License Justification

0148-EX-RR-2009 Text Documents




SwRI is an independent, not-for-profit, applied engineering and
development organization devoted to technology development and transfer.
Business is conducted with industry and government (U.S. and other
friendly nations) on a worldwide basis. Approximately 50% of the Institute’s
business is for the U.S Government. SwRI has been involved in direction
finding (DF) research and development since 1951. Direction finders are
receive-only devices utilizing the energy of passing electromagnetic waves
to determine their direction of arrival. Direction finding systems can then be
used to determine the direction to an emitter. The original DF research and
development has expanded to include, among other things, the interception
and recognition of a large number of standard and special signals. SwRI
must transmit signals to test the systems and do this in real-world
environment. The systems are designed to process planar wavefronts in the
far-field of the transmit source. The transmitter must thus be located at a
significant distance from the receiver and, therefore, real-world conditions
cannot be simulated by testing in an anechoic chamber of any realistic size.
Typical testing of systems at SwRI is very intermittent. SwRI typically
transmits for only a few seconds to one or two minutes for a given test
frequency and is always at a low power level (< 10 watts input to antenna).
Extremely rarely there might be a need to transmit for several hours,
especially in the HF frequency range when HF skywaves reflected off the
ionsphere change significantly over time and day/night transition. Once the
test is complete there can be a period of several months before some other
system is ready for testing. Because the systems are used to acquire and DF
on any frequency that occurs in its contractually specified operating
frequency range, a large number of test frequencies is required. Indeed, the
very frequencies that are in common use are the ones most often of interest
to our customers.

 Request authorization for a five-year license.

Equipment Description

Manufacturer         Description    Model_Number No._of_Units
AEL                   Antenna         APN1696        2
EMCO                  Antenna         3106           1
EMCO                  Antenna         3115           1
EM Systems            Antenna         10-127438      1
Tecom                 Antenna         813355-1       1
Amplifier Research    Amplifier       AT4002A        1
Amplifier Research    Amplifier       10W1000        2
Amplifier Research    Amplifier       5W1000         1
Agilent               Signal Gen.     8656B          1
Agilent               Signal Gen.     8648D          1

                    List of Government Prime and Sub Contracts Requiring use of FCC Licenses

Government Contract No.               Agency                          Title               POC              phone
                                                           AF-225 VHF/UHF DF
H98230-05-G-0013          Maryland Procurement Office      Antenna                   Nelson Ortiz     301-688-0735
N65236-04-D-7856          SPAWAR-Charleston                MTP-3 System              Greg Cromer      843-218-4944
N65236-04-D-7856          SPAWAR-Charleston                Sit Awareness Program     Frank Smyth      843-218-5868
N65236-05-D-714100013     SPAWAR-Charleston                AS-141/142 Ant            Jim Reyburn      843-218-5423
                          Maryland Procurement
H98230-07-C-0822          Office/Lockheed-Martin           C-12 Array Manifold       Nelson Ortiz     301-688-0735
N65236-07-D-5880          USSOCOM/Sierra Nevada Corp       Athena Spiral 1           Sal Strano       813-839-3794

N65236-04-D-7856          SPAWAR-Charleston                Engineering/Tech Services Greg Cromer      843-218-4944
N65236-07-C-7294          Grummon                          DF System Eval            Mike Niermann
H9823008C0751             Maryland Procurement Office      Mapslayer                 Carl Robinson 301-688-1766
N6833507C0411             U.S. Coast Guard/Argon           AS-141                    Joe Babb      703-828-2112
                                                           AF-225 VHF/UHF DF
N6523605D7862             Maryland Procurement Office/SAIC Antenna                   Tony Szwast      843-414-4300
N6523605D71410014         SPAWAR-Charleston                AS-141/142 Ant            Jim Reyburn      843-218-5423
06D80080019               U.S. Navy                        UAV Engineering Support   Phil Bailes      301-688-4058
H9222209C0012             USSOCOM                          FLASHLIGHT                Dixie Bankston   813-281-0560 x304
H9823009C0665             Maryland Procurement Office      Maptrace TTO 2009-003     Carl Robinson    301-688-1766

Document Created: 2009-07-14 13:59:52
Document Modified: 2009-07-14 13:59:52

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