Supporting Exhibit

1391-EX-ST-2019 Text Documents

Sierra Nevada Corporation



       Supporting Exhibit in Reference to FCC
     Special Temporary Authority Application File
              Number 1391-EX-ST-2019

      PROPRIETARY STATEMENT: Information contained herein represents Proprietary Intellectual Property of Sierra
      Nevada Corporation and shall not be duplicated, used, or disclosed in whole or in part by any means, person, or
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                                                      August 2, 2019

MFG IDENT CODE                                PROJECT CODE
   4HVG5                                                                                       18635 Jarkey Drive
                                                                                               Hagerstown, MD 21742

                           Exhibit to Support STA File Number 1391-EX-ST-2019

Issues                Descriptions                         Date               Author           TW/Checker           Engineering

  A      Initial Release

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                                   Exhibit to Support STA File Number 1391-EX-ST-2019

                                                               TABLE OF CONTENTS
Section/Title                                                                                                                                                             Page
1.0         INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 1
    1.1     General ............................................................................................................................................................ 1
    1.2     Current Needs.................................................................................................................................................. 1
2.0         TRANSMITTING EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................ 2
    2.1     National Instruments 5840 VST ...................................................................................................................... 2
    2.2     AR Amplifier................................................................................................................................................... 2
    2.3     TLP-20 Antenna .............................................................................................................................................. 3
    2.4     Scan Plan ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
    2.5     Radiation frequency ........................................................................................................................................ 4
    2.6     Signal characteristics ....................................................................................................................................... 4
3.0         TEST SITE ..................................................................................................................................... 4
4.0         ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................... 5
APPENDIX A REQUESTED FREQUENCIES....................................................................................... 1

                                                                    LIST OF FIGURES
Figure/Title                                                                                                                                                              Page
Figure 1: Scan Plan Illustration ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Figure 2: Test Location Radius...................................................................................................................................... 5

                                                                     LIST OF TABLES
Table/Title                                                                                                                                                               Page
Table 1: Frequency Example ......................................................................................................................................... 1
Table 2: Amplifier Specifications .................................................................................................................................. 3
Table 3: Antenna Specifications .................................................................................................................................... 3

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                       Exhibit to Support STA File Number 1391-EX-ST-2019

Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC), located at 18635 Jarkey Drive Hagerstown, MD. wishes to
obtain a Special Temporary Authority (STA) from the Federal Communication Commission
(FCC). Due to the unique nature of our testing and the number of frequencies requested, it is
rationalized that obtaining an STA is the best approach. SNC is a Systems Integrator specializing
in modifications to aircraft and producing Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR)
systems for the United States Government as well as Foreign Military Sale. Final testing of the
platform pre-delivery requires transmitting on known frequencies to exercise the installed
equipment to validate performance requirements. Currently SNC has authority from the FCC for
a limited number of frequencies under radio service AF- Aeronautical and Fixed utilizing call sign
WQRI680 and WQRI681. The purpose of this exhibit is to document current needs, detail
equipment that will be utilized, define the proposed test area and identify the frequency needs.

SNC was recently awarded a contract with the U.S. Army to modify seven King Air Guardrail
Common Sensor (GRCS) Aircraft with upgraded systems under contract NRO000-15-C-0346.
Part of this contract will require re-verification (calibration) of an existing system on the aircraft.
This system is a receive only system that operates in a range from 20 MHz to 1 Ghz. To calibrate
this system it will be necessary to transmit RF energy from a ground station to the aircraft while
airborne across this wide span at known frequencies/amplitudes. The spectral energy received at
the aircraft is then collected and analyzed to produce calibration tables used by this system during
operational use. Due to the wideband nature of this system it will be necessary to transmit across
the entire 20 MHz to 1 Ghz band at a frequency spacing of 1.3%. These frequencies will be rounded
to the nearest 5 kHz. See Table 1 below:

                                         Table 1: Frequency Example

Utilizing a 1.3% frequency spacing equates to transmitting on 323 frequencies. It will be necessary
to transmit 8 frequencies simultaneously during these calibration events. Each group of eight

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                       Exhibit to Support STA File Number 1391-EX-ST-2019

frequencies is defined as a Set. There are approximately 40 frequency Sets planned to cover the
span of 20 MHz to 1 Ghz. The transmit system when commanded by the operator will
automatically start at frequency set one, transmit that set for 10 milliseconds, end transmission and
transition to frequency set two, transmit on that set for 10 milliseconds, end transmission and so
on until all forty sets are complete. At the completion of all forty sets the system will start back at
frequency set one and repeat. It is anticipated that it will require one flight per day for two days.
Each flight is estimated at four hours.

