0651-EX-CN-2018 Text Documents

Sonoma State University


ODAR: EdgeCube – Sonoma State University – 1U CubeSat
Date: May 12, 2018

Full USIP Title: EdgeCube: A 1U Global Monitor for Earth's Ecosystems

*   Platform type: 1U CubeSat
*   PI Name: Prof. Lynn Cominsky
*   PI Email: lynnc@universe.sonoma.edu
*   PI Institution: Sonoma State University
*   PI Telephone Number: 707-664-2655
*   USIP Grant Number: NNX16AL81A

* Lead technical manager: Dr. J Garrett Jernigan
* Email: jgj@h-bar.com
* Phone: 707-332-7926

Mission Overview: EdgeCube will make a global measurement of the red edge that
monitors a sharp change in leaf reflectance in the range 600 to 800 nm from changes in
vegetation chlorophyll absorption and mesophyll scattering due to seasonal leaf
phenology or stress. EdgeCube has been specifically designed to monitor the red edge
characteristics of ~200 km areas of the earth using 9 narrow spectral bands in the
wavelength range 600-800 nm. Two additional sensors will be flown: one will measure
the optical and Infrared broadband signal in order to measure the incoming solar
radiance. The incoming solar radiance is needed in order to calculate the top-of-
atmosphere reflectance (at-sensor radiance/incoming solar radiance), thus normalizing
the data through the seasons and by latitude. Although EdgeCube’s ground spatial
resolution is substantially less than conventional multispectral satellites, its design will
monitor changes in the red-edge on a global scale within the telemetry limitations of a

Mission requirements and goals:

(R1) Demonstrate mapping of a large fraction of the globe (+-50 degrees latitude) in
Near IR to measure Red Edge and NDVI at a resolution of 100-300 km.
(R2) Minimum Requirement for Success: Global map of Red Edge from an initial two
week period and thereby prove that the concept of EdgeCube works
(R3) Stretch Goal: operate EdgeCube for >2 years to monitor seasonal changes and year
to year changes.
(R4) Map the Normal Optical Colors (RGB) of the Earth's surface to identify
ocean/continent boundaries
(R5) Required Spectral Coverage (NIR - 9 narrow bands near red edge of chlorophyll -
1.3 micron for Cirrus cloud detection; and Optical – Red, Green and Blue for pointing)

(R6) After the fact pointing accuracy (<3 degrees using 3-axis magnetometer, gyroscope
and Sub sensor). Stretch Goal: develop Star Tracker with ~0.1 degree accuracy to verify
attitude determination for a sample of pointing.
(R7) Telemetry: ~500 bits per second for two 6-minute passes per day. Stretch Goal:
~5000 bits per second for two 6-minute passes per day.
(R8) Power: 0.25 watts orbit averaged including S/C night time. Brief Overview:
Describe the satellite and mission objectives.

Figure 1: Outside view of the 1U CubeSat with the pop up antenna in the deployed
configuration. The 1U body is 3D printed in Al in three major pieces. The main 1U
body has four open window frames that house the three solar panels (82 mm x 85
mm). The four face house the sensors that built on a frame made of Dalrin that is
exactly the same size as one of the solar panels. The top of the S/C is also printed In
Al and has a mechanism to house the stowed antenna (enclosure shown on green).
The bar below the antenna is also machined from Dalrin. This bar pops up and
releases the curled up antenna which deploys and forms a dipole antenna (17 cm
from tip to tip as needed for a RF frequency of ~437 MHz). The antenna is made of
spring steel.

Figure 2: Shows the electronics boards that fill the interior of the 1U box. These
image are all shown to approximately the same scale. All boards are either 4 cm x 8
cm or 8 cm x 8 cm. The board on the lower right is the RF system is that carries the
RFM22B and RFM23BP transceivers. The upper left image shows the science
sensors which occupy one face of the 1U and is the same size as the solar panel (1 of
3) that occupy the other three faces. The upper middle and right shows two views of
the science sensor electronics connected to the sensor face made of Dalrin with
viewing ports for the science sensors. The sensors on the upper left are not seen
because these are behind the collimators. The larger hole in the middle of the sensor
face is a viewing port for a camera that images both the Earth and stars to verify
attitude of the S/C. The middle lower panel shows the power system and the flight
NiCd batteries which also has the electronics for the safe mode of the S/C. If the
battery voltage drops to a marginal low level the safe mode turns the system off for
2 hours so that the batteries have a full daylight cycle to recharge.

