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0546-EX-PL-2014 Text Documents

Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA)


Port of Seattle - Request for Info - File #0420-EX-PL-2014

         Subject: Port of Sea le - Request for Info - File #0420-EX-PL-2014
         From: <>
         Date: 7/8/2014 10:50 AM
         To: "'Kathi Buczkowske'" <kathi@radioso .com>
         CC: "'Elaine McManness'" <>, "Tina Jackson"

         Hi Kathi,

         Please see below response. Customer from Port of Seattle provided requested information to the

         Thank you.

         Best Regards,

         Stephanie DeFoe

         From: Osmek, Steve []
         Sent: Monday, July 07, 2014 8:02 PM
         Subject: RE: Request for Info - File #0420-EX-PL-2014
         Importance: High

         Please see the responses to your ques ons are indented below:

         Steve Osmek
         Manager, Airport Biologist
         Sea le-Tacoma Interna onal Airport
         Port of Sea le
         P.O. Box 68727
         Sea le, WA 98168
         Phone:         206.431.4453
         Cell:          206.419.8666
         Fax:           206.433.4645
         Email:         osmek.s@portsea
         Web:           h p://www.portsea

         From: []
         Sent: Monday, June 09, 2014 8:53 AM
         To: Osmek, Steve
         Subject: Request for Info - File #0420-EX-PL-2014

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Port of Seattle - Request for Info - File #0420-EX-PL-2014

         Office of Engineering and Technology

                                                Steven Osmek, SEATTLE-TACOMA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT


                                                Doug Young

                                                SEATTLE-TACOMA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (SEA)
         File Number:

         Correspondence Reference
         Date of Original Email:

         Submit a narrative statement describing in detail the program of research and experimentation proposed, the
         specific objectives sought to be accomplished;

                 Phase 1 – Some of the earlier objec ves and results of the collabora ve effort with the Department of
                 Defense (DOD), Federal Avia on Administra on (FAA), University of Illinois and Port of Sea le inves gated
                 how exis ng avian radar technologies might be er protect avia on safety with respect to aircra bird strike
                 hazards. The FAA es mates that over a half billion dollars annually is expended on bird strike related
                 damages to US aircra alone. The first, FCC license for SEA, was used for the valida on and tes ng of the
                 avian radar system. Although too sensi ve at mes, the avian radar technologies were modified to exclude
                 the small and non-flocking bird species and at the same me track the large flocks and large birds that are
                 known to threaten the flying public worldwide. For a sample of results from these first studies see:

                      1.    h p://

2 of 4                                                                                                             7/15/2014 3:58 PM

Port of Seattle - Request for Info - File #0420-EX-PL-2014


                    2.    h p://

                    3.   h p://www.airpor

                    4.    h p://

                    5.   h p:// (Slides 9-14).

                Phase 2 - This new phase is what this license application is referring too. Avian Radar Commissioning.
                 The word: “commissioning” means to use the avian radar has also be referred to as “opera onalizing” this
                technology so the 22 people at the Sea le-Tacoma Interna onal Airport trained to mi ga on wildlife hazards
                are be er informed so steps to remediate these hazards, through the use of pyrotechnics and live rounds
                when necessary can be done with an increased level of awareness of wildlife issues on and near the airfield.
                Instead of monitoring single bird tracks, this next phase of research will focus on avian persistence in an
                areas. For example, if hazardous bird ac vity persist in a specific area of the airport for 3 minutes over a
                running 15 minute period, an alert is sent to airport communica ons center who then dispatch the wildlife
                patrol to respond to the area of heightened bird ac vity. This next phase of research to complete is a cri cal
                for taking this technology to the next level of moving this hazard informa on further such as in to the FAA
                Tower for improved pilot awareness. Specifically, can avian radar technology be prac cally applied to a
                working airfield in a manner that makes it a viable method of early detec on and consequently hazard

         ...and how the program of experimentation has a reasonable promise of contribution to the development,

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Port of Seattle - Request for Info - File #0420-EX-PL-2014

         extension, or expansion, or use of the radio art, or is along lines not already investigated.

                  Early indica ons are the avian radar does an extremely good job aler ng the airport opera ons specialists on
         the whereabouts of birds in a mely fashion. This research is cri cally needed to prevent future bird strikes. Although
         we are the first to use this technology today, addi onal work is needed to determine how to improve airfield coverage
         and if addi onal sensors are needed to cover the midfield, the area with the poorest coverage.

         The items indicated above must be submitted before processing can continue on the above referenced
         Failure to provide the requested information within 30 days of 06/09/2014
         may result in application dismissal pursuant to Section 5.67 and forfeiture of the filing fee pursuant to
         Section 1.1108.

         DO NOT Reply to this email by using the reply button. In order for your response to be processed
         you must upload your response via the Internet by visiting The
         OET Experimental Licensing System, followed by clicking on the "Reply to Correspondence" hyperlink.

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Document Created: 2014-07-15 15:58:55
Document Modified: 2014-07-15 15:58:55

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