Description of Application

0326-EX-PL-2009 Text Documents

Sirius XM Radio Inc.


                                                           Application on FCC Form 442
                                                              For Experimental License
                                                          ELS File No. 0326-EX-PL-2009
                                                                           Attachment 1


        By this application, Sirius XM Radio Inc. (“Sirius XM”) respectfully requests an
experimental license pursuant to Sections 5.3(d), 5.3 (i) and 5.53 of the Commission’s
rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 5.3(d), 5.3(i) and 5.53 (2008), to conduct tests needed to evaluate the
acceptability of potential sites to support its terrestrial repeater operations in the
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. A request for expedited treatment is being filed
concurrently with this request under a separate attachment.

        Sirius XM notes that this application seeks authorization that is similar to the
license its subsidiary XM Radio Inc. holds under call sign WB2XCA. A separate license
is required here, however, because the authority granted under call sign WB2XCA is
limited to operations at locations designated as “Nationwide (US),” a reference that
encompasses all of the 50 states and the District of Columbia, but excludes the
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories. In response to comments in the
Sirius XM merger proceeding asking the Commission to ensure the provision of satellite
radio service to Puerto Rico, Sirius XM committed to offer service to the Commonwealth
using its terrestrial repeater network. See generally Applications for Consent to the
Transfer of Control of Licenses, XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc., Transferor, To Sirius
Satellite Radio Inc., Transferee, 23 FCC Rcd 12348, at ¶ 147 (2008). On September 11,
2009, the Commission granted Special Temporary Authority allowing Sirius XM to
operate the initial terrestrial repeaters needed to serve Puerto Rico. See Sirius XM Radio
Inc., File No. SAT-STA-20081027-00210, Order and Authorization, DA 09-2039 (rel.
Sept. 11, 2009). The instant application will facilitate Sirius XM’s ability to provide that


       In 1999, the Commission granted XM Radio Inc, a limited experimental license
under call sign WB2XCA to operate non-permanent terrestrial repeaters in the licensed
spectrum (2332.5-2345 MHz) to assist in the planning and deployment of XM Radio’s
permanent terrestrial repeater network. See OET File No. 0199-EX-PL-1999 (granted
Aug. 17, 1999). In 2000, the Commission broadened the license to permit XM Radio to
operate experimental terrestrial repeaters nationwide. See OET File No. 0160-EX-ML-
2000 (granted Aug. 23, 2000). The license was renewed for a second five-year term in
September 2005. See OET File No. 0094-EX-RR-2005 (granted Sept. 1, 2005).

         In 2008, XM Radio merged with Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. (“Sirius”) and control
of the license was transferred to Sirius, the name of which was changed to “Sirius XM
Radio Inc.” See OET File No. 0005-EX-TU-2007 (granted August 15, 2008). The
license was then modified to include both the frequency band licensed to XM Radio
(2332.5-2345 MHz) and the band licensed to Sirius (2320-2332.5 MHz). See OET File
No. 0032-EX-ML-2000 (granted May 14, 2009).


                                                                Application on FCC Form 442
                                                                   For Experimental License
                                                               ELS File No. 0326-EX-PL-2009
                                                                                Attachment 1

         In the course of the Commission’s consideration of the Sirius and XM merger
application,1 numerous commenters raised issues relating to the importance of providing
satellite radio service in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Significantly, these
commenters included elected legislators who are in the best position to understand the
need for satellite radio in the Commonwealth, including two United States Congressmen,
the Senate of Puerto Rico, and an organization of legislators from outlying U.S.
territories.2 While these commenters approached the issue from different perspectives,
they each stressed the need for the merged company to treat Puerto Rico comparably to
the contiguous United States for purposes of providing satellite radio service,
emphasizing that satellite radio “access by all consumers in the United States [should] be
a central tenet of the Commission’s merger review.”3

       Responding to these concerns, Sirius and XM jointly sent the Commission a letter
on June 13, 2008 which included the following commitment:

             Within three months of the consummation of the merger, the combined
             company will file the necessary applications to provide the Sirius
             satellite radio service to the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico using
             terrestrial repeaters and will, upon grant of the necessary permanent
             authorizations, promptly introduce such satellite radio service to the

       The Commission ultimately consented to the merger “subject to the condition that
Applicants fulfill the voluntary commitments as set forth in Appendix B,” which includes
the commitment on service to Puerto Rico quoted above.5 On October 27, 2007, Sirius

