AFTRCC Coordination Letter

1098-EX-ST-2015 Text Documents

Rockwell Collins, Inc.


Susannah Norvell

From:                           Laurie Sussman <>
Sent:                           Tuesday, November 03, 2015 7:59 AM
To:                             Susannah Norvell
Subject:                        Fwd: AFTRCC ICN 1579-15/5783 (Rockwell Collins XT STA/Advanced Tactical Datalink
                                Testing-Cedar Rapids, IA) (UNCLASSIFIED)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Nov 3, 2015 7:18 AM
Subject: AFTRCC ICN 1579-15/5783 (Rockwell Collins XT STA/Advanced Tactical Datalink Testing-Cedar
To: <>
Cc: <>, <>, <>

This email is your AFTRCC coordination.

This coordination includes this header information, DOD Area Frequency Coordinator comments and AFTRCC
comments. These messages must not be separated.

This coordination is advisory only and not binding on the FCC. Applicants are advised that this coordination
does not constitute a judgment that the frequency(ies) is best suited for the applicant's purpose nor that the
frequency(ies) is exclusive to the applicant. Flight Test frequencies are shared and may require scheduling with
other users.

In return for AFTRCC's processing of the applicant's coordination request, the applicant agrees to release and
hold harmless AFTRCC, its officers, directors, agents, members, and representatives from any claims, losses or
expenses that may arise from the use of the frequency.

This coordination is not an authorization to transmit. A copy of this coordination must accompany application
to the FCC.


Wayne Morris

AFTRCC Telemetry Coordinator


From: Sanchez, Luis G (Guillo) CIV USARMY (US) []
Sent: Monday, November 02, 2015 1:57 PM
To: Morris, Wayne L @ AS - MID
Cc: Sanchez, Edwin (Ed) CIV USARMY HQDA CIO G-6 (US)
Subject: RE: AFTRCC ICN 1579-15/5783 (Rockwell Collins XT STA/Advanced Tactical Datalink Testing-Cedar Rapids, IA)


AFMO‐US&P CONCUR WITH AFTRCC ICN 1579‐15/5783 (Rockwell Collins XT STA/Advanced
Tactical Datalink Testing‐Cedar Rapids, IA). COORDINATION NUMBER

Note: C024 Comments: DoD database check shows no conflicting DoD assignments
within 50 mile radius.




COM: 210-221-0454
DSN: 312-471-0454
Fax: 2844

From: []
Sent: Monday, November 02, 2015 10:20 AM
To: Sanchez, Luis G (Guillo) CIV USARMY (US)
Cc: Sanchez, Edwin (Ed) CIV USARMY HQDA CIO G-6 (US)
Subject: AFTRCC ICN 1579-15/5783 (Rockwell Collins XT STA/Advanced Tactical Datalink Testing-Cedar
Rapids, IA)

AFTRCC concurs with and requests DoD AFMO-US&P concurrence/coordination on the following
experimental STA.


Roclwell Collins Inc.

1300 Wilson Blvd., Ste. 200

Arlington, VA 22209

POC: Laurie Sussman (703-516-8227)

Frequencies: 1443.167 thru 1509.833 MHz

Station Class: XT/MOEA

Emission: 14M6G1D

Power: 60 watts (19.78151 dBW EIRP)

Location: Cedar Rapids, IA (42-44-00N 91-38-50W)

MIRAD: 200 miles (322KM)

Maximum operating altitude: 12000,AGL

Dates: 2016-01-05 thru 2016-06-30


AFTRCC comments: non interference basis to Flight Test telemetry.

Coordination subject to cancellation for same.

Please reply via return email as to concurrence, non concurrence,

scheduling, or other comments.

Wayne Morris

AFTRCC Telemetry Coordinator




Document Created: 2015-11-04 19:39:42
Document Modified: 2015-11-04 19:39:42

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