNSS) occultations that are
available to be assimilated. To achieve this vision, we have designed a new GNSS-RO
instrument, Pyxis, which delivers the highest level of performance while flying on a
microsatellite-style spacecraft. This approach enables a large number of satellites carrying state
of the art instrumentation to be placed into and operate in low-Earth orbit (LEO) and will
dramatically increase the combined quality and quantity of GNSS occultations assimilated in
each NWP and space weather update cycle. Our well-engineered system ensures that
commercial RO will move the needle by supplying accurate, high vertical resolution, global
atmospheric profile data to NWP centers.
       To achieve this level of performance on a microsatellite, PlanetiQ drew upon on our
knowledge of previous generations of receivers and instruments and used modern radio
frequency (RF) and digital hardware. To maximize the number of occultations acquired, our
Pyxis receiver tracks dual-frequency signals from all four major GNSS constellations (GPS,
GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou, see Section 3.2 for further description of reception from

    47 C.F.R. § 5.602; see also infra Section 1.3 (discussing the pilot Department of Commerce weather data contract).
    PlanetiQ will submit a separate experimental application for the second experimental satellite.

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foreign GNSS satellites) and will eventually acquire over 2,500 occultations per day per satellite.
It acquires the signals via open loop tracking in the troposphere and lower stratosphere and
tracks rising and setting occultations with equal performance.
         Each GNOMES spacecraft will carry a Pyxis instrument. The GNOMES will be
launched into orbits of at least 500 km altitude and varying inclinations. The nominal orbit
configuration is a sun-synchronous orbit (SSO) at 650 km altitude to provide pole to pole Earth
coverage; however, the satellite design is capable of operation at other inclinations and altitudes.
The satellite’s solar panel delivers power sufficient to acquire all RO acquisition opportunities
continuously and downlink at every opportunity to globally distributed commercial ground
stations. Each satellite carries a propulsion system to maintain altitude, optimal phasing between
satellites, and accelerated de-orbit at end of mission. See Figure 1.2-1 for an example of the
GNSS-RO geometry and descriptions of the derived data products.

    Figure 1.2-1. Geometry of a typical GNSS-RO event and resulting data products derived from
                                          the technique
1.3     Government Contract
With regard to Section 4 of FCC Form 442, this frequency authorization application is to be used
to fulfill the following government contract:
Government Project: Commercial Weather Data Pilot (CWDP) Radio Occultation (RO)
Agency:             Department of Commerce
Contract Number:    1332KP18CNEEB00123

     The contract is part of a Department of Commerce initiative to “pursue demonstration
projects to validate the viability of assimilating commercially provided environmental data and
data products into NOAA meteorological models and add value to the forecast. Data

  The contract is available online. See

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demonstration and validation will precede operational procurement of commercial data by

2     Mission Description
2.1    Mission Expectations
       The Pyxis instrument onboard each PlanetiQ satellite tracks dual-frequency signals from
GPS, Galileo, GLONASS, and BeiDou GNSS satellites. Pyxis tracks both rising and setting
occultations to double the numbers of soundings. With our design for a future operational
system, the GNOMES aim to track with a 100% duty cycle, each and every orbit, as all
operational weather satellites do.
        Daily occultation counts are dependent upon the number of functional GNSS satellites on
orbit as well as the signals that they broadcast. Although the GPS constellation is fully
populated, PlanetiQ collects signals only from the Block IIR-M and more recent GPS blocks,
which broadcast the L2C signal. We also collect data from all 24 GLONASS satellites, and all
the available Galileo and BeiDou satellites (see Table 2.1-1 for the signal sources from each
constellation). All signals collected are freely available to civil users.
                          Table 2.1-1. RO signal source for each constellation
                                       GPS      GLONASS         Galileo    BeiDou
                      1st frequency   L1C/A       L1OF          E1OS         B1
                      2nd frequency    L2C        L2OF           E5b         B2

