Narrative Statement

0139-EX-PL-2008 Text Documents

Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.


                                                                      Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.
                                                                    Application on Form 442 for
                                                                    Experimental Radio License
                                                                       and Continuance of STA

                                 NARRATIVE STATEMENT

        Pursuant to Section 5.51 of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 5.51 (2007),
Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. (“Sirius”) respectfully requests a regular experimental license
to operate transmitting equipment in the Wireless Communications Services (“WCS”)
bands (2305-2320 MHz and 2345-2360 MHz).

        Grant of this application would serve to replace Sirius’ existing special temporary
authority (“STA”) for this experimentation granted under File No. 0591-EX-ST-2007,
issued under call sign WD9XDT, and extended under File Nos. 0085-EX-ST-2008 and
0152-EX-ST-2008. Specifically, this application proposes to replace the STA
authorizing experimental operations at six locations.

        As provided under Section 5.61(b) of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. §
5.61(b), this application is also intended to serve as a continuance or extension of Sirius’
authority to operate as permitted under its STA pending action on this application. The
regular license and extension are necessary to allow Sirius to continue research on the
impact on satellite radio receivers from transmissions in these WCS bands, which are
adjacent to the band allocated for satellite radio. The results of these experiments are
intended to help Sirius provide further technical information to the Commission in its
pending rulemaking regarding satellite radio terrestrial repeaters and WCS operations.
The following information is provided in support of this request.


        Sirius is one of two licensed SDARS providers in the United States. Sirius
provides service to millions of subscribers and provides high-quality radio programming
nationwide. Sirius delivers its service primarily through the use of three non-
geostationary satellites. In addition to these satellites, and as contemplated by the
international and domestic table of frequencies,1 Sirius also uses a network of
approximately 130 terrestrial repeaters to ensure consistent service throughout the United
States. Currently, those repeaters are operated under Special Temporary Authority issued
by the International Bureau and there are no rules that specifically govern the operation
of satellite radio terrestrial repeaters.

       In December 2007, the Commission released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
and Second Notice of Proposed rulemaking seeking “additional comment on the
appropriate rules and policies for licensing [SDARS] terrestrial repeaters” and
considering “changes to the rules governing WCS licensees.”2 In particular, the

        See 47 C.F.R. §2.106 n. 5.396, n. US327.
      See Amendment of Part 27 of the Commission’s Rules to Govern Operation of Wireless
Communications Services in the 2.3 GHz Band; Establishment of Rules and Policies for the Digital Audio

                                                                         Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.
                                                                       Application on Form 442 for
                                                                       Experimental Radio License
                                                                          and Continuance of STA

Commission sought comment on (1) a proposal by Sirius to adopt a ground based
emission limit for SDARS and WCS operations and (2) a proposal by the WCS licensees
to allow 2000 kW average EIRP terrestrial repeater and WCS base station operations and
20 watt average power WCS subscriber station operations.3

         Sirius has filed comments and reply comments in response to the Commission’s
Notice and, as requested by the Commission, has provided significant data to support its
filings.4 Other parties, including the WCS Coalition, have also provided the Commission
with data, much of which contradicts data collected by Sirius. These continued tests are
intended to narrow down and resolve the significant differences in measured results
critical to the resolution of the Notice, including, but not limited to, path loss, strong
signal performance, out of band emissions performance, and noise floor.

       The equipment that Sirius plans to operate pursuant to this STA will emulate the
operation of a 20 W WiMax uplink device in the WCS bands. Sirius will test the impact
of overload and intermodulation interference and out-of-band emissions from such
devices on Sirius and XM satellite radio receivers. Sirius will continue to undertake
these experiments in a number of different geographic areas to emulate “real-world”
scenarios in which a satellite radio receiver might come into proximity with WCS uplink
devices. Undertaking these tests will allow Sirius to collect additional data and to
determine how different variables, such as WCS subscriber station power, spectral
proximity, and separation distance, affect the reception of satellite radio signals by
customers of both SDARS licensees.

        In addition, Sirius has requested authorization for multiple sites in order to get a
more complete picture of the potential for interference to SDARS reception. SDARS
systems utilize signals delivered from multiple platforms to provide the highly reliable
service expected by our customers. In order to collect comprehensive data regarding
WCS interference it is necessary to ensure that the tests cover a mixture of signal delivery
conditions involving multiple satellite and repeater signal combinations. Accordingly, a
number of locations with different anticipated signal conditions have been selected to
allow for the performance of interference tests under a broad range of real world

Radio Satellite Service in the 2310-2360 MHz Frequency Band, WT Dkt No. 07-293, IB Dkt. No 95-91,
GEN Dkt. No. 90-357, RM No. 8610, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Second Further Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking, FCC 07-215 (rel. Dec. 18, 2007) (“Notice”).
         See id. ¶¶ 15-25.
          See e.g., id. ¶ 23 (requesting that “[a]ll comments…be supported with technical analysis and a
realistic assessment of the impact on all relevant services.”)

