Experiment Narrative

0538-EX-ST-2019 Text Documents

Rockwell Collins, Inc.


                                                                           Rockwell Collins, Inc.
                                                                                      Form 442
                                                                                      Exhibit 1

                             DESCRIPTION OF EXPERIMENT
Rockwell Collins, Inc. is requesting special temporary authority to ensure that its experimental
communication equipment is functioning so as to ensure proper behavior for flight testing.
The experiment involves a distributed MUM-T system that is supported by an autonomous
capability that provides the lead pilot with the ability to command and control an autonomous
team to effectively and efficiently execute a representative tactical mission. The effort will
demonstrate the ability of the autonomous capabilities to execute complex behaviors, including
platform and sensor control, under the manned pilot’s guidance.

This testing will include a Learjet, as a surrogate autonomous vehicle, and a ground station for
communications at the Calspan Hangar in Niagara Falls, NY. The surrogate aircraft are
controlled via the data links from the ground station. This control will include uploading routes
and sensor information to the surrogate aircraft from the ground station. This testing will be
performed as a check out to perform a flight test event at a government range.

Document Created: 2019-04-28 15:15:19
Document Modified: 2019-04-28 15:15:19

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