       Since BeiDou is expected to only have 25 functional MEO satellites on orbit in late-2019,
we predict that our receivers will track 92 GNSS satellites on orbit in that timeframe. As shown
in Table 2.1-2, this number will increase over time such that our receivers will acquire nearly
2,600 occultations per day per satellite in 2022.
      Table 2.1-2. Number of expected occultations per GNOMES, based upon the number of
                              available GNSS satellites and signals
                                Timeframe        # GNSS     Occ/GNOMES
                                 Q4 2019            92          2,233
                                  2020              96          2,330
                                  2021             101          2,451
                                  2022             107          2,597

        Our final, fully-populated constellation of mixed sun-synchronous and lower inclined
orbits will provide pole-to-pole coverage and sample all local times for full diurnal coverage.
The on-board ion propulsion system allows for minor adjustments to altitude, inclination, and
right ascension of the ascending node to diversify coverage.

 See Original Synopsis, at 5 (Apr. 25, 2018), available at

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        GNOMES-1 will be launched on one of three possible launches scheduled for Q4 2019.
The initial injection orbit altitude will be between 500 km and 750 km, with a nominal
operational altitude of 650 km planned, as shown in Figure 2.1-1a. Our final, operational
constellation will consist of twenty GNOMES, in sun-synchronous or a combination of sun-
synchronous and lower inclined orbits, shown in Figure 2.1-1b.

 Figure 2.1-1. PlanetiQ satellite orbit configuration for a) the first satellite registered under the
Part 5 license and b) the final twenty-satellite constellation under the eventual Part 25 license(s)

       The fundamental goal of the Pyxis-RO instrument and GNOMES mission is to provide as
many high-quality GNSS occultations as possible to maximize its impact on NWP forecasts, and
space weather and climate predictions. To accomplish this task, PlanetiQ must:
          Demonstrate a high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) (~ 2000 V/V) GNSS-RO instrument to
           provide all-weather atmospheric data from the surface of the planet to the top of the
          Demonstrate the ability to detect and track GNSS signals during super refraction
           conditions, and to derive data from the lower troposphere in all cases and conditions.
          Deliver high impact/high value data to NWP centers and demonstrate forecast accuracy
2.2       Theory of Operations
        To achieve global coverage for full atmospheric and ionospheric sampling, our target
orbit for the Pyxis spacecraft is at 650 km altitude. The first experimental spacecraft (GNOMES-
1) will be launched as a secondary payload on-board the Antrix Corporation Polar Satellite
Launch Vehicle (PSLV), on a launch scheduled in the 4th Quarter of 2019. The spacecraft will
be in an orbital plane dictated by its launch characteristics, and could be sun-synchronous or at a
lower inclination, but will be bounded between 500 and 750 km altitude. Orbital maneuvers,
such as altitude adjustments and station keeping, will be done with the on-board ion propulsion
system. Further analysis of the possible orbital characteristics and their implications to de-orbit
operations can be found in Exhibit A - Orbital Debris Assessment Report.

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          As GNOMES-1 is a secondary payload onboard the PSLV, the injection altitude and
inclination are not equivalent to the planned final orbit. PlanetiQ plans to perform system
validation and RO data collection at the injection altitude for GNOMES-1 to fulfill our data
contract obligations to the Department of Commerce, as well as to verify satellite functionality.
It is planned to keep GNOMES-1 at its injection altitude for up to 18 months, then shift to
operational status at 650 km. The satellite will perform altitude and inclination change
maneuvers with its propulsion system for several months to reach 650 km altitude, with periodic
satellite telemetry check-ups during the orbit maneuvers. The satellite will resume data
collection and transfer to the ground after the orbit transition. The satellite contains sufficient
propulsion for orbit raise, inclination adjustments, station keeping, and deorbit operations (details
described in Exhibit A - Orbital Debris Assessment Report).
        Table 2.2-1 shows the orbit lifetime of GNOMES-1 for each of the three potential launch
scenarios for Q4 2019. GNOMES-1 will carry propulsion regardless of the chosen launch, to
adjust to a 650 km circular orbit, and to allow for perigee lowering to accelerate deorbit by
atmospheric reentry. The planned orbit lifetime for any of the possible orbit injection options
adheres to the Commission’s 25-year deorbit time span limit.
  Table 2.2-1. Injection and operational orbit characteristics and planned mission lifetime. The
     orbital altitude and inclination will be maintained by the onboard propulsion system.
  Mission             Launch                  Altitude           Inclination LTDN          Lifetime
                                        (Perigee x Apogee)
                                    Injection: 530 km x 530 km      97.6°                   <18
                                                                                06:00     months
                                Operational: 650 km x 650 km        98.0°                5½-7 years
                                 Injection: 555 km x 555 km         37.0°                   <18
GNOMES-1                                                                         N/A      months
                                Operational: 650 km x 650 km        37.0°                5½-7 years
                                 Injection: 730 km x 730 km         98.4°                   <18
                                                                                12:00     months
                                Operational: 650 km x 650 km        98.0°                5½-7 years