To automatically generate these frequency sets and to control the transmission length and timing
SNC is required to utilize special equipment. For generation of individual frequencies SNC will
utilize a National Instruments PXIe Chassis outfitted with a National Instruments 5840 Vector
Signal Transceiver (VST). This device is used to consolidate frequency sets, allocate timing of
each set and generate the RF signal set (that contains 8 individual frequencies). The output of the
VST is then applied to the input of an AR amplifier which amplifies the signal set to 100 watts.
When generating multiple frequencies within the set, the 100 watt output of the amp is divided up
between the individual frequencies. The output of the amplifier is cabled to a log periodic
transportable antenna that will be oriented in the vertical position.

The signal generation of the system resides within the National Instruments PXIe-1082 Chassis.
The chassis contains the following Modules: PXIe-8861 Embedded Controller, and a PXI-5480
Vector Signal Transceiver (VST). The Embedded Controller is a Windows 10 computer that
executes the LabVIEW operating environment code for timing, control and generation of signal
sets. The GPS timing module provides an external time source to all components within the chassis
and allows stable synchronization between the aircraft and the ground station. SNC developed
LabVIEW code provides the user interface. Using this code the operator can import pre-
programmed signal sets and generate the frequencies necessary. The VST operates as the signal
generator in this system, generating low level RF outputs that are then applied to the AR amplifier.

The Model 100U1000 is a solid-state, self-contained, air-cooled, broadband amplifier designed for
applications where instantaneous bandwidth, high gain and linearity are required. The amplifier is
rated for a frequency range of 10kHz to 1000 MHz and will provide 120W(typical) minimum
output power. The maximum input rating for the amplifier is 1.0 mW. The amplifier receives an
RF input from the VST, amplifies it accordingly and provides an amplified signal to the antenna
to be transmitted over free space. Reference Table 2 for amplifier specifications.

                                       100U1000 Electrical Specifications
                                 Specification                      Performance
                    Frequency Range                            10 kHz-1000 MHz
                    Input Impedance                            1.5:1 (50 Ohm) maximum
                    Output Impedance                           50 ohms nominal
                    Gain @ max setting                         50 dB minimum
                    Flatness                                   +/- 1.5 dB typical, 2.0 dB max

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                       Exhibit to Support STA File Number 1391-EX-ST-2019

                    Noise Figure                               8.5 db typical
                    Harmonic Distortion max @100W              -20 dBc
                    Harmonic Distortion typ. @100W             -30 dBc
                    Third Order Intercept                      60 dBm typical

                                       Table 2: Amplifier Specifications

2.3   TLP-20 ANTENNA
The TLP-20 is a tactical log periodic antenna that cover the 20-1000 MHz frequency range and is
designed for transmit and receive purposes. The antenna uses a three piece boom for quick
assembly in the field and can be used in the vertical or horizontal mode. In this application it will
be used in the vertical polarization mode. The antenna will provide 4-8 dbi of gain to the system.
The antenna will be fastened to a mast assembly mounted on a rotator. The rotator will position
the antenna to automatically track the flight path of the aircraft. This is to keep the main beam of
the antenna focused during the test event. The height of the antenna above ground level is 5.2
meters (17 feet). Reference Table 3 below for electrical specification of the antenna.

