Exhibit 1

0280-EX-ST-2000 Text Documents

Scientific-Atlanta, Inc.


Scientific-Atlanta, Inc.
Experimental STA Request
July 25, 2000
File No. 0280-EX-ST-2000

                                              Exhibit 1

        This request seeks special temporary authorization (“STA”) to operate a limited number of
samples of a cable system terminal device for functionality and customer suitability prior to
authorization under Part 15 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. Part 15 (1999).

       In support of this request, the following is shown:

       1)      Applicant's Name and Address:

                       Scientific-Atlanta, Inc.
                       P.O. Box 105027
                       One Technology Parkway
                       Atlanta, GA 30348

                       Technical Contact:
                       Mr. W. Rex Johnson
                       Sr. Staff Compliance Engineer
                       Broadband Communications Group
                       Scientific-Atlanta, Inc.
                       P.O. Box 465447
                       5030 Sugarloaf Parkway
                       Lawrenceville, GA 30042
                       Telephone: (770) 236-5337
                       Fax: (770) 236-7359

       (2)     Need for Special Action:

        Scientific-Atlanta is a leading manufacturer of cable television system electronic products
sold in the United States. It maintains its position in the industry by continually developing new
and innovative products in response to consumer demand.

        Scientific-Atlanta is currently developing two new home terminal devices under Model Nos.
E2100 and E3100, which will provide consumers with enhanced digital capability through their cable
system operators. Thus, the devices represent the progeny of the next generation of cable system
devices and are designed to facilitate consumer access to innovative cable services integral to the
development of our national information infrastructure.

Federal Communications Commission
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        The FCC classifies such devices as “Cable System Terminal Devices (“CSTDs”)” as well as
computing device peripherals subject to the FCC's rules for declaration of conformity, as set forth in
Sections 2.1072 and 15.115, 47 C.F.R. §§ 2.1027 and 15.115 (1999). Scientific-Atlanta therefore
intends to obtain authorization for these devices in accordance with those rules. In the meantime,
although the agency's rules allow for the “display” of CSTDs and their operation under certain
circumstances, the rules do not allow activation or operation of such devices for functionality and
customer acceptability testing in residential locations. See 47 C.F.R. §§ 2.803, 15.7(b) (1999). An
STA is thus required to ship and operate these devices prior to authorization for purposes of
undertaking such testing.

        (3)     Type of Operation:

        The devices would operate as unintentional radiators under Part 15 of the FCC's rules. Such
operation is intermittent and transmissions would occur at undetermined intervals.

        (4)     Purpose of Operation:

         As noted above, Scientific-Atlanta seeks to operate and test these innovative products primarily
for suitability and customer acceptance before it commences mass production and marketing. It
proposes to place the units in a real-world environment to obtain user evaluation of the functionality
and acceptance of the units as well as the inter-operability of the associated software and firmware.

         Scientific-Atlanta believes the public interest, necessity and convenience will be served by the
grant of an STA as it would allow the company to obtain information needed to ensure the products
can accommodate the new technologies and services to be offered by cable operators seeking to
introduce a new generation of fully interactive cable service. Indeed, Scientific-Atlanta expects that
this testing will lead it to modify the design of the products and ultimately manufacture and market
improved versions of the devices.

        (5)     Date of Operation:

        Scientific-Atlanta proposes to begin testing on August 1, 2000. It will require an STA to test
these devices for a six-month period, through February 1, 2001, by which time Scientific-Atlanta
expects to have obtained equipment authorization for the products.

        (6)     Class of Station:

         Not applicable; CSTDs are regulated under Part 15 of the Commission's rules as unlicensed
devices subject to the requirements for unintentional radiators. The agency does not assign a station
class to such devices. Nevertheless, the station classes “XD” and “MO” could be applied.

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        (7)     Location of Proposed Operation:

        These devices would be operated at the premises of Scientific-Atlanta, at the premises of third
party manufacturers developing related products, at trade shows, and at various user locations,
including certain residential locations initially in Myrtle Beach and Columbia, South Carolina, and
Glendale, California, that are equipped for connection to cable television systems using these
experimental devices.

         None of the units would be marketed to the public at this time, and Scientific-Atlanta would
inform test participants that the devices have not been approved by the FCC and cannot be offered for
sale or lease to the public. In addition, Scientific-Atlanta would advise entities receiving the
equipment that permission to operate the equipment has been granted under experimental
authority issued to Scientific-Atlanta, that such operation is strictly temporary, and that the
equipment may not cause harmful interference. Accordingly, Scientific-Atlanta proposes to label
the equipment or user information as follows:

                                                 FCC STATEMENT

                           Permission to operate this device has been granted under experimental
                 authority issued by the Federal Communications Commission to Scientific-Atlanta,
                 Inc., is strictly temporary and may be cancelled at any time. Operation is subject to
                 the following two conditions (1) this device may not cause harmful interference and
                 (2) this device must accept any interference received including interference that may
                 cause undesired operation.
                           This device has not been authorized as required by the rules of the FCC and
                 is not, and may not be, offered for sale or sold until authorization is obtained. Thus,
                 the user does not hold a property right in the device and may be required to return the

        (8)     Equipment to Be Used:

         Before beginning full production of the units, Scientific-Atlanta seeks authority to operate a
sufficient number of units to complete performance, functionality and acceptance tests of the product.
Scientific-Atlanta seeks to deploy a combined total of 600 units for all experiments to be conducted
under this STA. This amount will ensure the testing provides statistically valid information across the
various categories of test participants identified above.

        (9)     Frequencies Desired:

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        Not applicable; unlicensed devices are allowed to operate on a number of non-restricted bands,
subject to the emissions limitations set forth in the rules.

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        (10)    Radiated Power:

        Not applicable; CSTDs must meet the radiated emissions limits set out in Part 15 of the
agency's rules. 47 C.F.R. § 15.109 (1999); Those rules do not specify a radiated power limit.

        (11)    Transmitter Power:

        Not applicable; CSTDs are not intentional transmitters.

        (12)    Type of Emission:

        Not applicable; CSTDs are not intentional radiators transmitting particular types of emissions.

        (13)    Overall Height of Antenna Above Ground:

        Not applicable; the devices do not support a TV antenna connection.

        (14)    Anti-Drug Abuse Certification:

        Scientific-Atlanta hereby certifies that it, its officers and directors, and any party with five
percent or greater interest in this request for special temporary authorization is not subject to a denial
of Federal benefits requested herein pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21
U.S.C. §862.

       A check for $45.00 (Fee Type Code “EAE”) and an FCC Form 159 will be submitted in
accordance with the FCC's procedures.

       Please call our FCC counsel Kurt E. DeSoto or Peter D. Ross of Wiley, Rein & Fielding at
(202) 719-7000 should you have questions regarding this request.

Document Created: 2001-07-26 22:11:25
Document Modified: 2001-07-26 22:11:25

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