Exhibits 1 & 2

0161-EX-PL-2001 Text Documents

Southwest Research Institute


Exhibit 1

                                                     SwRI Proposal 15—30960
                                                            January 31,2001

A Proposalfor


      The Advisory Committee for Research


      Dr. G. Crowley (Div. 15)


 r. J.L. Burch, Vice Presidertt
Space Research and Engineering Division

William G. Guion, Ph.D., Vice President
Signal Exploitation and Geolocation Division

                                                Southwest Research Institute
                                                         P.O. Drawer 28510
                                                          6220 Culebra Road
                                               San Antonio, Texas 78228—0510

                                     Proposal # 15—30960

                               EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

   The Nation‘s reliance on advanced technological systems is growing exponentially. Many of
these systems are susceptible to failure or unreliable performance because of adverse conditions
in the space environment. Corresponding disruption of communications, navigation, electric
power distribution grids, and satellite operations, leads to a broad range of socio—economic
losses. Atmospheric gravity waves (AGWs) are generated by atmospheric processes, and the
motion of the neutral gas in the AGW sets the ionosphere into motion, resulting in a travelling
ionospheric disturbance (TID). TIDs can be thought of as travelling corrugations in the
ionosphere, seriously affecting HF radio communications and surveillance systems.

   This Developmental IR project focuses on the development of a HF Doppler radar to monitor
TID activity over Texas. Our goal is to perform a Development IR investigation that produces
new equipment and methodologies that will be useful almost immediately to the Institute‘s
technical program, and which includes a level of risk. The proposed project contains a level of
risk because such a system has not previously been built at SwRI, the deployment of equipment
at remote sites always involves risk, and the software for analysis and display of the HF Doppler
data has not yet been written.
   The objectives of this IR project are listed as follows:

  1) Design and build a HF Doppler system at SwRLI.
  2) Deploy transmitters to sites around Texas.
  3) Collect data continuously for at least 2 months.
  4) Develop data analysis capabilities.
  5) Operate HF direction finding system and vertical ionospheric sounder for two I—week
  6) Analyze the data.
  7) Publish papers describing the results from the SwRI Doppler system.

   The final configuration of the system will consist of three transmitter sites (Austin, Bandera
and Uvalde) and a single receiver in San Antonio, together with data logging and
analysis/display software. It will be deployed for 2 months to demonstrate the ability of the
system to measure TID characteristics. The database will be sufficient to demonstrate the
capability of the system, but not sufficient to perform extended scientific studies of the type
envisaged for future external funding. On a campaign basis, an HF direction finding (HFDF)
antenna will be deployed in San Antonio to determine the direction of arrival of the Doppler
signals as they are perturbed by the TIDs. A vertical incidence sounder (ionosonde) will also be
deployed on a campaign basis to provide background information on the shape of the ionosphere.
The project will also benefit from coordinated ionospheric tomography data from UT—Austin.
The proposed program is expected to result in the publication of three peer—reviewed

                                       Proposal # 15—30960

  This interdivisional project is proposed for a period of 12 months with a total budget of about
$149K ($89K to Div 15, and $60K to Div 16). It leverages the ionospheric expertise in Divisions
15 and 16. Dr. Crowley (Div 15) will be responsible for the management and oversight of the
project. He has previously worked with HF Doppler systems in Britain and the Antarctic, and
with vertical ionospheric sounders in Greenland. Division 16 has conducted research in various
related areas of ionospheric propagation for over 20 years. This project was conceived with the
help of Bill Sherrill (Div 16), who will act as an informal consultant to the project, and does not
request any support.
    Division 16 Radiolocation Systems staff will design and build the Doppler instrumentation,
using existing Division 16—owned HF propagation equipment, and the 200—acre SwRI HF field
site. Brent Fessler (520 hours) will lead the design, building and deployment, with the help of a
Div 16 Senior Technician (240 hours) and Division 15 Senior Technician (320 hours). Dr.
Crowley will oversee the design, building and deployment, and will lead the data analysis effort
(320 hours). A member of the Div 15 software support team (PL2) will spend about 1 month
(160 hrs) developing the display and analysis software tools required by the project. The Doppler
measurement program will be enhanced, on a campaign basis, with concurrent vertical incidence
ionospheric sounding and direction finding data.