                                            TLP-20 Electrical Specifications
                                   Specification                         Performance
                        Frequency Range                       20-1000 MHz
                        VSWR                                  2.0:1 (50 Ohm) typical
                        Gain                                  4-8 dbi
                        Polarization                          Linear
                        Vertical -3 dB Beamwidth              40-90 degrees
                        Horizontal -3 dB Beamwidth            70-140 degrees
                        Power Input                           200 Watts

                                       Table 3: Antenna Specifications

The ground calibration source transmits multiple narrowband tones at once based upon the
frequency set, while the airborne sensor collects the same multiple frequencies within a wideband
tune. This is then repeated for the next set of frequencies working up through the 20-1000 MHz
range. The system will then repeat this loop as the aircraft flies a predetermined flight path and RF
data is collected at different arrival angles with respect to the ground station. The airborne system
will collect frequency data over a 25 millisecond period, however the ground station will only be
transmitting for 10 milliseconds within that period. The External Collect bars depicted below in
green are the only times that ground station will be radiating RF energy. With 40 frequency sets
(each containing 8 frequencies), it is anticipated that one full cycle of this plan will take 1 second.
This will, however have to be repeated for a period of 4 hours to collect the necessary data.

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                       Exhibit to Support STA File Number 1391-EX-ST-2019

                                       Figure 1: Scan Plan Illustration

SNC is under contract to modify seven (7) aircraft over the next two years. It is anticipated that
this testing will occur on each aircraft over a period of two days approximately 120 days apart. It
is anticipated that the total number of days necessary to complete this testing will be fourteen (14).

SNC will generate signals across the band of 20 MHz to 1000 MHz. Up to eight individual carriers
will be generated for each frequency set. Approximately forty frequency sets will be generated for
10 milliseconds each. The approximate power level of each carrier signal will be 10 W with an
individual signal bandwidth of 5 kHz.

The ground transmit system will be housed in an enclosed trailer making it a mobile platform. This
will allow SNC to perform calibration testing away from populated areas. At this time, an exact
test location has not been identified. SNC is seeking a STA, which would allow testing within a
150 kilometer radius of the SNC facility at 18635 Jarkey Drive, Hagerstown, MD. 21742.

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                  Exhibit to Support STA File Number 1391-EX-ST-2019

                                  Figure 2: Test Location Radius


  Acronym/Abbreviation                                             Description
           FCC                    Federal Communication Commission
           GPS                    Global Positioning System
          GRCS                    Guardrail Common Sensor
            ISR                   Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance
            RF                    Radio Frequency
           SNC                    Sierra Nevada Corporation
           STA                    Special Temporary Authority
           VST                    Vector Signal Transceiver

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                                            Exhibit to Support STA File Number 1391-EX-ST-2019

                                               APPENDIX A REQUESTED FREQUENCIES
The frequencies listed within this Appendix are based upon a 1.3% spacing only without regard to the de-conflictions that will be necessary
to avoid interference in excluded frequencies as outlined in the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, Manual of
Regulations & Procedures for Federal Radio Frequency Management

