STA Request

3527-EX-ST-1998 Text Documents



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                              WILEY, REIN & FIELDING
                                                                6255 —7

                                          1776 K STREET, N.w.                fl}’/(ll/ 0 K— o‘x\        §\7
                                        wASHINGTON, D.C. 20006                                           /UL
                                            (202) 429—7000
CARL   R.   FRANK                                                                      FACSIMILE
 (202) 429—7 269                                                              e~1§2) 429—70498

crrank@wrr. com                          September 17, 1998               s

Federal Communications Commission
Experimental Radio Services
P.O. Box 358320
Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5320

                    Re:   Satellite CD Radio, Inc.
                          Request for Special Temporary Authority

To the Commussion:

        On behalf of Satellite CD Radio, Inc., transmitted herewith is a request for Special
Temporary Authority to conduct experimental operations beginning September 22, 1998.

        Also enclosed is a check for $45.00 to cover the filing fee (Fee Type Code "EAE"), along
with a completed FCC Form 159.

       Should you have questions concerning this matter, please call me at (202) 429—7269 or
our engineering consultant Tom Dombrowsky at (202) 429—7236.

                                               Sincerely,       _ ——=~

                                               Carl R. Frank
                                               Counsel for Satellite CD Radio, Inc.

Enclosures:           Request for special temporary authority

                                           Satellite CD Radio, Inc.
                                              2175 K Street, NW
                                                        6"" Floor
                                            Washington, DC 20037
                                          Telephone: (202) 296—6840

Federal Communications Commission
Experimental Radio Services
P.O. Box 358320
Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5320

       Re:          uest for          cial T                   horizati

To the Commission:

       Satellite CD Radio, Inc., hereby requests Special Temporary Authorization ("STA"), beginning
September 22, 1998, to test S—band terrestrial repeater ground stations for its satellite Digital Audio
Radio Service (DARS) system, as described below.

       In accordance with Section 5.56 of the Commission‘s Rules, the following information is
provided in support of this request:

1)     Name and        Addr       h            icant:

       Satellite CD Radio, Inc.
       2175 K Street, NW
       6" Floor
       Washington, DC 20037
       Telephone: (202) 296—6840

       Technical     Contact:

       Robert D. Briskman
       Satellite CD Radio, Inc.
       2175 K Street, NW
       6*" Floor
       Washington, DC 20037
       Telephone: (202) 296—6840

2)     Need for Special Action:

       CD Radio currently has five pending applications on file at the Commussion for regular
Experimental Radio licenses for the proposed experimentation. See File Nos. 6259 through 6263—EX—

PL—1998. The agency has not yet been able to act on these applications, however. Accordingly, CD
Radio seeks an STA for three of these locations so that it may commence its experimental operations.
CD Radio has an urgent need to begin system testing to determine information about power levels
required to ensure satellite DARS reception in urban "canyons" and near other obstacles and also
measurement of out—of—band emissions. The Commission currently has a pending Notice of Proposed
Rule Making concerning terrestrial repeaters in the DARS band and these tests should provide raw data
to supplement the record concerning out—of—band emissions. Without immediate experimental
authority, CD Radio would not be able to provide such technical data in a timely manner.

3)     Type of Operation:


4)     Purpose of Operation:

       To measure objective (e.g., signal strength, delay spread, multipath, etc.) and subjective (e.g.,
music quality) transmission performance using parameter values of operational system. Specifically,
CD Radio intends to measure:

       a) terrestrial transmission performance at S—band in its licensed spectrum; and

       b) severe urban environment effects on the system (San Francisco is a particularly difficult
       propagation environment).

5)     Dates of Operation:

       September 22, 1998, to December 22, 1998 or until experimental authority is granted.

6)     Class of Station:


7)     Location o        ration:

       The three initial base stations will be located at the following sites:

               Grizzly Peak Blvd
               Berkeley, Contra Costa County, CA
               37—52—56 N, 122—13—58 W

               1 La Avanzada Street
               San Francisco, San Francisco County, CA
               37—45—20 N, 122—27—05 W

               700 Radio Road

               Brisbane, San Mateo County, CA
               37—41—12 N, 122—26—03 W

       Mobile measurement vehicles are receive—only.

8)     Equipment to       be       d:

        To obtain accurate coverage data, CD Radio must employ a sufficient number of base stations
during its studies to simulate actual usage. It will be able to complete such studies at the three base
station sites immediately but will require all five base station sites for final confirmation. The base
units will be installed at the three locations identified above and will operate at 50 kW ERP. The
antennas used for this system are directional, with a beamwidth of 120 degrees.

       CD Radio recognizes that the operation of any unapproved device under experimentation must
not cause harmful interference to authorized facilities. Should interference occur, CD Radio will take
reasonable steps to resolve the interference, including if necessary arranging for the discontinuance of
operation. However, as the licensee for the proposed band, interference is not expected.

9)     Fr      ncies   Desired:

       2326.1 MHz + 2 MHz for all base station operations

10)    Maximum Power:

       The base stations will operate at a power output not greater than 1000 W and an ERP not
       greater than 50 kW.

11)    Type of Emission:

       The primary emission designator will be 1 MSOM7E. Other emission modes may be utilized,
       but in no event will the emissions extend beyond the frequencies set forth under Item 9.

12)    Overall Heights         of An       v.       nd:

       CD Radio will comply with all FCC and FAA antenna requirements. The antennas will be
       mounted either: (1) not higher than 20 feet above ground or 20 feet above a building; (2) on an
       FAA—approved structure in a manner that will not exceed the approved height (e.g., side
       mounted below the approved height); or (3) in a manner that does not require FAA approval.

13)     47 C.F.R. § 1.2002 Certification:

        Applicant hereby certifies that it, its officers and directors, and any party with five percent or
        greater interest in this request for special temporary authorization is not subject to a denial of
        the Federal benefits requested herein pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti Drug Abuse Act of
        1988, 21 U.S.C. § 862.

        CD Radio submits that issuance of an STA is in the public interest, convenience, and necessity
        as it will permit CD Radio to simulate real—world operation ofits services and provide needed
        technical data in support of Commission rule making activities.

        Enclosed is a check for $45.00 to cover the filing fee (Fee Type Code "EAE"), along with a
        completed Form 159.                                                                ~

        Should you have questions, please call our FCC counsel Carl Frank or engineering consultant
        Tom Dombrowsky of Wiley, Rein & Fielding at (202) 429—7000.

                                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                                      ReQ*— P, h
                                                      Robert D. Briskman
                                                      Satellite CD Radio, Inc.

Date:   fi              \ b, 14 S

Document Created: 2001-07-30 10:02:25
Document Modified: 2001-07-30 10:02:25

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