The proposed work:

i) Permits development of new instrumentation that adds synergistically to the existing
capabilities of Divisions 15 and 16, and will be immediately useful in the Division 15 and 16
technical programs.

i1) Maintains SwRI in a highly visible leadership role in ionospheric physics;

ii1) Results in several technical publications and conference presentations.

                                       Proposal # 15—30960

1. TECHNICAL BACKGR:               D


  The Earth‘s space environment includes the middle atmosphere at altitudes of about 50 km,
through the upper atmosphere and magnetosphere, to the solar wind and ultimately to the Sun
itself. Figure 1 illustrates this complex system. The solar wind streams out from the sun at speeds
of several hundred kilometers per second, carrying energetic particles and its own magnetic field
(the Interplanetary Magnetic Field, IMF). The magnetosphere (the magnetic cavity surrounding
the Earth) protects the atmosphere from direct bombardment by most of these particles (Figure
1a). However, the magnetosphere accumulates energy through its interaction with the solar wind,
and the energy is released periodically in the form of particle precipitation, strong electric fields
and large currents flowing in the ionosphere at high latitudes. The parti¢le precipitation causes
bright aurorae in both the Northern and Southern hemispheres (Figure 1b). The large currents
produce perturbations in the magnetic field measured at the Earth‘s surface, resulting in the
phenomenon known as a magnetic storm. The large amount of energy and momentum deposited
in the thermosphere and ionosphere during magnetic storms changes the global circulation
patterns, density, temperature and composition above about 100 km altitude. Some of the most
energetic particles penetrate to lower altitudes, where they alter the mesospheric and
stratospheric chemistry (Figure 1¢c).

   Space for Figure la

                                  Proposal # 15—30960

Leave entire page for Figures 1b and 1c

                                       Proposal # 15—30960

   The Nation‘s reliance on advanced technological systems is growing exponentially, and many
of these systems are susceptible to failure or unreliable performance because of extreme space—
weather. Space—weather refers to conditions on the sun, in the solar wind, magnetosphere,
ionosphere, thermosphere, and mesosphere, that can influence the performance and reliability of
space—borne and ground—based technological systems and can endanger human life or health.
Adverse conditions in the space environment can cause disruption of communications,
navigation, electric power distribution grids, and satellite operations, leading to a broad range of
socio—economic losses (Crowley et al., 1999; Crowley and Freitas, 2001)
   Atmospheric gravity waves (AGWs) play potentially important roles in ionospheric dynamics
and on the generation of plasma instabilities in the middle and low latitude ionosphere. AGWs
are generated by numerous lower atmospheric processes, such as storms, and can also be
generated by auroral processes in the ionosphere (Fesen et al., 1989; Crowley, 1991). The motion
of the neutral gas in the AGW sets the ionosphere into motion, resulting in a travelling
ionospheric disturbance (TID). TIDs can be thought of as travelling corrugations in the
ionosphere, seriously affecting HF radio communications and surveillance systems.
   This Developmental IR project focuses on the development of a HF Doppler radar together
with associated analysis and display software. The HF Doppler sounding system will be designed
and built at SwRI, and then deployed for 2 months in Texas to demonstrate the ability of the
system to measure TIDs driven by gravity waves. The final configuration of the system will
consist of three transmitters and a receiver, together with data logging and analysis/display
       The work proposed here leverages the ionospheric expertise in Divisions 15 and 16. Dr.
Crowley (Div 15) has published over 50 papers, most of which involve ionospheric data analysis
and modeling. He worked with HF Doppler systems in Britain (Crowley and McCrea, 1988) and
the Antarctic (Crowley, 1985) for 8 years, and with vertical ionospheric sounders in Greenland
for 5 years (Crowley et al., 1992; Cannon et al., 1992; Wang et al., 1993). Division 16
Radiolocation Systems staff will design and build ionospheric Doppler instrumentation, using
existing Division—owned HF propagation equipment, antenna arrays, remote sites, and the 200—
acre SwRI HF field site. These test bed facilities for the basic ionospheric Doppler measurement
program will be enhanced, on a campaign basis, with concurrent vertical incidence ionospheric
sounding and parallel channel direction finding interferometer data to provide a uniquely
complete characterization of the TID events. Radio direction finding performance is dominated
by ionospheric TID occurrence (Sherrill, 1971; Sherrill et al., 1972). Division 16 has conducted
research in various related areas of ionospheric propagation for over 20 years, with many
refereed publications and DoD reports (e.g. Sherrill, 1977; Black, 1993; Black et al., 1993, 1995;
Johnson et al., 1994; Brown et al., 1997).
   The proposed project contains a level of risk because such a system has not previously been
built at SwRI, the deployment of equipment at remote sites always involves risk, and the
software for analysis and display of the HF Doppler data has not yet been written. After
deployment the system will be operated continuously for 2 months, generating a uniquely
complete database of propagation parameters for observed midlatitude TID events. This database
will be sufficient to demonstrate the capability of the system, but not sufficient to perform
extended scientific studies. The project will benefit from coordinated measurements with other
instruments in the area, including ionospheric tomography data from the UT—Austin chain. The
proposed program is expected to result in the publication of three peer—reviewed manuscripts.