Figure 3: Shows a partially exploded view of the the stack of electronic boards that
fill the interior of the 1U box. The bolts in the four corners are grounded to the 1U
metal frame and also server to ground all the electronic boards in the stack. These
means that the electronic grounding system does not require any cables except for
the ground leads to the solar panels. The four grounding rods form the 8 cm x 8 cm
x 8 cm structure that terminates at the top and bottom plates that are 3D printed in
aluminum. The three NiCd batteries are the most massive components and are
placed near the center of the mass of the system. This helps define the principal
rotation axis as vertical in the image so that the sensors face scans over the Earth for
every rotation of the 1U body. The fields of view of the sensors are set so that all
parts of the Sun lite Earth are scanned once a day during the ~15 orbits.

CONOPS: EdgeCube is mounted in the launch dispenser with the antenna stowed on the
outside of the top of the S/C in a thin aluminum canister. There are two retention pins that
slide along two of the four launch rails on opposite sides that releases the pop up
mechanism for the antenna as the 1U enclosure is half way out of the dispenser. The pins
are captured to the 1U body after the CubeSat leaves the dispenser and are not released
from the 1U body. No part of EdgeCube ever detaches from the system during normal
operation prior to break up during re-entry.

Two series inhibit micro-switches on the top face of the S/C are activated by the popup
mechanism which connects battery power to the electronics system. We have designed
the power system so that during initial turn on the S/C goes into safe mode for ~2 hours
to fully charge the NiCd batteries. The selection of NiCd batteries ensures that if we are
left in the rocket for an extended period (many months) we will charge the batteries
during one full day light cycle (~1.6 hours).

The system then exits safe mode and powers up the S/C processor that operates the RF
system. The system can tell that this is the initial startup and then waits an additional 30
minutes before any RF transmission. This approach ensures that if the safe mode fails in a
way that causes an early termination of safe mode then the processor will wait an
additional 30 minutes to meet the requirement of at least 30 minutes before any RF
transmission. The expected normal operation will wait 2.5 hours before any RF

Once the 30 minutes wait is over the S/C begins beacon transmissions every ~31 seconds.
These beacon packets have sufficient information to determine the health of the power
system. Once the ground system confirms the safe state of the flight electronics then
science operations can proceed. The torque system will regulate the spin rate and point
the spin axis within ~30 degrees of the NS direction. As the S/C rotates once every ~5-10
seconds the science sensor will scan a portion of the Earth under the S/C orbit path and
record the NIR sensor reading in the form of packets that can be commanded for
download when the S/C passes over the ground station on the roof of the student center at
SSU. These data can then we used to compute a map of the globe of chlorophyll on a
~200 km scale every few days.

After the orbits lowers sufficiently due to atmospheric drag (years after launch) the S/C
will break up and re-enter the Earth's atmosphere.


The total mass of the S/C is 1.39 kg. The center of mass of the system is located within
~2 mm of the geometric center of the 1U electronics box. The total mass and center of
mass can be easily adjusted because there is a central mass belt made of copper that helps
retain and cool the solar panels and increases the moment of inertia about the spin axis to
improve spin stability. The shape and mass of this thin copper belt near the central outer
edge of the cubesat contacting the back of the solar panels can be easily adjusted because
the mass allocation for the belt is ~500 g which is about 1/3 of the total mass. If any other
element of the system is heaver than expected we can reduce the weight of the copper
belt to keep the entire system under the weight limit.

The moment of inertia is estimated as:

Iz = 2408 kg cm2 Note: Z is the spin axis.
Ix = 2062 kg cm2
 Iy = 2055 kg cm2 Note: X and Y are the principle axises normal to the spin axis.
                            These axes are nearly degenerate as expected.

 All off-principle axis terms of the moment of inertia are <6 kg cm 2

Summary of materials:

* Copper central mass belt                                                 <500 g
* 1U body in the Al frame and the top and bottom Al structure              270 g
* Entire electronic board stack without the NiCd batteries                  380 g
* Three NiCd batteries (each 50 g)                                         150 g
* Three Solar panels (each 56 g)                                           168 g
* Sensor Collimators (Dalrin)                                               50 g
* Dipole Antenna (spring steel)                                             10 g
* Dipole Antenna support structure (Dalrin)                                  20 g
* Magnet wire for two torque coils (each 10 g)                              20 g
* Small amount of flight qualified wire                                     20 g
* ,Small amounts of low outgassing flight epoxy                             10 g

Total Mass:                                                               <1.39 kg

Hazards: There are no pressure vessels, hazardous or exotic materials. There are no
hazardous systems on the satellite.

