Description of Experiment

0497-EX-PL-2014 Text Documents

Rockwell Collins, Inc.


                                                                     Rockwell Collins, Inc.
                                                                                Form 442
                                                                                Exhibit 1

                          DESCRIPTION OF EXPERIMENT

Rockwell Collins, Inc. (“Rockwell Collins”) has been engaged in conducting
experiments, tests, and demonstrations of Wideband HF (“WBHF”) technology and
developmental products. Ground tests of WBHF technology have been conducted under
an experimental license, call sign WF2XMP.

Rockwell Collins now wishes to conduct experiments, tests, and demonstrations of
WBHF technology and developmental products on airborne platforms, primarily for US
Government applications. Airborne platforms may include fixed and rotary wing aircraft
that will be operating in US airspace at various altitudes and flight conditions. Rockwell
Collins has been advised that the participating military aircraft would fly over U.S.
territory and possibly up to 200 miles from shore over international waters.

WBHF technology brings enhanced beyond-line-of-sight communications capability to
US military and public service aircraft that will result in direct benefits to the US public.
Applications for new WBHF technology include full motion streaming video, fast file
transfers, chat, email, and other IP based applications. Real world uses for WBHF had
already been identified by the US Department of Defense and anticipate implementing
this new technology as soon as it becomes available. Approval of experimental
frequencies for aeronautical use is vital to bringing this new and important technology to
our military and public servants.

The airborne demonstrations will permit real-time verification of WBHF communication
performance that has, to date, only been tested using HF channel simulators in the

Description of the Technology

A new US military HF data modem standard, MIL-STD-188-110C Appendix D, defining
a family of WBHF data waveforms supporting bandwidths from 3 kHz to 24 kHz in
increments of 3 kHz was ratified in September 2011. The motivation of the expanded HF
bandwidths was to provide an increased data throughput capability alternative for
Beyond-Line-Of-Sight (BLOS) data communications. Prior to the larger bandwidths
offered by the emerging WBHF technology, a protocol referred to as Automatic Link
Establishment (ALE) using Over-The-Air (OTA) probes called sounding identified the
optimal propagating HF frequency for setting up a link between two or more HF systems.
The primary interference avoidance function with respect to the 3 kHz channel ALE
protocols is to “listen before transmit” to ensure the transmission was not initiated on a
channel with existing traffic.

In support of the WBHF ALE technology, two tools, spectral sensing and bandwidth
adaptation, have been developed for locating desired bandwidth with no existing HF
signals. When a desired frequency and bandwidth is identified, both the transmitting
location and the receiving location scan the desired spectrum range to ensure the
transmission does not interfere with incumbent HF signals.

For WBHF, the ALE signaling and probe waveforms will remain as 3 kHz bandwidth
modes. A new, integrated ALE protocol for supporting WBHF is under development by
Rockwell Collins and in the definition stage by the MIL-STD-188-141D Technical
Advisory Committee (TAC) for inclusion into the US HF radio military standard.

The specific experiment contemplated by this application will consist of installation of a
proof-of-concept Wideband HF receiver/exciter assembly into existing HF systems on
military aircraft such as the C-130 and KC-135. The airborne HF system will
communicate with ground stations also equipped with Wideband HF radios. Links will
be established between the air and ground stations using the above-described 4th
generation ALE (“4G ALE”) protocols.

Each step of the spectrum scan, channel selection, bandwidth adaptation, dial frequency
offset, and ALE link are executed automatically on a noninterfering basis. The process is
instituted by both the transmitting and receiving systems due to the fact the spectrum
occupancy profiles are often different. Rockwell Collins uses this technology to operate
on a noninterfering basis under its experimental ground license. It has employed this
algorithm of bandwidth and dial frequency adaptation with no complaints from primary
users of the spectrum used for research.

Requested Frequencies

There are up to twelve HF bandwidth options for exploiting unoccupied bandwidth for
OTA operation on a noninterfering basis: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, (30), (36), (42), and
(48) kHz channels. The parenthesized bandwidths are currently authorized for the fixed
site ground experimentation and validation campaign, and would be used with
experimental airborne tests if authorized.

Rockwell Collins requests the following frequencies for use in this experiment, subject to
the special conditions noted below the table.

 Start (kHz)      Stop (kHz)
    2398             2800
    3075             3171
    3260             3350
    3550             4050
    4576             4611
    4750             4950
    5100             5315
    5760             5960

     6060             6160
     6770             6970
     7410             7483
     7990             8060
     9050             9350
    10200            10400
    10600            10800
    11550            12090
    13850            14550
    15760            15860
    15960            16060
    16160            17450
    18040            18610
    19460            20460
    20960            21860
    22860            23160
    23460            24460
    25230            26490
    26910            27440
    27990            29720

Special Conditions:
(1) The station identification requirements of Section 5.115 of the Commissions' Rules
     are waived.
(2) In lieu of frequency tolerance, the occupied bandwidth of the emission shall not
     extend beyond the band limits set forth above.
(3) Licensee should be aware that other stations may be licensed on these frequencies
     and if any interference occurs, the licensee of this authorization will be subject to
     immediate shut down.
(4) The following frequency bands must be notched out:
          2495 - 2505 kHz
          19990 - 20010 kHz
(5) The designated point-of-contact to terminate transmissions if interference occurs is
     Mr. Randy Nelson at (319) 295-5760.

Document Created: 2018-12-09 21:06:42
Document Modified: 2018-12-09 21:06:42

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