                                       Proposal # 15—30960

   The IR project proposed here demonstrates our ability to build and field a HF Doppler radar
for ionospheric specification, for validating and developing terrestrial ionosphere models, and for
other research purposes.

    If a wave is reflected from a moving surface, a Doppler frequency shift Af occurs in the
reflected wave. The magnitude of the frequency shift is related to the rate of change of phase
path, P and the wavelength, A, according to

                      Af = —1/ A (dP/dt)                     (Equation 1)

    In the case of radio waves reflected from the ionosphere, both changes in the height of
reflection and changes in the electron concentration below the reflection height may cause the
variation of P. The corresponding Doppler shifts are then proportional and inversely proportional
to the transmitted frequency, respectively. The contribution due to changes in the reflection
height always dominates the observed Doppler shifts from HF radio sounders at middle and low
latitudes (Crowley, 1985).
    A simple Doppler system consists of a CW (continuous wave) transmitter and receiver which
are highly frequency—stable (1 part in 10°), together with some kind of recording device (e.g.
Crowley, 1985). The CW signals are typically transmitted on frequencies between 2—10 MHz
with a power of about 20 watts. A sensitive communications receiver with a narrow bandwidth
(~100 Hz) receives the skywave signal at a site about 50—100 km from the transmitter and down—
converts the signal to a frequency of several Hertz. The Doppler shift of the received signal is
thus measured from variations of the receiver output frequency, which is recorded directly.
    HF Doppler sounding provides a convenient means of continuously monitoring vertical
movements of ionospheric reflecting layers. Figure 1 illustrates typical Doppler frequency
changes detected by the Antarctic Doppler system (Crowley, 1985). Three transmitters at
Almirante Brown, Palmer and Adelaide, operated on two frequencies, and several perturbations
were well correlated on all six traces. Traveling disturbances perturbed the radio reflection points
on the different transmission paths at different times, and the velocity of the disturbance in the
plane of the reflection points was determined by triangulation. Time delays between the
perturbations on different Doppler paths have traditionally been estimated by the cross—
correlation technique, however cross—spectral analysis has the advantage of separately examining
the time (i.e. phase) delay for each frequency component of a signal. Thus, using cross—spectral
analysis, TID speeds and azimuths were obtained for each wave frequency by triangulation
(Crowley et al., 1984).
    Doppler systems with three separated transmitters provide three independent phase spectral
estimates, any two of which yield a measure of the horizontal phase trace velocity of the
disturbance at a given wave frequency. The validity of wave parameters obtained in this way is
assessed by means of the coherency calculated during the cross—spectral analysis. The coherency
provides a measure of the noise in the two spectra at a given frequency: when the noise is zero
the coherence is unity, but when two signals are uncorrelated their coherence is zero. The major
source of uncertainty in the velocity calculations is usually the measurement of time delay. The
statistical uncertainty in the time delay obtained by cross—spectral analysis is a function of the
coherency (Jenkins and Watts, 1968). This dependency enables error bars to be placed on
individual velocity calculations.