        Because data latency is vital for the value of the atmospheric measurements, frequent
data downloads to the ground are necessary. Occultation observation data from the first
GNOMES will be downlinked via X-band radio at a nominal rate of 10 Mbps and maximum
output power of 2.0 Watts. This data will be transmitted to globally distributed ground stations at
least 27 times per day per satellite. Commands and software updates will be uplinked via S-band
radio from a subset of the ground-stations at a rate of 100 kbps.
        For purposes of the operating frequency for the two experimental GNOMES, PlanetiQ is
applying for center frequencies of 8.260 GHz (downlink) and 2.081 (uplink) GHz. The satellites
will transmit in no more than a 20 MHz channel for downlink and a 200 kHz channel for uplink.
Telemetry, tracking and command or TT&C will also be provided within those frequency bands.
        The first two experimental GNOMES will anchor a larger satellite constellation after
sufficient demonstration of the Pyxis-RO technology is established. PlanetiQ will seek the
applicable Part 25 authorizations at the appropriate times.

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      The Pyxis-RO instruments are designed to receive the publicly available GNSS signals
from the GPS (L1 at 1575.42 MHz and L2 at 1227.6 MHz), Galileo (E1 at 1575.42 and E5 at
1207.14 MHz), GLONASS (FDMA signals centered at L1 at 1602 MHz and L2 at 1246 MHz),
and BeiDou (B1 at 1561.1 MHz5 and B2 at 1207.14 MHz) constellations, as shown previously in
Table 2.1-1. Dual-frequency measurements from each occulting satellite are necessary to resolve
the ionospheric contribution to the signal path delay. Additionally, the reception of multiple
GNSS signals will allow PlanetiQ to cross-check and validate the accuracy of its data
       Observations of GNSS signal Doppler frequency and carrier phase amplitude will be
collected and stored on-board before periodic transfer to the ground for further processing.
Linking the observations to post-processed orbital geometry information will identify the
bending angle unique to each occultation event, which is then translated to a vertical refractivity
profile at a given location. The use of post-processed orbits also ensures that the weather
products are not derived from spoofed or inaccurate signals, especially from the foreign GNSS
satellites. Further discussion of reception of foreign GNSS signals is found in Section 3.2.
2.3   Spacecraft Description
       The GNOMES are a microsatellite-style satellite that are installed on the Planetary
Systems Corporation’s 8 inch Mark II Motorized Lightband (MLB) separation system for
launch6. See Figure 2.3-1 for a conceptual drawing of the satellite’s deployed configuration.
Once separated from the launch vehicle, the satellite will deploy the solar panel and specialized
Pyxis-RO antennas. The spacecraft are three-axis stabilized and nadir following.

