Revised Attachment 1 Purpose of Experiment

0168-EX-CN-2016 Text Documents

Row 44, Inc.


                                                                              1050 OAK CREEK DRIVE
                                                                              LOMBARD IL 60148
                                                                              PHONE: (630) 620-0472

                        Ku GSAA FCC Experimental Filing Narrative
           Document Number: RWD11-0032-00                                                                            Rev.: 2.0

                                                                     Name / Title                                      DATE

                     Prepared By:                   Darshan Shah/ Sr. Systems Engineer                               12/21/2016

                 Reviewed By:                                 David Keir / Consultant                                12/21/2016

                     Approved By:                Atul Dhuria / Director Systems Engineering                          12/21/2016

                        The information contained therein is reserved for the exclusive use of Global Eagle Entertainment Inc.
                           Release only on a need to know basis
                           Reproduction authorization only when necessary for business purposes
                           Store under lock and key when not in use
                           Shred prior to dispose
                           Discussion on the telephone, and other electronic communication, is discouraged.
                           Release to non-Global Eagle Entertainment Persons or other entities is prohibited without
                                        Printed copies are uncontrolled. Please refer to Arena for latest version.
Form # 0008B Rev 4


                                                                               Document No.:   RWD11-0032-00
                                                                               Rev.:                      2.0
Ku GSAA FCC Experimental Filing Narrative
                                                                               Page:                     2/26
                                                                               Date:               12/21/2016


  Printed copies are uncontrolled. Please refer to Arena for latest version.


                                                                                                 Document No.:   RWD11-0032-00
                                                                                                 Rev.:                      2.0
                 Ku GSAA FCC Experimental Filing Narrative
                                                                                                 Page:                     3/26
                                                                                                 Date:               12/21/2016

                                         REVISION HISTORY
 ECO     Revision      Approval
                                             Date Changed                                    Comments
Number    level          Initial
 1499      1.0         A. Dhuria               12/21/2016             Initial Release
                                                                      Technical RF Performance has been
 1555      2.0         A. Dhuria               12/21/2016             updated due to FCC requirement

                    Printed copies are uncontrolled. Please refer to Arena for latest version.


                                                                                                                                                 Document No.:               RWD11-0032-00
                                                                                                                                                 Rev.:                                         2.0
                                             Ku GSAA FCC Experimental Filing Narrative
                                                                                                                                                 Page:                                        4/26
                                                                                                                                                 Date:                               12/21/2016

Table of Contents

  TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................................................ 4
  LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................................................................................... 65
  LIST OF TABLES....................................................................................................................................................................... 76
  LIST OF EQUATIONS ............................................................................................................................................................... 87
  1         PURPOSE OF EXPERIMENT ............................................................................................................................................. 98
      1.1       OVERVIEW OF ROW 44’S ROW 44 ESAA SYSTEM ........................................................................................................................... 98
      1.2       OVERVIEW OF ROW 44’S ESAA ANTENNA EXPERIMENTAL PLAN ................................................................................................... 1110
      1.3       ANTENNA CHARACTERISTICS .................................................................................................................................................... 1312
      1.4       PROGRAM OBJECTIVES............................................................................................................................................................ 1615
      1.5       CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF RADIO ART ................................................................................................................. 1716
  APPENDIX A                 EIRP SPECTRAL DENSITY PLOTS ................................................................................................................. 1817
  APPENDIX B                 COORDINATION LETTERS .......................................................................................................................... 1918
  APPENDIX C                 RADIATION HAZARD ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................. 2019
      C.1 GSAA ANTENNA ................................................................................................................................................................... 2019
      C.1.1   INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................. 2019
      C.1.2   ANALYSIS ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2019
      C.1.2.1    Near Field Exposure from Main Antenna Beam ...................................................................................................... 2120
      C.1.2.2    5 mW/cm2 Analysis ................................................................................................................................................. 2221
      C.1.2.3    1 mW/cm2 Analysis ................................................................................................................................................. 2322
      C.1.2.4    Exposure from Antenna Beam Side‐Lobes ............................................................................................................... 2524
      C.1.3   SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................................................................... 2625
  Table of Contents ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
  List of Figures ........................................................................................................................................................................... 5
  List of Tables ............................................................................................................................................................................ 6
  List of Equations ....................................................................................................................................................................... 7
  1         Purpose of Experiment ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
      1.1       Overview of Row 44’s Row 44 ESAA System........................................................................................................................... 8
      1.2       Overview of Row 44’s ESAA Antenna Experimental Plan .................................................................................................... 10
      1.3       Antenna Characteristics ........................................................................................................................................................ 12
      1.4       Program Objectives............................................................................................................................................................... 15
      1.5       Contributions to the Development of Radio Art ................................................................................................................... 16
  Appendix A                 EIRP Spectral Density Plots ............................................................................................................................ 17
  Appendix B                 Coordination Letters ..................................................................................................................................... 18
  Appendix C                 Radiation Hazard Analysis ............................................................................................................................. 19
      C.1 GSAA Antenna....................................................................................................................................................................... 19
      C.1.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................................... 19
      C.1.2 Analysis ............................................................................................................................................................................ 19
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                                                                                                                                                 Document No.:               RWD11-0032-00
                                                                                                                                                 Rev.:                                         2.0
                                           Ku GSAA FCC Experimental Filing Narrative
                                                                                                                                                 Page:                                        5/26
                                                                                                                                                 Date:                              12/21/2016

    C.1.2.1   Near Field Exposure from Main Antenna Beam .......................................................................................................... 20
    C.1.2.2   5 mW/cm Analysis ..................................................................................................................................................... 21
    C.1.2.3   1 mW/cm2 Analysis ..................................................................................................................................................... 22
    C.1.2.4   Exposure from Antenna Beam Side‐Lobes .................................................................................................................. 24
    C.1.3   Summary .......................................................................................................................................................................... 25
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................................................ 4
LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5
LIST OF TABLES......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
LIST OF EQUATIONS ................................................................................................................................................................. 7
1         PURPOSE OF EXPERIMENT ............................................................................................................................................... 8
    1.1      OVERVIEW OF ROW 44’S ROW 44 ESAA SYSTEM ............................................................................................................................. 8
    1.2      OVERVIEW OF ROW 44’S ESAA ANTENNA EXPERIMENTAL PLAN ....................................................................................................... 10
    1.3      ANTENNA CHARACTERISTICS ........................................................................................................................................................ 12
    1.4      PROGRAM OBJECTIVES................................................................................................................................................................ 15
    1.5      CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF RADIO ART ..................................................................................................................... 16
APPENDIX A                 EIRP SPECTRAL DENSITY PLOTS ..................................................................................................................... 17
APPENDIX B                 COORDINATION LETTERS .............................................................................................................................. 18
APPENDIX C                 RADIATION HAZARD ANALYSIS ..................................................................................................................... 19
    C.1 GSAA ANTENNA ....................................................................................................................................................................... 19
    C.1.1   INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................................................... 19
    C.1.2   ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................................................................. 19
    C.1.2.1    Near Field Exposure from Main Antenna Beam .......................................................................................................... 20
    C.1.2.2    5 mW/cm2 Analysis...................................................................................................................................................... 21
    C.1.2.3    1 mW/cm Analysis...................................................................................................................................................... 22
    C.1.2.4    Exposure from Antenna Beam Side‐Lobes ................................................................................................................... 24
    C.1.3   SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................................................................... 25

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                                                                                                                       Document No.:      RWD11-0032-00
                                                                                                                       Rev.:                            2.0
                                     Ku GSAA FCC Experimental Filing Narrative
                                                                                                                       Page:                           6/26
                                                                                                                       Date:                    12/21/2016