  Consolidated Application for Authority to Transfer Control of XM Radio Inc. and Sirius
Satellite Radio Inc., XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc., Transferor, and Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.,
Transferee (Mar. 20, 2007).
  See Letter from U.S. Rep. Luis G. Fortuño, to Kevin J. Martin, Chairman, FCC, MB Docket
No. 07-57 (Jan. 18, 2008); Letter from U.S. Rep. Luis G. Fortuño, to Kevin J. Martin, Chairman,
FCC, MB Docket No. 07-57 (July 8, 2008); Letter from Chairman José E. Serrano of the
Subcommittee on Finance Services and General Gov’t Communications on Appropriations, to
Kevin J. Martin, Chairman, FCC, MB Docket No. 07-57 (Sept. 19, 2007); Senate Resolution
3392, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (Oct. 1, 2007); Letter from Members of the Outlying Areas
Senate Presidents Caucus, to Kevin J. Martin, Chairman, FCC, MB Docket No. 07-57 (May 19,
2008) at 1-2.
  Applications for Consent to the Transfer of Control of Licenses; XM Satellite Radio Holdings,
Inc., Transferor, To Sirius Satellite Radio, Inc., Memorandum Opinion and Order and Report and
Order, 23 FCC Rcd 12,348, 12,416 (¶ 148) (2008) (“Merger Order”).
    Id. at 12,435 (Appendix B).


                                                             Application on FCC Form 442
                                                                For Experimental License
                                                            ELS File No. 0326-EX-PL-2009
                                                                             Attachment 1

XM applied for authority to construct its initial terrestrial repeaters in Puerto Rico, and
the Commission granted the application on September 11, 2009. See Sirius XM Radio
Inc., File No. SAT-STA-20081027-00210, Order and Authorization, DA 09-2039 (rel.
Sept. 11, 2009)(“Puerto Rico Terrestrial Repeater Authority”).

         Thus, Sirius XM is now ready to commence experimental tests to evaluate the
acceptability of potential sites to support the operations it will conduct pursuant to the
Puerto Rico Terrestrial Repeater Authority. As noted above, however, Sirius XM’s
current experimental license (call sign WB2XCA) is limited to operations at locations
designated as “Nationwide (US),” a reference that encompasses all of the 50 states and
the District of Columbia, but excludes the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and other U.S.
territories. Sirius XM understands that the designation “Nationwide (USP)” includes
Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories. See Manual of Regulations and Procedures for
Federal Radio Frequency Management (Redbook), at Section G.2.2. (rev. Jan. 2009), (visited 9/17/2009).

       The authorization requested herein will allow Sirius XM to conduct tests in the
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico in the band 2320-2332.5 MHz. This application does not
request authority to operate in the band 2332.5-2345 MHz, which is licensed to XM
Radio, Inc.

Purpose of Experimentation and Justification

        As a provider of satellite radio services in the United States, Sirius XM is
continually involved in efforts to advance the technologies and applications of its satellite
service and to improve consumers’ reception of its service. The grant of this application
will facilitate Sirius XM's ability to provide satellite radio service to Puerto Rico, by
allowing it to optimize the design and development of its terrestrial repeater network
prior to commencing commercial operation of new repeaters. Under this experimental
license, Sirius XM plans to conduct on-site equipment demonstrations, field-test
measurements of installed system performance, and testing of the initial repeaters and
other potential repeater locations prior to final installation. Grant of the license will
therefore enhance performance of the terrestrial repeater network and improve the quality
of service to satellite radio listeners in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Granting this
authorization is also consistent with the desires expressed in the merger and STA
proceedings by federal and territorial legislators to bring satellite radio service to Puerto
Rico6 as well as the merger commitment of Sirius XM to provide that service.

   See note 2, supra. See also “Puerto Rico to Begin Receiving Satellite Radio Service,” Press
Release of Cong. José Serrano (D.NY)( Sept. 15, 2009), (visited Sept. 17, 2009); Letter from Kenneth
D. McClintock, Secretary of State of Puerto Rico to The Honorable Julius Genachowski (Aug.
13, 2009)(filed in FCC File No. SAT-STA-20081027-00210).


                                                           Application on FCC Form 442
                                                              For Experimental License
                                                          ELS File No. 0326-EX-PL-2009
                                                                           Attachment 1

Location of Tests and Number of Units

         Sirius XM proposes to conduct tests at various fixed locations on the island of
Puerto Rico. It is unable to indicate specific coordinates, however, as the exact locations
of the tests will vary depending on the RF conditions or characteristics under review and
the need to conduct field trials at multiple locations on the island with different operating
environments. Accordingly, Sirius XM has indicated in the accompanying application on
FCC Form 442, under the question regarding “Station Location,” that its tests will be
conducted within 160 kilometers of the city of Utuado located in central part of Puerto
Rico so that its licensed authority will cover the entire island. Sirius XM anticipates that
it will be able to conduct such tests with a maximum of 20 repeater sites, but will use the
minimum number necessary.