         Frequency                             Frequency                                     Frequency                                    Frequency
   #                 Power   BW         #                     Power       BW          #                    Power       BW           #                 Power   BW
           (MHz)                                 (MHz)                                         (MHz)                                        (MHz)
    1        20      10 W    5 kHz      26        27.62        10 W      5 kHz       51        38.165       10 W      5 kHz         76      52.705    10 W    5 kHz
    2       20.26    10 W    5 kHz      27        27.98        10 W      5 kHz       52         38.66       10 W      5 kHz         77       53.39    10 W    5 kHz
    3      20.525    10 W    5 kHz      28       28.345        10 W      5 kHz       53        39.165       10 W      5 kHz         78        54      10 W    5 kHz
    4       20.79    10 W    5 kHz      29       28.715        10 W      5 kHz       54        39.675       10 W      5 kHz         79       54.79    10 W    5 kHz
    5       21.06    10 W    5 kHz      30        29.09        10 W      5 kHz       55         40.19       10 W      5 kHz         80       55.5     10 W    5 kHz
    6      21.335    10 W    5 kHz      31        29.47        10 W      5 kHz       56         40.71       10 W      5 kHz         81       56.22    10 W    5 kHz
    7       21.61    10 W    5 kHz      32       29.855        10 W      5 kHz       57         41.24       10 W      5 kHz         82       56.95    10 W    5 kHz
    8       21.89    10 W    5 kHz      33       30.245        10 W      5 kHz       58        41.775       10 W      5 kHz         83       57.69    10 W    5 kHz
    9      22.175    10 W    5 kHz      34        30.64        10 W      5 kHz       59         42.32       10 W      5 kHz         84       58.44    10 W    5 kHz
   10      22.465    10 W    5 kHz      35        31.04        10 W      5 kHz       60         42.87       10 W      5 kHz         85       59.2     10 W    5 kHz
   11      22.755    10 W    5 kHz      36       31.445        10 W      5 kHz       61        43.425       10 W      5 kHz         86        60      10 W    5 kHz
   12       23.05    10 W    5 kHz      37       31.855        10 W      5 kHz       62         43.99       10 W      5 kHz         87       60.75    10 W    5 kHz
   13       23.35    10 W    5 kHz      38        32.27        10 W      5 kHz       63         44.56       10 W      5 kHz         88       61.54    10 W    5 kHz
   14      23.655    10 W    5 kHz      39        32.69        10 W      5 kHz       64         45.14       10 W      5 kHz         89       62.34    10 W    5 kHz
   15      23.965    10 W    5 kHz      40       33.115        10 W      5 kHz       65        45.725       10 W      5 kHz         90       63.15    10 W    5 kHz
   16      24.275    10 W    5 kHz      41       33.545        10 W      5 kHz       66         46.32       10 W      5 kHz         91       63.97    10 W    5 kHz
   17       24.59    10 W    5 kHz      42        33.98        10 W      5 kHz       67         46.92       10 W      5 kHz         92       64.8     10 W    5 kHz
   18       24.91    10 W    5 kHz      43        34.42        10 W      5 kHz       68         47.53       10 W      5 kHz         93       65.64    10 W    5 kHz
   19      25.235    10 W    5 kHz      44       34.865        10 W      5 kHz       69         48.15       10 W      5 kHz         94        66      10 W    5 kHz
   20      25.565    10 W    5 kHz      45        35.32        10 W      5 kHz       70        48.775       10 W      5 kHz         95       67.36    10 W    5 kHz
   21      25.895    10 W    5 kHz      46        35.78        10 W      5 kHz       71         49.41       10 W      5 kHz         96      68.235    10 W    5 kHz
   22       26.23    10 W    5 kHz      47       36.245        10 W      5 kHz       72         50.05       10 W      5 kHz         97       69.12    10 W    5 kHz
   23       26.57    10 W    5 kHz      48       36.715        10 W      5 kHz       73         50.7        10 W      5 kHz         98       70.02    10 W    5 kHz
   24      26.915    10 W    5 kHz      49        37.19        10 W      5 kHz       74         51.36       10 W      5 kHz         99       70.93    10 W    5 kHz
   25      27.265    10 W    5 kHz      50       37.675        10 W      5 kHz       75         52.03       10 W      5 kHz         100       72      10 W    5 kHz

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                                         Exhibit to Support STA File Number 1391-EX-ST-2019

