
0034-EX-CN-2016 Text Documents

SES Americom, Inc.


                                  File No. 0034-EX-CN-2016
1. Name, address, phone number (also email address and facsimile number, if available)
   of the applicant.

SES Americom, Inc.
Attn: Petra A. Vorwig
4 Research Way
Princeton, NJ 08540
Phone: 202-478-7143
Mobile: 202-380-6323

2. Description of why an experimental license is needed.

SES is developing a vehicle-based platform that will support antennas capable of communicating
with SES’s conventional Ku-band spectrum satellites located in geostationary orbit and Ka-band
spectrum satellites operated in non-geostationary orbit by O3b Limited. The vehicle will be at a
complete stop (vs. communications on the move) when communicating with the satellite(s). SES
is seeking experimental authority to demonstrate and assess the use of these antennas to support
various applications including Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance technologies and
other applications designed to support US Government and non-governmental organizations.

3. Description of the operation to be conducted and its purpose.

SES seeks experimental authority to test the antennas identified below and to evaluate their
capabilities to support US Government requirements from fixed locations throughout the
continental United States. The demonstrations will enable SES and its customers to evaluate the
performance characteristics of the earth stations and associated applications.

4. Time and dates of proposed operation.

SES requests a blanket experimental license for two years, from September 6, 2016 to September
5, 2018. SES will notify O3b, ViaSat Inc., EchoStar Corporation/Hughes, Inmarsat and any
other US authorized Ka-band satellite operators at least seven days prior to any transmission, and
provide emergency contact information. In the event any party experience harmful interference,
SES will immediately cease transmissions.

5. Class(es) of station (fixed, mobile, fixed and mobile) and call sign of station (if

The transmitting antennas will operate in fixed mode.

6. Description of the location(s) and , if applicable, geographical coordinates of the
   proposed operation.

                                  File No. 0034-EX-CN-2016
SES requests authority to operate in the contiguous United States. SES will notify the FCC of
the geographical coordinates of the demonstration site at least seven days prior to testing. In
addition, when the earth stations will transmit in spectrum bands shared with terrestrial
operators, SES will complete frequency coordination prior to testing.

7. Transmit equipment to be used, including name of manufacturer, model and number of

Manufacturer        Frequency           Size                Model               Number of Units
AvL                 Ku-band             1.6 meter           1660/1220 PIB       10
Technologies                                                FA
AvL                 Ka-band             1.0 meter           1080                10
AvL                 Ka and Ku-band      1.0 meter           1010                10
Technologies        (dual band)

8. Frequencies


27.6 - 28.4 GHz
28.6 - 29.1 GHz
14.0 - 14.50 GHz


17.8 - 18.6 GHz
18.8 - 19.3 GHz
11.7 - 12.75 GHz

Action     Frequency Station    Output     Mean         Frequency Emission   Modulating
                     Class      Power/EIRP Peak         Tolerance Designator Signal
1.0m       27.60-     FX        40.0 W/        P        0.00030% 216MG7D 180 Msps
Ka-        28.40                60.2 dbW
band       GHz
1.0m       28.60-     FX        40.0 W/        P        0.00030%     216MG7D 180 Msps
Ka-        29.10                60.2 dbW
band       GHz
1.0m       14.0-      FX        40.0W/ 57.5 P           1 x 10-11    36MG7D       15 Msps
Ku-        14.50                dbW

                                  File No. 0034-EX-CN-2016
1.6m     14.0-14.5    FX        40.0 W/        P       1 x 10-11    36MG7D       15 Msps
Ku-      GHz                    61.3 dBW

For all operations, SES will comply with the radiofrequency radiation exposure limits in 47
C.F.R. 1.1310 and apply the measures recommended in the FCC’s OET Bulletin 65 to ensure

9. Emission Designator

Ka-band Operations - 1M00G7D to 216MG7D

Ku-band Operations - 2M50G7D to 36MG7D

10. Associated Maximum EIRP/Maximum Effective Radiated Power

AVL 1.0m (Ka-band Only)          60.2 dBW/638.7 kW
AVL 1.0m (Ku-band)               57.5 dBW/342.8 kW
AVL 1.6m (Ku-band)               61.3 dBW/834.7 kW

11. Overall height of antenna above the ground (if greater than six meters above the ground or an
    existing structure, see part 17 of this Chapter concerning notification to the FAA).

The overall height of the antennas above ground level and above existing structures will not
exceed six meters.

                                   File No. 0034-EX-CN-2016
Exhibit 1: Directional Antenna Information

                                 AvL 1.6m       AvL 1.0m (Ku-band)      AvL 1.0m (Ka-band)
Is a directional antenna   Yes                  Yes                     Yes
(other than radar)
Width of the beam in       Beamwidth            Beamwidth               Beamwidth
degrees at the half        (-3dB) 0.9° at       (-3dB) 1.5° at          (-3dB) 0.7° at
power point                Transmit             Transmit                Transmit
Orientation in             GEO Azimuth          GEO Azimuth sweep       Azimuth sweep range
horizontal plane           sweep is             is                      for NGSO antenna is
(degrees)                  400° (+/- 200°)      400° (+/- 200°)         230° to 130°

Orientation in vertical    GEO Elevation is 0° GEO Elevation is 0°      Elevation will vary
plane (degrees)            up to 90° of        up to 90° of reflector   from 15° up to 33°
                           reflector boresight boresight                across the pass

Document Created: 2016-08-29 14:00:08
Document Modified: 2016-08-29 14:00:08

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