Antenna Information

        Antenna Orientation. Sirius XM has indicated in the accompanying application
under Form 442, under the Question regarding “Station Location,” that directional
antennas will be used during its tests. In fact, Sirius XM will use both directional and
omnidirectional antennas as shown in Exhibit A hereto, which provides technical details
for directional and omnidirectional antennas that are representative of those Sirius XM
seeks to use in connection with this experimental license. Although newer or similar
models of antennas or other equipment may be deployed during the tests, in no case
would the power levels at any given azimuth exceed the maximum effective radiated
power (ERP) it has requested in this application.

         Antenna Heights. Sirius XM proposes to deploy transmitting antennas located at
various heights to permit accurate evaluation of the propagation and reliability of its
terrestrial signals. All antennas will be mounted in compliance with FAA and FCC rules
and regulations, however, including those that require antenna structure registration.
Unless antenna structure registration is required and completed, in no case will the
antennas: (1) extend 6 meters above the height of an existing building, (2) increase the
overall height of a registered antenna structure, or (3) if mounted on the ground,
exceed 30 meters above ground level.

        RF Exposure. Sirius XM will conduct its experimental operations in compliance
with the FCC’s rules and regulations governing human exposure to radiofrequency


                                                          Application on FCC Form 442
                                                             For Experimental License
                                                         ELS File No. 0326-EX-PL-2009
                                                                          Attachment 1

Operational Safeguards

        Sirius XM recognizes that its tests under this license must not cause harmful
interference to authorized facilities or operations. It does not anticipate that such
interference will occur, however. Sirius XM has never caused interference under XM
Radio’s current experimental license WB2XCA, and it does not anticipate receiving
complaints here should the Commission grant the license as requested. Moreover, the
proposed tests will be conducted using only Sirius XM’s licensed spectrum, will be of
limited duration, and will be completed under the supervision of Sirius XM personnel so
as to minimize any potential for interference.

        Nevertheless, Sirius XM personnel will promptly address any instances of
interference, in the unlikely event such interference should occur, including if necessary
discontinuing operation under the license.

       As a final matter, Sirius XM notes that it has coordinated with the Arecibo
Observatory in Puerto Rico about proposed operations under the Puerto Rico Terrestrial
Repeater Authority that are materially similar to those proposed in this application.
Attached as Exhibit B for the staff’s convenience is a copy of the correspondence Sirius
XM exchanged with the Observatory.

Contacts for Inquiries

      Technical Contact:                             Legal Contacts:
      Terrence Smith                                 David E. Hilliard, Esq.
      Corporate Vice President                       Kurt E. DeSoto, Esq.
           and Chief Engineering Officer             Wiley Rein LLP
      Sirius XM Radio Inc.                           1776 K Street, N.W.
      989 Lenox Drive, Suite 212                     Washington, DC 20006
      Lawrenceville, NJ 08648

      Telephone: (609) 512-9000                      Telephone: (202) 719-7000                       Facsimile: (202) 719-7049


                                                        Application on FCC Form 442
                                                            For Experimental License
                                                       ELS File No. 0326-EX-PL-2009
                                                      Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 1

                                  (As of 9/17/2009)
                                                  Horizontal      Vertical     Gain
    Manufacturer            Model No.              BW (°)         BW (°)       (dBi)
Andrew                HMD8PV180-R05-H                180            7.5          14
Andrew                HMD8V120-R05-H                 120            7.5          15
Andrew                HMD8V360-R05-H                Omni            7.5         11.5
Andrew                HMD8V90-R05-H                   90            7.5          16
Andrew                SA2500-065X-18                  65            5.6         17.6
Andrew                SA2500-090X-16                  90            5.6         16.6
Antenna Specialists   KSX2988S                        75            50            7
Decibel Products      DB992HG28N-S                    28            28           16
EMS                   FR65-18-00NVL                   65            5.7          18
EMS                   FR90-16-00NVL                   90            7.1          16
EMS                   FR90-17-00NVL                   90            5.6          17
EMS                   RV80-18-00NV                    80            4.9          18
MAXRAD                WISP24013PTNF                   35            35           13
Mobile Mark           OD12-2400                     Omni             7           12
Mobile Mark           OD9-2400                      Omni            14            9
MAXRAD                WISP24018PTNF                   18            19           18
Til-Tek               TA2304-2-DAB(120)              120            7.5          13
Til-Tek               TA2304-2-DAB(160)              160            7.5         11.5
Til-Tek               TA2304-2-DAB(45)                45            7.5          17
Til-Tek               TA2304-2-DAB(60)                60            7.5          16
Til-Tek               TA2304-2-DAB(90)                90            7.5          14
Til-Tek               TA2304-2-DAB-H(120)            120             7           14
Til-Tek               TA2304-2-DAB-H(160)            160             7           13
Til-Tek               TA2304-2-DAB-H(45)              45             7           18
Til-Tek               TA2304-2-DAB-H(60)              60             7           17
Til-Tek               TA2304-2-DAB-H(90)              90             7           15
Til-Tek               TA2304-DAB(120)                120            15           12
Til-Tek               TA2304-DAB(160)                160            15          10.5
Til-Tek               TA2304-DAB(45)                  45            15           15
Til-Tek               TA2304-DAB(60)                  60            15           14
Til-Tek               TA2304-DAB(90)                  90            15          12.5
Til-Tek               TA-2305-2-DAB-H(45)             45             7           18
Til-Tek               TA-2305-2-DAB-H(60)             60             7           17
Til-Tek               TA-2305-2-DAB-H(90)             90             7           15
Til-Tek               TA-2305-2-DAB-H(120)           120             7           14
Til-Tek               TA-2305-2-DAB-H(160)           160             7           13
Til-Tek               TA2335-DAB-H                    95             7           15
Til-Tek               TA2350-DAB                    Omni             8           10
Til-Tek               TA2350-DAB-T2                 Omni             8           10