List of Figures
Figure 1 – EIRP Density for Horizontal and Vertical Polarization with 0° Skew (and 0° to 90° elevation) at 14.25 GHz to
     Show 47 CFR Part 25.227(a)(1)(i)(A) Compliance ................................................................................................. 1514
Figure 1 – EIRP Density for Horizontal and Vertical Polarization with 0° Skew (and 0° to 90° elevation) at 14.25 GHz to
     Show 47 CFR Part 25.227(a)(1)(i)(A) Compliance ..................................................................................................... 14
Figure 1 – EIRP Density for Horizontal and Vertical Polarization with 0° Skew (and 0° to 90° elevation) at 14.25 GHz to
     Show 47 CFR Part 25.227(a)(1)(i)(A) compliance ...................................................................................................... 14

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                                                                                                                       Document No.:       RWD11-0032-00
                                                                                                                       Rev.:                             2.0
                                     Ku GSAA FCC Experimental Filing Narrative
                                                                                                                       Page:                            7/26
                                                                                                                       Date:                     12/21/2016

List of Tables
Table 1: GSAA Maximum Spectral Density at the Antenna Flange to Comply with 47 CFR Part 25.227(a)(1)(i)(A) ....... 98
Table 2: GSAA Maximum EIRP Spectral Density to Comply with 47 CFR Part 25.227(a)(1)(i)(A)................................ 109
Table 3: Row 44 Transmission Parameters for GSAA ....................................................................................................... 109
Table 4: 47 CFR Part 25.209(a)(2) Azimuth Co-Polarization Gain Envelope Compliance Across All Skew and Elevation
     as well as Frequency (14.05– 14.47GHz) and Linear Polarization ......................................................................... 1211
Table 5: 47 CFR Part 25.209(a)(5) Elevation Co-Polarization Gain Envelope Compliance Across All Skew and Elevation
     as well as Frequency (14.05– 14.47GHz) and Linear Polarization .......................................................................... 1211
Table 6: HPA Transmit Power, EIRP, and Near Field Power Density as a Distance Rnf ................................................. 2120
Table 7: HPA Transmit Power, EIRP, and Far Field Power Density at Distance Rff ....................................................... 2120
Table 8: Separation for Controlled Exposure Limit (Main Beam) ................................................................................... 2322
Table 9: Separation for Controlled Exposure Limit (Main Beam) ................................................................................... 2322
Table 11: Separation for Uncontrolled Exposure Limit (Main Beam) ............................................................................. 2423
Table 12: Separation for Uncontrolled Exposure Limit (Main Beam) ............................................................................. 2524
Table 13: Transmit Power, EIRP, and Far Field Power Density at Distance Rff .............................................................. 2524
Table 1: GSAA Maximum Spectral Density at the Antenna Flange to Comply with 47 CFR Part 25.227(a)(1)(i)(A) ......... 8
Table 2: GSAA Maximum EIRP Spectral Density to Comply with 47 CFR Part 25.227(a)(1)(i)(A).................................... 9
Table 3: Row 44 Transmission Parameters for GSAA ........................................................................................................... 9
Table 4 – 47 CFR Part 25.209(a)(2) Azimuth Co-Polarization Gain Envelope Compliance Across All Skew and Elevation
     as well as Frequency (14.05– 14.47GHz) and Linear Polarization ............................................................................. 11
Table 5 – 47 CFR Part 25.209(a)(5) Elevation Co-Polarization Gain Envelope Compliance Across All Skew and Elevation
     as well as Frequency (14.05– 14.47GHz) and Linear Polarization .............................................................................. 11
Table 6: Separation for Uncontrolled Exposure Limit (Main Beam) ................................................................................... 23
Table 7: Separation for Uncontrolled Exposure Limit (Main Beam) ................................................................................... 24
Table 8: Transmit Power, EIRP, and Far Field Power Density at Distance Rff .................................................................... 24
Table 1 – GSAA Maximum Spectral Density at the Antenna Flange to Comply with 47 CFR Part 25.227(a)(1)(i)(A) ....... 8
Table 2 – GSAA Maximum EIRP Spectral Density to Comply with 47 CFR Part 25.227(a)(1)(i)(A) .................................. 9
Table 3 – Row 44 Transmission Parameters for GSAA ......................................................................................................... 9
Table 4 – 47 CFR Part 25.209(a)(2) Azimuth Co-Polarization Gain Envelope Compliance across all Skew & Elevation as
     well as Frequency (14.05– 14.47GHz) & Linear Polarization ..................................................................................... 11
Table 5 – 47 CFR Part 25.209(a)(5) Elevation Co-Polarization Gain Envelope Compliance across all Skew & Elevation as
     well as Frequency (14.05– 14.47GHz) & Linear Polarization ..................................................................................... 11
Table 6: Separation for Uncontrolled Exposure Limit (Main Beam) ................................................................................... 23
Table 7: Separation for Uncontrolled Exposure Limit (Main Beam) ................................................................................... 24
Table 8: Transmit Power, EIRP, and Far Field Power Density at Distance Rff .................................................................... 24

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                                                                                                                              Document No.:           RWD11-0032-00
                                                                                                                              Rev.:                                  2.0
                                        Ku GSAA FCC Experimental Filing Narrative
                                                                                                                              Page:                                 8/26
                                                                                                                              Date:                         12/21/2016

List of Equations
Equation 1 – Near Field Region Radius............................................................................................................................ 2019
Equation 2 – Near Field Maximum Power Density .......................................................................................................... 2019
Equation 3 – Far Field Region Radius .............................................................................................................................. 2019
Equation 4 – Far Field Power Density .............................................................................................................................. 2019
Equation 1 – Near Field Region Radius................................................................................................................................ 19
Equation 2 – Near Field Maximum Power Density .............................................................................................................. 19
Equation 3 – Far Field Region Radius .................................................................................................................................. 19
Equation 4 – Far Field Power Density .................................................................................................................................. 19
Equation 1 – Near Field Region Radius................................................................................................................................ 19
Equation 2 – Near Field Maximum Power Density .............................................................................................................. 19
Equation 3 – Far Field Region Radius .................................................................................................................................. 19
Equation 4 – Far Field Power Density .................................................................................................................................. 19

                                              Printed copies are uncontrolled. Please refer to Arena for latest version.


                                                                                                                                                             Document No.:           RWD11-0032-00
                                                                                                                                                             Rev.:                                     2.0
                                                  Ku GSAA FCC Experimental Filing Narrative
                                                                                                                                                             Page:                                    9/26
                                                                                                                                                             Date:                           12/21/2016

   1         Purpose of Experiment
Row 441 is seeking a license in the Experimental Radio Service for a one year period to operate up to four
Aircraft Earth Stations (AESs) in North America pursuant to Sections 5.3 (e), (h) and (j) of the Commission’s
Rules. Reference 47 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 5.3(e), (h) and (j) for specific filing requirements.
The purpose of this operation is to test and evaluate the terminal antenna for provision of commercial service
under the Commission’s rules governing Earth Stations Aboard Aircraft (ESAA). Reference 47 CFR Part
25.227 for specific filing requirements. Row 44 understands that experimental operation must operate on a
non-interference basis with respect to primary users in the band, and must accept any interference caused by
these licensees. To facilitate processing of this request, Row 44 is submitting the information provided in this
attachment in addition to a completed FCC Form 442. This attachment describes the general scope of Row
44’s planned experimental operations, the research to be performed, the complete technical details of the
operations proposed, the program objectives, and the performance evaluation of these operations.

