Return of Unprocessable Application

0065-EX-RR-2000 Text Documents



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                             *      FZDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                           WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554

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                                                                                              FCC COI?E § 1_:_
  S.             mfl/m               @9             7”24                                      FCC CODE # 2

Dear FCC Customer:

                  Re: Return of Unprocessable Application

This is to notify you that your application package is being returned for the following reasons:

( ) No application/filing accompanied your submission.

( ) Application Form                    is not accepted in this P. 0. Box.

( ) No remittance accompanied your submission. Please refer to the appropriate Fee Filing Guide.

(_) The remittance for payment type code               is now $

( ) Your check is not acceptable for this reason

{_) Multiple checks for a single application are not accepted.

(11)40 remittance advice (FCC Form 159) accompanied your submission.

( ) The payment type code is needed.                                                                5on es

(_ ) The remittance advice form is incomplete or obsolete.

(_) Multiple quantities ( quantities greater than 1 ) are not accepted for this payment type code. Each
     transaction must be listed separately on FCC Form 159 Remittance Advice.

{_) When paying with a single remittance and filing for more than one applicant, or filing more than one
    call sign/identifier, each item must be listed individually on FCC Form 159/159C Remittance Advice.

(_) Multiple payment type codes listed are not accepted in this P. Q. Box. Please refer to the Filing Guide
    and prepare a separate filing for each P. O. Box.

(_ ) The credit card section of FCC Form 159 Remittance Advice needs                 Expiration date        Signature

(_) Block 3 must be completed to authorize a credit card charge, only the credit card holder can complete this item.


Please refer to the enclosed Fee Filing guide for further instructions, and mail your corrected application, remittance
advice form and payment to the appropriate P. 0. Box in Pittsburgh, PA.
If you have further questions, please contact the FCC at          48882255323           202-418-1-9‘)'2'6

                                                       FCC Financial Operations

Enclosures: 0 fi""—"                           For Office Use Only:
Filing Guide
Cheko # I0O0O34LO7q4 —45. Rec‘d.
                                                                                                   ~~ F

FCC Form(s)
                          00 In P. 0. Box # 220 Proc
                                                is #21 4§
                                                                                                        FCC FORM 250
                                                                                                    SEPTEMBER 1999

Document Created: 2001-08-02 17:25:30
Document Modified: 2001-08-02 17:25:30

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