Silvus MIMO radio datasheet

0401-EX-ST-2013 Text Documents

Silvus Technologies Inc.


StreamCaster 3800
MIMO Radio – Expanded Frequency Options
     Silvus introduces its next generation of high-speed wireless communications systems, which include
                           increased RF band support and enhanced mobility support.

The SC3800 dual band radio is the next generation in
the Silvus StreamCaster™ family of MIMO radios. The
SC3800 has an all new band flexible RF section,
providing dual band capability across a much wider
range of frequencies. A lower band is provided within
the range 400 MHz to 2.7 GHz, and an upper band falls
between 4 and 6 GHz. A list of current bands supported
is provided in the specifications section. This list will
expand as market demands are identified.
Additional SC3800 enhancements include:
    User selectable frequency bands
    Additional bandwidth options (1.25MHz*,
                                                                  Missions Benefitting from the SC3800
     2.5MHz*)                                                     The SC3800 is ideal for missions that require superior
    Enhanced mobility support                                    communications of voice/video/data in NLOS multipath-
The SC3800 transceiver, a stand-alone IP based packet             rich environments. Examples of such missions include:
MIMO radio, will surpass the capabilities of traditional             Telerobotic / UGV for EOD / IED, recon, surveillance
SISO (single antenna) solutions and will deliver the                 Below-deck wireless networking / ship-boarding
following capabilities:                                              Air-to-air & air-to-ground (manned, or unmanned)
    Connectivity in extreme NLOS (non-line-of-sight)                Urban ops, requiring video links within a building
     multipath rich environments such as urban                        and with units outside the building
     canyons and within buildings                                    Autonomous convoy
                                                                     Ship-to-shore high data rate transfer / comms
    Connectivity under highly mobile conditions on
                                                                     First Responder urban network / relay
     the ground, water, and in the air
                                                                     Connectivity within mines / tunnels / caves
    High data throughput rates
    Mesh network (self-forming, or managed)                      Ease of Use
                                                                  Each transceiver enables bidirectional networking to
    Multiple antenna configurations available;
                                                                  simplify logistics. As an Ethernet bridge, the SC3800 can
     omnidirectional, high-gain directional or hybrid             be interfaced with countless third party applications,
Compared to conventional single antenna solutions, the            and a multitude of configurations are accessed via web
SC3800 delivers the following validated improvements:             pages within the radio.
    4.5x coverage increase in dense urban terrain                Network Management Utility allows for the real-time
    10x less transmit power for same range and                   management of all the radios in the network for TX
                                                                  power, frequency, channel bandwidths, link adaptation,
                                                                  range control and other parameters.
    2.5x increase in LOS range
    3x increase in data rate                                     Automatic link adaptation changes the radio operating
                                                                  parameters in real time to provide performance as close
                                                                  to capacity as possible while not losing the link when
                                                                  abrupt changes in channel conditions occur such as
                                                                  moving around a corner or entering a building.
          Contact us at: +1-310-479-3333 Visit our website:
                                         2012 Silvus Technologies Inc. All Rights Reserved

                                                       SC3800 Specifications

General                                                                           Environmental
    Waveform                       Mobile Networked MIMO (MN-MIMO™)                                            Standard             Extended Temperature
    Modulation                     C-OFDM; BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM                    Operating Temp.      -40° - +55° C        -40° - +65° C
    Channel Bandwidth              1.25, 2.5, 5 & 20 MHz                                 IP Rating            IP-67 (Dust / Immersion in water up to 1m)
    Encryption                     AES 128 or AES 256 (optional)                          (Ingress Protection)
    Frequency Stability            1 PPM over temp -40° - +85° C
    Tuning Step Size               1 KHz                                         Mechanical – Chassis
    Data Rates                     65 Mbps UDP & 50 Mbps TCP
                                                                                  In addition to the physical system package described here, Silvus offers the
    MAC Protocols                  CSMA, TPMA, TDMA
     (Medium Access Control)                                                      core board-stack for integration into an OEM product
    Error Correction               1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6                                                         Standard              Extended Temperature
    Antenna Processing             Spatial Multiplexing, Space-Time Coding,          Dimensions              3.25” x 5.75” x 4”    4.5” x 5.75” x 4”
                                    Eigen Beam Forming                                                         HxLxW                 HxLxW
    No. of Spatial Streams         1-4                                               Weight                  3.7 Pounds            4.0 Pounds
    No. of Antennas                4                                                 Color                   FED-STD-595B-34094
    Total Power Output             10 mW – 1 W (variable)                                                     (Camouflage green 383 - CARC)
                                                                                      Mounting                4-hole mounting patterns (non-penetrating)
                                                                                                               located on both rear and bottom sides
                                                                                                                                                Extended Temperature Variant
    Latency                        7 ms average
    Sensitivity                    Varies with MCS index
                                    Maximum = -102 dBm
                                                                                                                                                Standard Temperature Variant
                                    (5 MHz BW, MCS 0)
    Cognitive Interference         Contact sales for additional information

Ordering Information                                                              4.50          ANT1     ANT2    ANT3     ANT4

There are three mechanical versions of the SC3800: standard, extended                    3.25
temperature and OEM PCB. Note the operating temperature and mechanical
differences under “Environmental, and “Mechanical”.                                              ON

                                                                                                 OFF   STATUS    PWR      ETH
Additionally, bands must be specified at time of order in accordance with the
following Frequency Band Table. If your band of interest is not listed, please                                  5.75
contact your sales person.

    SC3800                          Standard temperature specs (short fins)
    SC3800-T                        Extended temperature specs (long fins)               RF                   TNC (f) (4 each)
    SC3800-O                        OEM PCB                                              Data / Control       Ethernet cable, Mighty-Mouse 801 Heavy-Duty,
                                                                                                                Double-Start 10 conductor (f)
                                                                                          Power                Mighty-Mouse 801 Heavy-Duty, Double-Start 10
                                                                                                                conductor (m)
Frequency Band Specifics
Please note, this table reflects standard frequency bands available, additional   Controls and Indicators
bands are frequently added as demands dictate. If your band of interest is not            Power                On / Off Toggle with detent
listed, please contact your sales person. (All bands listed in MHz)                       Status Indicator     Power-on
                                                                                          Web Browser          Center Frequency, Channel Bandwidth, Output
         Low Band                             High Band                                                         Power, MCS Index, Link Distance, Link Adaptation,
    UHF        400-450 *                                                                                        StreamCaster™ Network Management Utility
    ISM 900    902-928 *                 C-1 Band     4400-4700 *
               2025-2110 *
                                         C-2 Band
                                         C-3 Band
                                                      4900-5275 *
                                                                                  Power Requirements
    BAS+       2025-2110 *               C-4 Band     5150-5875 *                         Voltage              9 – 20 VDC
    2.2        2200-2300 *                                                                Consumption          13.5 W – 0% TX Duty Cycle (receive only)
    2.3        2300-2400 *                                                                                      24.5 W – 80% TX Duty Cycle
    ISM2400 2400-2500 *
                                                                                  Mechanical – OEM Board Stack
                                                                                          Dimensions           1.9” x 5.25” x 2.9” H x L x W
                                                                                          Weight               8 oz
                                                                                          RF Connector         SMP (m)
                                                                                          Data Connector       Harwin M80 8-pin (m), (RS232 optional)
                                                                                          Power Connector      Harwin M80 8-pin
(*) in development

             Contact us at: +1-310-479-3333 Visit our website:
                          2012 Silvus Technologies Inc. All Rights Reserved         SC3800 Datasheet v13

Document Created: 2012-10-12 09:28:41
Document Modified: 2012-10-12 09:28:41

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