   1.1        Overview of Row 44’s Row 44 ESAA System
Row 44 currently offers a broadband Internet data service to passengers and crew abroad commercial aircraft
traveling in North American airspace, consistent with the framework that the Commission has adopted for
ESAA. The service includes IP data services, IP voice and IPTV. The purpose of the proposed experimental
program is to test a new, next generation remote terminal for introduction to the existing Row 44/Row 44 ESAA
network (Call Sign E080100). Row 44 notes that its transmission will comply with Part 25.227(a)(1)(i)(A) of
the FCC’s rules for the uplink Radio Frequency (RF) transmit power density will not exceed as indicated in
Table 1 and Table 2 for each skew/elevation combination. A summary of principal transmission parameters is
provided in Table 3

  Table 1: – GSAA Maximum Spectral Density at the Antenna Flange to Comply with 47 CFR Part 25.227(a)(1)(i)(A)
                                                                            GSAA MAXIMUM SPECTRAL DENSITY AT THE ANTENNA FLANGE (dBW/4kHz)
Elevation[deg]\Skew[deg]            0       5      10      15      20      25          30        35           40          45          50        55      60      65      70      75      80       85        90
                            0   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.7   ‐15.9   ‐16.2   ‐16.6       ‐17.1     ‐17.7        ‐18.2       ‐18.9       ‐19.6     ‐20.5   ‐21.6   ‐22.7     ‐24   ‐25.3   ‐26.6    ‐27.7     ‐28.4
                            5   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.7   ‐15.9   ‐16.2   ‐16.6       ‐17.1     ‐17.7        ‐18.2       ‐18.9       ‐19.6     ‐20.5   ‐21.6   ‐22.7     ‐24   ‐25.3   ‐26.6    ‐27.7     ‐28.4
                           10   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.7   ‐15.9   ‐16.2   ‐16.6       ‐17.1     ‐17.7        ‐18.2       ‐18.9       ‐19.6     ‐20.5   ‐21.6   ‐22.7     ‐24   ‐25.3   ‐26.6    ‐27.7     ‐28.4
                           15   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.7   ‐15.8   ‐16.1   ‐16.4       ‐16.9     ‐17.4        ‐17.9       ‐18.5       ‐19.2     ‐20.1   ‐21.1   ‐22.1   ‐23.3   ‐24.6     ‐26    ‐27.2     ‐28.2
                           20   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.7   ‐15.8   ‐16.1   ‐16.4       ‐16.9     ‐17.4        ‐17.9       ‐18.5       ‐19.2     ‐20.1   ‐21.1   ‐22.1   ‐23.3   ‐24.6     ‐26    ‐27.2     ‐28.2
                           25   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.7   ‐15.9   ‐16.2       ‐16.6     ‐17.1        ‐17.7       ‐18.2       ‐18.9     ‐19.6   ‐20.5   ‐21.6   ‐22.7     ‐24   ‐25.3    ‐26.6     ‐27.7
                           30   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.7   ‐15.9   ‐16.2       ‐16.6     ‐17.1        ‐17.7       ‐18.2       ‐18.9     ‐19.6   ‐20.5   ‐21.6   ‐22.7     ‐24   ‐25.3    ‐26.6     ‐27.7
                           35   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.7   ‐15.8   ‐16.1       ‐16.4     ‐16.9        ‐17.4       ‐17.9       ‐18.5     ‐19.2   ‐20.1   ‐21.1   ‐22.1   ‐23.3   ‐24.6      ‐26     ‐27.2
                           40   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.7   ‐15.8   ‐16.1       ‐16.4     ‐16.9        ‐17.4       ‐17.9       ‐18.5     ‐19.2   ‐20.1   ‐21.1   ‐22.1   ‐23.3   ‐24.6      ‐26     ‐27.2
                           45   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.7   ‐15.9       ‐16.2     ‐16.6        ‐17.1       ‐17.7       ‐18.2     ‐18.9   ‐19.6   ‐20.5   ‐21.6   ‐22.7     ‐24    ‐25.3     ‐26.6
                           50   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.7   ‐15.8       ‐16.1     ‐16.4        ‐16.9       ‐17.4       ‐17.9     ‐18.5   ‐19.2   ‐20.1   ‐21.1   ‐22.1   ‐23.3    ‐24.6       ‐26
                           55   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.7       ‐15.9     ‐16.2        ‐16.6       ‐17.1       ‐17.7     ‐18.2   ‐18.9   ‐19.6   ‐20.5   ‐21.6   ‐22.7      ‐24     ‐25.3
                           60   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.7       ‐15.8     ‐16.1        ‐16.4       ‐16.9       ‐17.4     ‐17.9   ‐18.5   ‐19.2   ‐20.1   ‐21.1   ‐22.1    ‐23.3     ‐24.6
                           65   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6       ‐15.6     ‐15.7        ‐15.9       ‐16.2       ‐16.6     ‐17.1   ‐17.7   ‐18.2   ‐18.9   ‐19.6   ‐20.5    ‐21.6     ‐22.7
                           70   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6       ‐15.6     ‐15.6        ‐15.7       ‐15.8       ‐16.1     ‐16.4   ‐16.6   ‐17.4   ‐17.9   ‐18.2   ‐19.2    ‐20.1     ‐21.1
                           75   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6       ‐15.6     ‐15.6        ‐15.6       ‐15.6       ‐15.6     ‐15.6   ‐15.7   ‐15.9   ‐16.2   ‐16.6   ‐17.1    ‐17.7     ‐18.2
                           80   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6       ‐15.6     ‐15.6        ‐15.6       ‐15.6       ‐15.6     ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6    ‐15.6     ‐15.6
                           85   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6       ‐15.6     ‐15.6        ‐15.6       ‐15.6       ‐15.6     ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6    ‐15.6     ‐15.6
                           90   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6       ‐15.6     ‐15.6        ‐15.6       ‐15.6       ‐15.6     ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6   ‐15.6    ‐15.6     ‐15.6

  The in-flight connectivity business established by Row 44 now operates under the name Global Eagle Entertainment, which is the
parent company of Row 44 (see IBFS File No. SES-T/C-20121203-01063). As Row 44 remains the name of the FCC licensee, that
designation is used in this application.
                                                        Printed copies are uncontrolled. Please refer to Arena for latest version.


                                                                                                                                                   Document No.:         RWD11-0032-00
                                                                                                                                                   Rev.:                                   2.0
                                               Ku GSAA FCC Experimental Filing Narrative
                                                                                                                                                   Page:                                 10/26
                                                                                                                                                   Date:                        12/21/2016

                       Table 2: – GSAA Maximum EIRP Spectral Density to Comply with 47 CFR Part 25.227(a)(1)(i)(A)
                                                                            GSAA MAXIMUM EIRP SPECTRAL DENSITY (dBW/4kHz)
Elevation[deg]\Skew[deg]           0      5     10      15     20      25     30         35          40           45          50       55     60     65      70     75     80       85        90
                            0   18.3   18.3   18.2      18   17.7    17.3   16.8       16.2        15.7           15        14.3     13.4   12.3   11.2     9.9    8.6    7.3      6.2       5.5
                            5   18.3   18.3   18.2      18   17.7    17.3   16.8       16.2        15.7           15        14.3     13.4   12.3   11.2     9.9    8.6    7.3      6.2       5.5
                           10   18.3   18.3   18.2      18   17.7    17.3   16.8       16.2        15.7           15        14.3     13.4   12.3   11.2     9.9    8.6    7.3      6.2       5.5
                           15   18.3   18.3   18.2    18.1   17.8    17.5     17       16.5          16         15.4        14.7     13.8   12.8   11.8    10.6    9.3    7.9      6.7       5.7
                           20   18.3   18.3   18.2    18.1   17.8    17.5     17       16.5          16         15.4        14.7     13.8   12.8   11.8    10.6    9.3    7.9      6.7       5.7
                           25   18.3   18.3   18.3    18.2     18    17.7   17.3       16.8        16.2         15.7          15     14.3   13.4   12.3    11.2    9.9    8.6      7.3       6.2
                           30   18.3   18.3   18.3    18.2     18    17.7   17.3       16.8        16.2         15.7          15     14.3   13.4   12.3    11.2    9.9    8.6      7.3       6.2
                           35   18.3   18.3   18.3    18.2   18.1    17.8   17.5         17        16.5           16        15.4     14.7   13.8   12.8    11.8   10.6    9.3      7.9       6.7
                           40   18.3   18.3   18.3    18.2   18.1    17.8   17.5         17        16.5           16        15.4     14.7   13.8   12.8    11.8   10.6    9.3      7.9       6.7
                           45   18.3   18.3   18.3    18.3   18.2      18   17.7       17.3        16.8         16.2        15.7       15   14.3   13.4    12.3   11.2    9.9      8.6       7.3
                           50   18.3   18.3   18.3    18.3   18.2    18.1   17.8       17.5          17         16.5          16     15.4   14.7   13.8    12.8   11.8   10.6      9.3       7.9
                           55   18.3   18.3   18.3    18.3   18.3    18.2     18       17.7        17.3         16.8        16.2     15.7     15   14.3    13.4   12.3   11.2      9.9       8.6
                           60   18.3   18.3   18.3    18.3   18.3    18.2   18.1       17.8        17.5           17        16.5       16   15.4   14.7    13.8   12.8   11.8     10.6       9.3
                           65   18.3   18.3   18.3    18.3   18.3    18.3   18.3       18.2          18         17.7        17.3     16.8   16.2   15.7      15   14.3   13.4     12.3      11.2
                           70   18.3   18.3   18.3    18.3   18.3    18.3   18.3       18.3        18.2         18.1        17.8     17.5   17.3   16.5      16   15.7   14.7     13.8      12.8
                           75   18.3   18.3   18.3    18.3   18.3    18.3   18.3       18.3        18.3         18.3        18.3     18.3   18.2     18    17.7   17.3   16.8     16.2      15.7
                           80   18.3   18.3   18.3    18.3   18.3    18.3   18.3       18.3        18.3         18.3        18.3     18.3   18.3   18.3    18.3   18.3   18.3     18.3      18.3
                           85   18.3   18.3   18.3    18.3   18.3    18.3   18.3       18.3        18.3         18.3        18.3     18.3   18.3   18.3    18.3   18.3   18.3     18.3      18.3
                           90   18.3   18.3   18.3    18.3   18.3    18.3   18.3       18.3        18.3         18.3        18.3     18.3   18.3   18.3    18.3   18.3   18.3     18.3      18.3