                                       Proposal # 15—30960

    In order to calculate wave parameters from the time delays between Doppler signatures,
knowledge of the geometry of the Doppler array is needed. The Doppler reflection heights on the
different paths are generally assumed to be the same. If this is not the case (possibly from large
electron density gradients) the vertical velocity contributes to the time delay, and if unnoticed, in
a worst—case scenario may introduce significant errors. Crowley (1985) studied the refraction of
the Doppler signals under different conditions, and found that the TIDs themselves perturb the
reflection point by several kilometers in the horizontal plane. However, this refraction is a minor
contribution to the error analysis for TID velocities, because it is similar on each path.
    Figure 3 shows the horizontal phase trace speed and wave azimuth as a function of wave
period deduced by cross—spectral analysis from the Antarctic data in Figure 2. The speed and
directions are substantially in agreement for both Doppler sounding frequencies, and are very
similar at all periods whose coherency functions have significant values. Each wave component
has a horizontal speed between 100 to 300 m/s, and azimuth 100° to 140°. The smooth variation
of the vertical phase velocity with period is shown for Palmer station in Figure 4.
    HF Doppler systems have advantages over all other techniques for the measurement of TID
characteristics. They are more amenable to analysis than data from ionosonde chains. In addition,
they respond to wave activity at particular altitudes rather than integrated effects such as those
obtained from total electron content (TEC) methods. (Equation 1 shows the phase measurement
is an integrated quantity, but as noted above, the contribution due to changes in the reflection
height always dominates the observed Doppler shifts at mid—latitudes). Finally, because the HF
Doppler systems have low power consumption, both spatial and temporal resolution can be
maintained for many days without the costs that would be associated with an incoherent scatter
    The Antarctic HF Doppler system operated continuously for 5 years and revealed new
information on the differences between TIDs observed during geomagnetically quiet and active
conditions (Crowley et al., 1987). It also detected a new and unexpected type of phenomenon
relating to the penetration of high latitude electric fields to low latitudes (Dudeney et al., 1980;
Crowley et al., 1984). A Doppler system was deployed for a month in the UK during the
Worldwide Atmospheric Gravity—wave Study (WAGS). The data collected during WAGS led to
new theories on the generation of gravity waves by the aurora (Crowley and Williams, 1987;
Williams et al., 1988; Rice et al., 1988) and on their propagation to mid—latitudes (Crowley and
McCrea, 1988).

                                      Proposal # 15—30960

Leave entire page for figures

               Space for Figure 2 ——— HF Doppler data

               Space for Figure 3 —— Vh

               Space for Fig 4 — Vz

                                      Proposal # 15—30960

  There are many geophysical problems that require knowledge of gravity wave characteristics
and their effect on the ionosphere. There are currently no techniques that routinely monitor the
wave background, or that can provide the required wave characteristics on a campaign basis. The
HF Doppler technique has been demonstrated in the past to provide detailed and accurate
information about the waves. The PI has extensive experience analyzing HF Doppler data from
Britain and the Antarctic, and our goal in the proposed work is to build a prototype system here
at SwRI.
   We propose to build a prototype HF Doppler system at SwRI and to deploy it in Texas. The
prototype would demonstrate the capability of such a system, and would briefly collect useful
data on TIDs. The prototype system will have three transmitter sites (Austin, Bandera and
Uvalde) and a single receiver in San Antonio. It will operate on two sounding frequencies to
sample two different heights in the F—region of the ionosphere. On a campaign basis, an HF
direction finding (HFDF) antenna will be deployed in San Antonio to determine the direction of
arrival of the Doppler signals as they are perturbed by the TIDs. This will permit some initial
analysis on the effect of TIDs on the accuracy of HF—DF systems, and will provide some insight
into the potential for correcting HF—DF systems for TID effects. In addition to the HF Doppler
system, a Vertical Incidence Sounder (ionosonde) will also be deployed on a campaign basis to
provide background information on the shape of the ionosphere. The ionosonde will help with
the interpretation of the HF Doppler data; in particular it will specify the difference between the
reflection heights of the two Doppler frequencies.

2. THE PROPOSED PR               T

   1) Design and build a HF Doppler system at SwWRL.
   2) Deploy transmitters to sites around Texas.
   3) Collect data at SwRI continuously for at least 2 months.
   4) Develop data analysis capabilities.
   5) Operate HF direction finding system for two 1—week campaigns.
   6) Demonstrate effects of TIDs on HF—DF systems.
   7) Operate a vertical ionospheric sounder during the campaigns to provide further
   information on the background ionosphere.
   8) Compare the HF—Doppler data on TIDs with ionospheric tomography data from UTAustin.
   9) Publish papers describing the results from the SwRI Doppler system.


2.2.1 Design and build a HF Doppler system at SwRI.
Division 16 personnel are recognized internationally for their expertise in radio systems. The
proposed prototype HF Doppler system will be built in Division 16 using existing hardware. The
HF Doppler system consists of a highly frequency stable CW transmitter and corresponding
frequency stable receiver to measure the Doppler frequency offset in the received signal induced
by TIDs. Figure 5 shows the transmitter, consisting of a stable conventional signal generator with

                                     Proposal # 15—30960

reference oscillator disciplined by a precise frequency reference derived from a GPS receiver.
(Alternatively a laboratory Rubidium standard can be used).