      Frequency                             Frequency                                     Frequency                                    Frequency
#                 Power   BW         #                     Power       BW          #                    Power       BW           #                 Power   BW
        (MHz)                                 (MHz)                                         (MHz)                                        (MHz)
101     72.785    10 W    5 kHz     126        100.6        10 W      5 kHz      151       138.835       10 W      5 kHz         176       192     10 W    5 kHz
102      73.73    10 W    5 kHz     127        101.8        10 W      5 kHz      152        140.64       10 W      5 kHz         177     194.23    10 W    5 kHz
103      74.69    10 W    5 kHz     128        103.2        10 W      5 kHz      153        142.47       10 W      5 kHz         178    196.755    10 W    5 kHz
104      75.66    10 W    5 kHz     129        104.6        10 W      5 kHz      154        144.32       10 W      5 kHz         179       198     10 W    5 kHz
105       76      10 W    5 kHz     130        105.8        10 W      5 kHz      155       146.195       10 W      5 kHz         180    201.905    10 W    5 kHz
106      77.64    10 W    5 kHz     131        107.2        10 W      5 kHz      156       148.095       10 W      5 kHz         181       204     10 W    5 kHz
107      78.65    10 W    5 kHz     132        108.6        10 W      5 kHz      157        150.02       10 W      5 kHz         182     207.19    10 W    5 kHz
108      79.67    10 W    5 kHz     133       110.04        10 W      5 kHz      158        151.97       10 W      5 kHz         183       210     10 W    5 kHz
109     80.705    10 W    5 kHz     134       111.47        10 W      5 kHz      159       153.945       10 W      5 kHz         184    212.615    10 W    5 kHz
110     81.755    10 W    5 kHz     135       112.92        10 W      5 kHz      160       155.945       10 W      5 kHz         185       216     10 W    5 kHz
111       82      10 W    5 kHz     136       114.39        10 W      5 kHz      161        157.97       10 W      5 kHz         186     218.18    10 W    5 kHz
112     83.895    10 W    5 kHz     137      115.875        10 W      5 kHz      162       160.025       10 W      5 kHz         187    221.015    10 W    5 kHz
113     84.985    10 W    5 kHz     138       117.38        10 W      5 kHz      163       162.105       10 W      5 kHz         188     223.89    10 W    5 kHz
114      86.09    10 W    5 kHz     139      118.905        10 W      5 kHz      164        164.21       10 W      5 kHz         189      226.8    10 W    5 kHz
115      87.21    10 W    5 kHz     140       120.45        10 W      5 kHz      165       166.345       10 W      5 kHz         190     229.75    10 W    5 kHz
116       88      10 W    5 kHz     141      122.015        10 W      5 kHz      166       168.505       10 W      5 kHz         191    232.735    10 W    5 kHz
117      89.4     10 W    5 kHz     142        123.6        10 W      5 kHz      167       170.695       10 W      5 kHz         192     235.76    10 W    5 kHz
118      90.6     10 W    5 kHz     143      125.205        10 W      5 kHz      168       172.915       10 W      5 kHz         193    238.825    10 W    5 kHz
119      91.8     10 W    5 kHz     144      126.835        10 W      5 kHz      169         174         10 W      5 kHz         194     241.93    10 W    5 kHz
120       93      10 W    5 kHz     145      128.485        10 W      5 kHz      170        177.44       10 W      5 kHz         195    245.075    10 W    5 kHz
121      94.2     10 W    5 kHz     146      130.155        10 W      5 kHz      171         180         10 W      5 kHz         196     248.26    10 W    5 kHz
122      95.4     10 W    5 kHz     147      131.845        10 W      5 kHz      172        182.08       10 W      5 kHz         197    251.485    10 W    5 kHz
123      96.8     10 W    5 kHz     148       133.56        10 W      5 kHz      173       184.445       10 W      5 kHz         198    254.755    10 W    5 kHz
124       98      10 W    5 kHz     149      135.295        10 W      5 kHz      174         186         10 W      5 kHz         199    258.065    10 W    5 kHz
125      99.2     10 W    5 kHz     150      137.055        10 W      5 kHz      175       189.275       10 W      5 kHz         200     261.42    10 W    5 kHz

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                                          Exhibit to Support STA File Number 1391-EX-ST-2019