                                                     Table 3: – Row 44 Transmission Parameters for GSAA
                                    Antenna Manufacturer                                                                           QEST                                                            Formatted Table
                                   Antenna Model Number                                                                    GSAA RF Subsystem
                                   Transmitter frequencies                                                              14.05-14.47 GHz ± 10-5%
                                    Modulating waveform                                                              DVB-S2, DVB-S2X, QPSK, 8-PSK
                                       Boresight Gain                                                                    33.6 dBi (at 14.25 GHz)
                              Antenna Off-axis Axis gain Gain                                                         Partially complies with §25.209
                              High Power Amplifier Maximum                                                                 25 watts
                       Peak power density Density at the flangeFlange                                                  -15.6 dBW/4kHz
                                      Carrier Bandwidth                                                             1.024 MHz (1M02G7D)
                      Peak Boresight EIRP (after After cable Cable and                                     41.3 dBW (Carrier Bandwidth at 14.25 GHz)
                              radome Radome lossesLosses)
                         Off-axis EIRP Co-pol Pol Spectral Density                                                                 Complies with §25.227

Approval of the requested authority will serve the public interest by completely characterizing the performance
and non-interference with existing Fixed Satellite Service operations and will permit Row 44 to continue its
preparation to upgrade and expand its in-flight mobile broadband service. Row 44’s provision of ESAA
services is already providing high-speed broadband internet access, interactive entertainment, and also
facilitates access by flight crews to important weather updates, and security information. The addition of the
proposed Global Satellite Antenna Assembly (GSAA) antenna to Row 44’s current operations will promote both
improved and expanded service to the traveling public. Accordingly, Row 44 requests that the FCC grant its
application for a license in the Experimental Radio Service. Row 44 is able to commence testing immediately.

                                                      Printed copies are uncontrolled. Please refer to Arena for latest version.


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    1.2      Overview of Row 44’s ESAA Antenna Experimental Plan
The Ku band AESs used by Row 44 provide two-way broadband communications services to passengers and
flight crews, allowing in-flight, real-time access to e-mail, the Internet and virtual private networks. The AESs
will operate in conjunction with a Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) network hub station that is licensed to
Hughes Network Systems (HNS).

The Row 44 ESAA system provides two-way, broadband communications between multiple aircraft terminals
and the Internet via multiple satellite gateways under the control of a Network Operations Center (NOC).
Satellite gateways are procured from HNS based on the existing Hughes HX as well as HT architecture. A key
element of the HNS’s satellite system is a VSAT HX/HT broadband terminal that provides Internet Protocol (IP)
connectivity via geostationary satellites, augmented with a mobility feature to offer airborne users broadband IP
data service. The airborne platform is comprised of GSAA, a Ku-Band RF Unit (KRFU), a Modem Data Unit
(MDU), a Cabin Wireless Local Area Network (LAN) Unit (CWLU), and a Server Management Unit (SMU). The
system supports reception and transmission in the 11.70 GHz to 12.20 GHz and 14.05 GHz to 14.47 GHz
band respectively, utilizing independent linearly polarized array antennas for communication to and from a
geostationary satellite in space. The GSAA supports an elevation range from 90 to 0 of continuous coverage
while the azimuth coverage will be continuous over 360.

Space segment capacity for experimental operations will consist of transponders on AMC-1 (129 W.L.), AMC-
9 (83 W.L.), and SES-1 (101 W.L.). The Ground Earth Station (GES) is licensed to Hughes Network
Systems under the call sign E940460 and is located in North Las Vegas, Nevada (Latitude: 3614’11.0”N;
Longitude: 1157’4.0”W – 83-NAD) as well as SES at Woodbine, MD (Latitude: 3840’3.36”N; Longitude:
7726’24.0”W – 83-NAD) under the call sign E900448 and E140059. The aircraft used for experimental testing
is a HU-16B Albatross test aircraft (US registration N44HQ) outfitted with the Row 44 Broadband System and a
Honeywell Aircraft Data Inertial Reference Unit (ADIRU). There will also be units tested at a testing facility in
Lombard, IL on a laboratory cart.

Multiple users access the 36 MHz satellite transponder bandwidth using Time Division Multiple Access
(TDMA). The 1.024 MHz bandwidth waveform supports adaptive coding and modulation and will be using the
latest generation transmission standard Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB-S2 and DVB-S2X). The modulation
from the satellite to the AES is either Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) or Octal Phase Shift Keying
(PSK) at a maximum transmitted signaling rate of 30 mega-symbols/second.

The modulation from the AES to the satellite is offset QPSK with a transmitted signaling rate of 2048, 1024,
512, or 256 kilo-bits/second (kbps). In cases where the baseband modulated signal is not of a 1.024 Msps
rate, the transmitter shall employ spreading to convert baseband 256 ksps or 512 ksps signals to occupy the
1.024 MHz bandwidth, thereby maintaining compliance with the 1.024 MHz channel allocation. For robust
operation, transmit encoding utilizes multi-rate 1/2, 2/3, 4/5, and 9/10 turbo-coding. Received encoding
incorporates a BCH (Bose, Chaudhuri, and Hocquenghem) code with a low density parity check code at rates
ranging from 1/4, 1/3, 2/5, 9/20, 1/2, 11/20, 3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 8/9, and 9/10 for QPSK and 1/2, 3/5, 23/36,
2/3, 25/36, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 8/9, and 9/10 for 8PSK. These waveforms are modulated/ demodulated in the MDU.
For the uplink signal, the Ku KRFU provides the frequency up-conversion from the intermediate L-Band
frequencies of 950 to 1450 MHz to the transmit frequency, and the subsequent signal amplification. When the
antenna gain is included in the AES link budget, the transmitter emits a maximum effective isotropic radiated
power (EIRP) of +41.3 dBW.

Row 44’s GSAA antenna is not compliant with the off-axis antenna gain envelope established in 47 CFR Part
25.209(a)(2) and 25.209(a)(5), as illustrated in Table 4 and Table 5 which shows compliance by skew and

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elevation (“1” indicates the antenna is compliant and “0” indicates the antenna is not compliant to the
requirement indicated in the caption).

