Experiment Narrative

0203-EX-CM-2018 Text Documents

Rockwell Collins, Inc.


                                                                         Rockwell Collins, Inc.
                                                                                    Form 442
                                                                                    Exhibit 1

                             DESCRIPTION OF EXPERIMENT
Under this call sign, WH2XIC, Rockwell Collins, Inc. (“Rockwell Collins”) has been engaged in
conducting experiments, tests, and demonstrations of Wideband HF (“WBHF”) technology and
developmental products on airborne platforms, primarily for U.S. government applications. It
seeks to renew this experimental license with one frequency modification.
As with past experimentation, the airborne transmit platform will be used in the over-the-air
demonstrations and testing of WBHF data transmissions. The platforms may include fixed and
rotary wing aircraft operating in U.S. airspace at various altitudes and flight conditions, and
might fly over U.S. territory and up to 200 miles from shore over international waters.
The over-the-air demonstration and testing provides a real time verification of WBHF
communication performance. In addition, the airborne platform will demonstrate the use of 4G
ALE software to analyze signal propagation and then choose the best frequency of propagation
and the supporting modem data rate and bandwidth for high speed data communication.
Rockwell Collins requests the following frequencies for use in this experiment, subject to the
special conditions noted below the table. Other than changing the designated point of contact,
the special conditions remain the same as those under the existing experimental license.

  Start (kHz)      Stop (kHz)
      2398            2800
      3075            3171
      3260            3350
      3550            4050
      4576            4611
      4750            4950
      5100            5315
      5760            5960
      6060            6160
      6770            6970
      7410            7483
      7990            8060
      9050            9350
     10200           10400
     10600           10800
     11550           12090
     13850           14550
     15760           15860
     15960           16060
     16160           17450

                                                                           Rockwell Collins, Inc.
                                                                                      Form 442
                                                                                      Exhibit 1
     18040            18610
     19460            20460
     20960            21860
     22860            23160
     23460            24460
     25230            26490
     26910            27440
     27990            29720

Special Conditions:
(1) The station identification requirements of Section 5.115 of the Commissions' Rules are
(2) In lieu of frequency tolerance, the occupied bandwidth of the emission shall not extend
     beyond the band limits set forth above.
(3) Licensee should be aware that other stations may be licensed on these frequencies and if
     any interference occurs, the licensee of this authorization will be subject to immediate shut
(4) The following frequency bands must be notched out:
          2495 - 2505 kHz
          19990 - 20010 kHz
(5) The designated point-of-contact to terminate transmissions if interference occurs is Mr. Joe
     Splean at (319) 295-6691.

Document Created: 2018-09-05 18:19:45
Document Modified: 2018-09-05 18:19:45

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