 Batteries: We use three NiCd batteries similar to the ones flown on a previous
successful mission (see URL http://lbym.sonoma.edu/T-LogoQube). Similar batteries
were also flown on NASA HETE2 mission. These type of batteries are often used in
heavy duty power tools because of safety and robustness. NiCd batteries can be safely
discharged to zero and then recharged many times. We will test the specific flight
batteries in vacuum with the spacecraft turned on to determine if the heat generated by

use will cause any problems. This test is entirely independent of the required bakeout
vacuum test. We do not expect any problems based on the prior use of NiCd batteries on
orbit. NiCd batteries are lower energy density than any Lithium batteries and are known
to be safer. Our 1U CubeSat is power limited by the solar panels and not by the NiCd
batteries. We do not require Lithium batteries for normal operation.

EdgeCube Lifetime

The curve below shows a numerical simulation of the lifetime of the EdgeCube orbit. The
initial height of the circular orbit is 545 km. These predictions are precise since the model
is calibrated by the actual data for several 1U CubeSat for the full lifetimes as measured
by the TLE database provided by the air force. The major uncertainty in the estimates of
orbital lifetime is due to the uncertainty in the variation in the drag as a function of solar
activity. The blue curve below assume a 3X above normal solar activity. The red curve
assume a 3X reduced solar activity. Such extreme variations in solar activity are common
and can not be reliably predicted for the future. The results are consistent with a range of
orbital lifetimes of ~2 to ~5 years as shown in the figure below. The time axis of the
figure is plotted assuming a nominal launch on Oct 1, 2018 (2018.75 years). The lifetime
of a 1U CubeSat such as EdgeCube is sufficiently short so as not to require any special
de-orbit measures. The largest items that would result from the re-entry breakup are three
~160 g pieces of copper that act as a mass belt around the middle of the S/C to help with
spin stabilization of the S/C during normal operation. These largest components are not
expected to survive reentry and impact the Earth's surface.

ELaNa CubeSat ODAR Template, Rev. 2.0, 9/25/17

                                                  External/Internal (Major/Minor                                                                                    Diameter/
Row Number                   Name                         Components)               Qty          Material            Body Type   Unit Mass (g)    Total Mass (g)   Width (mm)   Length (mm) Height (mm)
            1   EdgeCube 1U Structure            External – Major                       1    Aluminum (3D)         Box                   270                270          100          100         100
            2   Solar Panels                     External - Major                       3   Glass – Si             Rectangular           62.5              187.5          85           80            5
            3   Battery                          Internal – Major                       3   NiCd                   AA                    20.3               60.6         48.5         14.5        14.4
            4   NIR Collimators                  External - Major                       1   Dalrin + electronics   Rectangular            30                 30          77.5          75          9.5
            5   Primary Mounting Rods            Internal – Minor                       4   Steel 4-40 Threads     Rod                    3.6               14.4          2.7         100          2.7
            6   Secondary Mounting Rods          Internal – Major                      10   Steel 4-40 Threads     Rod                      3                30           2.7         85.2         2.7
            7   4-40 Nuts                        Internal - Major                     200   Steel 4-40 Threads     Nut                    0.5               100           4.7          5.3           5
            8   Power Board                      Internal – Major                       1   Electronics            Rectangular           16.6               16.6          85           40          7.5
            9   S/C Monitor                      Internal – Major                       1   Electronics            Rectangular           24.4               24.4          85           40          13
           10   Sensor Controller                Internal – Major                       1   Electronics            Rectangular           24.8               24.8          85           40          13
           11   Sensor Face                      External – Major                       1   Electronics            Rectangular           27.9               27.9         77.5          75          7.5
           12   Torque Board                     Internal – Major                       1   Electronics            Rectangular           38.9               38.9          85           85          15
           13   Battery Board                    Internal – Major (no batteries)        1   Electronics            Rectangular           33.4               33.4          85           85         16.5
           14   Copper Plate                     Internal – Major                       1   Copper alloy           Rectangular           200                200           85           85          4.5
           15   S/C Controlled (uStar)           Internal – Major                       1   Electronics            Rectangular           23.5               23.5          80           40          14
           16   Torque Coils                     External – Major                       2   Electronics            Rectangular           22.4               44.8          75           75            4
           17   Aspect Camera                    External – Major                       1   Optics/Electronics     Rectangular           10.7               10.7          32           32          28
           18   Camera Holder                    External – Minor                       1   Dalrin                 Rectangular              3                  3          45           34          15
           19   Antenna                          External – Major                       1   Spring Steel/Dalrin    Rectangular           21.3               21.3          10          340            6
           20   Aluminum Bottom Plate            External – Minor                       1   Aluminum               Plate                 32.7               32.7         110          110            1
           21   Flight Wire                      Internal – Minor                      12   Insulated Wire 20 c    wire                   0.6                7.2            1          20            1