      Table 4: – 47 CFR Part 25.209(a)(2) Azimuth Co-Polarization Gain Envelope Compliance across Across all All
                Skew & and Elevation as well as Frequency (14.05– 14.47GHz) & and Linear Polarization

Elevation[deg]\Skew[deg]         0       5    10         15       20       25       30        35        40        45        50        55        60        65        70        75         80          85          90
                       0         1       1     1          1        1        1        1         1         1         1         1         0         0         0         0         0          0           0           0
                       5         1       1     1          1        1        1        1         1         1         1         1         0         0         0         0         0          0           0           0
                      10         1       1     1          1        1        1        1         1         1         1         1         0         0         0         0         0          0           0           0
                      15         1       1     1          1        1        1        1         1         1         1         1         0         0         0         0         0          0           0           0
                      20         1       1     1          1        1        1        1         1         1         1         1         0         0         0         0         0          0           0           0
                      25         1       1     1          1        1        1        1         1         1         1         1         1         0         0         0         0          0           0           0
                      30         1       1     1          1        1        1        1         1         1         1         1         1         0         0         0         0          0           0           0
                      35         1       1     1          1        1        1        1         1         1         1         1         1         0         0         0         0          0           0           0
                      40         1       1     1          1        1        1        1         1         1         1         1         1         0         0         0         0          0           0           0
                      45         1       1     1          1        1        1        1         1         1         1         1         1         1         0         0         0          0           0           0
                      50         1       1     1          1        1        1        1         1         1         1         1         1         1         0         0         0          0           0           0
                      55         1       1     1          1        1        1        1         1         1         1         1         1         1         1         0         0          0           0           0
                      60         1       1     1          1        1        1        1         1         1         1         1         1         1         1         0         0          0           0           0
                      65         1       1     1          1        1        1        1         1         1         1         1         1         1         1         1         1          0           0           0
                      70         1       1     1          1        1        1        1         1         1         1         1         1         1         1         1         1          1           0           0
                      75         1       1     1          1        1        1        1         1         1         1         1         1         1         1         1         1          1           1           1
                      80         1       1     1          1        1        1        1         1         1         1         1         1         1         1         1         1          1           1           1
                      85         1       1     1          1        1        1        1         1         1         1         1         1         1         1         1         1          1           1           1
                      90         1       1     1          1        1        1        1         1         1         1         1         1         1         1         1         1          1           1           1

     Table 5: – 47 CFR Part 25.209(a)(5) Elevation Co-Polarization Gain Envelope Compliance across Across all All
                Skew & and Elevation as well as Frequency (14.05– 14.47GHz) & and Linear Polarization

Elevation[deg]\Skew[deg] 0       5       10       15         20       25       30        35        40        45        50        55        60        65        70        75        80         85          90
                        0    0       0        0          0        1        1        1         1          1         1        1         1         1          1         1         1          1           1              1
                        5    0       0        0          0        1        1        1         1          1         1        1         1         1          1         1         1          1           1              1
                       10    0       0        0          0        1        1        1         1          1         1        1         1         1          1         1         1          1           1              1
                       15    0       0        0          0        1        1        1         1          1         1        1         1         1          1         1         1          1           1              1
                       20    0       0        0          0        1        1        1         1          1         1        1         1         1          1         1         1          1           1              1
                       25    0       0        0          0        0        1        1         1          1         1        1         1         1          1         1         1          1           1              1
                       30    0       0        0          0        0        1        1         1          1         1        1         1         1          1         1         1          1           1              1
                       35    0       0        0          0        0        1        1         1          1         1        1         1         1          1         1         1          1           1              1
                       40    0       0        0          0        0        1        1         1          1         1        1         1         1          1         1         1          1           1              1
                       45    0       0        0          0        0        0        1         1          1         1        1         1         1          1         1         1          1           1              1
                       50    0       0        0          0        0        0        1         1          1         1        1         1         1          1         1         1          1           1              1
                       55    0       0        0          0        0        0        0         1          1         1        1         1         1          1         1         1          1           1              1
                       60    0       0        0          0        0        0        0         1          1         1        1         1         1          1         1         1          1           1              1
                       65    0       0        0          0        0        0        0         0          0         1        1         1         1          1         1         1          1           1              1
                       70    0       0        0          0        0        0        0         0          0         0        1         1         1          1         1         1          1           1              1
                       75    0       0        0          0        0        0        0         0          0         0        0         0         0          0         1         1          1           1              1
                       80    0       0        0          0        0        0        0         0          0         0        0         0         0          0         0         0          0           0              0
                       85    0       0        0          0        0        0        0         0          0         0        0         0         0          0         0         0          0           0              0
                       90    0       0        0          0        0        0        0         0          0         0        0         0         0          0         0         0          0           0              0

However, the AES transmitter shall still be comply with the FCC EIRP spectral density limits as indicated in 47
CFR Part 25.227(a)(1)(i)(A) and is illustrated in Table 1 which indicates the maximum uplink flange densities
capable of satisfying the FCC maximum EIRP spectral density limit across all frequency and polarization (Note:
the antenna performance is best at 14.50 GHz; it is the performance at this frequency which determines the
maximum EIRP spectral density). Table 2 indicates the maximum EIRP spectral density to meet the FCC
requirement. Row 44 has obtained the required coordination letters for this antenna pursuant to 47 CFR Part
25.227(b) with SES Americom, the satellite space segment provider. Copies of these letters are attached in
Exhibit B. All operations will also be subject to existing coordination agreements executed in 2008 with the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) covering
the transmit band operations of Row 44’s license ESAA network.

A radiation hazard study for this antenna is provided as Appendix C Error! Reference source not found.

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   1.3      Antenna Characteristics

   1.3.1     Transmit Patterns
Antenna EIRP spectral density plots for the transmit band at 14.00 GHz, 14.25 GHz, and 14.50 GHz are
attached as Exhibit A in conformance with 47 CFR Part 25.227 and as required under 47 CFR Part
25.225(g)(1). Patterns are provided for vertical and horizontal polarization, each for a given range of elevation
and/or skew values. Each plot demonstrates compliance with the off-axis EIRP density limits for one of a
variety of conditions where the aircraft’s location, not being of the same longitude as the target satellite,
invokes a skew of the antenna’s orientation relative to that of the satellite.

EIRP spectral density plots are shown in Exhibit A. These plots depict the antenna’s compliance to 47 CFR
Part 25.227. The specific skew and elevation combinations were selected so as to associate with the best-
case and worst-case off-axis scenarios relating to compliance. Please note that the GSAA EIRP spectral
density performance in the plane perpendicular to the GSO plane (i.e. the FCC mask as required under 47
CFR Part 25.227(a)(1)(i)(B)) is not fully compliant to the same EIRP spectral density levels in the plane tangent
to the GSO plane (i.e. the FCC mask as required under 47 CFR Part 25.227(a)(1)(i)(A)). This is well
understood with the satellite space segment provider and has been coordinated with the adjacent satellites.

The vertical and horizontal polarizations off-axis gain characteristics indicate the antenna can support the EIRP
spectral densities as described in section 1.1 while being compliant to 47 CFR Part 25.227, the transmit power
being set to values being respectively compatible with the prevailing values of the antenna skew and elevation.

In practice, during aircraft movement, the skew angle value is monitored by the GSAA. The aircraft transmitter
shall be muted in the event that the skew angle exceeds a specific limit, corresponding to that beyond which,
the off-axis EIRP density would otherwise exceed the 47 CFR Part 25.227 EIRP density consistent with those
of Row 44’s current authorization.

   1.3.2    Antenna Control
The experimental configuration operates the same way as the existing, licensed configuration. The Antenna
Control Unit (ACU), a separate device connected to the existing Satellite Antenna Assembly (SAA) is now
integrated within the GSAA. Compensating for the aircraft motion, the GSAA adjusts the antenna’s azimuth,
elevation, and polarization in maintain the pointing of the antenna toward the target satellite.