                                                                 GPS or Rubidium

                            | Fig. 5 Transmitter Block Diagram

   The corresponding precision receiver set up is shown in Figure 6. In addition to precision
frequency standard, the output of the receiver is digitized, decimated to 100 Hz bandwidth, and
Fourier analyzed to .03 Hz resolution to record the micro—variations in received frequency
introduced by ionospheric propagation. Each FFT spectrum will be time stamped and logged to
Disc for off—line analysis.

       Cross Dipole

                                                                      FFT Processing
                                                                    Data Time Stamping
                                                                       Data Storage

                             Fig. 6 Receiver Block diagram

                                      Proposal # 15—30960

2.2.2 Deploy transmitters to sites around Texas.
The measurement of TID characteristics with the HF Doppler system depends on spaced
reflection points in the ionosphere. This is achieved by spacing the transmitters, as described
above. In the proposed system, transmitters will be deployed in Austin, Bandera, and Uvalde,
where we have access to power and sufficient space for the antennas (see letter of support from
Dr. Gary Bust, UT—Austin). The spacing of the ionospheric reflection points is about 50 km, as
illustrated in Figure 7. This is ideal for medium scale TIDs with horizontal phase trace velocities
typically in the 100—300 m/s range. The corresponding time delays of 0 — 500 sec are easily
detected in the cross—spectral analysis. Other locations such as Dallas and the McDonald
Observatory have also been offered by UT—Dallas as field sites for the transmitters, but they will
not be used in the present project because of their relative inaccessibility.

                                                        *       ,Sequin
                                                 iec        d
                                                            San Antonio
                                                                          L"   9

                            Fig. 7 Map of Transmit and Receive locations

2.2.3 Collect data at SwRI continuously for at least 2 months.
To demonstrate that the system is fully operational and autonomous, data will be collected
continuously for at least 2 months. This will be sufficient time to obtain geophysically interesting
data, and to obtain joint observations with the HF—DF system and the vertical sounder. It will
also be possible to perform some comparisons with the tomography experiments of Dr. Gary
Bust from UT—Austin. Because the solar rotation period is 27 days, 2—months of continuous
operation will provide data from a variety of solar and geomagnetic conditions.

2.2.4 Develop data analysis capabilities.
Div 16 will be responsible for developing the software to obtain Doppler spectra from the HF
radio signals. Div. 15 will be responsible for software to plot the data, to perform cross—spectral
analysis and to plot the results. Dr. Crowley developed FORTRAN spectral analysis software for

                                      Proposal # 15—30960

use with the Antarctic and UK Doppler systems several years ago, and some of this will be re—
used in the present system. The graphics routines will be developed in IDL.

2.2.5 Operate HF direction finding system for two 1—week campaigns.
Div. 16 personnel routinely operate direction—finding systems at SwRI. Division 16 will make
available an existing HFDF test bed to obtain DF data on the Doppler system transmissions
during specific campaigns. The test bed HFDF system will measure azimuth/ elevation of arrival
on each resolution cell of the FFT using a correlation DF algorithm. This provides a unique set of
time tagged DF data per Doppler frequency cell to support the TID analysis. Figure 8 shows a
block diagram of the DF system.
    The TIDs detected by the HF Doppler system will be correlated with variations in the
direction of arrival of the radio signals as the ‘corrugations‘ in the ionosphere move overhead.
This research is expected to result in a publishable manuscript.

              7 Element DF
             Antenna Array

                                                                             FFT Processing
                                                                           Data Time Stamping
                                                                              Data Storage

                                    Fig. 8 DF Block Diagram

2.2.6 Analyze TID effects on propagation mode angular fine structure
The effects of TIDs on HFDF accuracy impose an irreducible limit to DF system performance.
Investigation of ionospheric mode angular fine structure has been a long—standing research area
in Division 16. The frequency sliced DF process permits analysis of directional fine structure on
those propagation paths that show ionosphere—induced frequency spread. We will analyze the
DF data obtained on the measured Doppler spectra to determine Az/ El spread induced by
propagation through TIDs.

