STA Request (deleted 442)

0121-EX-ST-2000 Text Documents

Southwest Research Institute


                        O(2I—Ex—5 12000
  6220 CULEBRA ROAD   e   POST OFFICE DRAWER 28510   e   SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS, USA 78228—0510   e   (210) 684—5111   e   WWW.SWRIORG

                                                                                March 20, 2000

Via Federal Express
Tracking No. 800769414229

Federal Communications Commission
Attn: Wholesale Lock Box Shift Supervisor
Three Mellon Bank Center
525 William Penn Way
27* Floor, Room 153—2713
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15259—0001

Re:     Request for Extension of Special Temporary Authorization for File Number 0358—EX—
        $T—1999; Call Sign WB2XCQ

Dear Sir/Madam:

On behalfofSouthwest Research Institute (SwRJI), this letter shall serve as a formal request for a six
(6) month extension ofSpecial Temporary Authorization (STA) to operate under File Number 0358—
EX—ST—1999 which expires on April 1, 2000. A copy of the STA is enclosed.

The existing STA was granted pending approval of SwRJI‘s Application for a 2 year Experimental
License (FCC Form 442) which was filed with the FCC on August 2, 1999 (File Number 0211—EX—
PL—1999). A copy of which is enclosed for your review. Approval of that Experimental License is
still pending and SwRI would like to continue testing and development under the existing STA.
Upon approval ofthe Experimental License, SwRI will not longer use the STA and operate pursuant
to the Experimental License.

Further, enclosed you will find one (1) FCC form 159 plus one (1) check in the amount of FORTY
FIVE AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($45.00) for filing fees as required by the FCC.

Thank you in advance for your prompt attention in this matter. Should you have any questions,
please contact Monica Trollinger, Attorney at (210) 522—6024.

                                                                                       truly yours,

                                                                                ohn W. McLeod
                                                                               General Counsel


                               HOUSTON, TEXAS e DETROIT, MICHIGAN e WASHINGTON, DC
                                (719) o7r—i377     (248) 353—2550     (703) 416—0500

Document Created: 2001-08-01 12:42:51
Document Modified: 2001-08-01 12:42:51

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