The GSAA obtains information on the aircraft’s location, velocity, and orientation from the on-board Inertial
Navigation System (INS) via either an ARINC 429, ARINC 629, or ARINC 664 data bus. The GSAA antenna is
gimbaled, which permits the directing of the transmission beam in azimuth, elevation, and polarization
according to the received signal quality and aircraft position data. As with the licensed implementation with the
current SAA antenna, the combination of the aircraft’s inertial navigation data and measured Es/N0 data
(provided to the GSAA from the (MDU)) allow the 0.2° peak error to be maintained under the variety of aircraft
motion and orientation scenarios.

   1.3.3      Antenna Pointing Accuracy and Tracking
In compliance with 47 CFR Part 25.227(a)(1)(ii)(A), as well as ITU-R M.1643, Annex 1, Part A, Section 2,
antenna pointing accuracy is controlled by the GSAA to a pointing error of less than 0.2 peak between the
orbital location of the target satellite and the axis of the main lobe of the antenna. Row 44 has designed its
system so that all emissions shall automatically cease within 100 milliseconds if the angle between the orbital

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location of the target satellite and the axis of the main lobe of the antenna is projected to exceed ±0.2. This
provides ample margin to ensure satisfaction of the requirement of 47 CFR Part 25.227(a)(1)(iii)(A) that
transmissions cease in the event this angle exceeds ±0.5.

If, under rare circumstances such as extreme turbulence, the GSAA is incapable of maintaining its pointing
towards the satellite, the transmitter shall be muted as mentioned, and only resumed upon the pointing error
assuming a value less than 0.2.

   1.3.4    Interference Protection-Terrestrial Sites
Row 44 complies with the out–of-band emissions requirements in 47 CFR Part 25.202(f). Row 44 is also
cognizant of FCC rules for fixed satellite services and will operate on a non-interfering basis. For purposes of
protecting Radio Astronomy sites, consistent with ITU Recommendation M.1643, Part C, Row 44 will limit
aggregate power flux density (pfd) in the band 14.47 GHz to 14.5 GHz as follows:
     -221 dBW/m2/Hz (for protection of Green Bank, Arecibo, and Socorro)
     -189 dBW/m2/Hz (for protection of 10 Very Long Baseline Array sites)

Row 44 has executed a coordination agreement with the NSF that establishes non-interfering operation with
radio observations (see Exhibit B).

Row 44 also acknowledges the utilization of the frequency band from 14.0 GHz to 14.05 GHz and the possible
use of the band from 14.05 GHz to 14.2 GHz allocated to NASA Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System
(TDRSS) for space research. NASA’s protection limits specify that the interference threshold limit is -100
dBW/MHz in the 14.05 GHz to 14.4 GHz band, -146 dBW/MHz in the 14.0 GHz to 14.05 GHz band, and -176
dBW/MHz in the 13.4 GHz to 14.0 GHz band. Row 44 has discussed its planned operation with NASA and by
terminating AES transmission in the vicinity of NASA sites located at White Sands, New Mexico and Blossom
Point, Maryland. Row 44 will comply with the limits near these earth stations. In the event that Row 44 begins
operation in the vicinity of Guam, it will also coordinate this operation with NASA to avoid unacceptable
interference. Consistent with the requirements of ITU Recommendation M.1643, Part D, a coordination
agreement between Row 44 and NASA has been executed (see Exhibit B).

Finally, Row 44 recognizes that the FCC maintains multiple monitoring stations throughout the US where the
received field strength at the monitoring stations must not exceed 10mV/m2 in the authorized bandwidth.

In summary, Row 44 will mute transmission at a range that would otherwise have the potential to cause
interference with any of the above identified terrestrial sites.

   1.3.5     Interference protection-Adjacent Satellites
Adjacent Satellite Interference (ASI) is mitigated by the sidelobe performance of the GSAA antenna (Satellites
at 2 spacing have the greatest potential exposure to interference. It is unlikely that interference occurs for
satellites with a spacing that is greater than 2 from the target satellite).

Row 44 shall ensure that:

      GSAA movement and pointing accuracy is accomplished such that the interference to adjacent
       satellites and/or adjacent transponders within the same satellite does not occur during the more-
       demanding instances during aircraft taxiing, take-off, in-flight, and landing;

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      Under conditions of extreme and abrupt aircraft movement, where the GSAA hardware is incapable of
       immediately responding, and the pointing error temporarily exceeds 0.2, that the transmitter is muted.

   1.3.6     Maximum EIRP
Row 44’s maximum power spectral density at the antenna flange is -15.6 dBW/4kHz resulting in a maximum
EIRP of 41.3 dBW in a 1.024 MHz bandwidth (cable and radome losses are accounted for). A plot of the EIRP
density in a 4 kHz band for horizontal and vertical polarizations at 14.25 GHz at 0 degree skew (with traces
covering the range of 0° to 90° elevation) is shown in Figure 1 per 47 CFR Part 25.227(a)(1).
                            EIRP Spectral Density (dBW/4kHz)

  Figure 1 – EIRP Density for Horizontal and Vertical Polarization with 0° Skew (and 0° to 90° elevation) at 14.25
                      GHz to Show 47 CFR Part 25.227(a)(1)(i)(A) complianceCompliance

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   1.4      Program Objectives
Row 44’s GSAA system has several challenges to be met in order to most effectively attain optimal
performance. Thus the following issues need to be evaluated under controlled conditions:
    1. Maintaining the antenna pointing accuracy during aircraft taxi, take-off, in-flight, and landing, and
       assuring the ‘time-to-mute’ (if the 0.5 accuracy is exceeded) is within requirements.
    2. Eliminating the potential of adjacent satellite interference for satellites within 2 to 6 spacing of the
       target satellite, while operating the transmitter at its maximum, authorized level.
    3. Assessing the extent of geographic RF coverage regions, performing satellite ‘handoffs’ as needed,
       considering prevailing skew angle and GSAA pointing elevation angles
    4. Evaluating bit Bit error Error rate Rate (BER) performance both in clear and severe weather conditions
    5. Verifying Doppler compensation performance during moments of rapid aircraft acceleration and high
    6. Determining the necessary ranges for avoiding interference to terrestrial locations such as NASA
       TDRSS sites, NSF Radio Astronomy site, and FCC monitoring sites

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    1.5       Contributions to the Development of Radio Art
Operation of airborne internet service is a burgeoning field, where airlines anticipate significant increases in
passenger traffic as long as satisfactory user experience is maintained. To ensure that users are offered
reliable service at speeds commensurate with their expectations, extensive evaluation must be conducted prior
to full scale commercial deployment of any enhanced new transmit/receive terminals.

High speed service aboard a commercial aircraft via satellite is markedly dependent on the radio link
performance, aircraft motion, and airborne antenna dynamics and characteristics. In addition, this
performance must not interfere with existing satellite and ground services making it imperative to identify any
situations where interference might occur that require transmitter muting.

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Appendix A EIRP Spectral Density Plots
                              EIRP Spectral Density Plots

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Appendix B Coordination Letters
                                  Coordination Letters

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 Appendix C Radiation Hazard Analysis

 C.1   GSAA Antenna

 C.1.1 Introduction
This exhibit constitutes the radiation hazard analysis for Row 44’s transmitter using the FCC procedure
outlined in FCC Bulletin #65. The limit for exposure to RF energy, for frequencies greater than 1.5 GHz, is 5
mW/cm2 for up to a six minute duration (occupational/controlled exposure) and a 1 mW/cm2 for up to 30 minute
duration (categorized as general population/ uncontrolled exposure).1

Analysis for exposure to radiation is presented for the near field, far field, and the transition region.
Appropriate separation-distances are provided for the controlled and uncontrolled exposure scenarios
considering individuals located in the direction of either the antenna’s main beam or its side lobes.

