Technical Description

0493-EX-ST-2013 Text Documents

San Jose State University


     Technical Education Satellite 3P (TechEdSat-3P) Technical Description

The overall goal of the Technical Education Satellite 3P (TechEdSat-3P) is to employ a small
spacecraft to evaluate, demonstrate, and validate two technologies for future experiments aboard
small space satellites and other small payload systems. The first technology is the Exo-Brake, the
goal of which is to deorbit small satellites. The second technology is use of the Iridium
constellation for two-way communication with mission operations on Earth.

TechEdSat-3P will fly on the HTV-4 mission, soft stowed inside the JEM Small Satellite Orbital
Deployer (J-SSOD) Satellite Install Case. The Satellite Install Case is stowed in a Common
Transfer Bag (CTB) during launch. The satellite will then be transported onto the International
Space Station (ISS) and integrated in the JEM Remote Manipulator System (JEMRMS).
The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) will deploy the TechEdSat-3P from the
JEMRMS using the J-SSOD on October 4, 2013. The J-SSOD uses a spring to “push” the
TechEdSat-3P at a velocity of 5 cm/sec and at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the ISS.
TechEdSat-3P will be inserted into orbit at an apogee of 437 km, perigee of 361 km, and an
inclination of 51.6 degrees. There are no propellants on the satellite. The interface requirements
between the J-SSOD and a satellite are developed based on the CubeSat Design Specification
rev.12 published on August 1, 2009 by the California Polytechnic State University with JEM
unique requirements.
Transmission will begin 40 minutes after launch from the ISS. The use of the Exo-Brake will
deorbit the satellite in approximately 18 days after deployment from the ISS, thus concluding the

The spacecraft contains the following systems:

Power: One Canon BP-930 battery (ISS-approved) and eight solar panels power the spacecraft.
Four temperature sensors monitor the temperature of the battery, solar panels and circuit boards
inside and on the spacecraft.

Control and Data Handling (C&DH): An ATMega2560 microcontroller board and a PIC32
microcontroller board are for the Iridium 9603 modules and the GPS. An AAC Microtec power
board controls deployment of antenna and Exo-Brake. One temperature and pressure sensor
collects upper atmosphere data and an IMU monitors the satellite’s inertial state.

Communications: Two Iridium 9603 modems with two patch antennas, one StenSat amateur
beacon with 12 cm antenna, and two OEM615 GPS with two patch antennas make up the
communication system.

Antenna Deployment System: Passive release.

Attitude Control: Aerodynamic torque (no roll control)

Attitude Determination: IMU will provide local vector.

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     Technical Education Satellite 3P (TechEdSat-3P) Technical Description

                           Figure 1: TechEdSat-3P Module Overview

Figure 2 below shows the deployment process of a CubeSat from the JEMRMS and unobstructed
jettison cone. The Exo-Brake will also deploy forty minutes after deploying from the ISS. The
launch vector and the Exo-Brake deployment will cause the spacecraft to lose altitude rapidly and
deorbit in about 18 days after launch.

                       Figure 2: Deployment Vector and Clearance Cone
                               (ISS direction of travel right to left)

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Document Created: 2013-05-14 08:13:02
Document Modified: 2013-05-14 08:13:02

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