Cover Letters

5787-EX-MR-1997 Text Documents



SENT BY!                                    i B—25—§7 i 14:50         i      LEGAL DEPARTMENi~                       £v4£0O1303i+®e ic

           8220 CULEBRAROAD e   POST O(FICE DRAWER 28510 e SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS, USA 78228—0410 e (210) B84—5111 o TELEX 244846

                                                                           August 25, 1997

           Facsimile to: (202) 418—1918
           Federal Communications Commission
           c/o Melion Bank
       Attn: Wholesale Lock Box Shift Supervisor
       3 Mellon Bank Center
       525 William Penn Way
       27th Floor, Room 153—2713
       Pittsburgh, PA 15259—0001

       Attn:      Mr. Carl Huie:

       Re:         Formal Amendment
                  File Number 5787—EX—MR—97

       Dear Mr. Huie:

              Thank you for your telephone call to Monica Trollinger this date concerning the above
       referenced application. I hope the answers provided below will be helpful

       Question: Why can‘t frequencies be used in a shielded room?

       Answer: The equipment is too large for a shielded enclosure. These are whole vehicle tests.
       Some vehicles weigh 210,000 pounds.

       Question: How frequently are we going to be testing?

       Answer: Four or five times a year.

       Question: Is this a sweep type oftest?

      Answer: No, these are discrete frequency tests.

       Question: Why do we need so many frequencies?

      Answer: These are the frequencies we have utilized in the past plus the specific frequencies that
      our clients requested.

                                   8 aA N   ANTONIO, T5X as

SENT BYy:                              i 8—25=—97 i 14‘:§1    i     LEGAL DEPARTMENT~                20260 T900 /i%® 0

            Mr. uie
            August 25, 1997
            Page 2.

            Question: How long is the dwell time?

            Answer: Five seconds. Ifnecessary, we can monitor the specific frequency before turning on the
            power so that we can do these on a non—interfering basis. We would hope that most (or all) of the
            frequencies could be allocated without having to go through the above monitoring.

                   Please consider this letter to be our formal amendment ofthe above referenced application.
        Ifyou need more information, don‘t hesitate to call Monica Trollinger at (210) 522—2361.


                                                                       W. McLeod

        co: Jim Polonis

SENT BY:                                   i0 Q=17—987 i 14:08         i       LEGAL DEPARTMENTS                            2028875637# 2

           8220 CVLEBRA ROAD e   POST OFFICE DRAWER28510 e   SAN ANTONIO, TEXAB, USA 7B22M.0510 e   (210)684—5111 o   TELEX 244848

                                                                                  September 17, 1997

     VIA FACSIMILE (202) 418—1918

     Federal Communications Commission
     Attn: Mr. Carl Huie
     3 Mellon Bank Center
     525 William Penn Way
     Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15259—0001

     Re:       File Number 5787—EX—MR—97; Southwest Research Institute

     Dear Mr. Huie:

     Thank you for your request dated September 16, 1997 sent via facsimile to Monica Trollinger
     concerning the above—referenced file number, I hope the explanation provided below will be helpful
     in this matter.

              In response to your request to provide formal justification for additional frequencies, most
              commercial clients have their own immunity test procedures. We do not know the basis for
              their requirements. However, we have data on whole vehicle immunity tests that identify
              susceptibility problems having resonance characteristics of a "Q" of 102. We believe the
              higher Q‘s can exist and can cause vehicle operational problems. The additional frequencies
              requested would give a reasonably high probability of detecting whole vehicle and subsystem
              immunity problems.                                                                                        .

              Some clients request full frequency sweeps for immunity testing. In an open area test site
              environment, this is not feasible and even ifit were feasible, Southwest Research Institute as
              a responsible corporate citizen would not perform full frequency sweeps for immunity testing.
              However, we do recommend a balance between full sweeps and discrete frequencies by
              requesting additional frequencies. Generally, clients accept this We feel fewer frequencies will
              not allow a comprehensivs or good test since chances are those frequencies will not be at the
              equipment under test resonances.

    If we can provide you with any additional information to help expedite this matter, please do not
    hesitate to contact Monica Trollinger via telephone at (210) $22—2361, or via e—mail at Thank you tor your prompt attention in this matter

       (                                                                        Sincerely yours,

                                                                                L       driguez
                                                                                Deputy General Counsel
    Co: Jim Poloms

                                    §A N   aANTONIO,         TEX as

                                    HOUSTON, TEXAS ®   DETRO!T, MICHIGAN   ®   WASHINGTON, DC

Document Created: 2001-07-30 16:48:30
Document Modified: 2001-07-30 16:48:30

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