                      Figure 2.3-1. The GNOMES spacecraft in its deployed state
       The on-board ion propulsion system will allow for precise orbit insertion after launch
vehicle separation, with sufficient fuel to lower the satellite perigee and accelerate de-orbit after
end of mission. Further description of re-entry disposal, orbital debris mitigation plan, and

 Also eventually at 1575.42 MHz with BeiDou Phase 3 B1C signal.
 Further information on the MLB can be found at

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specialized thruster can be found in a separate exhibit: Exhibit A - Orbital Debris Assessment
2.4    Data Transfer
2.4.1 Space Stations
       The GNOMES will carry a single X-band transmitter to downlink data and conduct
telemetry, tracking, and command (space-to-Earth). This transmitter is the SDR-X model
supplied by Blue Canyon Technologies (BCT), with transmission characteristics described by
Table 2.4-1 and in Form 442.
                        Table 2.4-1. BCT SDR-X X-band transmitter description
                      Action frequency                             8.260 GHz
                      Maximum output power                            2.0 W
                      ERP                                            3.85 W
                      Mean/Peak                                        Peak
                      Frequency Tolerance                            4 ppm
                      Emission Designator                          20M0G1D
                      Modulating signal                       10000000 baud OQPSK

        The X-band and S-band antennas are designed and supplied by Haigh-Farr Inc. Both are
nearly hemispherical in their gain patterns and are nadir-pointed. For both antennas, the gain is
generally constant and varies between 0 and 5 dBi over Earth coverage angles.
        A link budget can be formed from the transmitter characteristics shown in Table 2.4-1
and the expected X-band antenna coverage. The power flux density (PFD) at the maximum gain
(5 dB) is calculated to be -117 dB(W/m2) over the total bandwidth of the transmitter at the worst
case injection altitude of 530 km. Therefore, the largest PFD resulting from the X-band
transmitter on the GNOMES-1 will be -130 dB(W/m2·MHz) at the sub-satellite point, a value
that is well below the recommendation given by the ITU8.
        The ITU also recommends the following limits of PFD from space stations as received at
the Earth’s surface9. These limits relate to the PFD obtained only under free-space path loss
conditions and a 4 kHz bandwidth.

  Information regarding the on-orbit performance of the propulsion system is found in: Krejci, David & Reissner,
Alexander & Seifert, Bernhard & Jelem, David & Hörbe, Thomas & Friedhoff, Pete & Lai, Steve. (2018).
  Rec. ITU-R SA.1810
  ITU Radio Regulations Table 21-4

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                            Table 2.4-2. ITU PFD limits at the Earth’s surface
Frequency             Service          Limit in dB(W/m2) for angles of arrival (δ)      Reference
  band                                           above the horizontal plane             bandwidth
                                           0°-5°           5°-25°           25°-90°
8025-8500       Earth exploration          -150        -150 + 0.5(δ-5)        -140         4 kHz
MHz             satellite (space-
                Space research

         The PFD profile as a function of elevation angle from the Earth’s surface are shown in
 Figure 2.4-1 for GNOMES-1. The PFD produced by GNOMES-1 satisfies the ITU PFD limits at
 all angles of arrival and possible altitudes, with over 10 dB of margin. In addition, the BCT X-
 band radio is adjustable on orbit, allowing PlanetiQ to control the PFD levels during all phases of
 the mission.

 Figure 2.4-1. PFD at the Earth’s surface produced by the X-band downlink radio for GNOMES-1
                                 at all possible injection altitudes.

         Finally, the ITU specifies a maximum allowable interference power spectral flux-density
 at Earth’s surface of -255.1 dB(W/m2·Hz) to protect earth-station receivers in the deep-space

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research band of 8.40-8.45 GHz10. The chosen data rate and center frequency for the X-band
transmission on GNOMES should guarantee that no close-in side lobes are within the deep space
band. Additionally, the chosen ground stations, described in Section 2.4.2, are sufficiently far
from Deep Space Network (DSN) stations that the GNOMES can avoid downlink operations
while within sight of a DSN station (see Figure 2.4-2).

     Figure 2.4-2. Transmission footprints for the possible ground stations for GNOMES-1 (in red)
                             and their overlap with DSN station (in blue).