2.2.7 Operate a vertical ionospheric sounder on a campaign basis to provide further
information on the background ionosphere.
The ionosphere is an extremely dynamic region of the earth‘s atmosphere. The ionospheric
electron density profile varies on timescales of minutes (due to waves), hours (due to solar


                                      Proposal # 15—30960

illumination, and changes in composition, winds and electric fields), and days (due to seasonal
effects). It is possible to specify usable radio frequencies based on midlatitude ionospheric
climatology, but the exact shape of the ionospheric electron density determines the reflection
heights of the different frequencies. A Vertical Incidence Sounder provides measurements of the
ionospheric electron density profile, and therefore the Doppler reflection heights can be
accurately specified. This in turn allows an accurate specification of the vertical trace speed of
the disturbances.
    The Div 16 Vertical Incidence Sounder will be run continuously during the campaign periods
to monitor ionospheric conditions. Ionogram data will be obtained 4 times per hour and
transferred to Division 15 via the Institute LAN for real time information on current ionospheric
weather. A more frequent sounding schedule can be maintained if needed during each campaign.

2.2.8 Compare the HF—Doppler data with ionospheric tomography data from UT—Austin.
The Atmospheric Research Laboratory of the University of Texas at Austin routinely operates
radio beacon receivers for use in ionospheric tomography. Ionospheric tomography provides
accurate cross—sections of the ionospheric electron density as a function of altitude and latitude.
The propagation of TIDs over the tomographic array causes perturbations of the electron density
contours, which are then detected by the tomographic inversion. We will perform the first
independent comparison of TID parameters with the perturbations in the tomographic results.

2.2.9 Publish papers describing the results from the SwRI Doppler system.
The research proposed here is expected to result in two or three publications. These are likely to
be the following:
   i) Characteristics of TIDs measured over Texas.
   i1) Interpretation of HFDF results in light of TID characteristics obtained from a HF Doppler
   iii) Interpretation of ionospheric tomography data in light of TID characteristics obtained from
       a HF Doppler system.

   The expected accomplishments fall into two classes: Hardware and Scientific Analysis. In the
Hardware category, the development of a HF Doppler system at SwRI represents a new area of
expertise that synergistically adds to the capabilities of both Divisions 15 and 16. The approach
taken in this project is to leverage existing capabilities to demonstrate a prototype system that
will make useful measurements locally.
   In the category of Scientific Analysis, there have been numerous reports of TID observations
in the past, but few that have been as complete as those from HF Doppler systems. Of the HF
Doppler observations, few have been systematic or correlated with other instrumentation. The
prototype proposed here will make useful measurements of TID over Texas for comparison with
previous work. The direct measurement of TIDs in the vicinity of a HF Direction Finding system
is completely novel, and will provide new insights into the operation of the HFDF system. It will
also provide the first complete TID specification for use with the interpretation of ionospheric
tomography observations.


                                       Proposal # 15—30960

The proposed work:

i) Permits development of new instrumentation that adds synergistically to the existing
capabilities of Divisions 15 and 16;

ii) Produces a new tool that will be immediately useful in the Division 15 and 16 technical

ii1) Maintains SwRI in a highly visible leadership role in ionospheric physics;

iv) Results in several technical publications and conference presentations.

v) Enhances SwRI relationship with ARL:UT—Austin;

   The program plan consists of performing tasks to fulfil the Objectives listed in Section 2.1.
Table 1 depicts the schedule for performing these tasks. The HF Doppler system will be designed
and built during the first 5 months of the project. The system will be tested at SwRI before
deployment at three transmitter sites, which will occur during the September—October time
frame. The system will be operated for two months during November and December 2001.
During this two—month period, the HFDF and Vertical Incidence Sounder will operate for two 1—
week campaigns. These will be in the declining phase of the solar cycle, and can be expected to
yield intervals of both geomagnetically active and quiet conditions. At the same time as the
design, building and deployment of the HF Doppler system, the data analysis software will be
developed. The data analysis task will involve 4 stages: (1) Write software to identify the
spectral peaks in the FFT‘s from the HF Doppler radar, and produce plots of frequency versus
time, similar to Figure 2; (2) Write software to perform cross—spectral analysis of Doppler
variations on different paths to identify time delays between ionospheric reflection points; (3)
Write software to perform triangulation of the time delays for this particular Doppler system and
obtain horizontal and vertical phase velocities; (4) Write software to display the velocities as a
function of wave period, similar to Figures 3 and 4. The software will be written in IDL for
compatibility with other projects in Div 15. Dr. Crowley developed analysis routines in
FORTRAN for his Ph.D. thesis, and these will be used as the basis for the current project.
   Following the two—month operation of the HF Doppler system and the HFDF campaigns will
be a period of data analysis. The goal of the analysis will be to prepare three manuscripts for
publication in refereed journals. These will consist of reporting the HF Doppler results,
interpretation of the HFDF results, and comparison with the ionospheric tomography data from
UT—Austin. Quarterly reports will document the progress of the work. A final report will be
written at the conclusion of the project.


