Minor Amendment (Mar 10, 1998)

5948-EX-PL-1997 Text Documents



                                                                                                                                                     MAR 1 2 1998
                                                Science Applications International Corporation                                            wcommmimhm Commicsion
                                                         An Employee—Owned Company                                                            Office of Secretary

March 10, 1998

Magalie Salas, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
1919 M Street, NW.
Room 222
Washington, D.C. 20554

          Re:          Science Applications International Corporation
                       Minor Amendment to Pending Application for
                       Experimental Radio Station Authorization

Dear Ms. Salas:

               Science Applications International Corporation ("SAIC") hereby submits the attached
minor amendment to its pending application for an experimental radio station authorization. This
amendment responds to the Commission‘s request for additional information regarding the
operations proposed in the application. SAIC respectfully requests that the Commission associate
this amendment with the underlying application.

Respectfully submitted,


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          [Name]           Susan Frank

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Date:     March E, 1998

                            1710 Goodridge Drive, PO. Box 1303, McLean, Virginia 22102                                 (703) 821—4300
  Other SAIC Offices: Albuquerque, Boston, Colorado Springs, Dayton, Huntsville, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Oak Ridge, Orlando, Palo Alto, San Diego, Seattle, and Tucson

                               Jales Cohen, P.E,                          ORIGINAL
                                   Consulting Engineer


       This engineering statement, prepared on behalf of Science Applications International

Corporation ("SAIC") supplements the statement of September 27, 1997. The purpose of

the supplement is to supply additional engineering information requested by Commission

staff relative to the SAIC application for an experimental license to permit testing of the

Vehicle and Electronics Disruption System ("VEDS").

                                      Test Location

       SAIC now proposes to conduct both Phase I and Phase II testing at the Los Alamos

National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico. Proposed location of the test transmitter

is identified by the following geographic coordinates (NAD 27) determined by reference to

the Frijoles, New Mexico, 7—1/2 minute US Geological Survey Topographic Quadrangle.

                               35° 49‘ 27" North Latitude
                              106° 17‘ 51" West Longitude

                      Emission, Radiated Power and Frequency

       The emission designator for the pulse transmissions used by VEDS is PON.

       Radiated power for the system was determined by integrating the power density over

the portion of a sphere bounded by the E—plane and H—plane half power angles. An upper

bound was obtained by assuming the peak (beam center) power density for the entire area.

                               JSules Cohen, P.E.
                                   Consulting Engineer

Supplemental Engineering Statement                                                  Page 2
SAIC Experimental License

The full E—plane half—power angle is calculated to be 0.14137 radians and the full H—plane

half—power angle is calculated to be 0.20944 radians. Radiated energy calculated by ithe

integration process for   the area (217.4 square meters), and taking into account the

impedance of free space (376.7 ohms), yields a figure of 0.15 joules. Since measurements

of field strengths are made customarily with 100 millisecond integration time, the time

averaged radiated power will be 1.5 watts as measured.

       Determination of the radiated power spectral distribution must take into account the

spectrum analyzer bandpass characteristics as well as measurement integration time. Based

on the assumption of a perfect one—megahertz bandpass filter and a sampling period of 100

milliseconds, the Fourier analysis of radiated power versus frequency yields the results

depicted in the graph appended hereto as Figure 1.

       The undersigned wishes to acknowledge the assistance of Mr. Richard W. Sutton of

SAIC who provided the data calculations incorporated herein.

       I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

       Executed on February 23, 1998.

                                                      Jules Cohen, P.E.

                                                                                                    Figure 1

                                     0.01               T                    T            l

                                  0.001 |—                                  \/H                            _
Radiated Band—Limited Power, W

                                 110* |—

                                 1—10* |—

                                 110° |—

                                                                             |                             @
                                 e    7                  1
                                 t*10       1°10
                                                   7   1*10
                                                             %             1°10
                                                                                  5     1°10
                                                                                               10   1°10

                                                                        Frequency, Hz

                                                RADIATED POWER MEASURED IN
                                               ONE—MEGAHERTZ PASS BAND WITH
                                              100 MILLISECOND INTEGRATION TIME

Document Created: 2001-09-21 08:34:25
Document Modified: 2001-09-21 08:34:25

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