Explanation of Experiment and FAA Coordination

0188-EX-CR-2017 Text Documents

Rockwell Collins, Inc.


                                                                            Rockwell Collins, Inc.
                                                                   File Number 0090-EX-CM-2017

Rockwell Collins, Inc. (Rockwell Collins) seeks modification and renewal of its experimental
license (Call Sign WE2XGE) granted May 1, 2015. The modification seeks to slightly alter the
parameters of WE2XGE. Specifically, Rockwell Collins seeks to modify the original emission
designator to accommodate a wider signal bandwidth and to add a second emission designator to
transmit pseudolite signals:
      24M0D0N
      20M46G1DXC
Rockwell Collins is responsible for design, development, and production of GPS related
equipment for military applications. The experimental license requests the inclusion of two
different emission designators to support current military GPS equipment development.
Emission designator 24M0D0N supports development of anti-jam and receiver equipment for
military applications. Applications include handheld, ground mobile, weapon, and airborne
guidance sensor electronics. These sensor packages are critical to proper function of end-user
systems, and testing of anti-jam capabilities in a live-sky environment is critical to the success of
these programs.
Emission designator 20M46G1DXC supports Pseudolite (PL) development. PLs are terrestrially
based devices that transmit signals similar to GPS Space Vehicles (SV). The transmitted signals
can be acquired and tracked by appropriately configured GPS receivers to provide a higher level
of Assured Positioning, Navigation and Timing (A-PNT). The Army Program Management
Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PM-PNT) has identified a need for A-PNT that will provide
Army forces the ability to obtain and trust PNT information while operating in conditions that
impede or deny access to GPS signals. The ability to test PL performance in a live-sky
environment is critical to the success of the program.
Rockwell Collins has prior coordinated with FAA. The FAA coordination number for the
modification/renewal is NG T170208.

Document Created: 2018-12-10 08:16:22
Document Modified: 2018-12-10 08:16:22

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