        Under contingency operations, the downlink data rate for GNOMES-1 will drop to 1
Mbps, causing the power spectral flux density to possibly approach the interference protection
level of -255.1 dB(W/m2·Hz) at the closest possible slant ranges to the DSN stations. Under
these uncommon conditions, PlanetiQ plans to lower the X-band radio transmit power to abide
by ITU recommendations.
2.4.2 Ground Stations
        The atmospheric soundings measured by the GNOMES will be downlinked via
commercial ground station networks. PlanetiQ is in negotiations with Kongsberg Satellite
Services (KSAT) for use of their ground station network as specified in Table 2.4-3. For S-band
uplink and X-band downlink, KSAT supplies a network of 3.7 meter antenna dishes11. PlanetiQ
also plans to use ground stations of various sizes (3.4 m to 9.1 m) from ATLAS Space
Operations, specified in Table 2.4-4, for X- and S-band communications.
        The ground stations shown in Table 2.4-3 and Table 2.4-4 represent a superset of possible
ground stations under consideration from KSAT and ATLAS. The ultimate set of ground
stations will depend on the injection inclination of GNOMES-1: a sun-synchronous launch will
dictate the use of the polar ground stations at Svalbard, Fairbanks, Troll, Hartebeesthoek, Punta
Arenas, and eventually McMurdo, while a lower inclined launch will employ stations at

     ITU-R SA-1157

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Hartebeesthoek, Longovilo, Chitose, Harmon, and Tahiti. Combinations of the ground stations
shown in Table 2.4-3 and Table 2.4-4 allow for at least 27 opportunities for data transfer per day
for each of the GNOMES. Further information regarding the transmission and reception
characteristics for all antennas to be used by PlanetiQ can be found in Exhibit B – National
Telecommunications and Information Administration Space Record Data Form.
                    Table 2.4-3. KSAT ground station locations (uplink and downlink)
                                  Svalbard,            Troll,       Hartebeesthoek, Punta Arenas,
                                   Norway           Antarctica       South Africa       Chile
          Latitude               78°13'46"N         72°00'40"S        25°53'08"S     52°56'06"S
          Longitude              15°24'28"E         2°33'14"E         27°42'20"E     70°52'14"W
          Elevation above           480 m             1365 m            1543 m          22 m
          sea level

                   Table 2.4-4. ATLAS ground station locations (uplink and downlink)
                   Fairbanks,        McMurdo,         Longovilo,      Chitose,      Harmon,        Tahiti,
                    Alaska           Antarctica12       Chile          Japan         Guam          French
 Latitude          64°47'37" N       77°51'00"S       33°57'19"S     36°31'55"N    13°30'45"N    17°38'08"S
 Longitude 147°32'10"W               166°40'00" E    71°24'00"W      140°22'23"E   144°49'29"E   149°36'35"W
 Elevation            144 m             10 m            168 m           55 m          45 m          12 m
 above sea

         PlanetiQ and its subcontracted ground station suppliers will seek the appropriate licenses
for all ground stations deemed necessary for the chosen orbit for GNOMES-1 under the
agreements with the ground station providers. PlanetiQ may subscribe to other ground stations
within the KSAT and ATLAS networks, as needed, to decrease latency and avoid transmission
overlap with other missions and will amend this application and coordinate all such operations,
as necessary.
2.4.3 Ground Station Access
       To facilitate with spectrum use coordination, the technical capabilities of the GNOMES
system is described here. The GNOMES carry the SDR-X X-band transmitter/S-band receiver,
produced by BCT. The radios are software defined, and have an adjustable data rate up to a
maximum 25 Mbps. PlanetiQ plans to use 10 Mbps for nominal operations on-board the
GNOMES. During a station pass, the GNOMES must downlink the accumulated atmospheric
measurements from the previous fraction of an orbit while in range of the ground station. With
the broad distribution of ground stations around the Earth, the GNOMES will have frequent
telecommunications opportunities. GNOMES-1 is designed to downlink roughly half an orbit’s
worth of scientific data and satellite telemetry (165 MB) at each pass. The time to downlink 165
MB of data given a 10 Mbps data rate is approximately 140 seconds. Including an estimated 10

