Narrative of R and D program with objectives and benefits

0393-EX-PL-2007 Text Documents

Southern California Edison Company



San Onofre will use multiple base stations inside plant buildings to provide adequate coverage
throughout the buildings and base stations outdoors and within the Owner Controlled Area for fuel
handling and movement.

This license application is for a total of 27 base stations at 5000 Pacific Coast Highway, San
Clemente, California as follows:

Telex Model         Number of            Frequency Band
                    Base Stations           (MHz)

BTR-700                 6                   518-608

BTR-700                 6                   614-740

BTR-800                 15                  470-608


A.     Background

Communication inside and around a nuclear reactor is a great challenge, not only
because the walls can range in width from 4 inches to 4 feet of concrete and the
built-in shielding of the reactor dome tends to serve as a deflector of certain
wireless communications, but also because the need for reliable and effective
communication is so critical. Under Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) rules,
the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) has the regulatory and
licensing obligation to “make every reasonable effort to maintain exposure to
radiation as far below NRC-established dose limits as is practical… (See
10C.F.R. §20.1003 et seq.) in order to protect plant workers from harmful doses
of radiation (e.g., while they perform safety and maintenance operations in and
around SONGS).

As set forth more thoroughly in the Consensus Plan between the Nuclear Energy
Institute (NEI), the Utilities Telecom Council (UTC) and leading broadcaster
organizations (Broadcasters) (attached hereto), the commercial nuclear
industry’s use of Telex wireless intercom equipment (the Equipment) serves the
twin objectives of effective communication and facilitating protection of workers
from unhealthy levels of radiation by providing communications features
(wireless, hands-free, full duplex/multi-user, reliable, no “call drops,” no
background noise, no inadvertent actuation, uninterrupted voice transmission,
ease of use, and durability) that permit plant workers to efficiently conduct routine
maintenance as well as activities required to be performed in an “outage” [when
used (irradiated) fuel is replaced with fresh (non-irradiated) fuel and the used fuel
is carefully moved to storage facilities]. That is, the Equipment directly
contributes to the protection of the health and safety of plant workers, as
efficiencies gained from its use limit nuclear plant workers’ occupational

B.     Consensus Plan Provisions

The terms and conditions under which the plants may continue to use the
Equipment are set forth in the Consensus Plan.

Under the Consensus Plan, SONGS is obliged to coordinate use of the
Equipment outdoors and to report within 6 months of the grant of each
experimental license, and every 12 months thereafter, on the plants’ use of the
Equipment. In addition, NEI and UTC are required to update the Broadcasters
on efforts to identify or develop equipment that operates in Part 90, or other
frequencies, for which plants are eligible, and which is capable of satisfying the
plants’ communication and safety needs.

C.      Proposed Experiments

SONGS intends to conduct experiments using the Equipment through which they
will establish a series of situational communications objectives within and around
the plant and track the operating performance benchmarks for each objective.
As alternative equipment becomes available, the plants will conduct tests of such
prospective equipment against the benchmarks established using the Equipment.

The specific objectives to be accomplished:

     1. Prioritization of the operating features of the Equipment in order to inform
        our Request for Proposal (RFP) on replacement equipment.

     2. Establishing performance benchmarks and power matrix in order to inform
        our RFP.

     3. Evaluating new entrants against the priorities and benchmarks established
        using the Equipment.

     4. Creation of best practices generally for communicating in and around
        SONGS, both with the Equipment and other equipment and methods.

     5. Of particular interest is the simultaneous operation in many of the plants of
        the Equipment and the electronic dosimeters, most of which operate at
        900MHz. Electronic dosimeters are worn by many plant employees while
        they participate in operations involving exposure to radiation. The
        dosimeter device measures the dose in real time and transmits the
        readings back to the communications control center, which is also the
        venue from which the safety experts communicate, via the Equipment,
        with the plant employees. In fact, it is often the case that the
        communication via the Equipment is to instruct the plant worker to move
        one way or another, in order to avoid areas where the dosimeter indicates
        there exists high doses of radiation.