                                                               Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.
                                                             Application on Form 442 for
                                                             Experimental Radio License
                                                                and Continuance of STA

        Sirius submits that the public interest, necessity and convenience are served by
grant of this extension. The Commission has requested comment on these issues and has
requested that parties submit technical showings to support those comments. Sirius has
provided its initial comment, but requires additional time to undertake experiments that
further examine the relationship between operations in these adjacent bands and evaluate
the data presented by the WCS Coalition in its recent filings.


Frequency Bands:                                   2305-2320 MHz
                                                   2345-2360 MHz

       Tests will be conducted in 5 MHz channels of the WCS A, B, C and D

       Each test channel is 5 MHz wide. Specifically the channelization is:

       A:   2305-2310 MHz, 2350-2355 MHz
       B:   2310-2315 MHz, 2355-2360 MHz
       C:   2315-2320 MHz
       D:   2345-2350 MHz

Frequency stability will be compliant with Section 27.54 of the Commission’s


The equipment will be used to transmit two signal formats.

Signal format #1

Emission designator: 10K0N0N

Signal format #2
Wimax 802.16e

Transmitter 99% power bandwidth 5 MHz
Type of modulation: BPSK, 4QAM, 16QAM, 64QAM
Type of multiplexing: OFDM
Maximum transmitter duty cycle in normal use, 65%, 100% in test

Emission designator: 5M0W7W

                                                              Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.
                                                            Application on Form 442 for
                                                            Experimental Radio License
                                                               and Continuance of STA

Equipment Data:


         1. Sirius Satellite Radio Facility, 989 Lenox Drive, Lawrenceville, NJ,
              o 40-17-17.0 N, 74-42-33.5 W (10 km radius)
         2. Prospertown Lake, Rt. 537, Ocean County, NJ
              o 40-8-6.7 N, 74-27-30.0 W
         3. Manasquan Reservoir, Windeler Road, Howell, NJ
              o 40-10-16.6 N, 74-12-10.2 W
         4. XM Satellite Radio Facility, 3161 SW 10th St, Deerfield Beach, FL
              o 26-18-15.2 N, 80-8-47.6 W (5 km radius)
         5. 24 Vernon Crossing Road, Vernon, NJ
              o 74-29-37.2W, 41-12-46.7N
         6. Highway US441, Palm Beach County, FL
              o 26-42-36.0 N, 80-25-12.0 W (10 km radius)

The tests will be run from temporary fixed and mobile locations. For all sites except Site
1 (Lawrenceville, NJ), Site 4 (Deerfield Beach, FL), and Site 6 (Highway US441) the
locations will be centered at and within a 1 km radius of the sites. For Site 1 and Site 6,
the locations will be centered at and within a 10 km radius of the site. For Site 4, the
locations will be centered at and within a 5 km radius of the site. Exhibit A provides
topographic and aerial views of the sites.

Antenna Height:

The antenna will be operated at a height not to exceed 19.685 feet (6 meters).


The equipment used in this experiment is prototypical, and is designed specifically to
generate representative signals in the WCS band for the purpose of testing potential
interference to SDARS receivers. The transmitter equipment will comply with Section
27.53 of the Commission’s rules governing out-of-band emission limits on WCS

The specific equipment to be used includes:

Signal Generator:                             Agilent Signal Generator, Model E4438C
Transmit Antenna:                             The transmit antenna will have an
                                              omnidirectional gain pattern with an

                                                              Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.
                                                            Application on Form 442 for
                                                            Experimental Radio License
                                                               and Continuance of STA

                                              associated nominal gain of 0dBi.

Antenna Beamwidth:                    Omni-Directional

Output Power:          80 watts Peak Maximum (TPO)

ERP:                   12.2 Watts Peak maximum
                       (20 Watts EiRP peak power, consistent with Section 27.50(a)(2)) .


        Sirius recognizes that the operation of this equipment must not cause harmful
interference to authorized facilities. Sirius is not aware of any WCS operations in the
areas where it plans to undertake testing. In addition, Sirius will operate its equipment at
very low power, for limited periods, and only in the locations listed above. Therefore,
Sirius does not anticipate any interference with authorized facilities. Should interference
occur, however, Sirius will resolve the interference, including, if necessary, discontinuing
operation. Any party that believes they are experiencing interference from these
operations should contact Sirius at (646) 313-2076.


        The authorization of the extension of this experimental STA would serve the
public interest, convenience, and necessity by allowing Sirius to collect data that is
essential for the Commission to establish rules for WCS and satellite radio operations.

Document Created: 2008-03-20 16:38:48
Document Modified: 2008-03-20 16:38:48

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