     Expected availability in 2021

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seconds for framing overhead, 150 seconds is needed at each pass to downlink the necessary
        A simulation of GNOMES-1 in its possible anticipated orbits was conducted using the
orbital software package Systems Toolkit (STK) from Analytical Graphics, Inc. The length of
time of the line-of-sight radio access between GNOMES-1 and the set of ground stations most
applicable for its particular orbit (equatorial for 37° inclined, polar for sun-synchronous orbits)
was recorded for one year’s worth of orbits at the nominal operational altitude of 650 km. An
elevation mask of 5 degrees or more was be imposed at each of the ground stations to limit data
transfer to elevations above the surrounding foliage and structures, as well as to ensure our link
budget supports our data rates.
       The distributions of pass times for each grouping of stations are shown in Figure 2.4-3 for
GNOMES-1. The majority of GNOMES-1 pass times for data transfer are over 400 seconds for
the ground stations for either polar or equatorial orbits. Less than 5% of passes are less than 150
seconds for either sets of ground stations, at any orbit inclination.

 Figure 2.4-3. Pass lengths for GNOMES-1 at 650 km 37° inclined orbit (labeled “Equatorial”)
                      and 650 km sun-synchronous orbit (labeled “Polar”).
        With a data downlink rate of 10 Mbps, there is temporal flexibility within the satellite-
station pass for data downlink for the majority of passes. The ground stations within the KSAT
and ATLAS networks, shown in Table 2.4-3 and Table 2.4-4, also give geographic diversity for
downlink opportunities. The GNOMES also have on-board data storage sufficient for multiple
passes without downlink. For every pass, there is time for data transmission, plus additional time
and storage to mitigate against concurrent transmission with other high priority missions.
2.4.4 Potential Interference
       PlanetiQ plans to actively engage in pre-coordination and coordination activities with
other S-band/X-band spectrum users to avoid potential interference during transmission. The
scheduling of ground station use for either uplink or downlink transmissions will be coordinated
by KSAT and ATLAS for each pass.

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3     Utility of Data
3.1    Improvement to Numerical Weather Prediction
        Current weather forecasts from the NWP centers are based on data that is insufficient in
both quality and quantity. Much of the current data is produced by orbiting infrared cameras and
microwave instruments. These infrared cameras cannot penetrate through clouds (which
regularly cover 70% of the Earth), and microwave instruments have poor vertical resolution, the
inability to discern tropospheric boundary layer conditions, and are ineffective over land.
PlanetiQ aims to fix this shortfall of global atmospheric data with the demonstration of our
Pyxis-RO instrument on-board the two GNOMES platforms. The experiment will be capable of
collecting global measurements of the atmosphere through all possible conditions from the
Earth’s surface, through the boundary layer, the troposphere, and finally, up through the
        The Pyxis-RO mission will demonstrate the highest capability GNSS-RO atmospheric
sounder to date. Its observations of precise temperature, water vapor, atmospheric pressures, and
wind data will be sent
to and processed by the
NWP centers to create
more accurate and
timely weather
forecasts. High
frequency sampling of
the occultation signal
allows for improved
vertical resolution, as
dense as 100 meters
(see Figure 3.1-1 for
ray path geometry).
The higher quality
measurements of the            Figure 3.1-1. Dimensions of the occulting GNSS signal ray path
atmosphere’s current conditions collected by the Pyxis-RO sensor will enable even better
forecasting ability by the NWP centers on a global scale.
        Additionally, the Pyxis-RO instrument will assess the state of the ionosphere by
obtaining the total electron count (TEC), electron density profiles (EDP), and scintillation
characteristics (S4) through dual-frequency atmospheric sounding. These measurements are
important to ionospheric models used to monitor space weather and ionospheric conditions
affecting communication and navigation signals.
3.2    Receipt of Foreign GNSS Signals
       The Pyxis-RO receivers are designed to detect dual-frequency signals from the four
major GNSS constellations (GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and BeiDou). However, any concern
over the use of foreign GNSS signals is unwarranted, as any possible deliberate falsification or
“spoofing” of foreign GNSS signals will be detected by the GNOMES and known well before
PlanetiQ releases any weather data products, described in the following section.