        While the simultaneous use of the Equipment with the 900 MHz dosimeter
        devices has not caused interference to either device (or, worse, caused
        one or both to shut down), the experiment will allow SONGS to test other
        equipment operating at the 900MHz band to evaluate whether it can
        operate simultaneously with the dosimeter device. It will be important to
        experiment on the best practices for such simultaneous operation and to
        determine, as best one can, how far apart on the spectrum chart these
        often simultaneous transmissions must be, in order to avoid

The program of experimentation contemplated herein has a reasonable promise
of contributing to the development, extension, expansion or utilization of the radio
frequency because there has not previously been a full study of best
communications practices inside and around SONGS. This fact, together with
the NRC mandates and the compelling desire to protect plant workers from
unhealthy doses of radiation, will also contribute to the development of
alternative equipment that is capable of operating under Part 90 and meeting
SONGS’ safety and communications needs.

As such, these experiments will facilitate SONGS’ efforts to fulfill the intentions of
the Consensus Plan for SONGS to cease use of the Equipment no later than
February 2009.

                                               April 9,2007


Ms. Marlene Dortch
Federal Coinmunications Commission
445 12th St., S.W.
Washington, DC 20554

Re:     Nuclear Energy Institute and UIiited T Ielecom Council Request for Waiver; ET
        Docket No. 05-345

Dear Ms. Dortch:

                The Natio~lalAssociation of Broadcasters ('WAEY), the Association for
Maximum Service Television ("hiISTV7),and the Society of Broadcast Engineers ("SBE")
(collectively, the "Broadcast Parties"), and the Nuclear Energy Institute ('NEI") and the UtiIities
(formerly "United") Telecom Council ('UTC") (collectively, the "Parties") hereby jointly submit
this proposal to resolve the opposition to the above-referenced request for waiver of the
Comnission's rules. As discussed below, the Comission's adoption of this plan will serve the
public interest by preventing an abrupt cessation of the commercial nuclear industry's use of
certain Telex wireless intercom equipment (the "Telex Equipment") while ensuring that the
temporary continuation of such use is consistent with the Commission's carefully crafted
interference and frequency coordination standards.

                Many nuclear power plants (the "Plants") use the Telex Equipment for
 coi~ununicationamong personnel during plant "outages" and in other circumstances, as expressly
 contemplated herein. NEI and UTC have represented that the Telex Equipment is presently the
 only equipment known by NEI and UTC to offer the requisite features and capabilities to allow
plant workers to efficiently communicate and fulfill their obligations under the Nuclear Energy
 Commission's ("NRC")"ALARA" standard. The ALARA standard requires NRC licensees to
make every reasonable effort to maintain exposures to radiation as far below the NRC-
established dose limits as is practical, consistent with the purpose for wluch the licensed activity
is undertaken, taking into account the state of technology, the econolnics of improveinents in
relation to the benefits to the public health and safety, and other societal and socioeconomic
considerations, in relation to the utilization of nuclear energy and licensed materials in the public
interest. 10 C.F.R.  5 20.1003 et seq. Although the Telex Equipment transmits on Part 74
frequencies for which the Plants are not eligible users, since early 2003 the Coinmission has
issued a series of Special Tenlporary Authorizations ("STAs") to permit the Plants' continued
use of the Telex Equipment over Part 74 frequencies in order to accommodate the nuclear
industry's efforts to limit plant worker exposure to radiation.

               The Broadcast Parties do not dispute the Plants' need for reliable
telecoi~~munications.  Nevertheless, it is imperative that the Plants engage in local frequency
coordination, as required under the terms of the STAs. Frequency coordination contributes to the
prevention of interference to other senices in the band and to the protection ofthe Plants'

wireless commulications,fioininterference. Also, based on the increasingly congested nature of
the broadcast spectrum; it is in the public interest that t h s matter be carehlly addressed and that
there be a strategy for mo~~itorillgand swiftly developing alternative, frequency-con~pliant

               The Parties have worked to f0rge.a consensus plan that will enable the Plants,
during the period specified herein, continued use of the Telex Equipment, on an experimental
basis, while avoiding interference to licensed television services and encouraging the Plants' to
migrate to frequencies for whch they are eligible.

               The terms of that plan are as follows:

I.     Nature of FCC Licensing

       A. The Parties request that the Commission grant experimental licenses (the
          "Experimental Licenses") to each of the NRC-licensed Plants, thereby authorizing the
          plants to utilize the ~ e l eEquipment,
                                       i          solely in accordance with the terms described
          herein. These Experimental Licenses would be issued pursuant to Section 5.3(k) of
          the Commission's rules or such other provisions as the Coinmissionmay determine.

