Exhibit 1

0396-EX-ST-2014 Text Documents

SRC Inc.


                       FCC Application for Experimental License
                               File Number: 0396-EX-ST-2014

                            Exhibit 1: Information on Experiment

SRC respectfully requests to the Federal Communications Commission to grant us an
Experimental License for the operation of four SRC Experimental Transmitters for conducting
propagation experiments for the period of 3 months.

Operating Parameters:
SRC Inc., will conduct propagation experiments using the SRC Experimental Transmitter within
the following parameters:

                      Parameter                                          Metric
                Number of Transmitters                                   Up to 4
               Tunable Frequency Range                             175 MHz - 225 MHz
                  Channel Bandwidth                                      12 MHz
                 Emission Designator                                   12M00M1D
                 Peak Transmit Power                                    50 Watts
                    Antenna Gain                                         2.0 dBi
                         EIRP                                          79.2 Watts

Operating Location
Each SRC Experimental Transmitter will be operated within the following constraints over the
radius of operation with the antenna 2 m above ground level.

The coordinate center SRC will use is:

Location       Latitude           Longitude            Elevation              Radius of
                                                     (Above mean              Operation
                                                      Sea Level)
  SRC         43° 7'50"N          76° 5'24"W             121 m                   3 km

Operating Schedule
SRC will operate the SRC Experimental Transmitter on the following schedule over the period of
the Experimental License grant:

             Parameter                                         Metric
           Hours per day                         Intermittently up to 8 hours per day
           Days per week                                          5
             Start date                                       6/1/2014
             Stop date                                       8/31/2014

Document Created: 2014-05-05 09:03:22
Document Modified: 2014-05-05 09:03:22

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