      Frequency                             Frequency                                   Frequency                                 Frequency
#                 Power   BW         #                    Power       BW         #                    Power       BW         #                Power   BW
        (MHz)                                 (MHz)                                       (MHz)                                     (MHz)
201     264.82    10 W    5 kHz     233       405.57       10 W      5 kHz      265        590         10 W      5 kHz      297      782      10 W    5 kHz
202    268.265    10 W    5 kHz     234       410.84       10 W      5 kHz      266        596         10 W      5 kHz      298      788      10 W    5 kHz
203     271.75    10 W    5 kHz     235       416.18       10 W      5 kHz      267        602         10 W      5 kHz      299      794      10 W    5 kHz
204    278.865    10 W    5 kHz     236       421.59       10 W      5 kHz      268        608         10 W      5 kHz      300      800      10 W    5 kHz
205     282.49    10 W    5 kHz     237       427.07       10 W      5 kHz      269        614         10 W      5 kHz      301      806      10 W    5 kHz
206     286.16    10 W    5 kHz     238       432.62       10 W      5 kHz      270        620         10 W      5 kHz      302      812      10 W    5 kHz
207     289.88    10 W    5 kHz     239      438.245       10 W      5 kHz      271        626         10 W      5 kHz      303      824      10 W    5 kHz
208     293.65    10 W    5 kHz     240       443.94       10 W      5 kHz      272        632         10 W      5 kHz      304      830      10 W    5 kHz
209    297.465    10 W    5 kHz     241       449.71       10 W      5 kHz      273        638         10 W      5 kHz      305      836      10 W    5 kHz
210     301.33    10 W    5 kHz     242      455.555       10 W      5 kHz      274        644         10 W      5 kHz      306      842      10 W    5 kHz
211    305.245    10 W    5 kHz     243      461.475       10 W      5 kHz      275        650         10 W      5 kHz      307      848      10 W    5 kHz
212    309.215    10 W    5 kHz     244      467.475       10 W      5 kHz      276        656         10 W      5 kHz      308      854      10 W    5 kHz
213    313.235    10 W    5 kHz     245        470         10 W      5 kHz      277        662         10 W      5 kHz      309      860      10 W    5 kHz
214    317.305    10 W    5 kHz     246        476         10 W      5 kHz      278        668         10 W      5 kHz      310      866      10 W    5 kHz
215     321.43    10 W    5 kHz     247        482         10 W      5 kHz      279        674         10 W      5 kHz      311      872      10 W    5 kHz
216     325.61    10 W    5 kHz     248        488         10 W      5 kHz      280        680         10 W      5 kHz      312      878      10 W    5 kHz
217    329.845    10 W    5 kHz     249        494         10 W      5 kHz      281        686         10 W      5 kHz      313      884      10 W    5 kHz
218    334.135    10 W    5 kHz     250        500         10 W      5 kHz      282        692         10 W      5 kHz      314      890      10 W    5 kHz
219     338.48    10 W    5 kHz     251        506         10 W      5 kHz      283        698         10 W      5 kHz      315     903.31    10 W    5 kHz
220     342.88    10 W    5 kHz     252        512         10 W      5 kHz      284        704         10 W      5 kHz      316    915.055    10 W    5 kHz
221    347.335    10 W    5 kHz     253        518         10 W      5 kHz      285        710         10 W      5 kHz      317     926.95    10 W    5 kHz
222     351.85    10 W    5 kHz     254        524         10 W      5 kHz      286        716         10 W      5 kHz      318      939      10 W    5 kHz
223    356.425    10 W    5 kHz     255        530         10 W      5 kHz      287        722         10 W      5 kHz      319    951.205    10 W    5 kHz
224     361.06    10 W    5 kHz     256        536         10 W      5 kHz      288        728         10 W      5 kHz      320     963.57    10 W    5 kHz
225    365.755    10 W    5 kHz     257        542         10 W      5 kHz      289        734         10 W      5 kHz      321    976.095    10 W    5 kHz
226     370.51    10 W    5 kHz     258        548         10 W      5 kHz      290        740         10 W      5 kHz      322    988.785    10 W    5 kHz
227    375.325    10 W    5 kHz     259        554         10 W      5 kHz      291        746         10 W      5 kHz      323    1001.64    10 W    5 kHz
228    380.205    10 W    5 kHz     260        560         10 W      5 kHz      292        752         10 W      5 kHz
229     385.15    10 W    5 kHz     261        566         10 W      5 kHz      293        758         10 W      5 kHz
230    390.155    10 W    5 kHz     262        572         10 W      5 kHz      294        764         10 W      5 kHz
231    395.225    10 W    5 kHz     263        578         10 W      5 kHz      295        770         10 W      5 kHz
232    400.365    10 W    5 kHz     264        584         10 W      5 kHz      296        776         10 W      5 kHz

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Document Modified: 2019-08-21 14:52:01

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