                                                   Proposal # 15—30960

  Task          Task Description              Qtr 2, 2001                Qtr 3, 2001       Qtr 4, 2001           Qtr 1, 2002
                                            Apr   May       Jun    Jul      Aug    Sep   Oct   Nov   Dec   Jan      Feb    Mar

         Design Doppler system

         Build Doppler system at SwRI

         Deploy transmitters to sites

         Collect data for 2 months

         Develop data analysis capability

         Deploy HFDF at SwRI

         Operate SwRI Vertical Sounder

         Data Analysis

         Manuscript preparation

          NSF Proposal preparation

                              TABLE 1:       Schedule for          Completion of Proposed Work

         Dr. Crowley will have overall responsibility for completion of this Development IR project on
      time and within budget. Dr. Crowley has extensive experience in various fields of upper
      atmospheric research. He is currently the PI on several NASA, NSF and DoD projects. He also
      has experience managing large software projects. For example, at the Johns Hopkins University
      Applied Physics Laboratory, Dr. Crowley managed a $4 Million Air Force software project. He
      brought a previous IR project, the development of a Parallelized TIMEGCM, to a successful
      completion and is managing a second successful modeling and simulation IR project (see below).
      He will spend approximately 2 Person—months (360 hr.) on this project. He will be involved in all
      phases of the project, including the implementation and demonstration phases. He will take the
      lead in writing the first scientific paper expected to result from analysis of the HF Doppler data.
         This project was conceived with the help of Bill Sherrill from Div 16, who will act as a
      consultant to the project. He has many years of experience in the building and deployment of
      radio systems for ionospheric research. He does not require any support from this proposal. Brent
      Fessler (Div 16) will be responsible for designing and building the HF Doppler system. Bill
      Sherrill and a Senior Technician from Div 16 will aid him. Dr. Crowley will be involved in the
      design to make sure it satisfies the measurement requirements. The same people will be
      responsible for the testing and deployment of the system when the transmitters are moved to the
      remote sites. They will be aided by a Senior Technician from Div 15. Typically the two Senior
      Technicians will deploy the transmitters, but Dr. Crowley will help with deployment of the first
      transmitter at the UT—Austin site. Brent Fessler and Bill Sherrill will remain at the receiver site in
      San Antonio.
         The output from the HF Doppler radar consists of Doppler spectra in the form of FFTs. A
      programmer from Div 15, under the supervision of Crowley and Fessler, will have responsibility


                                       Proposal # 15—30960

for data plotting and analysis codes. All the HF Doppler data analysis and plotting software will
be generated by Div. 15 personnel. Software already exists in Div 16 to plot and analyze the data
from the HFDF and Vertical Sounder that will contribute to the campaigns.
   The HF Doppler analysis will be performed mainly by Dr. Crowley. Comparison with the
HFDF and vertical sounder data will involve Bill Sherrill and Brent Fessler. Comparison with
the ionospheric tomography data will involve UT—Austin personnel with their own funding.

   All of the radio equipment required for this project is currently available and will be provided
by Div 16. The budget includes $1000 for incidental materials such as cables and connectors.
The necessary computing power for plotting and analyzing the data already exists in Div 15, and
will not require the purchase of new equipment. Our colleagues at UT—Austin have offered to let
us use their field site in Austin along with an antenna already in place, and an additional mobile
antenna if needed (see letter of support).


Exhibit 2

Location 1

      10000 Burnet
      Austin, TX 78758
      Travis County
      30.38       —97.70

Location 2

      Ranch Road 481
      Uvalde, TX 78801
      Uvalde County
      29.181          —99.850

Location 3

      13181 Adkins—St. Hedwig
      St. Hedwig, TX 78152
      Bexar County
      29.413        —98.221

Document Created: 2001-07-05 09:57:42
Document Modified: 2001-07-05 09:57:42

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