Radiation Hazard Tecom Qest

0236-EX-PL-2009 Text Documents

Row 44, Inc.


                                       Exhibit 3
                               Radiation Hazard Analysis
                                 Tecom/Qest Antenna
This exhibit presents the radiation hazard analysis for Row 44 using the FCC procedure
outlined in FCC Bulletin #65. The limit for exposure to RF energy, for frequencies
greater than 1.5 GHz, is 5 mW/cm2 for up to a 6 minute duration (occupational/controlled
exposure) and 1 mW/cm2 for up to a 30 minute duration (general population/uncontrolled
Analysis for exposure to radiation is presented for the near field, far field and the
transition region. Safe limits are computed for the controlled and uncontrolled exposure
for both the antenna main beam and sidelobes.

The near field region for the main beam is defined in terms of the radius Rnf according to
the relation

        Rnf = D2/4λ

where D is the antenna panel width and λ is the transmit wavelength. The near field
maximum power density, Snf, is determined from

        Snf = PPA/A

where PPA is the transmit power (after cable losses are accounted for) and A is the surface
area of the antenna panel. With an antenna height h, the surface area A=Dh

The far field region for the main beam is defined in terms of the radius Rff given by

        Rff = 0.60 D2/λ

The far field power density Sff at the minimum far field radius is given in terms of the
EIRP denoted by PEIRP according to

        Sff = PEIRP/4π Rff2

When the radius is expressed in meters, the power densities are w/m2. The results are
converted to mW/cm2 by multiplying the power densities in w/m2 by 0.1.

Near Field Exposure from Main Antenna Beam

 “Questions and Answers about Biological Effects and Potential Hazards of Radiofrequency
Electromagnetic Fields,” Federal Communications Commission, Office of Engineering and Technology,
Bulletin 65, Fourth Edition, August, 1999, p.15.


The Tecom/Qest antenna has dimensions D=0.625 m (24.6”) and h=0.157 m (6.2”) and a
surface area A=0.098m2. At the highest transmit frequency of 14.5 GHz, the wavelength
is 0.0207 m. The near field radius is then
        Rnf = 4.72 m

Since the maximum transmit power is PPA=10 watts, the maximum power density in the
near field is

       Snf = 10.2 mW/cm2

Far Field Exposure from Main Antenna Beam

Based on the wavelength and panel width given above, the far field radius is then

       Rff = 11.3 m

The maximum EIRP is 38.8 dBW resulting in a far field power density of

       Sff = 0.47 mW/cm2

Transition Region Exposure from Main Antenna Beam

Assuming that the field density decrease linearly from Snf = 10.2 mW/cm2 to Sff = 0.47
mW/cm2, then the 5 mW/cm2 power density for controlled exposure occurs at a distance
of 8.25 meters

For the case of the 1 mW/cm2 power density for uncontrolled exposure the safe distance
is 11 meters.

Based on antenna sidelobes with 12 dB reduction from the main beam and using the far
field expressions, no individual in a controlled exposure should be within 0.9 meters ( ~3
feet) of the antenna while it is transmitting and for no longer than 6 minutes. The 30
minute exposure range for an uncontrolled exposure due to sidelobes is 2 meters ( ~6.6


This document presents the radiation hazard analysis for Row 44’s system incorporating
the Tecom/Qest antenna and the maximum EIRP of 38.8 dBW. Individuals in a
controlled exposure should be at least 8.25 meters (27 feet) away from the antenna and
for no more than 6 minutes and in an uncontrolled exposure should be at least 11 meters
(36 feet) away for 30 minutes, if they are in the main beam of the antenna.


Document Created: 2009-06-19 13:52:35
Document Modified: 2009-06-19 13:52:35

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