
0144-EX-PL-2004 Text Documents



Carl Huie                                                     4A         W%mwM C
From:                           lbushman []
Sent:                           Tuesday, August 31, 2004 10:22 AM
To:                             Carl Huie
Co:                             Patrick J Siemsen
Subject:                        RE: 144—EX—PL—2004

  ED.xis (82 KB...

We thank you for the list of alternative frequencies.                 They are all acceptable.

Please note tabs 1 and 2 at the bottom of the attached Excel document.

In the attachment, we have added a column on the left side and entered the alternative
frequencies you suggested.  It is not clear if the other frequencies in our list are
acceptable,          or if they must be deleted in favor of your list.        We also note that you added
36,   38 and 41 MHz.            This is very good as the more granularity we have the better.

Best regards,
LaVarre Bushman
Program Manager
 Southwest Research Institute

————— Original Message—————
From: Carl Huie [mailto:Carl.Huie@fccec.govl
Ssent: Friday, August 27, 2004 9:25 AM
To: lbushman
Subject: RE: 144—EX—PL—2004


         ————— Original Message—————
         From: lbushman [
         Sent: Fri 8/27/2004 10:21 AM
         To:   Carl Huie
         Co:   Patrick J Siemsen
         Subject: RE: 144—EX—PL—2004


         Thanks for your input.

         My point man for this action has been with customers all week.              I will review your
 suggestions with him either later today or first thing Monday.

         Best regards,


                     ————— Original Message—————
                     From: Carl Huie [mailto:Carl.Huie@fcc.govl
                     Sent: Monday, August 23, 2004 10:08 AM
                     Subject:    RE:   144—EX—PL—2004

Carl Huie

From:                       Carl Huie
Sent:                       Tuesday, August 17, 2004 12:55 PM
To:                         ‘‘
Subject:                    FW: 144—EX—PL—2004

Advise whether or NOT the following frequéncies are acceptable alternatives:

1605 kHz                                    30 MHz
1800                                        30.56
1900                                        32
3500                                        33
4000                                        34
7000                                        35
7300                                        36
10150                                       37
14000                                       38
14350                                       39
18068                                       40
21450                                       a1      40 ,18
24890                                       42
25070                                       43.69
25330                                       47
26480                                       50
27000 (unchanged)                           54 MHz
28500 (unchanged)
29000 (unchanged)

*** Non—Public: For Internal Use Only ***

Document Created: 2004-08-31 13:23:04
Document Modified: 2004-08-31 13:23:04

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