       B. The Plants' use of the Telex Equipment shall constitute a secondary service and the
          Plants reco,pize that they are secondary to all Part 73 and 74 broadcast licensees
          (including but not Iimited to full power, Class A, translator, and low power broadcast
          television stations).

11.    Local Frequency Coordination

       A. For each outdoor use of the Telex Equipment under an Experimental License (as that
          term is defined in Section I(A) hereoi), a Plant will engage in local frequency
          coordination no sooner than h t y (30) days and no later than five (5) days prior to
          such use. (Indoor use of the Telex Equipment under an Experimental License shall
          not require kequencp coordination.) Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Plant may use
          the Telex Equipment in a situation where it has engaged in local frequency
          coordination with less than five (5) days notice if such outdoor use is essential to the
          Plant's effolts to address an unforeseen and critical emergency situation.

       B. To initiate the frequency coordination, a representative of the Plaut must contact its
          local Broadcast Auxiliary Services ("BAS") frequency coordinator (using the list
           found at http:l/keq.sbe.orglpdf~fileslcoordinators.pdf,or a substitute list provided by
           SBE) and provide the following infonnation: Physical location of the plant; proposed
          frequencies for operation of Telex Equipment; model number and description of
          Telex Equipment which user intends to use; name and e-mail address of a primary
          contact person at the user's location, and aphone number that will be staffed
          whenever the Telex Equipment is in operation. Such Plaut representative should use
          the attached SBE/Nuclear Power Plant Local Coordination Fonn for conveying flus
          information to the local frequency coordinator, unless the coordinating parties
          mutually agree to commuiucate using some other means (e.g.,by e-mail, a web
          interface, other printed fonn). The Plants shall update the submitted infomation

           annually and shall have a continuing obligat~onto promptly update the infonnation
           provided to the local frequency coordinator should that information change.

       C. Plants using the Telex Equipment shall factor into their operations whatever
          information is provided in response to their timely coordination submission. Such
          infonnation may include data on which frequencies are believed to be available for
          use of the Telex Equipment, and the dates and times during which such frequencies
          are believed to be available. The Parties acknowledge that ultimately it is the legal
          obligation of the Plants to avoid interference to licensed users to urhich they are
          secondary and that coordination infonnation provided by local frequency
          coordinator(s) shall not constitute an approval or disapproval of a Plant's particular
          use of the Telex Equipment. As SBE has explained in prior comments to the FCC,
          local volunteel-frequency coordinators serve as a "clearing house" or "facilitator"
          among users of the BAS spectnun and do not "assign" a specific frequency to users or
          act as edorcers of the law.

111.   Tenns of the Use of the Telex Equipment.

       A. Use Inside the Plant. The commercial nuclear industry may use the Telex Equipment
          inside all plant buildmgs at maximum power levels of 125 mW, both for transmitter
          power output (TPO) i d also for effective radiated power (ERP).

       B. Use Outdoors but Within the Owner Controlled Area. The commercial nuclear
          industry may use the Telex Equipment outdoors, within the "owner controlled area"
          (defmed as the area inside the outer perimeter fence or, for Plants that do not have a
          fence at their outer property line, the area inside the outer perimeter of the Plants'
          contiguous property line), at maximum power levels of 125 mW for (i) outage-related
          operations, defined to mean cormnunications in potentially hazardous circumstances
          or conditions during a Plant's "outage" process; (ii) fuel handling and movement; and
          (iii) radiological material handling.

       C. Use Outdoors, not Within the Owner Controlled Area. Any Plant's use of the Telex
          Equipment outdoors b u t not within the "owner controlled area") other than that
          specified in Section III(B) herein, including for purposes of training, is not authorized
          by this consensus plm and shall be discontinued as soon as reasonably possible but in
          no event later than sixty (60) days after the grant by the Colmnission of the
          Experimental License for the Plants currently using the Telex Equipment in this
          manner. Further, the Plants that are not currently using the Telex Equipment in the
          mmner contenlplated by this Section C shall not be permitted to initiate such use
          following the execution of this consensus plan.