Narrative Statement                        16 | P a g e

Space Sciences & Engineering, LLC

       The GNSS satellites are ideal transmitters, as their on-board atomic frequency standards
provide a precise and accurate reference for the carrier waves collected by the Pyxis-RO
instrument. The high accuracy of these signals makes it possible to derive key characteristics of
the atmosphere. The addition of signals from foreign GNSS constellations provides a greater
number of sources from which to obtain viable occultation measurements.
         The characteristics of the lowest layers of the atmosphere are found by calculation of the
navigation signal’s unique bending angle, which is obtained via open-loop tracking. During open
loop tracking, the occultations are found by differencing the measured amplitude and Doppler of
the carrier phase from accurate models based on geometry and observed atmospheric conditions.
This requires resolving the relative velocity between the GNOMES and GNSS satellites (where a
satellite in LEO has a typical velocity of 7 km/sec and a GNSS satellite at 26,000 km altitude is
approximately 3 km/sec) to 0.15 to 0.2 mm/sec13. This level of orbital accuracy requires post-
processed orbits and clock performance for the GNSS satellites, as well as fine-tuned orbital and
clock information for the GNOMES in LEO. On-board scheduling and orbit determination for
the GNOMES are performed by a navigation engine using only GPS observations. The GNSS
orbit and clock data used to derive the atmospheric characteristics will be obtained from
reputable post-processing facilities, such as NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) or University
Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR). Any false observations will be detected well
before atmospheric products are made.
         Typical GNSS spoofing is performed by recreating false GNSS signals from a local
transmitter. However, a space-based receiver makes this scenario highly unlikely. Falsifying the
satellite ephemeris/almanac message could also possibly cause receiver issues; however, because
the Pyxis-RO instrument is directed to collect Doppler and phase measurements from values
obtained directly from the particular satellite’s ephemeris, a false ephemeris will lead to no
        PlanetiQ will not be the only RO data provider to use foreign GNSS signals, as the
NOAA led RO mission, COSMIC-2/FORMOSAT-7, is equipped with the Tri-GNSS (TriG)
receiver built by NASA JPL and intends to collect signals originating from GPS, GLONASS and
Galileo for its occultations14. NOAA has recently awarded contracts for commercially obtained
space-based radio occultation data with no limitations on the signal source15. In fact, they
specifically state the need for GNSS-RO measurements. The RFP language for the contract from
NOAA contemplates that data would be provided from foreign GNSS satellites16. The Pyxis-RO

   Schreiner, William, Rocken, Chris, Sokolovskiy, Sergey, Hunt, Douglas, "Quality assessment of
COSMIC/FORMOSAT-3 GPS radio occultation data derived from single- and double-difference atmospheric
excess phase processing," GPS Solutions, 14(1), 2009, pp. 13-22, doi: 10.1007/s10291-009-0132-5.
   Turbiner, Dmitry, Young, Larry E., Meehan, Tom K., "Phased Array GNSS Antenna for the FORMOSAT-
7/COSMIC-2 Radio Occultation Mission," Proceedings of the 25th International Technical Meeting of The Satellite
Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS 2012), Nashville, TN, September 2012, pp. 915-916, available
   Attachment 6 GNSS High Rate Binary Format (v1.9) under Requisition Number NEEP0000-18-00419, see

Narrative Statement                              17 | P a g e

Space Sciences & Engineering, LLC

instrument, and subsequent data processing, will be able to validate the foreign GNSS signals as
viable sources for atmospheric sensing.
        Both government-lead and commercial RO missions contribute to numerical weather
prediction and forecasts, and are desired in near real-time. However, post-processing of the
GNSS orbits and clocks will always be necessary to derive the atmospheric characteristics, and
any spoofing will be detected in this post-processing. Therefore, the weather products obtained
via RO are resistant to false signals.

Narrative Statement                        18 | P a g e

Document Created: 2019-05-16 14:04:39
Document Modified: 2019-05-16 14:04:39

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