                                                                                                                                                 Total Mass
                                                                                                                                                          1201.7 kg
Guide/Descriptions of Each Column
Row Number: List Components in decreasing importance (Follow Column C)                                                                           Outer Dimensions of 1U structure (meets all mechanical requirements for launcher)
Name:          List your CubeSat first as the parent, and each component and subsystem associated with your CubeSat
/Internal:    Rank CubeSat components from External to Internal and Major to Minor
Qty:          List the quantity of component
Material:     List the parent material for the component, specify alloy type if possible
Body Type:    List the general shape of the component
Unit Mass     List the mass a single component in grams
Total Mass    List the mass for the total quantify of this component in the satellite (Qty * Unit Mass) = Total mass
Dimensions: List the Width/Length/Height in millimeters
Total System Mthe sum of all the total mass should equal the cubesat's full listed mass in all documents.

                Images of the final flight system (deployed and stowed antenna)

                EdgeCube: Antenna Stowed in Black Dalrin canister on right (79 mm diameter)

                                                                                                                                 EdgeCube: Antenna Deployed (17 cm antenna tip to tip; popped up 3.5 cm from stowed location:
                                                                                                                                                             cover disk 79 mm diameter)

                            Launch Services Program – Standard Material List Form

CubeSat Developer:     Sonoma State University

CubeSat Name:        EdgeCube

Date Provided:     May 12, 2018

Purpose: The purpose of this document is to provide a listing of materials that have been selected for use in the CubeSats.

Table 1 – Metals
                                                                    %       %
Item #      Material ID         Specification      Description     TM      CVC              Location
                                                                    L       M
1        Stainless Steel     Retains straight    Two Antenna       N/D     N/D      Top face of 1U structure;   N/D
                             form after          blades
                             releasd                                                pops up 4 cm
                             (determined by

2        Aluminum            3D printed          1U structure      N/D     N/D      Main 1U body                N/D

                             by Moog                                                and top and bottom faces

4        Steel               For mechanical      Threaded rods     N/D     N/D      1U electronics support      N/D
                             structure                                              structure
                                                 spacers, nuts

                                                 4-40 size

5        Copper              Solderable          Lugs soldered     N/D     N/D      Solar panel connections     N/D
                                                 to copper wire

                                                 with low

Table 2 – Non-Metal
                                                                     %       %
Item #      Material ID         Specification      Description      TM      CVC             Location
                                                                     L       M

1        Dalrin              machinable          Antenna           N/D     N/D      Top of 1U as part of        N.D
                                                 support                            antenna

2        Dalrin              machinable          Sensor            N/D     N/D      One side face of 1U box     N/D

3        Glass               UV resistant        Covers for        N/D     N/D      Three side faces of 1U      N/D
                                                 Solar panels                       box


                             Launch Services Program – Standard Material List Form

4        PC boards           Conformally        With electronic   N/D    N/D    Most of the interior of he    N/D
                             coated             components                      1U box

5        SMA coax cable                         Antenna           N/D    N/D    From RF electronic            N/D
                                                connector                       board to the center fed
                                                                                dipole antenna

Table 3 – Surface Coatings
                                                                   %      %
Item #     Material ID         Specification      Description     TM     CVC             Location
                                                                   L      M

1        Adonization         Black              Coating for       0.67   0.05   Rail surfaces that contact    N/D
                                                launch rails                    the dispenser rails

2        PC board            Protective         Solder mask for   N/D    N/D    All flight boards that fill   N/D
         coatings            insulating layer   PC boards                       the interior space of the
                                                                                1U box

Table 4 – Elastomerics
                                                                   %      %
Item #     Material ID         Specification      Description     TM     CVC             Location
                                                                   L      M

None     None                N/A                N/A               N/A    N/A    N/A                           N/A


                             Launch Services Program – Standard Material List Form

Table 5 – Adhesives
         Item #               Specification     Description      %      %             Location
                 Materia                                                                                  Data
                                                                TM     CVC
                    l ID                                                                                Reference
                                                                 L      M

         1        Kapton     Acrylic           Tape             0.62   0.12   Solar Panel Harness      GSFC3590
                  Tape       Adhesive

         2        epoxy                        Low outgassing   N/D    N/D    Stake down for solar     Flight tested
                             3M Scotch-        epoxy                          panel leads; 4-40 nuts   by CalPoly
                             Weld 2216                                                                 CubeSat
                             Epoxy Adhesive                                   for frame                team

Table 6 – Miscellaneous
Item #     Material ID         Specification     Description     %      %             Location
                                                                TM     CVC
                                                                 L      M

1        Solder              nominal           N/D              N/D    N/D    Electronic boards        N/D


N/A      Non Applicable

N/D      No Data Available


Document Created: 2018-08-27 13:36:37
Document Modified: 2018-08-27 13:36:37

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