  C.1.2 Analysis
The extent of the near field region for the main beam is defined in terms of the radius Rnf according to the
                                     Equation 1 – Near Field Region Radius

where D is the maximum dimension of the antenna panel, and λ is the transmit signal’s wavelength.

The near field maximum power density, Snf, is determined from
                                Equation 2 – Near Field Maximum Power Density

                                                 0.1 η
where PPA is the transmit power (after cable losses are accounted for) and A is the surface area of the antenna
aperture, and η is the efficiency of the antenna aperture.

The far field region for the main beam is defined as beginning and continuing out-from a radius Rff, given by
                                      Equation 3 – Far Field Region Radius

The far field power density Sff at the minimum far field radius and farther is given in terms of the EIRP denoted
by PEIRP according to
                                      Equation 4 – Far Field Power Density

(The value of PEIRP should already consider coax losses and aperture efficiency.)
Note that when the radius is expressed in meters, the Power Density is in units of W/m2. The results are
converted to units consistent with the FCC limits (mW/ cm2) by multiplying values in W/m2 by 0.1.

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 C.1.2.1      Near Field Exposure from Main Antenna Beam
The GSAA antenna has the “quasi-oval” dimensions of D=0.627 m (24.7 inches) and h=0.198 m (7.8 inches).
However, all considered, the adjusted surface area “A” equals 0.1019 m2.

At the highest frequency of 14.5 GHz, the wavelength is 0.0207 m. The near field radius is then Rnf = 4.75 m

The antenna aperture efficiency factor, η, is 0.77 and losses attributable to various hardware is 4.21 dB.
Based on the wavelength and the panel-width given farther above, the Far Field radius is then Rff = 11.41 m

In the operation of GEE’s system, the antenna may be fed with ten different signal levels, as provided in Table
6Error! Reference source not found. and Table 7Error! Reference source not found.. The associated                       Field Code Changed
Near Field radius Power Density Values are:                                                                             Field Code Changed
              Table 6: HPA Transmit Power, EIRP, and Near Field Power Density as a Distance Rnf
                                                                                                                        Formatted: Caption, Keep with next
              Table 6: HPA Transmit Power, EIRP, and Near Field Power Density as a Distance Rnf
                HPA Transmit          HPA Transmit           Transmit Power        Snf (mW/cm )*
                Power (Watts)         Power (dBm)                (dBm)*
                   25.00                 43.98                    39.77                    7.17
                   22.28                 43.48                    39.27                    6.39
                   19.86                 42.98                    38.77                    5.69
                   17.70                 42.48                    38.27                    5.07
                   15.77                 41.98                    37.77                    4.52
                   14.06                 41.48                    37.27                    4.03
                   12.53                 40.98                    36.77                    3.59
                   11.17                 40.48                    36.27                    3.20
                    9.95                 39.98                    35.77                    2.85
                    8.87                 39.48                    35.27                    2.54
                    7.91                 38.98                    34.77                    2.27
                    7.05                 38.48                    34.27                    2.02
                    6.28                 37.98                    33.77                    1.80
                    5.60                 37.48                    33.27                    1.60
                    4.99                 36.98                    32.77                    1.43
                    4.45                 36.48                    32.27                    1.27
                    3.96                 35.98                    31.77                    1.14
                    3.53                 35.48                    31.27                    1.01
                    3.15                 34.98                    30.77                    0.902
                    2.81                 34.48                    30.27                    0.804
                    2.50                 33.98                    29.77                    0.717
                                       *Incorporates hardware losses
(Note: that the equation for the maximum Power Density in the Near Field considers a given radiated                     Formatted: Justified
signal/power confined-to and passing-through a physical area corresponding to that of the antenna aperture.             Formatted: Font: Bold, Underline
Along these lines, the Snf values cannot be assumed to vary with distance from the antenna, for locations
within the Near Field.)

The associated Far Field radius Power density values are as wellillustrated in Table 7Table 7:
                Table 7: HPA Transmit Power, EIRP, and Far Field Power Density at Distance Rff
                                                                                                                        Formatted: Caption, Keep with next
                Table 7: HPA Transmit Power, EIRP, and Far Field Power Density at Distance Rff
                HPA Transmit          HPA Transmit            EIRP (dBm)*          Sff (mW/cm2)*
                Power (Watts)         Power (dBm)
                   25.00                 43.98                    73.37                    1.33

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                                                                                 Rev.:                       2.0
                          Ku GSAA FCC Experimental Filing Narrative
                                                                                 Page:                     22/26
                                                                                 Date:               12/21/2016

                HPA Transmit         HPA Transmit            EIRP (dBm)*         Sff (mW/cm2)*
                Power (Watts)        Power (dBm)
                   22.28                43.48                   72.87                    1.19
                   19.86                42.98                   72.37                    1.06
                   17.70                42.48                   71.87                    0.942
                   15.77                41.98                   71.37                    0.839
                   14.06                41.48                   70.87                    0.748
                   12.53                40.98                   70.37                    0.667
                   11.17                40.48                   69.87                    0.594
                    9.95                39.98                   69.37                    0.530
                    8.87                39.48                   68.87                    0.472
                    7.91                38.98                   68.37                    0.421
                    7.05                38.48                   67.87                    0.375
                    6.28                37.98                   67.37                    0.334
                    5.60                37.48                   66.87                    0.298
                    4.99                36.98                   66.37                    0.265
                    4.45                36.48                   65.87                    0.237
                    3.96                35.98                   65.37                    0.211
                    3.53                35.48                   64.87                    0.188
                    3.15                34.98                   64.37                    0.167
                    2.81                34.48                   63.87                    0.149
                    2.50                33.98                   63.37                    0.133
                                       * Incorporates hardware losses                                              Comment [OJ271961]: This is not a dish

Row 44 is considering exposure to two values of Power Density: 5 mW/cm2 and 1 mW/cm2.

 C.1.2.2       5 mW/cm2 Analysis
Some of the Snf values in Table 6Error! Reference source not found. are greater than 5 mW/cm2, and some            Field Code Changed
are less than 5 mW/cm2. As the Near Field analysis assumes that the Power Density in the Near Field does
not vary with distance, for cases where Snf values are less than 5 mW/cm2, there is no location in the Near
Field where the Power Density is higher. No individual located in the Near Field anywhere whatsoever will be
subjected to a 5 mW/cm2 exposure level.

For the Snf values in Table 6Error! Reference source not found. which are greater than 5 mW/cm2, we’ll             Field Code Changed
assume that the Power Density decreases linearly between the Near Field radius and the Far Field radius.
Interpolating the respective Power Density values, Table 8Error! Reference source not found. lists the
distances where the Power Density will equal 5 mW/cm2 (for the selected TX powers).

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                                                                                   Rev.:                      2.0
                          Ku GSAA FCC Experimental Filing Narrative
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                                                                                   Date:               12/21/2016

                         Table 8: Separation for Controlled Exposure Limit (Main Beam)
                         Table 8: Separation for Controlled Exposure Limit (Main Beam)                              Formatted: Caption, Keep with next
             HPA Transmit                  Separation for Controlled Limit (5 mW/cm )
             Power (dBm)                   Meters                              Feet
                43.98                       7.22                               23.7
                43.48                       6.52                               21.4
                42.98                       5.74                               18.8
                42.48                       4.87                               16.0

As mentioned previously, if for Snf values less than 5 mW/cm2, in attempting to determine the location at which
the Power Density may equal 5 mW/cm2, we cannot project a location closer than Rnf.