       D. Reiteration of Non-Interference Obligation. For the avoidance of doubt, the Parties
                     -                                      - tecluuques such as the
          acknowledee that. while certain interference initination         A

          distance separation requirements of Section 74.802(b) will not apply to an
          Experimental License, the Plants shall have an absolute obligation to not interfere
             A                                                         -

          with existing Part 73 and 74 licensees in the broadcast television spectrum, as
          described in Section I(B), above. This non-interference standard shall ultimately be

          deteminative of the Plants' use of the Telex Equipment regardless of their distance
          from co-channel television broadcast operations.

IV.   Licensing and Reporting Requirements

      A. As noted in Section I(A), the Parties request that, because each Plant will be
         responsible for conducting its own frequency coordination and FCC reporting, as
         specified in Section IV(C) hereof, each Plant should receive its own Experimental
         License, pursuant to the tenns set forth herein.

      B. Each Experimental License shall specify a term that commences upon the FCC grant
         and expires on February 17,2009.

      C. Each Experimental License shall expressly bind the Plant to the terms and conditions
         described in this letter.

      D. Within six months of the grant of each Experimental License, and every twelve
         months thereafter during the term of its Experimental License (each, a "Reporting
         Date"), each Plant shall submit a report consistent with Section 5.73 of the
         Commission's rules summarizing its use of the Telex Equipment to con         that the
         Plants have operated in compliance with the terms and conditions set forth herein.
         The Plants will also provide any additional information required by the Commission
         as a condition of the Experimental License.

      E. NEI and UTC shall engage in an ongoing educational campaign to remind, at
         reasonable intervals, the Plants of their legal obligations under this Agreement.

      F. On each Reporting Date, NEI and UTC shall submit a report regarding their efforts to
         identify or develop equipment that operates in Part 90, or other frequencies for which
         the Plants are eligible, and which is capable of satisfying the Plants' communication
         and safety needs, with the goal of the Plants ceasing their use of the Telex Equipment
         on Part 73 and 74 spectrnm.

      G. The Plant will notify the Conunission promptly upon location of such Part 90, or
         other equipment for which the Plant would be eligible to receive an FCC license.

      H. The Plants recognize that, as secondary service users, they are accepting the risk of
         interference to their use of the Telex Equipment as contemplated herein. The Plants
         also acknowledge that this risk of interference could increase further as a result of the
         Commission's plan to repackage the spectrum currently used by broadcast television,
         in connection with the end of the DTV transition. NEI and UTC acknowledge, and
         by applying for the Experimental License the Plants acknowledge and accept the risk,
         that Plants using Telex Equipinent may receive harmful interference ferom incumbent
         operations and that such interference may disrupt communications among Plant

       I. The Broadcast Parties reserve the nght to petition the FCC for cancellation of a
          Plant's Experimental License m the event that such Plant materially violates the tenns
          of its ~ x ~ & n e n t aLicense.

                 A guiding principle of the plan proposed by the Parties is the minimization of
interference within the congested broadcast spectrum. Consistent with that pritlciple, the Parties
reiterate their objection to the attempt of the New America Foundation ('WAF") to use this
proceeding to promote the proliferation of an unlimited number of unlicensed devices into the
broadcast spectnun at unacceptably high emission levels. NAF and its allies urould have the
Commission authorize such devices without any reliable mechanism for preventing or policing
interference to licensed users in the band. That proposal, as the Broadcast Parties have explained
elsewhere, would ultimately render the spectrum unusable for everyone, include users of the
Telex Equipment.

               [SignaturePage Follows]

              Accordingly, NAB, MSTV, SBE, NEI and UTC respectfully request that the FCC
te~nporarilyauthorize the Plants' use of the Telex Equipment solely in with the tenns
described above.
                                    Respectfully submitted,


                                                 Its: -Vice       President & General Counsel-
                                                 Date: A p r i l 12, 2007
Its: Vice President. Getleral Counsel

Date:            April 12.2007

BROmkSTEES                                       TELETIISION, WC.

By: 1st Marsha MacBride

Its: Executive Vice President,                   Its: President
      Leeal& Red-

Date: April 9,2007                               Date:


Its: President

Date: Avril9.2007

Document Created: 2007-08-06 16:08:04
Document Modified: 2007-08-06 16:08:04

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