Please explain the purpose of operation: |
Testing of Digital Video Broadcast Handheld (DVB-H) system in lab and at low power.
A Digital Video Broadcast Handheld (DVB-H) system will be tested indoors in a laboratory at low power to determine if the DVB-H modulation standard performs satisfactorily. Additionally, baseband processing systems such as video compression and multiplexing will be tested to determine if they are consistent with standards. The DVB-H system to be tested incorporates a number of new technologies which require laboratory testing because items such as H.264 compression, error correction, and OFDM modulation methods are not yet deployed in the U.S.
Applicant notes that it has already obtained an STA for similar experimentation using channel 59. However, Applicants planned service offering will involve the use of two non-adjacent channels. The seamless integration of two different frequency blocks on a handheld receiving device presents special issues which need to be investigated in the laboratory prior to launching a field trial. Therefore, Applicant requires the use of 54 in addition to its existing authorization. The very low power levels and the indoor-only laboratory operations will prevent the occurrence of harmful interference to any licensed broadcast facilities on channel 54, and operations will, in any event, be subject to prior coordination by the Society of Broadcast Engineers. |