For such cases, and for these power levels, a conservative approach will be adopted. Table 9Error! Reference
source not found. therefore designates the Near Field radius of 4.75 meters (15.6 feet) as the minimum
physical separation guaranteeing an exposure no greater than 5 mW/cm2.
                         Table 9: Separation for Controlled Exposure Limit (Main Beam)
                                                                                                                    Formatted: Caption, Keep with next
                         Table 9: Separation for Controlled Exposure Limit (Main Beam)
                        HPA Transmit        Separation for Controlled Limit (5 mW/cm )
                        Power (dBm)          Meters                    Feet
                           41.98              4.75                      15.6
                           41.48              4.75                      15.6
                           40.98              4.75                      15.6
                           40.48              4.75                      15.6
                           39.98              4.75                      15.6
                           39.48              4.75                      15.6
                           38.98              4.75                      15.6
                           38.48              4.75                      15.6
                           37.98              4.75                      15.6
                           37.48              4.75                      15.6
                           36.98              4.75                      15.6
                           36.48              4.75                      15.6
                           35.98              4.75                      15.6
                           35.48              4.75                      15.6
                           34.98              4.75                      15.6
                           34.48              4.75                      15.6
                           33.98              4.75                      15.6

  C.1.2.3       1 mW/cm2 Analysis
For the cases in Table 7Error! Reference source not found. where the Sff values are greater than 1 mW/cm2,
the distance of separation will be calculated by inverse-squared analysis. For the cases in Table 7Error!
Reference source not found. where the Sff values are less than 1 mW/cm2, linear interpolation will be used to
identify the location between Rnf and Rff where the 1 mW/cm2 value will be encountered. For the cases in
Table 6Error! Reference source not found. where the Snf values are less than 1 mW/cm2, a distance of Rnf
will apply.

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                                                                                   Rev.:                      2.0
                          Ku GSAA FCC Experimental Filing Narrative
                                                                                   Page:                    24/26
                                                                                   Date:               12/21/2016

For the TX levels where Sff values exceed 1 mW/cm2, standard inverse-squared analysis has been used to
identify the necessary separations listed in Error! Reference source not found.Error! Reference source not
                       Table 10: Separation for Uncontrolled Exposure Limit (Main Beam)
                                HPA Transmit       Separation for Uncontrolled
                                 Power (dBm)             Limit (1 mW/cm2)
                                                     Meters            Feet
                                    43.98              13.1            43.1
                                    43.48              12.4            40.7
                                    42.98              11.7            38.4

For the TX levels where Sff values are less than 1 mW/cm2, linear interpolation will be employed (considering
the Power Density values at Rnf and Rff) in order to project the location at which a 1 mW/cm2 exposure exists.

Assuming that the Power Density decreases linearly between the Near Field radius and the Far Field radius,
the distances at which the Power Density equals 1 mW/cm2 are listed in Table 10 Error! Reference source not
                       Table 6: Separation for Uncontrolled Exposure Limit (Main Beam)
                                                                                                                    Formatted: Caption, Keep with next
                       Table 10: Separation for Uncontrolled Exposure Limit (Main Beam)
                                HPA Transmit       Separation for Uncontrolled
                                Power (dBm)            Limit (1 mW/cm2)
                                                    Meters            Feet
                                    42.48            11.3             37.1
                                    41.98            11.1             36.5
                                    41.48            10.9             35.7
                                    40.98            10.6             34.9
                                    40.48            10.4             34.0
                                    39.98            10.1             33.0
                                    39.48            9.71             31.8
                                    38.98            9.31             30.6
                                    38.48            8.87             29.1
                                    37.98            8.38             27.5
                                    37.48            7.83             25.7
                                    36.98            7.21             23.6
                                    36.48            6.51             21.4
                                    35.98            5.73             18.8
                                    35.48            4.85             15.9

For TX levels where Snf values are less than 1 mW/cm2, a conservative approach will be adopted. Table
11Table 7 therefore references the Near Field radius of 4.75 meters (15.6 feet) as the minimum physical
separation to facilitate an exposure no greater than 1 mW/cm2 for the respective power levels.

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                                                                                     Rev.:                      2.0
                         Ku GSAA FCC Experimental Filing Narrative
                                                                                     Page:                    25/26
                                                                                     Date:               12/21/2016

                       Table 7: Separation for Uncontrolled Exposure Limit (Main Beam)

                      Table 11: Separation for Uncontrolled Exposure Limit (Main Beam)
                                                                                                                      Formatted: Caption, Keep with next

                                HPA Transmit     Separation for Uncontrolled Limit
                                Power (dBm)                (1 mW/cm2)
                                                    Meters              Feet
                                    34.98            4.75               15.6
                                    34.48            4.75               15.6
                                    33.98            4.75               15.6

 C.1.2.4      Exposure from Antenna Beam Side-Lobes
The previous calculations assumed the individual was located in the sight of the main antenna beam (The main
antenna beam is less than 10 degrees beam-width in azimuth). The following analysis provides insight into the
exposure when an individual is located to the side of or behind the antenna.

Table 12Error! Reference source not found. provides Power Density values at distances Rnf and Rff when an             Formatted: Font: Not Bold
individual is located in the direction of the highest antenna side-lobe (which corresponds to a 17 dB gain
reduction from the main beam).
                  Table 8: Transmit Power, EIRP, and Far Field Power Density at Distance Rff
                                                                                                                      Formatted: Caption, Keep with next
                Table 12: Transmit Power, EIRP, and Far Field Power Density at Distance Rff
                                                                                 2              2
          HPA Transmit Sidelobe (dB)      Sidelobe       Sidelobe    Snf (mW/cm ) Sff (mW/cm )
          Power (dBm)                     Transmit         EIRP
                                            Power         (dBm)*
             43.98            -17           22.77          52.16         0.0542         0.0265
             43.48            -17           22.27          51.66         0.0483         0.0237
             42.98            -17           21.77          51.16         0.0431         0.0211
             42.48            -17           21.27          50.66         0.0384         0.0188
             41.98            -17           20.77          50.16         0.0342         0.0167
             41.48            -17           20.27          49.66         0.0305         0.0149
             40.98            -17           19.77          49.16         0.0272         0.0133
             40.48            -17           19.27          48.66         0.0242         0.0119
             39.98            -17           18.77          48.16         0.0216         0.0106
             39.48            -17           18.27          47.66         0.0192         0.00942
             38.98            -17           17.77          47.16         0.0171         0.00839
             38.48            -17           17.27          46.66         0.0152         0.00748
             37.98            -17           16.77          46.16         0.0136         0.00667
             37.48            -17           16.27          45.66         0.0121         0.00594
             36.98            -17           15.77          45.16         0.0108         0.00530
             36.48            -17           15.27          44.66        0.00965         0.00472
             35.98            -17           14.77          44.16        0.00860         0.00421
             35.48            -17           14.27          43.66        0.00766         0.00375
             34.98            -17           13.77          43.16        0.00683         0.00334
             34.48            -17           13.27          42.66        0.00609         0.00298
             33.98            -17           12.77          42.16        0.00542         0.00265

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                                                                                   Rev.:                      2.0
                          Ku GSAA FCC Experimental Filing Narrative
                                                                                   Page:                    26/26
                                                                                   Date:               12/21/2016

                                       *Incorporates Coax Feeder Loss

As is obvious, neither the Snf or Sff values (at distances Rnf or Rff) exceed even the uncontrolled limit of 1
mW/cm2. Therefore, no minimum distance criteria of separation will apply for individuals located in directions
outside the antenna’s main beam.

  C.1.3 Summary
This exhibit presents the radiation hazard analysis for Row 44 ’s GSAA transmitter transmitting at HPT
output/transmit power levels of 33.98 to 43.98 dBW in increments of 0.5 dB. Considering the worst-cases,
individuals positioned in the direction of the main beam of the antenna, and in the controlled exposure
environment should be at least 7.22 meters (23.7 feet) away from the antenna aperture (for a 6 minute
duration). Under the same circumstance, individuals in an uncontrolled exposure environment should be at
least 13.1 meters (43.1 feet) away from the antenna aperture (for a 30 minute duration).

For individuals located in directions which are outside the antenna’s main beam, no minimum distance of
separation is applicable.

Document Created: 2017-01-03 09:48:25
Document Modified: 2017-01-03 09:48:25

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