                                               Application on FCC Form 442
                                                   For Experimental License
                                              ELS File No. 0326-EX-PL-2009
                                             Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 2

                                         Horizontal      Vertical     Gain
    Manufacturer         Model No.        BW (°)         BW (°)       (dBi)
Til-Tek            TA2350-DAB-T4           Omni             8          10
Til-Tek            TA2350-DAB-T6           Omni             8          10
Til-Tek            TA2350-DAB-H            Omni             8          10
Til-Tek            TA2350-DAB-H-T2         Omni             8          10
Til-Tek            TA2350-DAB-H-T4         Omni             8          10
Til-Tek            TA2350-DAB-H-T6         Omni             8          10
Translight         XMTRANRPTR               60             60           8
YDI                A2.45FP12                35             35          12
YDI                A2.45FP18                18             19          18
YDI                A2408                   Omni            25           8


                 RADIO INC.
1500 Eckington Place, NE.
Washington, D.C. 20002
Tel:. 202—380—4000
Fax: 202—380—4500

June 30, 2009

By E—mail     ( and U.S. Mail:

Interference Office
Arecibo Observatory
HC3 Box 53995
Arecibo, Puerto Rico 00612

Dear Sir or Madam:

By this letter, Sirius XM Radio Inc. ("Sirius XM) hereby notifies the Arecibo
Observatory that we have applied to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC")
for Special Temporary Authority to operate 20 terrestrial transmitters in one of our
licensed frequency bands (2320—2332.5 MHz) at various locations within the
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. While we are aware of no FCC rule requiring that we
formally provide notification to the Arecibo Observatory in connection with thistype of
application, as a courtesy to the Observatory, Sirius XM enclosesits pending FCC
application (FCC File No. SAT—STA—20081027—00210), providing full technicaldetails
of each proposed antennasite. Should the FCC grant this application, all antennas will
operate in the 2320—2332.5 MHz band pursuant to Section 25.120 of the Commission‘s

Please direct any questions regarding this matter to the undersigned.

                                               Wery truly yours,

                                                ames S. Blit
                                               Vice President, Regulatory Counsel


                                                                                                      Application on FCC Form 442
                                                                                                          For Experimental License
                                                                                                     ELS File No. 0326-EX-PL-2009
                                                                                                Attachment 1, Exhibit B, Page 2


   Mr. JamesS. Blitz
   Vice President,
   WashingtonDC 20002

            Re: Sirius XM Radio Inc.
                For Special Temporary Authority to operate20 terrestrial transmitters

   Dear: JamesS. Blitz:

   Thank you very much for the notification on minor equipment changes of your FCC
   application sent to us in accordancewith the Puerto Rico Coordination zone agreements.
   We have considered the technical aspects of your application and find that your
   installation is unlikely to cause harmful interference to the passive use of the Radio
   Astronomy bands at the Observatory. We therefore have no objection to your proposed

   Reinaldo Yelez
   Spectrum Manager


   Cc:     FCC
           PRCZfiles [File #009080026]

     HC3 Box 53995 Areciba, PR A0612 Tel: 787-878-2612 Fax: 787-878-1861
     O per a te db y C o rn e l U
                                l n i v e rs i ty
                                                u n d e ra cooperati ve
                                                                              w i ththe N ati onalS ci enceFoundati on

Document Created: 2009-09-18 14:16:12
Document Modified: 2009-09-18 14:16:12

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